CH 370 367. Three birds with one stone

Chen Ya clung to Lu Keke's ear, saying so much, so Lu Keke's eyes became brighter and brighter.

After finishing speaking, Chen Ya said, "Understood?"


"Then, you can proceed according to the plan, and I will start preparing the database immediately."


Lu Keke nodded heavily and firmly.

Wonderful, wonderful.

She had never thought before that she could be so vicious.

From this point of view, Chen Ya is actually a ruthless idiot.

You can't provoke him easily in the future.


After lunch, it is the meal time and rest time for the employees.Anything can be done during this time, but no one wants to work.

Except for one weird thing.

"Hey, who is that?" Lu Keke waved his hand not far away, and the ordinary employee in the technical team turned around.

"you call me?"

"Well, that's right, that's you." Lu Keke said impatiently, "Come here."

No one dares to disobey the orders of the company nerd gods and goddesses.

The mediocre employee ran over.

Who would have thought that this seemingly ordinary-looking buddy would actually be the inner ghost lurking in the company?
Lu Keke sighed in his heart that a person should not be judged by his appearance, his expression did not change, and he continued:
"I'm sorry, I returned the draft of the character you asked me to give you last time, and I returned it to the art team. I forgot to ask if I could give it to you. I'm sorry."

The corner of Nei Gui's mouth twitched, he waved his hands again and again and said, "It's all right, I'm just looking around for nothing, it doesn't matter if it's not there."

Even though he said that, his eyes almost rolled to the sky in his heart.

Ah, yes, yes, you are the goddess of the office, no one dares to offend you, ordinary employees like us are inferior sudras, there is no value for your attention.

If it wasn't for the fact that she had to stay in this company for a while, who would want to talk to her?He could only keep a low voice, be humble and submissive.

When things here are settled, there will be 72 nerds and goddesses waiting in line at the E factory, then what will you Ayanayin be?
It's just a hair on Jiu Niu's body!

Lu Keke seemed to be ignorant of his inner activities, he brushed his hair inadvertently, and his appearance in the sun was so dazzling.

"Well, I see you running around, it feels very strange," Lu Keke said, "It doesn't look very smart."


Facing this sudden insult, the man was furious, so angry that he almost broke face with Lu Keke on the spot.

Fortunately, he held back.

"...Goddess, what are you talking about? I'm not very smart, but I'm willing to learn!"

"No, what I'm talking about is your problem," Lu Keke said, "It's not like the company doesn't have a shared database, so why bother running around asking for materials?"

"Shared database?" The inner ghost was a little dumbfounded, "Is there such a thing?"

"Yes. Didn't your team leader tell you?" Lu Keke looked at him like he was looking at Grandma Liu, "Oh, yes, I remembered, you are in the technical team, and you really don't need it usually."

The inner ghost was anxious, and quickly said: "Goddess, tell me, what is the shared database? I really don't know anything about it."

"It's on the local area network. Everyone is using it. In order to facilitate communication between different groups, the company usually throws copywriting and art materials directly into the library. I thought everyone knew about it."

Hearing this, the inner ghost's eyes became hot.

Hey, I am still collecting information inefficiently everywhere, there is a ready-made database, why do I bother with that!

"Goddess, Goddess, how to enter the shared database? Can you tell me?" the inner ghost asked urgently.

Lu Keke narrowed his eyes and said, "Please!"

"I beg you!"

The inner ghost almost knelt down for her.

I secretly thought in my heart to bow my head for the time being, a man can bend and stretch, and the 72 beauties of Hubei Factory are still waiting for us.

Lu Keke rolled his eyes, and a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Just begging? Then you can't express it?"

"Let me treat you to dinner!"

"You don't need to eat," Lu Keke said, "Please buy me a cup of milk tea... No, for such a big favor, does everyone in our group have to buy a cup of milk tea?"

This is the starting price for sitting on the ground. A group of seven or eight people will cost hundreds of dollars for a cup of milk tea per person.

The inner ghost gritted his teeth, but nodded in agreement.Even though he knew it was extortion, he couldn't resist, so he could only convince himself with the 72 beautiful colleagues of the E factory.

Under Lu Keke's blackmail, Brother Neigui obediently served milk tea to everyone in the same group, and Lu Keke finally showed mercy and told him how to enter the shared database.

After listening to the inner ghost, I regretted it.This method is so simple, it is just under the nose, as long as you pay a little attention, you can find it!
Moreover, this database is shared by the whole company, as long as it is connected to the local area network, you can access the data on your own computer!
The inner ghost thought that in order to collect information, he had been looking for people everywhere to ask his grandpa to sue his grandma, and bumped into walls everywhere, so he wanted to scratch himself.

So stupid!
However, after so long tossing and turning, a breakthrough has finally been achieved today.

The inner ghost returned to his workstation, carefully browsed through all the content in the database, and took a deep breath.


The amount of files in the database is a full 1T.

Art design, copywriting, modeling, everything in a mess.

There is even a user agreement.

The information found before, in such a huge database, instantly seemed insignificant.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that he really didn't have a brain before.

Hi!If I had known this earlier, I would have gone to the Hubei factory to reunite with those 72 beautiful colleagues, so there is no need to wait until today!

However, on second thought, this is fine now.

If the task is completed in one go, people will think that the task is too simple.Hang Chi Hang Chi busy for a long time, maybe the other party will look at you instead.

He looked around and found that no one noticed his side, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to the person marked as "guy" in WeChat:
"It's done."

The other party quickly replied: "Look."

The inner ghost looked left and right again, and took a photo of the screenshot of the computer folder.

As can be seen from the photos, the entire screen is full of art designs and various engineering documents.

As long as anyone who has done the project can see how rich the content of these materials is.

That is to say, Zhang Weiqiang is not on the scene. If he is on the scene, the inner ghost will be able to enjoy the scene where the boss gasps.

The other side quickly sent a concise message.

It's a thumbs up emoji.


This expression is enough to sum up his current mood.

"It's not too late, you pack it up and send it over."

The inner ghost typed on the phone and replied: "I'm still in the company, the file size is too large, it's hard to transfer, I'll bring it with a hard drive."

"Okay, when will we meet?"

"Brother Qiang, is there really a seat reserved for me at the E Factory?"

After sending this sentence, Zhang Weiqiang did not respond for a long time.

The inner ghost also knew that he was now at the last moment of bargaining.

If you hand over what you have in hand, you will really have no use value, and now you can get as much as you can.

After a long time, the person on the other side replied: "I've already urged the HR side, but you have to know that I'm not the boss after all, and the HR side doesn't necessarily listen to me. I didn't arrange this matter."

After a while, another message was sent over there: "But don't worry, the treatment you deserve, I guarantee on my reputation that it will definitely not be less, okay.

"And in terms of money, I also applied with you, but because this kind of funding is not easy to put on the face and fill out the form, so I haven't applied for it.

"In this way, in my own name, I will send you a few thousand dollars, which is a reward for your contribution and a guarantee. You first give me the hard drive, and when the results are available, I can take them to the boss. Apply for funding."

Immediately afterwards, the other party transferred 3 yuan to transfer.The inner ghost immediately took it.

Although the other party said so much, and finally failed to implement the conditions promised to himself, the inner ghost felt that the other party was already very sincere.

"Okay, Brother Qiang, I have always trusted you. I am very touched when you tell me so much. Let's meet at night, at the same place."

At the moment when Nei Gui bowed his head and typed, in the office not far away, a pair of eyes were staring at him through the gaps in the shutters.


Chen Ya let go, the blinds closed quickly, he turned around and picked up the teacup, and said succinctly, "I'm hooked."

Luan Qingying asked nervously, "Will you find any problems?"

"The easiest thing to reveal is the part of Ayanayin, and it is unlikely to reveal it now." Chen Ya said with a smile, "He has given out the information, and he has already been put on the rack. If it is fake, he will not be able to get off. tower."

Luan Qingying said: "Will the E factory find... something wrong?"

"Unless they can really hack into our database and compare them carefully," Chen Ya said.

Luan Qingying nodded, and said, "I think this is a really good move, killing three birds with one stone."

"Three birds? Which bird is there?" Chen Ya asked with a smile.

Luan Qingying said: "It can also make the Hubei factory misjudge us."

Chen Ya thought for a while and said, "Indeed. This point may be more critical than the other two birds."

In fact, the "shared database" mentioned by Lu Keke is a fake.

Beichen Company has never had such a thing, neither before nor now.

This database was created for the inner ghost alone.

The things stored in the warehouse were actually made by Chen Ya, Shi Chuandong, Luan Qingying, and Ge Zhang when they were still in Beijing University before Beichen was established.

At the time when Eagle's Nest was first established, Chen Ya only had a plan, no money and no skills, and the three of Shi Chuandong were the same.

At that time, the code written by Shi Chuandong was still a mess, which could be called a heap of shit. After Beichen was formally established, these codes had been optimized long ago.

Those art materials are all scraps of the first edition made by the art group before the expansion of enrollment and evolution, and many of them are even just reference pictures.

It would be wrong to say that these are not Beichen's products, they are indeed made by Beichen, they are just waste products.

The small changes made by Chen Ya were just to change the words "first edition" and "rejected case" in the document to "final draft".

When you don't know what the inner ghost will steal, just let him steal the waste.

In this way, even if the internal information is leaked, it will not cause any harm.

Moreover, these waste products will also make the E factory form a strategic misjudgment, completely misleading their judgment on Beichen games.

The most important thing is that among these waste products, there is also a little "small gift" from Chen Ya to the other party.

Among these waste products, there is a masterpiece made by Chen Ya with the knowledge he learned after learning hacking techniques.

When the critical moment comes, they will definitely surprise the other party.

Under the surveillance of Chen Ya and others, the inner ghost returned home early from get off work with a hard drive in his bag.

No need to guess, it must be ready to trade the information.

As soon as the inner ghost left, Lu Keke immediately rushed into the office and asked with sparkling eyes:
"How? How about my acting skills!?"

Chen Ya gave her a thumbs up: "Very good, the performance is very natural."

"I just said I'm very talented!"

"It's beyond my expectation that you asked him for milk tea at a low price." Chen Ya said with a smile, "Did you add the script on the spur of the moment, or did you think it up before?"

"I just thought of it at the time," Lu Keke shook his hair proudly. "I thought at the time, wouldn't it be too easy if I gave it to him directly? Wouldn't he be suspicious instead? So I made it a bit more difficult for him."

"By the way, I knocked a sum."

Lu Keke blinked: "If you don't let him bleed, how can you relieve my hatred? I hate this kind of guy who eats inside and out."

Chen Ya smiled.

Lu Keke sneaked into Chen Ya's office and didn't leave, saying that he wanted to wait for a follow-up.

After the other employees got off work one after another, the few insiders had already rushed to Chen Ya's office.

Among the three elders, except for Shi Chuandong, everyone else was there.

They didn't tell Shi Chuandong about it.

Ishi Chuandong has a naive personality and is prone to leaking words.

After nine o'clock, every 10 minutes, Chen Ya would take a look at the backstage, and then return to the lying down state again.

As soon as the hard disk is connected to the other party's computer, once the other party starts to check the content of the data, Chen Ya will receive the information.

Using his hacking skills, he can easily locate the other party and invade the other party's system.

The best result is undoubtedly to successfully hack into the opponent's system and find the opponent's internal information.

If they can only hack into the computer of the other party's mastermind, it is enough for them to know who the opponent is.

I am afraid that the opponent's vigilance is high.If the other party just finds a computer that is not connected to the Internet to check, it will be troublesome.

As time passed, it was ten o'clock in the evening.

Chen Ya looked at his watch and said, "Let's go, maybe they are not in a hurry to watch tonight."

Luan Qingying looked disappointed: "Could it be...they found a secret computer..."

"It's also possible." Chen Ya said calmly, "But no matter what the result is, we have nothing to lose. If there is no further action tomorrow, Qingying, we will start the process of punishing the insider."

Luan Qingying nodded.

Both Ge Zhang and Luan Qingying were sent away by Chen Ya, only Lu Keke was still lying down, saying that she would not leave unless he left, and the other two just left and occupied the sofa to sleep.

Seeing the girl lying sprawled on the sofa, Chen Ya was just about to remind her not to get naked when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a change on the computer screen.

His own backdoor program has already connected to the other party's network.

(End of this chapter)

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