Chapter 374 371. Sister, why are you here?
Although Gu Yuqing said that she was careless, but she repeatedly emphasized that she didn't care, but it just seemed that she cared.

So it's still kind of scary.

Seeing that Chen Ya didn't answer, Gu Yuqing stretched out her feet wrapped in black silk, and kicked his waist through the quilt.

"Answer? Ignore me? Pretend to be a master without talking, right?"

"Ah? What did you ask just now?" Chen Ya turned to look at her.

"'re courting death, right?"

Gu Yuqing began to pedal the bicycle with her feet on him.

Not to mention, it's very comfortable.Chen Ya's sore back was relieved a lot.

"So, what did you ask just now?" Chen Ya asked.

Gu Yuqing struggled for a long time, and said: "Forget it if you didn't hear it, your brain is burnt out, I don't care about it with you."

Laughing, I, Gu Yuqing, don't have a virgin complex, so I kept asking like this, as if I couldn't do without him.

What's more... She glanced at Lu Aia beside her, and found that she was still there stupidly pecking at the rice.

If it were someone else, she would probably move in and live with them.

This guy, by visual inspection, shouldn't be a high threat, right?
"Do you want to eat an apple, I'll go and peel one for you."

"Don't, I'm afraid you'll cut your hand off."

"In your eyes, I'm really the eldest lady who doesn't work hard and doesn't distinguish between grains and grains?"

"No, I don't care about you."

Gu Yuqing tilted her head and smiled, suddenly feeling very heartwarming.

Since she was 16, no one cared about her like this.

Chen Ya turned to look at her, and suddenly asked, "You often wear high heels, so your feet should be very stiff, right?"

Gu Yuqing asked: "That's not true, why do you suddenly ask this?"

She looked down at her feet.

The slender jade fingers brushed over, the insteps were white, the soles of the feet were well-proportioned, the toes were neat, fat and thin, and the shadows in the black silk were more charming, no matter how you looked at it, you couldn't fault it.

What's the matter, is he tired of this?This dog man.

Chen Ya pointed to his back and said, "To be honest, I feel that my back is very hard, why don't you put your foot on my back and step on it to see if it's your foot or my back. "

Gu Yuqing rolled her eyes to the sky, worried for nothing because of this dog man, and said angrily:
"What's the point of comparison? How can my weak little feet compare to the hard shell of your big tortoise?"

"Don't take the opportunity to say that I'm a big turtle, I understand!"

"Big tortoise, big tortoise, big tortoise!"

Lu Aiai was woken up by the two people, wiped off the drool that dripped out, and turned her head to look at the two of them.

Gu Yuqing was stepping on Chen Ya, but looking at Chen Ya's expression, he seemed to be enjoying it.

It's a game she doesn't understand.She tilted her head and fell asleep again.

Chen Ya turned his head and said, "If you feel that there is no comparison, then I suggest that you put your feet in my mouth to see if your feet are hard or my mouth is hard."

Gu Yuqing immediately stopped pedaling the bicycle, showing a disdainful expression:
"Uh, I said you are somewhat perverted."



"I'm thirsty."

"I'll go get you some water."

Gu Yuqing jumped off the chair, ran to get a glass of lukewarm water, ran over to hold Chen Ya's head in her arms, and personally served him to drink the water.

"Boss Gu, isn't it a little too grand?"

Chen Ya rested on Boss Gu's lap, looked up, and found that two mountain peaks were blocking his vision, so he couldn't see Gu Yuqing's face.

"Da Lang, I've taken my medicine." Gu Yuqing winked.

Chen Ya stared at her helplessly: "You're still acting."

Gu Yuqing narrowed her eyes: "If you don't drink, you still hold it, right? Comrade Xiaoya, if you don't drink, you look down on me."

"What kind of mess is this? Persuading people to drink, right?"

Gu Yuqing stared: "His grandma's, why don't you drink it? Drink it! Drink it!"

"Don't do this, I'm afraid..."

Gu Yuqing finally had fun, handed him the water, and he drank it in two gulps.

Not salty or bland, the taste is really good.

Seeing Chen Ya drinking water in her arms, feeling like a puppy, her eyes were curved into two slits with a smile.

It wasn't bad intentions either, she felt that Chen Ya had been lying like this all this time, weak and at his mercy, which was not bad at all.

It is very fulfilling to take care of.

At this moment, Lu Ai'ai tilted her head and fell on the bed.

"Did she really not sleep much these two days?" Chen Ya asked.

"Yeah." Gu Yuqing nodded, "Because she chose the bed, she couldn't sleep on your bunk."


It took Chen Ya a long time to sort out his words: "What about you?"

"I slept next to you."


Just as he was about to continue asking questions, a cell phone rang in his ears.

Gu Yuqing picked up Chen Ya's cell phone with a familiar hand, and connected the call.

"Hi, hello, I'm the voice assistant of the owner of the phone, please leave a message if you have anything... Oh, you want to visit, right? All right, come on."

After hanging up the phone, she casually threw the phone back. It seemed that she had done all this countless times, and she was extremely proficient.

"...Did you answer my calls these two days?"

"That's right," Gu Yuqing turned her head and looked at him as a matter of course, "It's troublesome, there are so many things, and you are in charge of everything in your company, no wonder you work overtime every day."

Chen Ya regained consciousness a little bit, and asked worriedly, "Isn't the progress of the game development affected?"

"Of course there is. If you treat employees the way you took care of babies before, how can they learn to be self-reliant?" Gu Yuqing said nonchalantly.


"I adjusted it a little bit, taught them how to think independently without you," Gu Yuqing said, "At the beginning, your two little brothers often called to ask what to do, I taught them a little In a few words, they have now learned to be self-reliant."

"..." Although I don't know what method Gu Yuqing used, Chen Ya would be very happy if the employees could grow up faster.

It's just... If you don't have yourself, can you really make the game well?
"By the way, they said they sent someone to visit you and they will be there soon."

"Huh? Oh..."

Although I don't know if other companies are like this, Chen Ya feels very heartwarming anyway.

After staying on the bed for a while, he suddenly realized that he was being visited by someone in his current state, isn't it somewhat inappropriate?

Lu Aiai was lying curled up in a ball at her feet, and Gu Yuqing was sitting beside her to accompany her.

The spring night is short, and the warm room is fragrant.

No matter how you look at it, it is a situation of hugging left and right.

"Ahem." Chen Ya tried his best to stand up, "Why don't I go outside."

Gu Yuqing was playing with her mobile phone on the side without raising her head: "What are you doing outside?"

"It's a bit inappropriate like this."

"It's okay, you are a patient."

Gu Yuqing didn't understand his worry at all.

It's not that Chen Ya is hypocritical, he originally wanted to create a dedicated leader image.

If the gang of single dogs see his current living conditions, it will affect the morale of the team if it gets out.

He struggled hard twice, then lay down again.

The body is really tired and exhausted.He still hasn't ordered the skill to increase stamina in the system.

At this moment, the doorbell rang, and Gu Yuqing yelled "Here we come", while pulling on her slippers to open the door.

Chen Ya looked left and right, but he didn't have the strength to get up, and Lu Aiai was sound asleep and couldn't move, so he simply put the quilt on her body, and covered her in a ball.

Then there was the sound of the door opening outside.

"Well, sorry to bother you."

"Come in, he's inside."

"Is he better?"

"Before, it was no different from death. You just happened to come here, and now you are very energetic."

"Oh, then I'm relieved..."

It was Lu Keke's voice.

This was beyond Chen Ya's expectation.

He originally thought that it would be Shi Chuandong, Luan Qingying and the others who came.

But on second thought, it is indeed normal.

I'm not in the company, those people are probably crazy busy now, how can I have time to run around?
After much deliberation, things are relatively free, and I am more familiar with myself, so this is the only way to go.

At this time, Lu Keke standing outside the door felt profusely sweating.

Chen Ya inside could only hear the conversation between the two, but couldn't see what happened on the scene.

So he didn't know what kind of coercion Lu Keke was feeling right now.

Gu Yuqing in front of her was wearing white silk lace pajamas and flat slippers on her feet.

Her height is not enough to crush her, but now she feels inexplicably stressed.

Gu Yuqing's aura is too strong.

Since she entered the door, what Gu Yuqing said didn't sound like anything special, but her eyes kept looking up and down and examining Lu Keke.

Those eyes were like scalpels, like X-rays, like nitro hydrochloric acid solution, dissecting, seeing through, and decomposing every inch of her skin and bones.

She stood at the door with a bag of fruit in her hand, like a primary school student listening to a lesson.Gu Yuqing in front of her was like a lion king.

That's right, Gu Yuqing is the lion king, but she is just a lion cub who hastily stepped into her territory, weak and helpless, and at the same time a little reckless.

She suddenly regretted so much that she had taken up the visiting job.

Chen Ya fell ill for two days. At first, the whole company was in chaos.

Some people are like that, like a toilet light.When he is there, you don't feel anything. Once he disappears, you will find his irreplaceability.

Previously, there were hundreds of people in each department of the company, each employee summarized the results to the team leader, and the team leader then summarized the results to the senior management, and the end point of all work was Chen Ya.

After Chen Ya approved the successful processing, he called back the same way, and finally returned it to everyone.

As a result, in the entire company with hundreds of people, everyone was properly arranged.

At the beginning, she didn't pay much attention to Chen Ya's fatigue, she just took it for granted. It wasn't until he suddenly fell ill that she felt that everyone was a little too dependent on Chen Ya.

After the chaotic period on the first day, Gu Yuqing went to the company in person and scolded all the leaders one by one, making them ashamed.

But miraculously, after the scolding, everyone seemed to have a sudden enlightenment, and within a day, all work began to work normally again.

By this morning, everything was finally settled, so everyone discussed again whether to send someone over to condolences to Chen Ya.

After many discussions, Lu Keke finally volunteered to come to Chen Ya's house to visit him.

One reason is because she doesn't have much work at the moment, and the other reason is because she is familiar with Chen Ya's family route.

So she came.

Unexpectedly, even in Chen Ya's house, Gu Yuqing is as scary as the company.

"Why are you standing there, come in?"

Gu Yuqing's voice brought her back to reality, Lu Keke didn't dare to neglect, quickly closed the door obediently, put the fruit aside, and followed Gu Yuqing inside.

Damn it, my knees are still a little weak, cheer me up, Lu Keke!
Lu Keke encouraged himself in his heart.

Walking into the bedroom, seeing Chen Ya sitting on the bed in good condition, looking at her with a smile, she felt relaxed.

It's just a little strange-why didn't he cover the quilt?

"Your good employee has come to see you."

While talking, Gu Yuqing dragged a chair for Lu Keke, and sat down by herself.

"Hello, thank you." Chen Ya nodded politely to Lu Keke.

If it wasn't for Gu Yuqing's presence, she would burst out laughing on the spot - it was the first time she saw Chen Ya being so polite.

"Well, everyone is looking forward to your recovery and return sooner." Lu Keke said with a blushing face.

"Go back and be a cow or a horse earlier, right?" Gu Yuqing said dissatisfiedly.

"No, no..." Lu Keke shuddered and dared not speak.

"Don't scare the child." Chen Ya said to Gu Yuqing, and then asked Lu Keke, "Is the company all right? Nothing wrong with work?"

"There are a lot of mistakes... Oh, it's not that I made a mistake, you're not here, everyone will make some mistakes more or less, but for now, I can handle it."

After finishing speaking, Gu Yuqing added: "Do you want me to replace your boss and go over to guide the work?"

Lu Keke shook his head like a rattle: "No need, no need..."

"What? Do you think I'm too aggressive?" Gu Yuqing sneered.

"No no……"

Chen Ya couldn't think of what Gu Yuqing did during the two days he was away.

Lu Ke could see her, just like a mouse seeing a cat.

Could it be that she has already trained the whole company?

"You guys are relying too much on Chen Ya," Gu Yuqing said dissatisfied, "I didn't know it before, but I went to your company and found out that you just left all the work to the boss. I'm not afraid to give him worn out?"

Lu Keke's forehead was sweating, and he nodded repeatedly to apologize: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Chen Ya couldn't help but defend Lu Keke: "You can't blame them either. If this project is to be done well, you can't rely on others."

Gu Yuqing ignored him.

She switched legs and crossed her legs, and said again: "What do you do in the company?"

Lu Keke quickly replied: "I am dubbing and dubbing director."

"Are you on good terms with him?"

Hearing this question, Lu Keke secretly looked up at her.

I feel like this a bit of a bad comer.

"It''s better, I can't say it's good, it's a bit good, but it's not that good..."

"I have a good relationship with her." Chen Ya said to Gu Yuqing, "She often works overtime and lives nearby, so I often commute with her."

"Really?" Gu Yuqing narrowed her eyes.

Lu Keke felt that this was something wrong with Chen Ya.

To be honest, he is indeed a little bit desperate.

At this moment, the big quilt next to Chen Ya's bed squirmed twice.

Lu Keke saw it very clearly, the quilt seemed to have life, and it really wriggled twice.

Gu Yuqing and Chen Ya also saw it, but they didn't respond.

"What's the current data of the second test?"

"pretty good……"

After Lu Keke finished answering, the quilt squirmed twice.

Damn, I care so much.

Her attention was completely drawn to the blob of matter.

Gu Yuqing asked again: "What kind of person do you think Chen Ya is?"

"Good guy." Lu Keke insisted.



"Yes." Gu Yuqing nodded, seeming satisfied with her answer.

Laughing to death, even if I have a good impression of Chen Ya in my heart, who dares to say it.

Looking at Gu Yuqing like this, she will definitely be stabbed.

While speaking, the mass of matter next to Chen Ya squirmed twice, and made a "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh

It seems to be very painful.

The three sat in place, silent for a long time.

Lu Keke finally couldn't bear it any longer, and asked:
"Actually, I've really wanted to ask since just now, boss, don't cover the quilt?"

After hesitating for a long time, she still chose a tactful way of asking questions.

If the quilt was really set by some ancient god, if she was not careful, her brain might melt.

"I... want to be cool." Chen Ya said.

"I want to ask too," Gu Yuqing said, "Why are you hiding your little Gillian? Are you shy?"

"Haha, what Gillian?" Chen Ya laughed dryly.

"Jinwu Zangjiao, haven't you heard of it? Tsk tsk, you're still shy after living together for so long."

Chen Ya wiped off his sweat: "Let's talk about this in private, in front of outsiders."

Lu Keke stood up knowingly, and said, "Uh, as long as the boss is fine, I'm leaving."

It seems that this relationship is more complicated than I imagined.

She'd better hurry up and slip away.

She didn't want to be the cannon fodder that was affected when the gods fought.

Fortunately, Chen Ya and Gu Yuqing didn't stay with any customers. Judging by their expressions, they were planning to properly handle the bilateral relationship after Lu Keke left.


Just when Lu Keke walked to the door, he was gradually pained by the voice of the regiment.

"If you cover her tighter, you will really suffocate the child to death."

Gu Yuqing stood up, and after she finished speaking, she threw off the quilt in front of the sweating Chen Ya.


The sudden light made the black-haired girl frowned.

With loose long hair and disheveled clothes, the huddled girl has a broken aesthetic feeling of being violated.

" are"

Lu Keke returned to the room at some point, dumbfounded.


 It's the end of the month, and it's useless to keep your monthly pass. Why don't you call me. (Akimbo) Call me, I will work harder!
(End of this chapter)

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