"Sister...how are you...here??"

After seeing Lu Aiai, Lu Keke became numb.

She couldn't figure out why her sister was here.

Did she know that she would come to the boss's house today, so she came here to ambush herself?This is too clever!
Or, it was because I missed my sister so much, and thought of the madness, I was so mad that I had hallucinations before my eyes.

Lu Keke rubbed his eyes, looked left and right, the woman lying on the bed still smacking her mouth was her own sister, the one she could recognize even in ashes!
"Ah?" Chen Ya made a confused voice, "What sister? Whose sister? Who are you talking about?"

Lu Keke pointed to his nose and said loudly, "My sister! My sister! She is my sister!"

The tone of her speech is a bit like a passage in a sketch by Zhao Benshan and Fan Wei a long time ago.

"Your sister?"

Chen Ya turned his head and glanced at Lu Aiai.

The woman was lying on the bed, her hair was disheveled, her belly button was protruding from under her shirt, her face was full of lack of sleep.

Chen Ya turned his head and asked Lu Keke: "Does she know she is your sister?"

"I know!...No, what do you know, she is my sister!"

Lu Keke was so messed up that he wanted to take off on the spot.

"Do you think I'm talking nonsense? I'm not! She's really my sister! My sister!"

Lu Keke was about to cry, she couldn't explain why the woman on the bed was her sister.

and many more……

She suddenly realized that she shouldn't be in a hurry for this matter? !
Shouldn't the question be, why did my sister appear on Chen Ya's bed? !
Could it be that Chen Ya owed himself an explanation?

"Why is she here?" Lu Keke asked Chen Ya again through gritted teeth.

Although it is the same question as before, it does not mean the same thing.

Just now she was startled and subconsciously asked the question, but now it is time to discuss the explanation.

It's impossible for Lu Aia to ambush here in advance.During this period of time, the two of them haven't met each other. From Lu Keke's perspective, her sister has been staying at her boyfriend's house.

It's hooked up, everything's hooked up.

Lu Keke seemed to have thousands of threads connected together in his mind at the same time.

So that boyfriend...is his boss, Chen Ya!
"Tell me! Why is my sister here?!"

Chen Ya touched his nose and said, "What's going on?"

Gu Yuqing raised her head and said:

"What are you talking about? What sister?"

She was sitting on the sidelines playing with her mobile phone, but when she heard the two arguing lively, she also joined in.

Chen Ya turned to Gu Yuqing and said, "I don't know, she said this is her sister."

Lu Keke clenched his fists: "This is my sister!...No, I mean, she is my sister..."

"Why is her sister here with you?" Gu Yuqing turned to ask Chen Ya.

Chen Ya said: "Strictly speaking, I met her sister first..."

"Then why did you recruit your sister to your company after meeting her sister?" Gu Yuqing asked again.

Chen Ya smacked, and suddenly felt that there was fraud in this question.

"You're asking the wrong way. Doesn't that mean that I opened the back door for her because of their relationship? I just found out that she is her sister!"

In fact, he hasn't gotten to the point yet, and he doesn't dare to get to the point.

If you followed Gu Yuqing's intentions, then you should deliberately attack both sides, wanting to play with sisters!
Gu Yuqing still sneered: "Who knows whether you went through the front door or the back door?"

"I dare not say that."

Chen Ya was very wronged.He felt he had been wronged.

He does have a little bit of flirtatiousness, that's right.

But because of this, he managed to be innocent once, but was wronged by others, which is even more uncomfortable!
"Wait a minute, the problem now is that we first need to figure out why she is her sister."

"My sister is my sister, why not!" Lu Keke protested.

At this moment, Lu Aia finally couldn't stand the crowd's noise, so she gave up sleeping, stood up, and looked at the crowd with a hazy face.

Chen Ya pointed to Lu Keke and asked her, "Are you her sister?"

Lu Aia tilted her head, looked at Lu Keke, and made a wise voice: "Huh?"

"He said no." Chen Ya turned to Lu Keke, "What do you say?"

"She's like that! She likes to say no to anything!"

This is quite accurate.

Chen Ya said: "It's not that I don't believe you, but this is too ridiculous. I picked her up on the road, and you ran here by yourself. It just so happens that you two are sisters. How can there be such a good thing in the world?... No, I mean, what a coincidence?"

He turned his head to look at Gu Yuqing again: "You think so?"


Gu Yuqing sneered viciously, looking at him still full of distrust.

Lu Keke didn't know why he was reduced to the point of "proving that his sister is his sister".

But she has no choice.

After all, this matter is not only about her making money, but also about her family, friendship, and the shaping of her outlook on life and the world.

Lu Keke held Lu Aia's shoulders and said loudly:

"Sister! You tell them! Tell them you are my sister!"

The lack of sleep for two consecutive days made Lu Aia's mind a little confused, but when she heard her sister's call, she woke up a little bit, looked at her calmly for a few seconds, and then said:
"I'm your sister...?"

"Look." Chen Ya pointed at the two of them, then turned to Gu Yuqing and said.

"Sister, are you stupid!? Take a good look at me!" Lu Keke burst into tears.

"I'm your sister." Lu Aia finally confirmed.

"Look!" Lu Keke turned his head and stared at Chen Ya viciously.

Lu Aiai said again: "Sister, why are you here?"

"I'm here to visit him! He's my boss!" Lu Keke shook his sister's shoulders, "Sister! You said you met someone you like, and it turned out to be him! Why are your eyesight so bad!"

Lu Aia covered her heart with her hand: "Sister, what you say hurts so much."

"I'm the one who got hurt." Chen Ya said.

Gu Yuqing squinted at him: "She said she likes you."

"Uh, uh..."

It's nice to be liked, but now is not the time to be happy.

"Too happy to speak?" Gu Yuqing asked narrowly.

"Abaa..." Chen Ya simply pretended to be deaf and dumb.

At this time, Lu Aiai took the initiative to stand up and make a solution: "I didn't say it, this is her subjective assumption."

"She didn't say anything." Chen Ya immediately said to Gu Yuqing.

"But her judgment has a certain basis..." Lu Aia added.

Chen Ya felt that if this topic continued, his end today would be very tragic, so he quickly changed the subject:
"By the way, isn't your sister's name Lu Keke? Could it be that your name is Lu Keke?"

"That's right! My name is Lu Keke!" Lu Keke said.

"Your name is Lu Keke?!" Chen Ya was startled.

Lu Keke felt even more hurt: "You don't know my name!"

Gu Yuqing said: "One is Lu Aiai, the other is Lu Keke, and you still say that you don't know they are sisters? I can tell just by their names, okay?"

"I really don't know..." Chen Ya said hastily, "I didn't know her name was Lu Keke before."

"As the boss, you don't even know the names of the employees?"

Chen Ya said: "At first I felt that she wouldn't be able to do it for long, so I didn't remember her name."

Lu Keke was also shot while lying on the side. He covered his chest and shouted:
"Damn it, what you say is so hurtful!"

Gu Yuqing added: "Even if you don't know that they are sisters, there is a big problem. This shows that your taste preferences are very similar, and you like to start with this one. This is also a red flag."

Chen Ya said: "Look at the two of them, where are they similar? Don't just look at their appearance, who would know that they are sisters?"

Gu Yuqing looked over, and saw that Lu Keke's figure was protruding forward and backward, round and round, with very lines, and it was difficult to hold it with one hand.

And Lu Aia's figure... can only be described as flat with ups and downs.

Gu Yuqing nodded: "One thing to say, indeed."

Lu Keke couldn't help puffing out his chest proudly.

This is one of the few happy moments for her today.

Lu Aiai's expressionless face was finally a little moved: "Your words hurt people!"

"I haven't said anything yet."

Lu Aiai covered her chest and said, "It's because when I was in my mother's stomach, she robbed me of my nutrients."

Lu Keke apologized a little and said, "I didn't mean it."

"Losing money."

"Don't think about it! It's just a step for you, you still take it seriously!"

"No," Lu Aia said, "It's because of my generosity. I took the initiative to give her what belonged to me."

Lu Keke didn't speak.

If that thought could comfort her, so be it.

She would rather remain silent, acquiescing to accept this heavy heart.

Chen Ya adjusted his sitting posture, and said to Lu Ai'ai earnestly, "Think about the good, and work harder, maybe it will grow longer."

"Hope is slim," Gu Yuqing said, "Working hard can only grow the belly, the place that should grow does not grow, and the place that should not grow grows randomly."

Chen Ya glanced at her chest, which was even more impressive than Lu Keke, and said:
"You are not qualified to say such a thing, are you?"

"Why don't you qualify? That's how I am. If I eat a little too much, my stomach and butt will grow indiscriminately."

"You don't have room in your chest to grow, and you can still grow."


Gu Yuqing was happy for a while, then suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, why is it so harmonious? Weren't we discussing serious issues just now?"

"That's right!" Lu Keke was startled, "Sister, why are you thinking about falling in love with him? He's married!"

Gu Yuqing applauded: "Well said!"

Lu Ai'ai said: "Strictly speaking, he is single now."

After speaking, she was satisfied with her statement.

In one sentence, the relationship between the three people is clearly explained, concise and to the point, very scientifically beautiful.

It is easy to misunderstand in the ears of others.

"Sister, you are lying to yourself! Elbow, you have to go home with me for everything you say today. If you continue to be so unclear, God knows if you will destroy yourself!"

Lu Keke grabbed Lu Aia's arm.

Although she is the younger sister, Lu Aiai is the older sister, and both of them are destructively imbecile in terms of self-care ability.

But Lu Keke subconsciously wanted to protect her sister.

Because my sister has been like this since she was a child. She has a high IQ, but she is always a bit off-line in some places.

To put it bluntly, it is a lack of common sense, and to put it bluntly, it is muddleheaded.

A person like Chen Ya can tell at a glance that he is not in the same world as them.

With a girl like Gu Yuqing standing beside her, how could anyone else have a chance to attack her?
It's a bit embarrassing to say it, but in fact, she was very attracted to Chen Ya some time ago.

But she is very sensible.In a very short period of time, this small flame was extinguished.

Because Chen Ya had already been booked, she sent her to her door only to become a concubine.

If it continues like this, she will know the tragic ending of Lu Aia after thinking about it for a while:

One day in the future, with a baby who has no father by his side, his career is ruined, and he has to bear the scolding of the chaebol daughter.

So from now on, she must start to intervene, and she can't let her sister go on like this anymore!
Lu Aiai didn't appreciate her kindness at all.

"I'm not going back."

"Why don't you go back!"

After Lu Keke finished speaking, Chen Ya also said, "Yes, you might as well go back."

Lu Keke looked at Chen Ya in surprise, feeling a little surprised.

Chen Ya said: "Although you live in my house, I have no objection to taking care of you, but in the long run, it must be inconvenient to be so unclear, like today, it is easy to be misunderstood, I don't care, for you Probably not good."

Gu Yuqing raised her eyebrows: "You don't care? I think it matters, okay?"

Lu Aia shook her head and continued, "I won't go back."

Lu Keke became anxious: "Why!"

Lu Ai'ai paused for a moment, and said, "Lu Keke has lived in the house before, so I can't take it anymore."


Lu Keke was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"Do you dislike her so much?" Chen Ya asked.

"It's not disgusting," Lu Aia said, "I'm just stating the objective facts. In terms of destructiveness, Lu Keke is much more powerful than rodents."

"So that's how it is." Chen Ya immediately understood her.

"Your words hurt people!" Lu Keke said tearfully, "So wouldn't it be better for you to go back? You can just take care of me when you go back!"

"She, take care of you? You said she can take care of you??" Chen Ya was shocked.

"That's right." Lu Keke said, "She took care of me when I was young."

Chen Ya was even more shocked, and suddenly understood what Lu Ai'ai said, that Lu Ke was a more serious life idiot than her.

Even Lu Aia can take care of others, so what's the matter?What kind of life idiot must this person be!

"You might as well move here." Lu Aia said, "Aren't you worried about me? You might as well live here with me."


This is a road that Lu Keke never expected.

Lu Aiai turned her head and asked Chen Ya: "Is it possible?"

Chen Ya was suddenly speechless. (end of this chapter)

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