High registration does not mean high activity, and high activity does not mean that you can make money.

The game is very metaphysical. Sometimes all the elements are complete, but it is not fun. This is also the case.

And at this stage, what games can survive?It's the kind of legendary page game, but those who have a krypton gold system can live a good life.

Xu Zheqing has played his own game many times, and he knows very well how anti-human the krypton gold system in the game is.

At this time, Mr. Gou is still happily playing on the Tivat continent.

"Brothers, look at this trick I learned, I am invincible!"

Teacher Gou enthusiastically manipulated the elemental combat skills he had just learned, and used the wind ball to attract the surrounding slimes.

The poor slime struggled to escape, but to no avail, and finally died tragically under the little yellow hair's Wufeng sword.

After defeating a few slimes, Teacher Gou felt great joy.

Previously, he didn't care about the guidance of the villain (who seemed to be called Paimon) at all, and wandered all over the map by himself, but was beaten by a flower.

That one is as tall as three people, and it can spray ice, and when its head is hit, most of the blood will be drawn, which is super scary.Teacher Gou suspected that what he saw was a future boss.

After he had a goal, he was keen to fight monsters and upgrade everywhere. At first, he could only chop and chop with a sword. Later, he learned combat skills by touching the statue of a god, and finally evolved from a primitive person to a primitive god.

And the number of viewers in his live broadcast room is also gradually increasing, and there are more and more bullet screens, and they don't even see it.

[Just here, what game is this? 】

[Seeking the name of the game, tell me if there is a big one!Ask for the name of the game, thank you! 】

[What kind of game is this?Why is there a Chinese dubbing? 】

[The previous one, because this is a Chinese game. 】

... Mr. Gou didn't have time to answer these barrages at all, he was still immersed in the excitement of just getting in touch with the open world.

"What is this?" Teacher Gou saw an object floating in the air, and ran over excitedly. A message popped up on the screen, but he accidentally turned it off.

The floating spirit in the air (named by himself) floated slowly, and he followed behind it for a long time, and finally opened a treasure chest.

With a crash, a lot of things exploded on the ground, and he only opened the backpack after he got it all in his pocket.

There were more than a dozen experience books in the backpack, and after he poured them all on the little yellow hair he controlled, his level reached level 12 in an instant.

"I rely on the brothers, so this game has experience books! I said how can I have so little experience in fighting monsters, so why did I work so hard just now!"

The live broadcast room suddenly burst into laughter.

After leveling up, Mr. Gou felt invincible in an instant. He had to break the monster that had been going back and forth just now, but now he broke it with a single sword.

However, he also had doubts: there are experience books in this game that can be upgraded, so wouldn't he be promoted to the top level soon?
So what should we play next?

Where is the krypton gold point?

Is it like "Warcraft", the top is the beginning?Need to be promoted to join a guild to play raids?

This doubt lasted until Teacher Gou harvested the first controllable character and was able to draw cards, and then slowly solved it.

Mr. Gou stared at the drawing card interface, opening and closing it for a while, and after a long silence, he suddenly said:
"Brothers, I suddenly discovered that the mall system of this game is so deeply hidden."

There are probably two modes in the current game krypton gold, one is the Hubei factory mode, and the other is the bead factory mode.

The E Factory model is a typical event, with various paid message pop-ups.

As soon as you open the game, seventeen or eighteen pop-up windows will pop up in your face, and it will take several minutes to click the fork to close it.

At first glance, those pop-up windows are all kinds of benefits, but after playing for a long time, you will find that it is just a more euphemistic krypton gold system.

This mode is like a charter woman urging you to pay the fee. After playing for a long time, it will make people feel particularly disgusting.The representative is "Glory of Heroes" under E Factory.

Disgusting is disgusting, but this kind of game is really good.In the game of E Factory, the gameplay is second to none, it is more of a social prop.

After having a stable network of contacts in the game, the user viscosity will become quite good, and there is no need to worry about disgusting users.

Another model is the bead factory model.This mode needs to be restrained a lot, and there won't be so many startup pop-up windows to embarrass your face.

But there are also pop-up windows, such as daily gift packs, weekly gift packs, monthly gift packs, first charge benefits, accumulative charge rewards, vip levels...

But the above, this game seems to have none of them.

Mr. Gou entered the game mall, observed carefully, and found that this game was really made with heart and krypton gold with his feet.

There are no first-time deposit benefits, no accumulated deposit rewards, no deposit rebates, VIP levels... none of it!
In terms of krypton gold, there is only a very simple recharge. Apart from the monthly card and a thing similar to a battle order, the gift package is just some resources, and it is quite stingy.

After studying the mall for a while, Teacher Gou said:
"Brothers, sooner or later you have to recharge, why don't I charge first, so that I can be one step ahead of others."

After speaking, he opened the mobile phone payment software, called everyone by name, and double charged all the first charges.

Teacher Gou is actually not such a rich man, nor is he stupid.On the contrary, he is quite shrewd.

As a game anchor, if you want the content of the game to be interesting, you must charge more than the average player.

If he plays the same as the majority of players, why don't players play it themselves?

So after he can recharge, he recharges immediately.

Sure enough, his move set off another barrage of bullet screens, and the live broadcast became even more popular.

After recharging, Mr. Gou bought the monthly card and the thing similar to the battle order, and then bought all the gift bags in the mall.

After buying, he took a closer look at the contents of the gift bag.

"Wait, this... a bad buy!"

Teacher Gou was shocked to find out that he had been fooled.

The resources given by these gift packs in the game are converted into physical strength, so it is better to buy physical strength directly.

He is set according to the experience of other games.For other games, the content of the gift pack is generally more affordable. It is more cost-effective to spend energy after buying the gift pack.

It turns out that this game is so upside down!The content of the gift package is not as good as buying stamina directly!

After Mr. Gou calculated these for the audience, he felt more and more that he was a pure innocent, and the bullet screen was full of laughter.

"Since buying gift bags is not as good as buying physical strength, then I have to buy physical strength now." Teacher Gou said.

The barrage that was full of joy and laughter just now suddenly came with a bunch of question marks.

The more Mr. Gou played, the more he felt that the krypton logic of this game was really different from other games.

Generally, games use the minimum amount of first charge benefits, such as 1 yuan and 6 yuan, to lure players to spend a little money first.

Everyone has a broken window effect.At the beginning, I always thought about not charging, but once I charged, the evil little hands who charged money couldn't stop.

Game manufacturers will also make good use of this, first hook you in with small money, and then gradually increase the recharge amount, so that players will fall into the quagmire of krypton gold.

The first charge benefits generally give away a lot of resources that are visible to the naked eye, and it is very cost-effective at a glance.

Then there is the gift pack, which is discounted every day. It is so cheap. If you buy it, you will be better than other players. Do you want to buy it?
After buying the gift bag, there will be a cumulative recharge. Since you have already recharged 80, it is better to spend another 20 to add up to a hundred yuan.

Since all the accumulated money has been spent, why not add another 30 and become a VIP?What a face it looks!
... On the surface, game manufacturers have been discounting and giving up profits, and the manufacturers are losing money.

But in fact, shrewd planning has already calculated everything.

First charge benefits?No, those resources are originally the game resources that players should obtain during normal play.

If you want to play comfortably, you need those resources, and those resources should be built into the copy.

Otherwise, the player will feel that the character is not strong enough and it will be uncomfortable to play.

It's just that the manufacturers packaged these resources and changed them into "first charge benefits" before selling them to players.

A conscientious manufacturer will put a skin or something in it.

To put it bluntly, the progress of the player is directly through the physical strength and resource card, and there is no game at all without the first charge.

Therefore, free games look free, but are actually more expensive than paid games.

But the above games are all reversed in Beichen's "Original Demon".

A careful study of the krypton gold system in this game will reveal that—except for the monthly card and the thing similar to the battle order, the other krypton gold items are useless.

The first charge of double the money is enough for a year's monthly card and battle order, and the gift packs are bought only for the unjust, and for other krypton gold items, it is better to charge more than to charge less, and not to charge more than to charge too much.

There is no first charge reward, why charge 6 yuan?

If you recharge more, you will get more rebates, why not recharge 648 directly?

Why charge 648 and have no place to spend it?Better to play for free.

Thinking of this, Teacher Gou really started to worry about the future of this game.

Although this krypton gold system stimulated his rebellious psychology, not all players are professional game anchors like him!

Can this company really survive?
Of course, Teacher Gou has not yet felt the power of the limited card pool.


Just like Teacher Gou, at this time, in Cai Zhenyi's studio, there was also a group of people watching the staff playing "Original Demon".

But unlike Teacher Gou's laughter and laughter, everyone here is very serious.

And it's getting more and more serious.

They were shocked by the quality of the game so far.

If there is a technological ceiling in the current mobile game market, then "Original Demon" has pierced this ceiling.

And it sticks out a lot, the part that sticks out is too high, and the top can't be seen anywhere.

Cai Zhenyi's expression became more and more ugly.

The game he has in hand now has a demo, and he has conducted a test.

Players in the first test have a good reputation.

But that was before "Original Demon" came out.

He has already planned his own game boldly, but the quality of "Original Demon" is stronger than his own ideal plan.

This level of quality, not to mention that his game hasn't come out yet, even if it comes out, it will still be killed in terms of quality.

It's not that the open world is difficult.

In the open world, they can also do it. They can also make apples all over the ground, wild boars can be killed, and herbs can be picked.

The difficulty is fluency.

The employees who play the game have tried their best to test the limits of the game, but so far, the game has not experienced the slightest lag or crash.

Not even molded.

And this game has only been developed for half a year in total.The speed is unmatched by all other manufacturers.

Thinking of this, Cai Zhenyi suddenly felt his back was sticky. It turned out that the cold sweat stuck his clothes to his body.

In front of the employees, he didn't show it on the surface, but his heart was trembling all the time.

Before, he was full of self-confidence, thinking that with his own ability, it would be easy to crush a Chen Ya who came out of nowhere.

But this game was like a loud slap in the face, slapped hard on his face.

The technology of this game, let alone his studio.

Even if the entire team of Donghuang Seven Stars were brought over, it would not be enough for them to fight.

"Mr. Cai, Mr. Cai... Mr. Cai?"

The secretary called several times before awakening Cai Zhenyi from his contemplation.

"What's wrong?" He looked up at the secretary, his eyes were cold, which made the secretary feel very nervous.

"Mr. Cai, just now we discussed that the krypton gold in this game is very poor. Do you want to let the navy make a fuss about this point?"

Cai Zhenyi looked at him: "Specifically?"

The secretary quickly said: "That is to say, his krypton gold system only has ordinary gears, and there is no rebate. We can say that it is too cheap to recharge and it is not worthwhile."

Cai Zhenyi thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay, we need to arrange the script carefully. During this period of time, find a few more black spots. We must press them at the beginning of the game's server launch, so as to buy time for our game."

The secretary nodded repeatedly.

Cai Zhenyi's game has not reached the point where it can be released, and it will take at least half a year.

During this period, if "Original Demon" is made bigger and takes away the market, they will have to eat what is left.

Therefore, it is very necessary to completely press "Original Demon" to death before it is up.

An employee next to him smiled and said: "Mr. Cai, their company has no experience in publicity and distribution. Up to now, there is no troll to maintain their reputation on the Internet. I think this game is going to die suddenly."

"It doesn't have to be inexperience, it's more than likely they don't have the money," said another employee.

Looking at their optimism, Cai Zhenyi inexplicably felt a little irritable.

However, what the employee said just now reminded him.

"Yes, they have no funds now, and they are going to be killed during the server opening stage, causing their team to create a vicious circle."

For mobile games, the turnover of server opening is the ceiling of life cycle turnover.

Games that have been in operation for a long time are fine. For those games with a short lifespan, the server opening turnover can account for more than half of the life cycle turnover.

If you press the game to death after opening the server, generally speaking, that game will come to an end.

In order to achieve this, Cai Zhenyi felt that he could add another sum to the navy's funding.

After finishing speaking, Cai Zhenyi's expression became slightly better: "If you're lucky, it's not impossible for them to lose the game within half a year."

The surrounding employees were immediately excited after hearing this.

Only the employee who tried the game was silent, and his hands never stopped.

He's been trying to climb trees, jump, and punch slimes.


At 11:10, based on the server opening at [-]:[-], it has been an hour since the server opening of "Original Demon", and the actual server opening time was even longer.

Gu Yuqing was sitting in Chen Ya's office, playing with her fingers nervously.

"How much is the running water?" Gu Yuqing asked.

Chen Ya sat on the chair with a calm expression. He stared at the screen for a long time before slowly saying, "50."

Gu Yuqing was a little disappointed.

In her opinion, 50 is a very small number.

I don't know if the turnover of 50 per hour is more or less.

"Is there a lot of water here?" Gu Yuqing asked.

"70." Chen Ya said again.

Gu Yuqing's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said, "Huh? Did you raise 20 so quickly?"

"U.S. dollar." Chen Ya said again.


Chen Ya smiled and explained: "The one behind is from overseas."

"Ah?" Gu Yuqing said. Unexpectedly, the overseas turnover is actually higher than the domestic turnover.

"This running water, in other games, can be said to be a sudden death." Chen Ya said.

After finishing speaking, he added: "However, our game will not be considered to be effective until the first version is updated." (End of this chapter)

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