Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 377 Chapter 374 I Like You So Much

Chapter 377 374. I Like You So Much

Chen Ya didn't know what kind of mood Gu Yuqing was in when he said these words.

But anyway, what he heard in his ears was no different from a confession.

He was usually cynical, but when he really faced Gu Yuqing, he was a little timid.

He always felt that Gu Yuqing's eyes shouldn't be so bright.Sometimes the line of sight will be completely attracted by her eyes, but now I dare not look into her eyes.

The two spent a long time in silence before Gu Yuqing raised her eyebrows and said:

"What about the answer?"

Chen Ya raised his head as if waking up from a dream: "Ah? Did you ask something just now?"

Gu Yuqing narrowed her eyes first, then shrugged her shoulders, and said, "It's fine if you don't know."

"what do you know?"

"Are you still pretending?"

Now that it was revealed that he was pretending to be stupid, Chen Ya simply stopped pretending: "I like you quite a bit too."

Faced with Chen Ya's sudden words, Gu Yuqing instantly dropped her armor.

She widened her eyes, showing an expression of disbelief:

"Who, who asked you this?"

She accidentally stuttered a little, feeling ashamed, so she stood up suddenly, walked to the door like sleepwalking, and walked back under Chen Ya's confused eyes.

"Then what should we do?" Gu Yuqing intertwined her hands and fingers.

Only then did Chen Ya see that her face was already flushed, literally as red as an apple.

This was the first time Chen Ya saw her panic like this.It was even the first time he saw someone blush like this with his own eyes.

"What should I do?" Chen Ya said, "I'm talking about the kind of liking as a friend. As a human being, you are my favorite, nothing else."

Gu Yuqing quickly calmed down.

"Oh. Like cats and dogs?"

"It's a little higher than liking for small animals. It's a liking for people and for people."

"Well, I like you asexually. In this sense, I like you too." Gu Yuqing's face was indifferent.

"Well, I like you too." Chen Ya nodded.

Gu Yuqing's eyes flickered, as if her heart had been shaken, and her expression was a little puzzled.

She was wondering, is Chen Ya teasing herself, or flirting with herself?
But he was serious, and there was no clue to be seen from his face, and it was completely impossible to guess what he was thinking.

Gu Yuqing said simply: "You like me, and I like you even more."

Chen Ya immediately said, "I like you more."

"It's better to say, I like you very much." Gu Yuqing said, "I like you very much."

"I like it a little deeper than you. I like it to death." Chen Ya said.

As he was talking, he wanted to laugh a little, but Gu Yuqing couldn't hold back anymore, the blood that had just been suppressed on his face rose again like the night rain in Bashan.

"Okay, okay!" Gu Yuqing clenched her fists and said, "You like it! I agree! Who can be more philandering than you? Just go if you like it!"

Chen Ya was about to think of a more powerful way to tease her, but Gu Yuqing didn't give him a chance, and went out and became a deserter.

Unexpectedly, she, who seems to have experienced many battles, is so innocent in love. Who would have thought of this?
Chen Ya lay down comfortably, and was about to take a copy of "Pedro, Paramo" from the bedside table and start reading, when suddenly there was the sound of sharpening a knife in the kitchen.

He was surprised, wasn't he?is it necessary?

He was so scared that he lost the mood to read.

When Gu Yuqing came back, she was holding a large bowl of fruit salad in her hand, made of apples and bananas, covered with white salad dressing, it looked very attractive.

Chen Ya stared at the big pot of things, and asked, "You just went to the kitchen to make this?"

"That's right." Gu Yuqing put a piece of apple in her mouth and chewed it with a "click" sound, "I'll eat it for you."

She handed the fruit bowl to Chen Ya, Chen Ya lowered his head, and a tempting fragrance wafted to the tip of his nose.

"Forget it, look at you in a daze, let me feed you."

Gu Yuqing squeezed a piece of apple directly with her hands, and brought it to his mouth: "Ah——"

Chen Ya subconsciously stretched out his mouth to take it, and Gu Yuqing naturally returned his hand, licking the salad dressing off his fingertips with his delicate tongue.

Chen Ya was shocked.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is the first time the two of them have been alone together since the last time they opened an hourly room in the rain.

Before, either in his own company or in her company, there were so many eyes and ears, and it was rare for him to have the opportunity to get along so relaxedly and comfortably.

It was also rare for him to see such a good wife and mother as Gu Yuqing.

No wonder people say that women have two faces, one for daily use and the other for lovers.

People who have only seen one of her faces will never imagine how subversive her other face is.

Looking at the smiling Gu Yuqing, Chen Ya suddenly thought:

She took so much trouble to drive everyone else away, leaving only herself and her, could it be... just to experience a relationship?

Chen Ya decided to keep this question in his heart and never ask it out.

With Gu Yuqing's character, if she didn't guess correctly, she would definitely taunt him severely, but if she guessed correctly...then she might make a big fuss, toss him hard and expose her pitiful side.


As the saying goes, three women play one show.

In the end, the show, which was caused by Chen Ya's illness, and then inexplicably went to the division of the house, ended in a relatively peaceful way.

Lu Keke and Lu Aiai lived in her villa for half a month under the arrangement of the "not generous" Gu Yuqing, and Yang Changshuo asked someone to help clean Lu Aia's original dormitory.

Later, Chen Ya heard the cleaner say that it was a scene that he "had never seen in his life, and he couldn't imagine what kind of creature lived in the house."

Hearing this description, Chen Ya felt a little shuddering.

In Lu Keke's life in the Gu family's big mansion, there was also a small episode:

She shot a short video with Gu Yuqing's villa as the background, but it was rumored that she was a hidden rich woman, and her identity on the Internet became more confusing.

However, Gu Yuqing also got hold of her because of this, and then he took her seriously.That's another story.

To Chen Ya's surprise, Gu Yuqing did not start a short but wonderful cohabitation life with Chen Ya as expected.

During Chen Ya's recuperation period, she would take time to come over to accompany Chen Ya every day, and would bring condolences made by herself every day, such as homemade aromatherapy, or love bento, and so on.

But she won't stay overnight.

Maybe she's a little more conservative than she thinks.

After only a few days of illness, Chen Ya recovered to the point where he could work remotely.

He sat on the bed and commanded remotely through his laptop for a period of time. At first, the feedback from the company made his headache aggravated, but as time went on, he became more and more familiar with the road.

This company is growing at a very fast speed, just like a newborn baby animal, after Chen Ya's initial guidance, it matures rapidly and begins to learn to run by itself.

The weather gradually became hotter, and when the heat was at its peak, Yuanmo of Beichen Company completed the final test.

In the last few days of the summer vacation, the game in which Chen Ya had bet all his chips at this stage was finally about to start its public beta.


 Thanks to the lazy fox for not being confused~
(End of this chapter)

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