Chapter 376 373. Generosity
Chen Ya was speechless.

Reason told him, this is not acceptable, this is not acceptable, this will definitely cause problems.

But sensibility told him... These are sisters, huh?
Is it a little too harsh for him to take this test?

Who can stand this test! ?
Chen Ya began to fight with heaven and man in his heart.

However, Gu Yuqing did not give this battle a chance to decide the winner.

"No, I don't agree."

Gu Yuqing said bluntly.

"When the two of you come to live in his house, it is equivalent to the little rabbit obediently walking into the arms of the big bad wolf with Little Red Riding Hood."

"Am I so scary?" Chen Ya asked.

Gu Yuqing added: "Letting him live with the two of you is equivalent to throwing a mouse into the butter bucket. Not only will he eat up the butter, but he will also shit in the bucket."

"Your words are so hurtful." Chen Ya said.

Lu Aiai finally got angry this time, she was not overwhelmed by Gu Yuqing's momentum, her eyes were firm and she said:
"This house belongs to Chen Ya, he should make his own decision."

Gu Yuqing turned her head to look at Chen Ya: "Okay, you decide, do you want to sit and enjoy the blessings of everyone, or do you want to live?"

"...Let's just say, we're not that kind of person, and if one mouthful equals everyone's happiness, isn't that a little unfair to a good person?"

"Hmph, so you don't want to live anymore?"

"I choose to live."

Chen Ya's rationality and sensibility finally reached a reconciliation, and he fell in love instantly.

He said to Lu Aia: "It's not good, it can't be like this. It's not convenient for you to live here, and it's even more inconvenient for both of you to live here."

Lu Aia was instantly discouraged.

"Then why don't you go live at my sister's house." Lu Keke said, "My sister and I will live at your house."

Chen Ya said: "You put it aside and change your home, right! All tactics change home."

"Do you want to change it?" Lu Keke said, "My sister can live with me, and you don't have to worry about being tested by the butter barrel. It's very reasonable!"

At first glance, this arrangement is indeed reasonable.

But the question is - why should he?
Why let him live in a place where Lu Aiai doesn't even want to live? !

"I won't do it." Chen Ya said, "If that's the case, it's better than the previous plan."

As he spoke, his will loosened a bit, but fortunately Gu Yuqing saw his intention and rolled his eyes at him:

"It's not as good as the first plan. Just prepare to accept the first plan, right? Don't follow the pole, I really admire you."

She then turned to the two sisters again with a new proposal:
"Why don't you two go live with me."

"your home?"

Gu Yuqing nodded: "Well, my house is a three-story villa, which is quite big, and there are maids who can take care of you."

"Villa?!" Lu Keke's pupils trembled.

"Is there a maid?" Lu Aia's eyes lit up.

"It's not very good." Chen Ya was a little moved, and at the same time felt a little sorry.

I didn't expect Gu Yuqing to be so generous.

To put it bluntly, the two sisters only knew themselves, and had nothing to do with Gu Yuqing, but she was able to do this, which moved China.

Lu Keke smirked while being polite:
"I don't feel well either? Hey, shall we, hey, just disturb you a little too much?"

Gu Yuqing said: "Don't bother me, why are you bothering me? I don't live at home."

"Then where do you live?"

"Live here?" Gu Yuqing patted Chen Ya's bed, "I live with him."

"The result is still changing?!"

Unexpected roads have increased again.

"I object!" Lu Aia immediately objected.

Gu Yuqing stretched out her onion-like finger and pointed at her: "What right do you have to object!"

Lu Ai'ai blushed and said:

"Letting Chen Ya live in your house, isn't it equivalent it equivalent to throwing Schrödinger into the cat abuse center?"

"What a profound metaphor, but, is there such a place as a cat abuse center?" Chen Ya said.

Gu Yuqing put her hands on her hips and said:
"You are not qualified to object. Haven't you lived with him for so long? I didn't say anything, but you have the nerve to object."

Lu Aiai's face was flushed by the words, and she was speechless for a long time. Chen Ya felt a little sympathetic to her.

"It's not very convenient for me to live with you. If someone sees it one day, it will probably spread like last time."

After Chen Ya finished speaking, Gu Yuqing shut up, presumably because she thought of the bad thing about being attacked by the enemy in the company before, and her expression was very bad.

"Let's just do this." Chen Ya proposed the most moderate solution, "Lu Keke will still live at your sister's house, Lu Ai'ai will still live at my house, and Gu Yuqing will still live at her own house."

"What about you?"

"Me, I'm staying at the company." Chen Ya said, "Now is the time when I'm busy, and it's troublesome to go back and forth every day."

"Ah? Boss, you are too selfless, aren't you?" Lu Keke asked in surprise.

She really wanted to protect her sister, but she didn't want Chen Ya to do this either!

Lu Keke thought for a while and said, "Why, why don't you live with me, my sister's dormitory has two rooms..."

Lu Aai's eyes were like lightning, and she immediately looked at Lu Keke, with an expression of being stolen, as if she wanted to say "you're not right".

There are three rooms for four people, no matter how they are arranged and arranged, there is something wrong. What's going on?
"I'm leaving now." Chen Ya struggled to get up.

As soon as he stood up, he felt dizzy for a while.

The fever is still not gone, and I haven't eaten well. My body is still in a state of deficiency. It is hard to even stand up, let alone go to the company with my body.

In less than two seconds, he fell down heavily again.

Gu Yuqing panicked, and said, "Why are you going crazy? You lie down for me! Don't go anywhere this week, leave them alone, let them stay where they are cool!"

Lu Aiai spread the quilt on Chen Ya earnestly, and said in a low voice, "Cover the quilt, don't catch a cold."

Lu Keke was also in a hurry, and said, "Boss, lie down well. If I visit you once and your condition worsens, my colleagues will kill me!"

Gu Yuqing asked again with concern: "Do you want to drink water?"

Lu Aia put her palm on his forehead: "I need ice water to cool down."

Lu Keke took out his mobile phone: "Do you want to eat? How about we order takeaway?"

All three of them were in a mess for a while.As the saying goes, caring makes chaos. Chen Ya was very touched, but he also hoped that they would not be so noisy.

He has a headache.

Seeing Chen Ya reach out and knead her forehead, Lu Aia stretched out her little hand silently and helped him do it.

Should I say it or not, her little hands were cold, and it was quite comfortable to press them.

Gu Yuqing said to Lu Keke with her hips on her hips:

"You don't need to order takeaway, I asked my aunt to come over and cook on time every day. If you want to help, just go and pour a glass of water. By the way, pour me a glass too."

"Pour me a glass too." Lu Aia also said.

The two naturally started calling people around.

Although Lu Keke was very unwilling, his body still moved involuntarily.

"Damn it, I'm obviously just here to visit, why did it become like this? Damn it..."

Lu Aia pressed her hands, her eyelids began to drop again, and then she lay down naturally, sleeping next to Chen Ya.

Lu Keke saw this scene as soon as he entered the door, and quickly put down the water in his arms.

"Sister! What are you doing! Didn't I tell you to respect yourself?"


"If you're sleepy, you can't sleep indiscriminately anytime, anywhere!"

Lu Keke climbed onto the bed, trying to lift Lu Aia up.

But although she has big breasts, her arms are not strong enough to lift her sister.

"If you don't get up, I'll lie down too!"

Seeing Lu Keke laying down on the bed, Gu Yuqing was amused, pinched Chen Ya's mouth and said:
"It really made you hug from left to right, right?"

Chen Ya's mouth was pinched into the shape of a fish's mouth, and he murmured, "It's not my fault."

Gu Yuqing also lay down, squeezed beside him and said, "It's not fair, I'll sleep too."

He was still having a fever, his body was hot, and the three people next to him were all squeezing against him, which made him even hotter.

Moreover, Gu Yuqing's arm was on his ribs, and Lu Aia's knee was on his waist.

He felt like he was about to ascend to heaven.

"...Can you get up? Are you not afraid of infection?"

"I'll get up when they get up first." Gu Yuqing and Lu Keke said in unison.

Only Lu Aia had fallen asleep.

Chen Ya couldn't help but sighed faintly, and began to chant a poem:

"The children in Nancun bullied me to be old and powerless..."

If it weren't for being sick and weak now, how could he be bullied by these women so casually?

When the illness is cured, it will not be certain who bullies whom...

Chen Ya thought of it so bitterly.

It seemed that something similar had happened to this bed before. At that time, he thought the bed was not big, but now he thought it was too small, making it uncomfortable to squeeze.

When you have money, you must change to a bigger bed... No, why don't you buy a bigger room when you have money?However, he seems to still have a house in the capital, such a manor...

In a daze, he thought again that although the housing prices in the capital are high, they are not at the peak in history. When they are rich, they can buy several properties, and there is definitely room for appreciation.

Just build a few more houses for staff dormitories...

After thinking about it, Chen Ya finally lost consciousness and fell into a soft dreamland.


"You have to be obedient..."

A woman's voice was heard.

"You have to be obedient, you know?"

The voice is very low, very soft, very pleasant to hear.

"Especially listen to me."

It means that the speaker is speaking to the right ear, and the breath blown by the ear is itchy.

"What I say is what I say, don't have your own ideas."

Chen Ya couldn't help frowning slightly in his sleep.

It feels like something is wrong, but I can't tell.

"Answer? If you hear it, say 'hmm'."

"Hmm..." Chen Ya was still awake, and a hazy voice came out of his throat.

The woman seemed very happy, and continued to whisper in his ear:
"What I don't allow you to do, you must not do it. What I tell you to do, you have to do it even if you break your head, you know?"

It is not good to break the head subconsciously, but Chen Ya is unwilling to think at this time, so he nodded.

It feels warm and soft on the back of the head, and it is very comfortable to pillow.

What brand of pillow is this?Soft and resilient, suitable for sensitive skin, suitable for people with sleep disorders...

"When you wake up, you have to dedicate yourself to me wholeheartedly and be my dog..."

Chen Ya finally regained a little consciousness and became more sober.

"What about the answer?"

The little consciousness recovered after waking up is like the diversion water poured into the pump. After a short time, more waking consciousness floods in like a tide.

Chen Ya was completely awake, and opened his eyes instantly.

I saw that Gu Yuqing's upside-down face was directly above him, staring at him firmly.

The world turned upside down, and he realized that he was lying on Gu Yuqing's thigh.

"Are you awake...cough cough, uh, are you awake?" Gu Yuqing asked.

At the beginning, she still had the deliberately lowered, bewitching voice. After coughing twice, she returned to her normal voice and asked nonchalantly.

"Wake up." Chen Ya sniffed, "How long have I been asleep?"

"Not long." Gu Yuqing said.

Chen Ya propped himself up from her knees, sat up, and looked around. There was a feeling of familiarity and strangeness at home.

Lu Aiai and Lu Keke didn't see each other.

"What about the two of them?"

Gu Yuqing said: "I sent you away, you should be at my house now."

"How did you do it?" Chen Ya asked in amazement.

"It's a little tricky." Gu Yuqing blinked.

She didn't reveal what tricks she used, and Chen Ya didn't dare to ask, because she felt that it would be quite scary.

The two sat opposite each other for a while, and suddenly felt a little awkward.

It was not that the two of them had never been alone before, but now they were in the same bedroom, with a stronger meaning of private space and a more ambiguous atmosphere, which was somewhat unfamiliar.

"I'll get the thermometer for you and measure it again. It should be that the fever has subsided." Gu Yuqing got out of bed as she spoke, and looked for slippers on the ground barefoot.

It was only then that Chen Ya remembered, who was hypnotizing himself just now while he was sleeping?

This woman seems to want to implant some consciousness into herself when her consciousness is weak.

Don't know where she learned it from.It's both evil and useless.

Gu Yuqing helped Chen Ya find a thermometer, gently lifted his clothes and inserted them into his armpits.

In what age, Chen Ya is still using the traditional mercury thermometer.But it is precisely because of this that she can experience Gu Yuqing's benefits.

When the body temperature was taken, the two sat silently.

"Is there anything to eat?" Chen Ya asked.

"Yes." Gu Yuqing said, "It's all ready, put it in an insulated lunch box, and you can eat it anytime."


"I didn't do anything, I asked the maid to help me." Gu Yuqing said, "Do you like seafood?"

"I also can."

"There are abalones and lobsters," Gu Yuqing counted with her fingers, "I originally stewed red ginseng soup, but I took away the red ginseng because I was afraid that you would not be able to make up for it. therapeutic meal."

"It's too expensive." Chen Ya felt that what Gu Yuqing said was a bit beyond his expectation.

In his mind, the biggest understanding of sick meals is porridge and chicken soup.

"Do you want to eat here, or get up and go to the restaurant?" Gu Yuqing asked.

"Can I still eat here?"

Gu Yuqing chuckled: "If you want to eat here, I'll bring it for you."

Chen Ya didn't speak for a long time.

He was very excited.

He really wanted to ask her what she thought of him.

He wanted her to explain, her tenderness, her accommodating, and her possessive desire for himself.

He wanted her to explain all this, although he was also a little afraid of hearing the answer.

But in the end, he only asked, "Why are you so kind to me?"

But Gu Yuqing seemed to have seen through his thoughts, leaned close to his ear, and whispered:

"You know, I've been being robbed of many, many things since I was a kid."


"Toys, pocket money, the room, and my father were all taken away." Gu Yuqing said, "But I don't care about it. I tolerate it again and again because I am generous."

After finishing speaking, Gu Yuqing gave him a sweet smile, which made him hold his breath, and then said:
"Only you, I don't want to be generous."

(End of this chapter)

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