Chapter 382

"One hundred million..."

Gu Yuqing went through this number in her mind in a daze.

As the helm of Gaoshan Capital, she has handled too many kinds of annual profits and net income, and she has lost her sensitivity to big numbers, and she has no idea about this number for a while.

Looking at Chen Ya, who was called "squeaky", there was no trace of snarky expression on his face, but a sincere one, as if he really thought that a hundred million was nothing special.

Suddenly, emotion preceded reason, and the tide rose violently. In an instant, Chen Ya's vision became blurred.

In the next second, her whole body bumped into Chen Ya's arms firmly.

"Hoo hoo..."

Gu Yuqing made an indistinguishable sound, and hugged Chen Ya's chest firmly, as if she wanted to vent all the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time just now.

The sudden release of pressure drained her strength like a high-intensity exercise. Now her legs and feet are weak, and it is difficult for her to stand still.

"Back to the original!!!" Gu Yuqing yelled loudly as she wiped all the snot and tears on his chest regardless of her appearance.

[-] million a day, strictly speaking, she didn't even count as repayment.

But if this trend continues, the payback will definitely be a certainty, and it will even make a lot of money!

Chen Ya was at a loss at first, but in the end he patted Gu Yuqing's shoulder lightly and kept saying:

"Good good..."

Seeing this scene, the employees dispersed with great interest and went back to their workstations.

Smart people know that do not see evil, do not listen evil, not to mention that most of these employees belong to the "Chen Ya Gu Yuqing Squad"?Several almost passed out on the spot.

In the end, only Lu Keke stood there with mixed feelings, and said silently in his heart:
"Sister, we really want to support you, but this pair is too tightly welded, and we can't break it apart, so we can only silently send you our best wishes in our hearts, Aimen."

After reading silently in her heart, she closed the office door for the two of them with her backhand.

After closing the door and being cut off, Gu Yuqing realized that she had lost her composure, pushed Chen Ya away, and turned her back to fix her crying eye makeup.

Chen Ya was in a hurry, and scolded Lu Keke in his heart. It was obviously nothing, but it seemed that there was something wrong with closing the door, so he hurriedly opened the door and rushed out.

"Art team, quickly publish a congratulatory picture with more than 5 million downloads, and send it to the marketing team!"

Qin Sulan nodded again and again, and said, "Alright Mr. Chen, is there anything else? You should go to bed early if there is nothing else to do."

Chen Ya didn't answer, turned his head and said to the other side, "Don't let the operation team relax! Temporary victory doesn't mean anything. What really determines success or failure is the long-term lifespan of the game!"

The operation team leader said: "Okay Mr. Chen, go and rest with Mr. Gu, we're fine here."

Several people nearby also said, "Yes, go back with Mr. Gu."

Chen Ya was speechless for a while, and he didn't know what to say.

Moreover, after counting the time, he really should go back now.

Since he fell ill last time, Gu Yuqing made a strict schedule for him, as long as he didn't come home by 8 pm, Lu Aia would call to report.

Chen Ya gave a few more instructions, and had no choice but to walk out of the office in full view.Gu Yuqing followed him.

This was the first time that he felt that he hadn't suppressed the people in the company.

The two walked one after the other, and Gu Yuqing watched the whole process, giggling behind her back.

Chen Ya turned around: "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing?" Gu Yuqing showed him an innocent and cute expression, then giggled.

"Aren't I being held back?" Chen Ya said belatedly, "Obviously I didn't do anything, and I don't know what gossip will be gossiped by those employees tomorrow."

Gu Yuqing laughed even more happily, and Chen Ya said, "What are you laughing at? You were also gossiped!"

"I don't know, anyway, I'm very happy to see you deflated!"

Gu Yuqing smiled, it had been a long time since she smiled at others so unreservedly.

Chen Ya was stunned for a moment.

Gu Yuqing, who smiles sweetly, is really very...



At 8 o'clock in the evening, Mr. Gou was still broadcasting live.

Today, he has been live broadcasting for 10 hours straight, and he is already a little out of shape, and his voice is almost speechless.

As the anchor of the small game area, it was the first time he had broadcast a content game immersively for so long.

Within 10 hours today, he not only completed all the plots that can be completed at the current level, but also defeated all the monsters that can be seen on the map, and even almost collected Qi Fengshen Tong.

At present, all the main characters on hand have been upgraded to level 50, and he has also drawn a 5-star character with a red giant sword, rattling around on the big map.

At this stage of the game, among all the players who opened the server, he should be considered the most progressed group.

He stretched, ordered a takeaway, and glanced at the live broadcast room.

Full screen popup.The number of people online at the same time is 5, exceeding his previous peak.

He is a morning anchor, and several major anchors are out at 8 o'clock in the evening. He has never broadcast live at this time before, and he dare not expect to get traffic.

Unexpectedly, there are so many viewers watching him at this time today, and the popularity of "Original Demon" really surprised him a little.

Among the many barrages, he saw a barrage: "Teacher Gou, do you think this game is fun?"

After he read this barrage, his eyes lit up and said:

"Is this game fun? I've been playing it live for 10 hours from the start of the server to now. You ask me if it's fun?"

After a pause, he said again: "Strictly speaking, I have played many games, including the GTA series, the "Middle Age Scrolls" series, and the "Zelda" series. I have played many games."

"Compared with these games, I think I can still feel that there is a gap in all aspects of this game."

"Damn it, I feel a little shameless for saying this now. How could any domestic game dare to compare with these games before? I think it can explain a little bit of the problem."

"Also, but, I still want to say but, everyone should pay attention to one problem! This game, damn it, it's a mobile game!"

"They can make this game playable on mobile phones, and it seems that it will be operated for a long time. I think this is awesome!"

"So, I feel that this game is a bit strong, and I can still play it. Even if it supports domestic production, I should still play this game for a long time."

When he first came into contact with this game, he opened it with the mentality of trying it out.

This company can be regarded as an old acquaintance of his. After all, "The Sheep Got a Sheep", the fear of being dominated at the beginning is still vivid in his memory, and he doesn't expect anything from this company.

If "The Sheep Is a Sheep" is like gutter oil and spicy noodles, "Original Demon" can be a well-regulated home-cooked dish.

Unexpectedly, what this company served was a serious meal far beyond his imagination. The table was full of Chinese and Western meat and vegetables, with fat and thin dishes, and a beautiful girl waiter stood beside him to help pour red wine.

So unexpected.

You know, domestic games, before, were simply synonymous with not being mentioned.

Due to historical reasons, the development of domestic games has not been very good. Most manufacturers are unable to make good games. The game industry can be said to be monopolized by developed countries.

And the Pearl Factory and Hubei Factory, which are capable of making good games, are all stingy, eager to drain every drop of oil and water from the players. No matter how good the word-of-mouth is at the beginning, the operation will become a mess in the end.

It can be said that domestic players have "suffered from not having a good game for a long time", and they can't wait to grab the straw and become a boat.

Even the games produced by small studios such as "Taiyi Picture Scroll" and "Shenshan Liuhe" are held by players as treasures, creating myths of purchasing power one after another.

Mr. Gou is an old gamer. He started playing 4396 web games when he was a child, and later came into contact with various pirated 3A masterpieces. His game experience is quite a lot.

Later, when he became a game anchor, playing games became a job, and he gradually suffered from "electronic impotence", and his excitement threshold for games became higher and higher.

It is difficult for ordinary games to arouse his enthusiasm.

And this time "Original Demon" started playing, he actually played for 10 hours at a stretch and still enjoyed it.

His confidence in domestic games, together with "Electronic Heroes", was inspired by this game.

At first, I thought my opinion was very pertinent, but I didn't expect that just after he finished speaking, the barrage became noisy.

Teacher Gou was a little confused, he didn't understand what's so noisy about it.

Feeling that the momentum was not good, he quickly changed the topic and said:
"Brothers, I'm going to look at the next map, it seems to be called... Liyue, right?"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the information in the game and said:

"Liyue, Monde, why don't these two names have the same style, are they not from the same country?"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the bullet screen, and realized that he had said something stupid: "Oh, Mond is a country based on the West, and all seven countries have their prototypes, right?"

"Isn't Liyue a country based on China?"

Teacher Gou rubbed his hands together and said, "Now we have to continue playing."

Immediately, the barrage floated over with a piece of "good good good".

Many viewers didn't watch enough, and they were afraid that he would download the broadcast. Just now, there was a little rhythm, and it was quickly overshadowed.

After enough rest, Mr. Gou controlled the game character and started to head towards Liyue.

"I have had a wish since I was a child, that is, to be able to play our Chinese-style content in 3A games." Mr. Gou said while typing, "At that time, "Warcraft" released a Pandaren version. Damn, you don't know how excited our players were at that time."

His words immediately resonated with many audiences.

"At that time, you know, there is finally a force in the game that can represent our own culture, and there is a feeling that it is very important. Before that, we were actually, how to put it, actually very marginalized."

After finishing speaking, he sighed again: "Ah, in fact, our Chinese players are very easy to fool. It takes a long time for us to have an orgasm with any Chinese style character. How long did the appetite of a Proud Star Dragon King hang on us in "League of Kings"? In the end, it still didn't come out."

After finishing speaking, he continued to clear the map, dealt with a few monsters casually, and said:

"Since it's a domestic game this time, I hope everyone will be more tolerant. As long as it can be made, it will be considered a success. Don't be too picky... Damn it!"

He was exploring the map, and suddenly saw a huge tree on the map.

If the previous scenery is very typical of the European plains and highlands, then here, it can almost be said that at first sight, it feels like you have traveled to China.

"Is this Liyue?" Teacher Gou said excitedly, "Did you make this country a civilization on trees? It feels a bit creative!"

Wang Shan ran to death, Teacher Gou ran all the way there, it took him a long time, but he was disappointed in the end, the tree was not Liyue, it was just an inn.

After playing here, Mr. Gou is already very tired, but he has already spoken before, and he will not download the broadcast until he sees Liyue.

With exhaustion, he continued to move forward.

After running in silence for a long time, he turned over a mountain, and quietly, the music had changed.

The two mountains faced each other, and the winding path led to seclusion. When he climbed over the last mountain, his eyes suddenly opened up. After walking two steps forward, a bustling city appeared in front of him.

As if a hot current surged from the body to the top of the head, Teacher Gou woke up all of a sudden.

"Liyue! I've arrived at Liyue!"

His voice was distorted with excitement.

The scene in front of him was so familiar, it seemed to be engraved in his DNA.

As a Huaxia person, one can tell at a glance that the scenery in front of him is Liyue, which is based on Huaxia.

The feelings that have been brewing for a long time are suddenly detonated at this moment, and Teacher Gou feels that his eyes are moist.

He suddenly felt that he was like a traveler who had been wandering for many years and finally arrived home.

"Thank you all for watching my live broadcast, thank you for the reward, thank you." Teacher Gou's voice was a little tired, "We have arrived in Liyue, and I am not in a good mood right now. I decided to come back tomorrow when I am in better spirits, and play in the best state."

Faced with his sudden broadcast announcement, the audience was all angry.

"You should go down and take a look! Have you quit drugs? Can you bear it so much?"

"Fuck! Old Gou, is this your escape route?!"

"I can't take it anymore, I'm so mad, I won't watch it, I'll play the game by myself."

Facing the tortured audience, Teacher Gou felt a little pleasure in his heart.

In the past, you were the ones admiring me being tortured, but this time it's finally my turn, right?

He continued: "I feel that I can sleep until tomorrow after one night's sleep. Please take a leave of absence here in advance. Let's live broadcast later tomorrow."

At this moment, he suddenly saw a barrage floating on the screen:
"The download volume of "Original Demon" has exceeded 5000 million, and the official congratulatory picture has just been released."

Teacher Gou stared: "5000 million? Really?"

He felt a little dazed.

This level of downloads, in the past, was only at the level of the Pearl Factory and the Hubei Factory.

A little-known small company has 5000 million downloads as soon as it makes a move. Who would believe that it was just yesterday!
He opened the scarf, searched for Yuanmo's official account, and after a look, he really sent a congratulatory picture.

Really 5000 million downloads!
Teacher Gou couldn't help feeling a premonition.

It seems that I am witnessing a major event in the game circle!

Chen Ya's side had gone home from get off work, but Cai Zhenyi's side was still brightly lit.

The launch of "Original Demon" is like a troublesome little monster, tossing so hard that the entire studio can't rest.

Every once in a while, Cai Zhenyi would find someone to inquire about the data of "Original Demon".

In fact, I can’t find anything after asking. This game is a full platform, with mobile phones and PCs. I don’t know what’s going on on the PC side. The mobile side is divided into IOS and Android.

They can inquire about some internal information on the IOS side, which can be regarded as a part of the other party's income, but the performance of the Android and PC terminals cannot be estimated at all.

So it's useless to inquire.But Cai Zhenyi just wanted to inquire.

There are also employees complaining, this is not "Original Demon", this is simply Cai Zhenyi's demon.

But of course it's embarrassing to say that.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Cai Zhenyi called everyone together again and held a small meeting.

The theme of the conference is, "Analyzing the trend of competitors and the operation strategy of our own game by estimating the data performance of "Original Demon".

In fact, no one cares about the second half of the sentence at all. The theme of this meeting is to guess the data of "Original Demon".

The main reason why Cai Zhenyi is so nervous is because the popularity of this game on the Internet seems to be completely out of control.

They had already spent a lot of money, and even used the channels of the bead factory for public relations.

It stands to reason that if a navy of this level is dispatched, any game will be crushed to death.

But guess what?It seems to have the opposite effect!

Originally, according to the plan, it was the other party who bought the amount, and if my side was black, the amount bought by the other party would be wasted.

But judging from the results, the other party seems to have no buying volume at all.

All the punches from my side hit the air, which actually increased the popularity of the opponent.

But at this time, the rhythm has already been brought out. If you stop the navy, judging from the current situation, it seems that the reputation on the other side will improve rapidly.

But if you continue to buy Shuijunhei, wouldn't it continue to send traffic to the opposite side?
Cai Zhenyi is in a hurry now.Chen Ya opened the server, he was more anxious than Chen Ya.

A group of people got together to discuss for an hour, and finally came to a conclusion. Even if the PC terminal is not counted but the mobile terminal is only counted, the turnover of "Original Demon" must have exceeded 2000 million, a proper hegemony.

What to do...they have absolutely nothing to do.

The darkest dark horse in the mobile game, the turnover on the first day of the server is about [-] million.

It's 2000 million a day. Although the follow-up operation will drop, it must be a dark horse performance.

The players who are currently trapped by "Original Demon" are all potential players of their own games in the future!

The mobile game market is so big, if your own game goes online later, wait for other people's funds to come back, spend money on publicity, and continue to grow, your own game will really be useless.

Cai Zhenyi's face was livid, and after a long time, he opened his mouth and said:

"Then, let's take the other party's turnover of 4000 million on the first day. According to this calculation, how much can the other party's daily activities be achieved in half a year? How much will our customer acquisition cost increase, and calculate it carefully."

As soon as he finished speaking, an employee next to him suddenly said:

"Mr. Cai, I just received the news that "Original Demon" has 5000 million downloads..."

"5000 million?" Cai Zhenyi's eyes flickered, and he immediately regained his composure, "It's a little higher than I expected, but the difference is not that big, so let's count on this..."

"Mr. Cai..." The employee reminded timidly, "5000 million is not turnover, but downloads..."

Cai Zhenyi opened his mouth and was completely silent.

 Thanks to ptik1786913 for the reward of 10533 points~
  Thank you Shennong for the 12000 point reward for reading thousands of books~!

(End of this chapter)

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