After hearing this, Gu Yuqing said in disbelief, "Then you have no funds in your account now, and if you want the funds back, do you have to wait until next month?"

Chen Ya still looked as steady as an old dog, staring at the screen and said:
"Not urgent."

"I beg you to hurry up!"

Gu Yuqing really didn't know why Chen Ya was not in a hurry, anyway, she was already in a hurry.

On the surface, Gu Yuqing can still talk and laugh happily here, but in fact, she has already half-stepped on the edge of the cliff.

The other foot is completely in the air.

She devoted all of her half-life struggle to Chen Ya, and it could be said that she was already in deep trouble.

Now the survival of this game has kidnapped her in turn, and she can't stay focused.

On the surface, Gu Yuqing seems to be the daughter of the Gu family, who is at the helm of Gaoshan Capital.

But this is only based on her smooth journey.

Once she stumbles here, not only will her ten years of struggle go to waste, but she will have to start all over again, and the relationship between her investor and investee, Chen Ya, will also be teased out for gossip.

Her stepmother looked at her coldly, waiting to see her defeat.

It can be said that this is the first and possibly the last gamble in her life, and the bet of this gamble is all on this "Original Demon".

"The [-] effect of the mobile game is so obvious now, we only look at the first month's data. By the next month, the day lily will be cold." Gu Yuqing frowned and thought for a long time, then suddenly pulled Chen Ya and said, "How about we add a little more money to buy volume?"

Chen Ya spread his hands together: "There is no more money."

"I'll give you money." Gu Yuqing gritted her teeth and said, "If I squeeze, I can still have tens of millions."

Hearing the squeeze, Chen Ya subconsciously glanced at Gu Yuqing's chest.

"What time is it, can you be more serious!"

"I haven't said anything yet."

Chen Ya said: "It's not necessary to spend money to buy more. If you really want to give money, you can transfer it to my account, but at that time, I may only repay you with a promise of my body."

Gu Yuqing gritted her teeth lightly and said: "I'm afraid it's not enough for you to promise one, at least ten."

"Okay, okay." Chen Ya was perfunctory.

Looking at the data in the background, he said slowly:

"Don't worry, we didn't make krypton points in the early stage of the game, and the data in the first hour can't explain anything."

"Not in a hurry, the Pearl Factory outside the E factory, but they are desperately buying navy black, not in a hurry!"

"As long as they can't hack the idea, they are sending us traffic." Chen Ya said, "In short, there is no rush."


E factory, Zhang Weiqiang studio.

Zhang Weiqiang, who is sitting in the office with panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows, holds coffee and rests his legs on the coffee table.

He has always had such a big style, and the employees are used to it. It is a euphemistic name, and he is used to being loose in the United States and does not want to change.

The reason for the abnormal bugs in their game development process has not been found out until now, but he believes that he should focus on the overall situation, put forward various opinions for each team, and have suggestions for improvement every day.

Some employees complained about his management style, but there was nothing they could do about it.

E Factory has given him full trust, and the entire studio is under his management. He can be said to be treated like a star producer.

In the whole project, Zhang Weiqiang insisted on one thing and took full responsibility, emphasizing that there is no doubt in the employment.

"Is "Original Demon" ready?" Zhang Weiqiang asked the staff beside him slowly.

"Mr. Zhang, it's almost time, the last 5%, just update it." The employee replied.

Today is the public beta day of "Original Demon".Compared with Cai Zhenyi's studio, Zhang Weiqiang's mentality is less tense and much more relaxed.

Even though they were all similar games, Cai Zhenyi's game had definitely met Chen Ya's schedule.

The National Day is over after the summer vacation, and Cai Zhenyi must be planning to launch the National Day file. When the two families collide, it will definitely be a thunderous fire.

But these have nothing to do with Zhang Weiqiang.With his back to the E factory, he didn't panic, let's fight on both sides, it's best to kill both, it has nothing to do with him.

He's still early in the game.

But after all, it is the same kind of game, it is still very important to look at the works of the peers.Therefore, he asked his employees to help him download "Original Demon" on his mobile phone, so that he could have fun.

The employee finally finished the update and handed over the phone.

Zhang Weiqiang took the phone, and after waiting for a while, the game showed that he could enter.

After entering the game, Zhang Weiqiang pouted when he saw the big Uni logo:

"What year is it, and the Uni engine is still used."

The employee next to him asked in surprise: "Are they still using the Uni engine?"

Zhang Weiqiang said: "Isn't it? Although I already knew it, I want to complain once I read it."

He knew that Chen Ya was using the Uni engine from where he bought it from the ghost before, so he already knew it.

"It's almost the age of Fantasy 5, and they are still using Uni. This company must have no development experience, right?"

Zhang Weiqiang curled his lips and said, "How can a grass-roots team that has just started have any experience?"

The employee smiled and said, "That's true."

It is not to say that the Uni engine is not good. It is used in the two-dimensional painting style of "Original Demon", and the picture quality effect will not be worse than that of the fantasy series.

But because this kind of engine is too "noob", it always gives people a feeling of wanting to complain.

However, thinking of the renderings sent by the inner ghost, Zhang Weiqiang can feel relieved.

After all, it's just a game made by the grassroots team, and Uni is enough.

Zhang Weiqiang entered the game after reading the text on his phone.

At first, he was able to play with ease, but after playing for about ten minutes, his expression became more and more serious.

This... is different from what the inner ghost said!

The more Zhang Weiqiang played, the more he felt something was wrong. The ghost sent him a pheasant, but he got a giant Tyrannosaurus rex from the Cretaceous period!

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?" the staff next to him asked cautiously.

While operating the character, Zhang Weiqiang said, "It's not right, it's not right, something is very wrong, how could this happen?"

The employee next to him said: "What's wrong? Mr. Zhang, is this game very strong?"

Zhang Weiqiang opened his mouth, but was speechless for a while.

As for the inner ghost, although many people in the company vaguely knew that he had an insider in Beichen Company.

But he was always embarrassed to say in front of the employees, "Why is this different from what the ghost said, the fuck I was tricked", right?

Doesn't that make you look stupid?

He could only swallow his anger and said: "It's not very strong, I talked to their boss before, and the finished game is better than I imagined..."

The employee asked innocently: "Is it a bit unexpected?"

Zhang Weiqiang nodded: "No, it's okay, it's... a little bit unexpected... Damn it!"

He let out an exclamation, startling the staff.

He had just entered a new area when he saw a dragon fly overhead.

For a while, he was a little dazed.

What kind of trick is this?What kind of tactics is this?
How come no one told me before?Is Beichen so awesome?

He didn't know if the dragon was set to fly over at this time, or it was originally part of the entire open world ecology.

If it's the latter, what's the deal?

This kind of thing is listening to thunder in a silent place. Ordinary players may feel shocked when they see this scene, or they may not notice it at all, and they will feel inexplicable.

But as a veteran who has worked abroad for so many years, he certainly knows how difficult it is to achieve this.

If it was his own studio, and he ordered it to go down to achieve the same thing, then the employees would probably fight.

How could the grass-roots team do what he couldn't even do himself?

He suddenly turned his head and asked, "Did the technical director at Beichen be recruited from abroad?"

The employee next to him was dumbfounded by the question: "No, haven't you heard of it?"

"I don't believe there are such big hands in China."

"Maybe...maybe it's from abroad, but I haven't heard that there are important personnel changes in foreign factories this year? Maybe I missed it?"

The employees were so asked that they quickly turned on their mobile phones and began to reverse search for news.

Zhang Weiqiang felt a little jealous.

I rejected Beichen's job before because I thought the treatment was not good.His current mentality is as if his ex-girlfriend rejected him and found a better one.

It's a little sour.

When the staff next to me were searching for news, they swiped and had fun and said:
"Mr. Zhang, "Original Demon" is being sprayed on the Internet now, even playing "Original Demon" to betray the country."

When Zhang Weiqiang heard this, he was so frightened that he quickly turned off his phone.

He also turned on social media and started searching for "Original Demon". After searching, it was true, it was all black.

"Maybe it's all operated by Zhuchang and Donghuang Seven Stars. A new game, how can there be such a big hatred?" Zhang Weiqiang said.

"The due date of their game is coming soon, and they are the most anxious. They wish to press Beichen to death."

The employee next to him asked: "Then, Mr. Zhang, should we also join the battle and beat the dog in the water? We are also the same kind of game."

"No need." Zhang Weiqiang waved his hand, "Our game is still early, if we make a move at this time, it will be a waste of money."

After a pause, he said again: "Besides, I didn't buy much of "Original Demon". Isn't it a big deal to get so many trolls to go to hackers at once? Instead, it heated them up."

The employee was taken aback, and said, "It seems to be the same."


If possible, Gu Yuqing would like to sit in Chen Ya's office all day, monitoring the server opening situation all the time.

However, she has been on leave for several days in a row, and it is really unreasonable to be absent from work every day for no reason. In the afternoon, she honestly put on makeup and went to work at Gaoshan Capital.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at class, he ran into Gu Zongyan.

"Uh... Dad, why are you here?"

Being caught late by Gu Zongyan on the spot, Gu Yuqing was a little embarrassed, but Gu Zongyan didn't say anything about her.

"My own company, can I take a look at it?"

Gu Yuqing squeezed out a smirk and said, "Look, how long do you want to watch?"

"Hmph." Gu Zongyan said coldly, and went into the room first.

Gu Yuqing followed obediently, feeling uneasy.

Today is a special day, "Original Demon" is on the server, the old man won't hear any rumors, right?
Now is the moment when life and death are unknown. If he came to make things difficult for her, such as giving her another bet, she really didn't know how to take it.

She remained in this uneasy state and followed Gu Zongyan into the office. Gu Zongyan sat down with a slightly calm expression, but chatted with her about homework.

Now Gu Yuqing was even more confused about what he wanted to do.

Gu Zongyan kept talking about "family love", "filial piety", or "disciple rules" and "children's obligations", which made Gu Yuqing a little confused.

After a long time, she finally couldn't help it anymore, and asked, "Don't go around, I understand, just tell me, what do you want?"

Gu Zongyan's already gentle expression became stiff again, and said:

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight. In one month, it will be your sister's coming-of-age ceremony. You must attend it."

Hearing this request, which was far from what she had expected, Gu Yuqing was momentarily taken aback.

"That's it?"

"What do you mean?" Gu Zongyan was slightly annoyed when he heard this, "This is your sister's coming-of-age ceremony. I just talked about filial piety for so long, didn't you listen to it at all..."

Gu Yuqing said: "When I was an adult, I never heard of any coming-of-age ceremony?"

This sentence silenced Gu Zongyan.

Looking at Gu Zongyan's expression, it seemed that there was a bit of guilt in the pain, which made Gu Yuqing a little embarrassed.

In fact, she didn't care much about the coming-of-age ceremony. In her opinion, it was just a bunch of people in a small circle hugging each other and wasting her precious time and life.

She just said that casually, but she didn't expect that it really aroused Gu Zongyan's guilt, and began to reflect on the fact that her bowl of water was not level.

After a while, Gu Zongyan finally got a good mood and said:
"Yuqing, it's not that I don't value you. You have to know that I was busy in the early years. For this kind of..."

"All right, all right, I don't care." Gu Yuqing interrupted him impatiently.

But it's all just throwing the blame away, but Gu Yuqing's attitude really won't be so bad if Gu Zongyan sincerely comforts her.

"Gu Chengxi invited me before, and I have promised her that she will go." Gu Yuqing frowned and continued.

Hearing this, Gu Zongyan became happy again.

"That's good. You have to know that your sister actually cares about you."

Gu Yuqing was noncommittal.

The trouble is, to participate in her coming-of-age ceremony with many broken rules, do you have to invite a dance partner?
After Gu Zongyan left, Gu Yuqing planned to quickly call Chen Ya to ask how the game flow was going.

At this moment, the phone screen lit up, seeing the name of the caller, Gu Yuqing's face suddenly darkened.

She walked to the door of the office, locked the door, and double-checked it carefully before answering the phone.

"Hello? Mom."

"It's me. . . . I know."


After hanging up the phone, Gu Yuqing felt a little uneasy.

The hemp rope is always picky and broken, the busier you are, the more things you can't push away.

After tidying up her makeup, Gu Yuqing drove to the place where she made an appointment to meet her mother.

The so-called mother is not the one Gu Zongyan newly married.That person, Gu Yuqing has never only called her aunt, never called her "mother".

And the one who was going to meet Gu Yuqing was her biological mother.

Gu Yuqing's biological mother was the same as Gu Yuqing, with a delicate face and a lingering aura of Yujie in her expression.

But the difference is that Gu's mother is old, and has obviously been injured by alcohol, and her skin condition is very aging. It can only be seen that she has a beautiful background, which is far worse than Gu Yuqing.

After talking with my mother for a while, I found that she had nothing important to do, but she was just thinking about her daughter, and she was thinking about it terribly, so she kept pulling her and nagging her until six o'clock in the evening.

If it drags on, Beichen will be off work. After Gu Yuqing said goodbye several times, but was ignored by her mother, she finally couldn't take it anymore and stood up with her bag:

"Mom, I really have to go."

Gu's mother suddenly grabbed Gu Yuqing's hand very hard, which startled Gu Yuqing.

"You haven't forgotten that day, have you?"

Gu Yuqing was in doubt for a moment, and asked, "Which day?"

The expression on Mother Gu's face suddenly became a little crazy:
"The day I pulled you to stand on the roof, I asked you if you were afraid. Do you remember?"

Gu Yuqing seemed to have suddenly returned to her teenage adolescence.

"If it were you now, you would still tell your mother, aren't you afraid?"

Gu Yuqing stayed where she was, without saying a word for a long time.

The two stalemate for a long time, and Gu's mother finally let go of her eagle-claw-like hand and reached out to stroke her head.

"Scared you? It's okay, mom just wants to remind you, don't forget your hatred at the beginning."

Gu Yuqing's throat rolled, and after a while, she nodded blankly.



Gu Yuqing turned around, took out the keys, and walked to her car.

On the way, the thoughts in her mind were one after another, and she was messed up by her mother's words just now.

As the saying goes, if you have a stepmother, you have a stepfather.Gu Zongyan is not the kind of person who can avoid vulgarity.

Gu Yuqing was able to maintain her status until today, her birth mother contributed a lot, or in other words, the shocking jump that might have happened back then was also a credit.

In the thousands of days and nights before, Gu Yuqing never doubted that she was still the same as the adolescent girl back then, full of fierceness, as long as her mother said a word, she would dare to jump off the stairs.

However, when her mother asked herself that question just now, she hesitated.

She couldn't tell whether she was corrupted physically and mentally by the current good life, or whether she had gradually reconciled with the world after she got older.

What scares her the most is when she thinks of herself standing on the top of the building, the figure that pops up in her mind...

It's Chen Ya.


At seven o'clock in the evening, Gu Yuqing finally rushed back to Beichen Company.

Because she was worried, she didn't call Chen Ya.As a result, I feel even more anxious now.

According to the company culture of Beichen Company in the past, at this point, the employees of the company had already left work.

But based on Gu Yuqing's understanding of Chen Ya, that person should still be in the company.

Taking the elevator upstairs and walking into the office area, Gu Yuqing was surprised to find that Beichen Company was full of employees tonight for the first time.

And it seems that everyone is very excited?
Gu Yuqing walked towards Chen Ya's office in a daze. The big screen at the door was already full of people, chirping, and she couldn't hear what they were saying at all.

She glanced at the numbers on the screen, there were so many numbers, so many single digits, it was hard to count.

At this time, Gu Yuqing already had a premonition in her heart.Good feeling.

Pushing open the door of Chen Ya's office, seeing Chen Ya still sitting firmly behind the desk, Gu Yuqing asked loudly:
"How much water? How much water?!"

The hall, which was still very noisy, suddenly became quiet.

The employees all stood behind them, looking at them with their mouths wide open.

Chen Ya stood up, straightened his clothes in an orderly manner, then walked towards her slowly, and said:
"As I said, it will take a month for the real effort to be made."

Gu Yuqing felt her mouth was a little dry: "I don't care! Tell me how much water is flowing now!"

When she asked Chen Ya to help her put on her shoes, her tone was not so tough.

Chen Ya had no choice but to answer: "Currently it is 500 million...US dollars."

Gu Yuqing's brain was a little bit down, and she couldn't calculate it after a long time in her brain.

"Huh? Fifteen... dollars? . . . "

At this time, Lu Keke stood behind Gu Yuqing, clenched his fists and said loudly:
"Sister Yuqing, don't pay attention to him! He's yelling over there! It's more than 1 million!"

"Converted into RMB, it is more than one billion!" (End of this chapter)

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