Chapter 368 365. Why is he so cool
"No, I really don't understand what you have to worry about. What if you are found out? At worst, you resign and come to our team. That's what I said."

The man looked at the words on the phone, raised his head and looked around furtively.

Now it is an important stage of game development, everyone is very busy, and he was a little relieved when he found that no one paid attention to this side.

He was a little agitated, and took the phone in another hand, and rubbed that hand on his thigh, as if trying to calm his emotions.

After a while, another message came from the other side:
"What I can guarantee here is, how much salary do you have over there? If you come here, your salary will only be high or not low. Moreover, you jumped from Beichen to E Factory. Think about it, do you think you will lose money?"

With the same salary, he jumped from a small start-up factory to the Hubei factory, but anyone with a normal mind knows how to choose.

He picks words on the phone:
"Brother Qiang, it's not that I can't trust you. The main reason is that I signed a non-disclosure agreement when I joined the job. I'm really a little scared."

After picking out the words, he put down his phone and waited for "Brother Qiang" to reply.

Looking up, the sunlight just shines in from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office building, and the entire office area of ​​the company looks very bright.

This is the office area of ​​the technical team of Beichen Company, and he is a fresh graduate recruited by the company, and he comes from an ordinary university with two non-educational colleges.

No one knew that the seemingly ordinary him was currently chatting with the famous Zhang Weiqiang on WeChat.

Last time, Zhang Weiqiang visited the company, and many people came here to chat with him.He even took the opportunity to ask for Zhang Weiqiang's WeChat.

Anyone who is engaged in technology, as long as he has put some effort into this field and has a foundation of self-study, he should have heard of Zhang Weiqiang's name.

Being able to have a conversation with such a legendary character is something that the ordinary man never even dared to think about before.

But what is even more unimaginable is that he is actually making a "deal" with Zhang Weiqiang now.

After Zhang Weiqiang left last time, the news that he joined the Hubei factory soon came, and he sent his greetings on WeChat.

Unexpectedly, two days later, Zhang Weiqiang actually replied to his message, and wanted him to tell him some "internal information" about the Beichen project.

In the beginning, in the name of learning, he excitedly collected the content of the project everywhere. After collecting a part, he suddenly discovered:
Isn't this kind of behavior a commercial espionage?
So it turned into a deal.

He negotiated some prices with Zhang Weiqiang, and the other party generously promised him a number, but he still wanted to add a little more.

He didn't really care much about the so-called "non-disclosure agreement".Just like what Zhang Weiqiang said, it would be a big deal for me to resign at that time.

At his current level, he is far from signing a non-compete agreement.

Moreover, after he resigns, he can still join the Hubei factory in place.If those students knew that he could enter the Hubei factory, they would be envious of others.

So mentioning these words at this juncture is nothing more than a core meaning-"add money".

But Zhang Weiqiang also seemed to know the small things in his heart. After a while, he sent a sentence:

"Confidentiality agreement? Why don't you do it?"

The man was in a hurry, he wanted to do it, but he was afraid that Zhang Weiqiang would not do it, and he was afraid that the cooked duck would fly away.

But soon, Zhang Weiqiang sent another message:
"That's all insignificant. I'll help you apply for funding. After you collect your entire project planning, character design, map, and plot in the early stage, you can resign directly. We will get you a job right away. "

Turning off the phone, the man quietly let out a sigh of relief.

He understands that this will be the only chance in his 20 years of life, except for the college entrance examination.

He had to figure out what to sell, to whom, much.


The first thing Gu Yuqing did after returning home was to go home and take a good shower.

It's not looking for Chen Ya.That guy didn't feel comfortable lying on the bed with a nice wash.

After returning to China, she has to fine-tune the jet lag, and her whole body is exhausted. If she doesn't miss him too much, she can't wait to fall asleep right now...

... Instead of changing into comfortable pajamas like now, lying on the bed and sending him a message:

"Did you think of me?"

After Chen Ya was silent for a long time, he finally came back with an outrageous sentence:

Gu Yuqing has been in Saudi Arabia for the past few days.

Because a domestic leading company in agricultural technology went abroad to seek in-depth cooperation in agricultural technology.

The Gu family has some contacts in Saudi Arabia, and she used to act as a middleman.

But to be honest, Chen Ya is too busy these days to take care of Miss Gu.

Although the two of them kept in touch online every day, and Gu Yuqing would take pictures of eating and drinking or send photos of cats and dogs over there, but due to the time difference, they always left messages through the air.

Without Gu Yuqing in the past few days, Chen Ya still felt that there was one less trouble, but he really didn't really think much about it.

Gu Yuqing was smart, so she naturally knew about Chen Ya's psychological context. She knew it, but she just wanted to ask, and she had a reason to lose her temper after asking.

"I don't want to, do I? OK."

Chen Ya didn't wait for Gu Yuqing to give him a verdict, and immediately replied:

"Maybe it's not long enough. If it takes a little longer, I might miss you."

Gu Yuqing picked out the words: "Sometimes I don't know whether you are trying to die or trying to coax me."

"No? Am I telling the truth? What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Gu Yuqing lay on the bed, turned over with her mobile phone in her arms, and suddenly didn't want to sleep again.

She dialed Chen Ya's phone number, and the moment the other person connected, she opened her mouth and said, "Come shopping with me."

Before Chen Ya could speak, she immediately added:
"I just came back from a flight thousands of miles away, and you are not allowed to refuse for any reason."

Therefore, Chen Ya had no choice but to change today's schedule to go shopping.

Fortunately, Gu Yuqing called Wu Qiutong.Going shopping with one woman is very tiring, but it is very easy to go shopping with two women, all you need to do is wander around with a bag.

The three of them went to and from dessert shops and clothing stores, and finally Gu Yuqing threw Chen Ya a Bentley key, saying it was a gift for him to run errands.

"The car is parked in the underground garage. Can't you drive my car? I just bought a low-key one. Don't tell others that I gave it to you."

Chen Ya looked down at the key, then raised his head and said, "It doesn't seem to be very low-key."

"I don't have much money recently, and I had some conflicts with my family. Several cards were frozen. I can only buy this kind of money."

Gu Yuqing didn't understand what Chen Ya was saying, and Chen Ya didn't bother to correct her consumption concept.

After finally seeing off the two fairies, Chen Ya went down to the underground garage, pressed the car keys all the way, and at a dark corner, suddenly something blocked his back and waist.

"do not move."

Chen Ya didn't move, but he didn't panic too much.

Because it can be heard from the voice of the speaker that the threat to him from the person behind him is infinitely low.

It was the voice of a young girl.

"Hands up," said the girl behind.

"We don't know each other, right?" Chen Ya smiled.

"Don't you know? Huh, I don't know theoretically. But maybe I will remind you a little, and you will remember."

The girl paused, then said, "Mr. X."

Chen Ya was taken aback, and said, "Y?"

The girl behind her breathed out her nose and said:

"Sure enough, your name is indeed made up now. I said that I have never heard of you before. Hmph, Mr. X, bah!"

As soon as Chen Ya heard the name X, he immediately realized his identity, which means that he only used this name to himself.

Chen Ya asked: "What is the relationship between Y and you? Is it your father?"

"Show me some respect when you speak to Y!"

The girl's tone was irritable, a bit aggressive, Chen Ya took a deep breath, the shock in his heart could not go away for a long time:
"Unexpectedly, Y is actually a woman, and she is still a child..."

"Who do you call a child?"

The hard object on the back pushed forward, causing bone pain.Although the girl's voice sounded immature, it was firm:

"Guess what I'm holding? I'm not kidding."

Chen Ya didn't intend to guess.

It is not a comfortable thing to put one's own safety in the hands of others, even if the person behind it is just a little girl.


"Miss Y" let out an exclamation, and between the movements of the rabbit, the thing in the girl's hand behind her was changed into Chen Ya's hand.

Chen Ya picked up the thing, took a closer look under the dim light of the underground garage, and said in surprise:
"Dr Pepper?"

In his hand was an empty plastic bottle of an unpopular drink. The round mouth of the bottle really looked like the muzzle of a gun, and he couldn't tell it apart through his clothes.

And standing in front of him was a small girl wearing a baggy overalls hoodie on the upper body and shorts on the lower body, revealing two slender legs.

Rather than saying that she is small, it is better to say that she has not developed at all.

Seeing that Chen Ya was in control of the situation, the girl wanted to get out of the way immediately.

"Stop for me...don't be nervous, I won't hurt you." Chen Ya put Dr. Pepper's bottle into his pocket, "Are you really Y? How did you find me?"

The girl took two steps back, leaning against the fire shutter door so that she could escape at any time, and answered him:

"I wanted to find you, so I found you. Your little privacy is like sand in a fishing net, and it's all leaked by moving your fingers."

After she finished speaking, she wanted to tease her a few more words, but looking at the dim light, the man just tilted his head and smiled at her, feeling a little apprehensive, so he didn't dare to say anything more.

Speaking of which, coming to find him was just a "impulse".

"Accidentally" found out that he was in the capital, and accidentally found out his personal network, some strange transfer records, and some strange external network information...

So she came here to wait for Chen Ya, all out of "impulse".

She holds a huge secret of the man in front of her. She still doesn't quite understand the importance of this secret, and she doesn't know how to use this secret.

All she knew was that the secret she was carrying was no less than a cultural atomic bomb.

"Your name is Chen Ya, right," the girl said, observing the other person's expression, "You returned to China last year. After returning to China, you worked as a librarian at Beijing University."

"How did you know?"

"There are public recruitment information on these websites. I also hacked into the academic and engineering system of Peking University. I also saw your resume."

The girl said this lightly, but Chen Ya knew that she was fully capable of doing what she said.

"Now you are running a game company, but I found that you seemed to have an unusual experience before you returned to China?"

Chen Ya raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you want to say?"

Seeing that Chen Ya's interest was aroused, Y was a little happier, licked his lips and said:

"The income from more than 50 concerts, the income of the general manager of more than a dozen bands, and the music copyright turnover of more than one billion...Why did these huge wealth flow to you alone?"

Chen Ya said, "Continue?"

"I found out that although you look like an ordinary little boss in China, you still have an identity abroad," the girl said, "code name JX, right?"

She squinted her eyes, the shadows in her eyes seemed to be flickering, even in the dark underground, she could see clearly.

"So?" Chen Ya was curious about what she was going to do, "What do you want to say?"

"Stop pretending." Ms. Y said, "Why did you hide your name and come to China as a small boss? Is it because you escaped from a crime abroad and started a company in China to launder money?"

Chen Ya sighed: "Your imagination is quite rich."

"You could be a star abroad, why did you come back to China? Did you commit a crime? The house collapsed? Or did you suffer from some incurable disease?"

"Neither." Chen Ya spread his hands.

"Whether there is, we will find out in the future." Ms. Y blinked, "I set a timed delivery for my mailbox, as long as I don't cancel it, all the information I found about you will be sent after 1 hour To a journalist friend of mine."

Chen Ya smiled: "What do you want?"

"Join my team," the girl said, "As an 'accomplice', I may cover you up. After all, my team members never ask about their backgrounds."

Chen Ya was stunned.

He has always wanted to recruit this unknown hacker and pull her into his team.

It turned out she thought so too.

Is there anything more coincidental than this in the world?
But... why does it feel different from what I imagined?

Chen Ya said: "Correct your wrong opinion. I didn't deliberately hide my identity. It's useless to threaten me with this. You can send it to your reporter friend now."

Y looked at him in surprise: "Huh? Do you think I'm an idiot? You've gone off to be some kind of librarian, and you still say you didn't hide your identity?"

"I really didn't hide my identity, I just didn't advertise it everywhere, I'm JX or something." Chen Ya said, "I simply used my name, simply returned to China, and simply found a job. On the day I returned to China, The airport is very blue…”

The girl swallowed hard and said, "But why? Why did you do this?"

"Why do you say that I am JX?" Chen Ya said, "Would you say that you are Y?"

The girl was completely choked.

I originally thought that catching this guy offline would make the opponent panic and completely win the game that I don't know when to start.

But I didn't expect that the feeling this guy gave her offline was no different from the feeling online.

It's all so speechless.

But... Although I don't want to admit it in my heart, for the worldview that Xia You has spent more than ten years building up, the person in front of me, this kind of philosophy of life, is undoubtedly...very...


damn it.

Why is he so cool?

Xia You is in the second grade of middle school this year, referred to as the second grade.

It's a troublesome age.

 It's my birthday, I wanted to write more, but... I can only write so much, I'm useless

(End of this chapter)

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