Chapter 369 366. Thai pants are spicy!
From a long time ago, Xia You's life creed has only one:
In life, you must do some cool things.

In the world, some people are running around for money; some are running around for power; some are blind and foolish for love.

That's not cool.

The so-called cool is to do something that no one has done.

In the past, Xia You often felt that there were some cool people around her, and there were times when she admired them.

But later she discovered that the underlying logic of those people's behavior was also very mediocre, so the light in her dissipated.

Having experienced so many times, Xia You found that she never found a cool person beside her.including myself.

In Xia You's immature judging system, only those veterans who founded the dynasty, some of them are considered very cool.

As for the descendants of those veterans, she has met most of them, and she can only say that meeting them is not as good as being famous. Those people only inherited their identity and status from their ancestors, but few of them can inherit that kind of coolness.

However, after meeting Chen Ya, Xia You actually regained her original feeling.

"You lie," Xia You said, "It's not like I haven't seen you like this before. Most of the people like you who came back to the country suddenly with an incognito name were outside the party that shouldn't be messed with, or fell in love with some big boss." You must have committed some taboo, or why would you give up the identity you managed so hard to manage?"

Chen Ya frowned slightly when he heard some swear words that didn't match her age when the girl spoke, but he felt a little funny in his heart.

When she said those words, it was like a child forced to put on adult clothes, pretending to be mature.

Based on her temperament alone, Chen Ya can conclude that she is definitely a daughter who can only be raised by a family with very good conditions and upbringing.

"Didn't you investigate JX's deeds?" Chen Ya said, "What is your impression of him?"

Xia You felt that this was some kind of show off, and wanted to refuse to answer this question, but she still answered subconsciously:

"Genius? Good luck? Or a lucky genius?"

Chen Ya shrugged his shoulders: "Do you think this identity seems to be managed by me with 'hard work'?"


Xia You was asked.

Indeed, it only took one year from the birth of JX to its popularity and then to its disappearance.

"And as I said, I didn't give up this identity," Chen Ya said, "I just didn't use this identity."

The vigilant gaze of the girl in front of him swept across his face:
"Is there any difference?"

"There is a little difference." Chen Ya said, "The former is to reduce the difficulty of life, while the latter is to increase the difficulty of life."

"Then why are you doing this?"

"I just said it," Chen Ya said, "in order to make life more difficult."

Xia You was completely knocked down.

In her value judgment system, Chen Ya has undisputedly won the pearl at the top of the crown.

He has surpassed everyone Xia You has seen in this life, and has become an existence that overlooks all living beings and is above all others.

At this moment, Chen Ya is the supreme cooooooooool-boy in Xia You's life!

Of course, Chen Ya couldn't guess that the girl in front of her was in the middle two stage.

But he could vaguely feel that she was as dangerous as a time bomb.

Although he said that there was nothing to hide about his true identity, if his personal information were really exposed, it would still be a bit troublesome for him.

After all, although there are not many girls who want to chase him down, they are by no means non-existent.

"If it was said that the ceremony was first followed by the soldiers, and now that the ceremony is in place, we can be regarded as acquainted, then I will ask you two questions seriously," Chen Ya said, "Who ordered you to hack into my computer?"

When Chen Ya suddenly became serious, Xia You was a little frightened by his aura of calmness and prestige.

She's old enough to be unscrupulous on the Internet, but facing the wrath of grown men is like taking her to Jurassic Park.

Especially this adult male is still a coolboy, full of coercion.


"someone is coming."

Xia You pointed at Chen Ya's back, squatted down slightly, and made a starting posture.

"Do you think this can fool me?" Chen Ya took a step forward.

"Who are you talking to?"

Gu Yuqing's voice came from behind, his body trembled, and the girl in front of him jumped out.

At the last moment, he grabbed the hood of the girl's hoodie, but the girl slipped out from under the wide hoodie like a loach.

The last scene Chen Ya saw was a girl in a T-shirt with her navel exposed, swinging her arms and running away from under the fire shutter.

Chen Ya held her molted coat in his hand, and stood there blankly.

"The waist is so thin."

A handbag hit him on the back of the head.

"Damn lolicon, it's disgusting." Gu Yuqing walked up to him, looked around but didn't see the girl just now, turned around and asked, "Who is that?"

"I don't know either." Chen Ya said.

"You don't know why you look at someone's waist?"

"...That's right, it's very common to see."

I met Y by accident, but except that the other party was a girl in her teens, I didn't get any information.

Fortunately, there are other clues.

He reached into his pocket and took out the bottle of Dr. Pepper, crumpling it together with the coat in his hand.

Then he turned to Gu Yuqing and asked, "Why are you back?"

Gu Yuqing blinked twice, stared at him and said, "I want to see you."

Chen Ya suddenly became speechless.

Straight balls are hard to defend.


In China, Dr. Pepper is not a very mainstream carbonated drink brand, mainly because few people can accept its taste.

It is not only in the country that is not acclimatized to the environment, except for the Americans, there are few places in the world that it can adapt to.

Chen Ya has lived two lifetimes for so many years, so far, this is the first time he has seen Dr. Pepper's beverage can in reality.If it weren't for a certain animation from a long time ago, he wouldn't even know about this brand of soda.

He took a look at the commercial district on the ground, no matter whether it was a convenience store or a vending machine on the street, they didn't sell this.

That is to say, Y did not buy the bottle of drink nearby, but most likely bought it in a place where he often goes.

In addition to this clue, he also found a subway card, a handful of change, and a temporary boarding voucher for an Internet cafe in the girl's coat.

The subway card is an anonymous recharge card, but the time and amount of the last consumption can be seen through the magnetic card machine.

The subway in the capital is billed for one station, and the consumption amount can be used to calculate how many stations have been taken. From this, it can be deduced where Y's departure station is.

The Internet cafe’s access certificate has a tracking number. Use the tracking number to go to the corresponding Internet bar to perform a reverse query, and you can see the ID card of the person who is accessing the machine.

Chen Ya used a little trick to trick the network manager of that Internet cafe into checking his ID card—it was a person named Li Mei, born in 73, and an aunt.

Y can see that she is a minor, of course it is impossible for her to use her ID card to go online.

But after Chen Ya's pressing, Li Mei's ID card was not in the "stock" of that Internet cafe. Obviously, this person had something to do with Y.

After resorting to some tricks, Chen Ya found out that this middle-aged woman named Li Mei was not born in the capital.

The last time she appeared publicly on the Internet was on the website of a domestic service company.

In this way, the search range for Y is greatly reduced.

In the evening, Chen Ya was sitting alone in the office, and on the screen of the laptop at hand, the cursor suddenly moved by itself.

Create a new text document, switch the input method, the cursor jumps, and a line of words appears smoothly on the screen:


Chen Ya stared at the screen for a while, tapped the keyboard twice, and entered a line on the document:

"Do you have to contact me this way?"

The other side was very lazy and replied with a message:
"something wrong?"

If it was before, when Chen Ya saw this sentence, he would probably imagine a bald programming expert and raise his eyebrows at himself.

But now, he can only make up the appearance of the little kid on the other side of the computer begging for a beating.

"If you want to say something serious that you didn't say before, you can say it now." Chen Ya said.

On the screen, the words on the other side popped out word by word:

"I would like to remind you that I got a little interested in you when I saw someone offering a high reward on the dark web to buy your company's system vulnerabilities."

"Of course I didn't sell the loopholes in your system. The person who put up the bounty bid was too high, and the security level of your system was too low, which ruined the market, so I strengthened the security level of your system by a few levels. Now it is estimated that Few people can break through it. Don’t thank me if you do it easily.”

"In addition, I would like to remind you to be careful inside your company. If the other party is willing to pay a high price, if there is no splash, they will naturally start from other aspects. You know, social engineering."

After saying this, Chen Ya's expression changed a bit.

If it is true what Y said, then the current situation of the company can be said to be in jeopardy.

He typed on the document: "Are you interested in getting to know each other? At least next time you chat, you can avoid this impolite way."

The other person seemed to be excited: "If you can break into my computer again, I will give you my private contact information."

Chen Ya typed: "I don't have time, but I got some of your personal information, okay?"

A "?" was sent from the other side

Chen Ya smiled and typed: "Your surname is Xia, and your nanny's name is Li Mei, right?"

The cursor on the screen trembled, and then a line of punctuation appeared:

Chen Ya smiled even more happily.

This shows that I guessed right.

He continued typing: "Am I eligible to get your contact information now, Ms. Y?"

A message pops up on the screen document:
[Seeing this message means that the other party is offline and does not want to talk to you.This message is sent by the AI ​​assistant. 】

It seems that the other party has left.


The next day during work hours, Lu Keke was called to the office by Chen Ya. As soon as Chen Ya came up, he closed the office door and locked it, looking mysterious and not a good person.

"Have you noticed anything unusual recently?" Chen Ya asked.

When Lu Keke heard this, he immediately wanted to say, Boss, your flirting skills are outdated. Don't think that you can stir up a girl's emotions with just some rustic love words, at least make up a tasteful one yourself, right?

"What do you want?" Lu Keke asked warily.

Chen Ya considered the language for a while:

"That is, have you found any strange people or things in the company?"

Lu Keke showed a troubled expression, the whole company went up and down, the strangest thing was you, the boss who worked overtime until eleven o'clock in the evening every day, and still rubbed the employee's car.

But considering her official career, she finally held back her words.

"Did something happen?"

Chen Ya turned serious, and said, "The next thing will be informed to you as part of the confidentiality agreement. What I want to tell you is that there may be ghosts inside our company."

"Inner ghost?!"

Lu Keke exclaimed, and then covered his mouth.

"Well, the ghost." Chen Ya nodded.

Lu Keke rolled his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Is it because you have some clues that you came to me?"

Chen Ya also bowed his head and leaned over, whispering:

"Actually, yesterday I discussed with Luan Qingying and the others all night, checked many suspects, and finally came to a conclusion."

Lu Keke listened intently while holding his breath, and Chen Ya continued:
"We think that the most likely candidate is you..."

With a "snap", Lu Keke angrily slapped his thigh, and said loudly:
"how is this possible!?"

Chen Ya quickly said: "Yes, I also said how is it possible? I said that Ayanayin is a well-known up, with millions of fans, and anyone in the whole company may be an insider, except her."

Lu Keke looked at him suspiciously: "You really said that?"


"Hey, then you understand me pretty well."

Actually, this is a lie.

Last night, no matter what Chen Ya thought, he felt that Ayanayin was the most suspicious.

She joined the company halfway, her foundation is not deep, her social skills are strong, and she knows a lot of people, and many people in the company are easy to listen to her.

If she is said to be an inside ghost, it will do the greatest harm to the company.

If Luan Qingying, Shi Chuandong and the others hadn't pledged to protect her, Chen Ya wouldn't have asked her for an interview today.

However, Ayanayin's reaction to the questioning did not seem to be fake.

Chen Ya had a little bit of skills in criminal detection and lie detection micro-expressions, and Ayanayin's reaction didn't look like the reaction of an insider.

But thinking about it the other way around, Ayanayin is also the person who is most likely to know about the ghost.

"That's why I came here to ask you, have you seen any abnormal phenomena recently?" Chen Ya asked, "For example, did someone win you over? Or search around for news?"

Lu Keke frowned and thought for a while, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, as if suddenly realizing the key clues in a detective novel, his eyes widened.


She leaned closer and whispered: "There is a person in the technical team who is usually idle, but he likes to find people everywhere for information, saying that he wants to learn, and even asked me for character design drawings. I don't know where he needs to learn."

Chen Ya frowned.

Unexpectedly, there really is.

If this kind of person has been active for several days, this gap is enough to leak fatal information.

"Do you know what his name is?"

Lu Keke shook his head: "There are too many people in the company, I don't know him well, so I can't remember his name."

"Then if you see him again, will you still recognize him?"

Lu Keke nodded, and said: "Not only can I recognize him again, but I can also strike up a conversation with him. I always call 'Hey, who is that' in the company, and no one has any objections to me."

After finishing speaking, she asked again: "Do you need me to find out the name of that person?"

Chen Ya smiled wryly: "Even if we find out the name of that person, what will happen next?"

"Then... sue him." Lu Keke said, "Everyone signed a non-disclosure agreement when they joined the job."

Chen Ya shook his head.

A non-disclosure agreement can only prevent general leaks.

If there is a competitor standing behind the other party, even if you sue him, you can only say that the inner ghost will learn a lesson and kill the chicken to make an example to the monkey.

The little money the other party paid was not enough for a fraction of what I lost.

"The most important thing is that the company's key information cannot be leaked." Chen Ya said, "Even if this person is cleared out, there will be another insider, and we have no way of knowing what information he stole and passed on to who."

Lu Keke frowned and said nervously: "Then what should we do?"

Chen Ya thought for a while and said, "I have a solution, but I need your cooperation."


"Come here and I'll tell you."

 Thank you Leng Ji for your silent reward~
(End of this chapter)

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