Chapter 378 375. Server Opened!

The day when Yuan Mo went online was calm and sunny like yesterday, and it was no different from countless ordinary days in the past.

Qin Sulan got up on time in the morning, washed up listlessly, combed her hair, changed out of her pajamas, and put on clothes.

Then, take the subway on Line [-], sway in the crowded crowd, step on the spot to the company, and clock in for work.

Along the way, she didn't even remember that today is the public test day.

Yuanmo's development plan has a schedule. She is already working on the last two versions of the map, and the coming of the public beta has no effect on her current work plan.

On the way to work, her mind was in a state of fugue, all she could think about was the TV series she watched yesterday and the character she was drawing, and she had no perception of the public beta.

Perhaps, it wasn't that she didn't think about it, but her subconscious was avoiding it.

If she had a chance to speak freely to Chen Ya, she might tell him worriedly that to be honest, she was very worried that the public beta would collapse.

This is not an unwarranted concern.

In fact, as early as a month ago, there were already a lot of comments about Heiyuanmo on the Internet.

And after a month of fermentation, these sunspot remarks not only did not gradually fade over time, but intensified.

Now there are a group of people on the Internet, frantically looking for angles from various aspects of Heiyuanmo, some say plagiarism, some say this game is not patriotic, and some say that there is no lower limit to softness, love and charm.

It was all nonsense, but these people added more fuel to the story, and many people who didn't know the truth believed it.

Before Yuan Mo went online, the Internet was already completely black. It could be said that this game had already shown signs of violent death.

After sighing, Qin Sulan picked up her mood, stepped into the office, and walked to her desk.

"Hey, be careful!"

"One point to the left, one, two..."

At the end of the office, at the door of the boss's personal office, two male employees are trying to move a TV there. The TV is a wide-screen TV with a visual inspection of hundreds of inches, which is quite huge.

Qin Sulan stared blankly for a while, then asked Xu Zheqing who was eating snacks next to him, "What are you doing?"

"Today is the public test day, did you forget?" Xu Zheqing said, "Boss Luan said that the game data will be displayed on the public screen to create a sense of urgency for everyone."

Hearing this, Qin Sulan couldn't help shivering.

"Okay, so annoying..."

Xu Zheqing was a little surprised: "Huh? Haven't you been looking forward to the launch of the game? I see you are very proud of your map."

Qin Sulan's face was immediately covered with a shadow.

"I was really looking forward to it before, but now..."

"What's the matter now?"

Qin Sulan nodded her chin and gestured to his computer screen: "Look at what that is?"

Xu Zheqing’s computer page just opened Zhihu, a question-and-answer website, and the question on his page is:

"How do you comment on Beichen's staff's analysis that "Original Demon" is superior to "Different Rivers and Lakes: Dragon Heart" in terms of production technology and difficulty?"

"Different Rivers and Lakes: Dragon Heart" is the open world competition game of Donghuang Seven Stars. Because of the pv it released, it has a high reputation and popularity in the player circle.

On Xu Zheqing's page, there are exactly three highly praised answers:
"Ah, yes, yes, then your technically difficult team must have made a very powerful game, right? For example? "The Sheep Got a Sheep"?"

2655 likes, 576 comments.

"Many excellent games are not technically complicated. We players like "Different Rivers and Lakes" not because of its great technology, but because it has feelings and precipitation, not the kind of product that is made to make money. "

6752 likes, 237 comments.

"No, I really want to ask this Beichen employee, what is your company's level, dare to touch Donghuang Qixing here? Who gave you the confidence? Is it just your game of plagiarism and cheating? How dare you buy hot products just like this? List marketing, this attitude of disrespecting seniors alone deserves to be sprayed!"

547 likes, 78 comments.

Xu Zheqing sweated, and quickly closed the page, and said to Qin Sulan with a smirk:
"Aren't I also nervous? I just browsed Zhihu."

Qin Sulan sat down in her seat and asked, "How much is this topic on the hot list now?"

"No. 7, it was No. 7 just now, wait a minute, I'll take a look..." After a while, Xu Zheqing raised his head and whispered, "No. 4."


Qin Sulan pressed her forehead and sighed deeply.

Knowing this problem, the cause is actually this:

Earlier, when discussing the new game of Donghuang Seven Stars in an internal forum, an employee of the company said that the development difficulty of their game was actually not as good as that of Yuanmo.

For the employees of Beichen Company, this sentence is common sense.

Just looking at the pv, the game development of Donghuang Seven Stars is not very difficult, and the suspicion of fraud is obvious.

The development of Yuanmo can be called a miracle. In the era of mobile games where real-time combat can be regarded as a main selling point, this game can actually realize a seamless world with a full map on mainstream mobile phones in the market.

The generation gap between the two is as obvious as a crossbow and a machine gun. Therefore, it is not surprising that the employees of Beichen Company have such thoughts.

As a result, this word somehow got out, and it was screenshotted and spread to various forums.

As a result, this matter reached the peak of popularity overnight and was blasted by the whole network.

All this is because the common sense that ""Original Demon" is better than "Different Jianghu"" is considered common sense within Beichen, but it is not thought so among the player community.

From the player's point of view, Beichen is a little-known company, there are no games, and there are no loyal fans.

As for Donghuang Seven Stars, they are the "predecessors" in the industry, the big brother, and have countless fans.

Therefore, the remarks made by Beichen employees are malicious "touching porcelain" remarks that do not know the heights of the sky and the earth, and they just want to gain the popularity of Donghuang Seven Stars.

There are also players who picked up Beichen's previous game as "A Sheep and a Sheep". This notorious game still has an impression in many players' minds, so even the impression of Beichen is quickly ruined.

"Original Demon" has conducted three tests before, and the data of the three tests are very good, and the response from the players is also good, but the problem is that the number of places is too small, only tens of thousands.

Even if these tens of thousands of people spoke up for Beichen, they would soon be drowned in the sea of ​​scolding.

As a result, online and offline, there was a strange situation where no one spoke for Beichen, and everyone was scolding.

After this incident, the employee who caused the trouble was almost depressed.

At this juncture when the public beta is just around the corner, if something like this happens, anyone will feel tremendous pressure on them.

If this rhythm defeats "Original Demon" and affects the flow of the game, then he doesn't know how much blame he will bear.

However, the boss Chen Ya didn't seem to care about this matter at all.

His original words were, "He's not going well in life, if you like to scold him, let him scold him a few words, and we'll have some fun when the boomerang comes back later."

Although she didn't understand what he meant, but... Qin Sulan felt a little better in her heart.

Although Chen Ya seemed to be fooling around every day, as long as he was confident in something, it would always inspire other people to be confident too.

However, because of this incident, Chen Ya rectified the confidentiality agreement in the company again, and the standards became stricter.

The summary in one sentence is: employees do not go online, cannot post comments online, and cannot use personal accounts to post comments.

In reality, if someone knows you, the account can no longer post any comments, including mood space, or circle of friends, even this kind of private domain is no exception.

Because of the proofreading by the buddy in front, although the regulations were unbearably strict, everyone still complied.

Because now everyone understands that Beichen Company has become the target of public criticism. As long as you reveal your identity online, you will be greeted by others.

Preventing everyone from expressing opinions on the Internet is also protecting everyone.

Confidentiality is strictly enforced by everyone throughout the company.

Except for one person...

"Good morning!"

A familiar voice suddenly came from behind, and Xu Zheqing, who had been frowning just now, suddenly smiled playfully.

"Morning, Goddess Ayanayin!"

Qin Sulan glanced back, it was Lu Keke.

Seeing the lively Lu Keke, Qin Sulan's mood improved slightly.

Previously, she had a stereotype of Internet celebrities, and thought that Lu Keke would be a very hypocritical person who would play big names.

Unexpectedly, she got along well with everyone.

By the way, the only person who does not have to abide by the confidentiality regulations is Lu Keke.

The contract she signed was different from everyone else's. Strictly speaking, she was not a pure Beichen person. She just came to participate in the dubbing, editing and directing of a project.

Her main business is still running her own voice actor studio.

"What are you discussing? Why are all faces black?" Lu Keke asked curiously.

Xu Zheqing quickly replied: "We are talking about our game being hacked on the Internet all the time, and we are worried."

Lu Keke frowned slightly, and said: "Indeed, I have seen it too. Those people are really bored. A game that has not yet been tested publicly, how can there be so much hatred? I wish I could kill us."

"Yes." Xu Zheqing also complained.

"I'm afraid I took the money." Lu Keke rolled his eyes and said.

"Yes!" Xu Zheqing echoed.

"What's that?" Lu Keke pointed to the direction of the TV set that had just been erected.

"It's used to display our game public beta data. President Luan arranged it to increase pressure on us." Xu Zheqing gave the same answer.

That TV has been tuned up and is just about to turn on.

On the TV screen, a simple-looking form appeared.

The table has only two columns and three rows, from top to bottom:

Number of registered players.

The number of active players.

current flow.

After the public beta of the game, there are many indicators to pay attention to, but for passers-by, these three are the most important data.

The number of registered players reflects the audience of the game and the degree of promotion of the game.

The number of active players is an indicator of how many of these registered players have reached the level of active players.

Only when this indicator is reached can these registered players be considered to have been truly retained and transformed from passers-by to players.

Turnover refers to player consumption.

These three indicators, of course, the higher the better.

At the same time, the smaller the gap between the number of registered players and the number of active players, the better.

If the ratio of the two is out of balance, it means that the early game is not attractive.

If this ratio collapses, the ceiling of the game will not be high.

In addition, it also depends on the retention of the next day, the retention of the third day, and the retention of the seventh day.

Only by attracting as many players as possible to play for a long time can a game have the opportunity to convert all these players into paying users.

"What time does the public beta start?" Lu Keke asked.

"Ten o'clock."

Qin Sulan and Xu Zheqing said in unison.

Lu Keke glanced at the phone and said, "It's only 09:30 now, it's so painful, but I'm so nervous."

"Me too." Qin Sulan said.

"I want to test it quickly to see how the data is, but I'm afraid that the data will not be good." Lu Keke muttered, "It's so contradictory."

Qin Sulan and Xu Zheqing nodded.

The nature of the work of the three of them is similar, unlike that of the program team, their work has ended before the public beta.

Now, even if they wanted to help, they couldn't help.

Just like the poem said "My poem is finished".

Next, let it trigger Thunder itself.

Lu Keke clasped his hands together, closed his eyes and prayed: "God, bless our game to be a hit!"

Xu Zheqing showed a doting smile.

Lu Keke is cute in everything he does.

"Then send me a dividend of several million and make me a rich woman, please! Please bless me!" Lu Keke continued to close his eyes and pray.

"?" Xu Zheqing showed a confused expression.

At this moment, the numbers on the TV jumped.

Qin Sulan let out a suppressed scream.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Lu Keke asked quickly.

"The number has changed!" Qin Sulan shouted.

"Is it 10 o'clock?!" Lu Keke was shocked.

"No!" Qin Sulan was very nervous, "It's only 09:30!"

Obviously, the two of them were not the only ones who noticed the jumping numbers on the TV.

At this moment, the door of the office opened.

Chen Ya walked in, and Shi Chuandong followed behind him.

He clapped his hands, and almost all the employees looked at him.

"I couldn't wait just now, so our game server was launched in advance. There is no impact, everyone can work as usual."


...At this moment, facing Yuanmo's opening of the server, the employees of Beichen Company are not the only ones who are nervous.

At this time, in group chats and forums, many people are discussing the game that is about to be launched.

In front of mobile phones and computers, many people have pre-downloaded the game, and they will enter the game immediately when the server is opened.

Although the original demon's popularity is very poor, but definitely not everyone believed what those trolls said.

There are a minority of people who are in the circle, and the silent majority are always players who only want to play games.

Among those waiting, some have participated in the third test, and most of them don't care about the smear speech on the Internet.

By this time, someone had already noticed something was wrong.

"The game server has been opened in advance! I have already entered!"

"Don't lie about the military situation. You clearly said that the server will start at 10 o'clock, but it's still 09:30."

"Really! I'm already in the game! Damn, what kind of picture is this, damn it!"

"Damn it, it's true! The game server has been launched in advance!"

Yuanmo officially opened its server at 26:[-] am on this day.

(End of this chapter)

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