Chapter 383 380. Pushed to a dead end

Running water is running water, and downloads are downloads. 5000 million turnover is easy to do, but 5000 million downloads is a bit scary.

A continuously operating game can have tens of thousands of live players, and it can support a small company to live well;
If there are 10,000+ live players, a huge community can be established;

5000 million downloads, what is that concept?
Although there are [-] million Internet users in China, only [-] million are those who are older, busy with work, and have no time to surf the Internet;

If you exclude those who don’t play games, it would be nice to have [-] million gamers.

"League of Kings", which has been popular for ten years, has only more than 4000 million downloads in China. It is well known to all the people in the country, and everyone in Internet cafes is playing "League of Kings".

"Original Demon" achieved 5000 million downloads on the first day of its launch, isn't that even more popular than "League of Kings" after ten years of operation? ?

Thinking of this, Cai Zhenyi suddenly said: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

""League of Kings" is invincible in the world. His "Original Demon" has only been online for a day. How can it be more downloaded than "League of Kings"? This is impossible!"

The employee next to him whispered: "But, this is a congratulatory picture they sent themselves, saying that 5000 million downloads have been achieved..."

"That's what they're talking about!" Cai Zhenyi said categorically, and then smiled coldly, "Hmph, they don't know how to restrain themselves. People in the industry dare to brag about such a myth as 5000 million downloads. People in the industry can't help laughing ?”

Another employee next to him took a look at the phone and said, "Mr. Cai, I understand. Their downloads are not domestic downloads, but global downloads."

A word to wake up the dreamer, Cai Zhenyi was a little stunned when he heard this.

"Oh, if you count the number of overseas downloads, then this number is not surprising." Cai Zhenyi said.

The employee next to it also said: "Yes, it is easy to make some water out of it."

"Moisture is not important, who doesn't have any moisture? The main reason is that their overseas downloads don't work. What games have foreign players never played? Will they still play their stuff? I heard that they have also found a strong overseas publicity. Waste of ammo."

Cai Zhenyi regained a little confidence, and the staff next to him also said: "It was Suo Ren's overseas publicity. It is really strong. They should have made a lot of profits."

Cai Zhenyi said with a smile: "How can a small start-up company like them focus on overseas markets as soon as they come up, and engage in global simultaneous distribution? Even Pearl Factory and Hubei Factory dare not do this. Their decision-making is too reckless."

The employees next to him nodded.

After a round of analysis, everyone found that the opponent was not as strong as they imagined. The dull atmosphere just now was swept away, and the inside and outside of the house were full of happy air.

At this moment, Cai Zhenyi's cell phone rang. As soon as he saw the caller, his expression darkened immediately, and he walked out of the office.

After a long time, Cai Zhenyi walked in after answering the phone, his face even more ugly.

"The management just said that our project will be launched soon."

The employees below were stunned.

"Mr. Cai, is it the influence of "Original Demon"?"

Cai Zhenyi nodded and said: "Although they didn't say it, it can't be said that it has no influence."

After a pause, he continued, "From today onwards, the company will work in three shifts, work quickly, everyone will not be allowed to take leave unless necessary, and will not be out of line for minor injuries. We will strive to launch our game within a month."

Hearing this, everyone immediately complained, and an employee immediately said:
"Mr. Cai, it will take at least half a year for our game to go online, so it's impossible to speed it up to one month!"

Cai Zhenyi said: "The main issue is the last third test. We changed the third test to the public test. If there is an accident, we will go online directly!"

The employees looked at each other in blank dismay: "Mr. Cai, is this a bit..."

Cai Zhenyi said: "It's okay, our games are almost mature. The third test is mainly to see the market reaction. These "Original Demons" have helped us do it, and the pearl factory will give us a lot of support... ..."

Having said that, the employees obviously couldn't accept it.

How can other games help your own game in the third test?

Besides, half a year's time is cut into one month, so it's no wonder that there is no problem.

Cai Zhenyi himself was also very disturbed.

In fact, the deadline for this one-month launch was not a request from the management, but was proposed by Cai Zhenyi himself.

The main reason is that he was developing at the same time as "Original Demon", and it took half a year for "Original Demon" to go live, and the management lost confidence in him.

In order to keep his seat, he proposed a crazy one-month online plan.

Nor is he impulsive and reckless.

His own "Different Rivers and Lakes", whether it is word-of-mouth or player favorability, far exceeds "Original Demon".

Taking advantage of the fact that "Original Demon" has not completely dominated the market, it will be launched in a month, which is just enough to grab their popularity.

Moreover, the krypton gold system of "Original Demon" and the social interaction between players, in his opinion, are a mess.In this way, players will not have any stickiness.

Only a stable social circle can stabilize the core players. A socially light game like "Original Demon" is destined to only attract traffic to similar games.

Of course, one month to go online, the time is extremely tight, and some tasks will definitely be rough.

But relative to speeding up the speed to seize the market, these shortcomings can be made up for.

Go online first, then update crazily after going online, and solve all the problems one by one.

In addition, he also has a trump card - the information of the ghost of the "Original Demon" team.

I copied a lot of information from their inner ghosts before, since it is a similar game, there must be a lot of things that can be reused.

As long as the player can't see it.

Cai Zhenyi walked out of the office, went to the toilet to wash his face, and after he cleared his mind a little, he cried inwardly again.

He immediately went back to the office and asked the secretary to help prepare a box of tea, and planned to find an excuse to visit the old man at Gu's house tomorrow.

The old man also wants to engage in the game industry, but he doesn't understand games.

This time the "Original Demon" public beta, the response speed of the Pearl Factory was very fast, as soon as they saw that the data did not perform well, they immediately came to beat him.

But there was no response from Gaoshan Capital.It was obvious that Gu Yuqing didn't want to meddle in his business, but Gu Zongyan didn't understand.

But if Gu Yuqing told Gu Zongyan about the stakes, and Gu Zongyan came to his senses and became as anxious as a pearl factory, and came to beat him, then it would be troublesome.

Before Gu Yuqing could react, he planned to go to Gu's house tomorrow to stabilize Gu Zongyan.

After preparing these, when he was alone in the office, Cai Zhenyi started from the neck, from the bottom to the top, his whole face slowly turned red, and his eyes were about to pop out.

His breathing became more and more rapid, and the hateful person circling in his mind devoured his reason like a demon.

"Chen Ya, you boy, you are really driving me to a dead end..."


However, Chen Ya didn't know that he was about to push Cai Zhenyi to a dead end.He almost forgot about Cai Zhenyi.

After observing the second test version of the game "Different Rivers and Lakes" in the background, he decided that this thing could not compete with "Original Demon", and then he no longer cared about the Donghuang Seven Stars.

Most of his focus now is on the development of the next version of "Original Demon".

He told Gu Yuqing that he was dissatisfied with the server opening data, he was really not cheating, he was really dissatisfied.

The main reason is that the development time of the game is too hasty, and another matter is imminent. He urgently needs the money back, and he really has no time to polish the game to a better level.

Being able to reduce the dimensionality of all games in the current market is enough to make a lot of money.

But with his mentality, no one in the company can agree with him.

At the end of the second day, the turnover of "Original Demon" achieved another breakthrough, reaching 5000 million.

It is not surprising that the turnover of the next day is higher than that of the first day.For most players, Beichen is not very familiar with this company, who knows if you will run away tomorrow?

But the quality of the game itself is the best manual. After a day of experience, most of the people who are still hesitant have begun to exert their strength.

This results in higher turnover on the second day than on the first day.

After the running water came out the next day, the whole company was floating in the air.

Their game is very likely to break the historical record of the first day of mobile games, and also broke the historical record of single-day downloads.

The main reason is that the statistics of the mobile game have not yet been released. When it comes out, everyone will probably float to the sky.

Especially Xu Zheqing, he is the most ruthless of all.

If it weren't for gravity, he would be stuck to the ceiling now.

This made Lu Keke next to him hate it, and quite disgusted him.

"Stop being embarrassing," Lu Keke said disgustedly, "You've been browsing the forum all day today, haven't you read enough?"

"Hey hey hey."

Xu Zheqing only answered her with a foolish expression and a smirk.

"Everyone is discussing the plot of "Original Demon" and guessing the next development." Xu Zheqing grinned and said, "I can't wait to see the wonderful scene where they push to the end of Chapter 2 with a big reversal !"

Lu Keke sneered: "Come on, the players are not discussing your plot, they are discussing the cute characters, okay? They are all top carries in their art team, why is Qin Sulan not shy?"

Xu Zheqing looked in Qin Sulan's direction and couldn't help shivering.

At this time, beside Qin Sulan, there seemed to be a halo of light, forming a white hole of attention, and all eyes that tried to spy on her would be bounced away.

After yesterday's battle, Qin Sulan seemed to have awakened, and part of Chen Ya's personality seemed to be parasitic on her, and now she was shrouded in an atmosphere that others were afraid of.

Xu Zheqing said in a low voice: "Do you feel that beside Qin Sulan now, it feels like being beside Brother Ya, there is a faint pressure?"

Lu Keke looked in Qin Sulan's direction, couldn't help shivering, nodded and said:
"There is something to say, it's really a bit."

After a pause, she continued: "Not only Qin Sulan, but Brother Dong, Brother Ying, and Zhang Zi, all of them... are becoming more and more like Chen Ya."

Xu Zheqing nodded, pursed his lips and said, "Indeed!"

He thought for a while, and suddenly realized that the part that he felt they had become similar to Chen Ya was that they also had the ability to make judgments.

In the past, Chen Ya was in charge of the company's absolute right to speak. He said that he was right, and he could solve anything that was sent to him with one sentence. He would point out the problem in one sentence and tell you how to modify it.

Now, Shi Chuandong, Qin Sulan and others also feel this way.

In fact, ever since Chen Ya fell ill, they had a tendency to develop in this direction. After Chen Ya recovered from his illness, they gave up more power, and they seemed to be more at ease.

In fact, this is what a company looks like normally.The job of the boss should be to look at the future development direction of the entire company, so that people can make the best use of their talents and resources.

How can there be a boss who does the actual work by himself like a contractor every day?

Now that Qin Sulan and others have grown up, they have the appearance of a formal company.

Lu Keke pushed him up and asked, "Look, they are all department heads, and they all have this kind of aura. You are also the head of the copywriting team. When will you become like this?"

Xu Zheqing felt a little scary after thinking about it, and said, "Forget it."

His current job is still very easy, just send it to Chen Ya for him to review.

When he thought that he would become like Chen Ya in the future, pointing out the problem in one sentence, he felt a lot of pressure.

Thinking of this, he began to admire Chen Ya even more.

Compared with him, all the amazingly talented and extraordinary people I have ever seen, in comparison... all seem really insignificant.


In the evening, it was time for the weekly Gu family banquet.Gu Yuqing's good mood lasted until now.

Especially when she came home and saw Cai Zhenyi swaggeringly sitting on the sofa of Gu Zongyan's house, she felt even more disgusted.

I don't even want to eat.

Seeing her, Cai Zhenyi stood up with a smile on his face, and greeted her:
"Yuqing, you're back? What a coincidence, I haven't come to see you for a long time, and I came to see Uncle Gu as I was talking, but you were also there."

When Gu Yuqing heard what he called her, she was not interested in agreeing, and turned away, only to meet Gu Chengxi at the corner.

Seeing her own half-sister, Gu Chengxi's face immediately turned red.

"Sister Yu, are you back?"

Gu Yuqing nodded, feeling a little baffled as to why she was shy.

The girl blushed and ran away from her, and suddenly mustered up the courage to turn around and say, "My coming-of-age ceremony is coming soon!"

Gu Yuqing nodded and said, "I know, I will go."

Gu Zongyan found Gu Yuqing that day, and somehow asked her to attend Gu Chengxi's coming-of-age ceremony. In fact, Gu Chengxi was worried that he didn't invite her well, and she asked her father to do it.

Girls' minds are always difficult to guess, especially at this age, it is easy to get emotional about inexplicable things, so seeing Gu Yuqing, Gu Chengxi was shy.

"We've already decided on a place. It's still in Haolong Manor in Bishui Bay. Dad found a few acquaintances and finally rented out the manor in Jiang Xinhai."

Gu Yuqing said: "Then have you invited someone to come and sing?"

"It was said that she refused to come to sing, but invited her to the banquet, but there is no reply for now, so I don't know if she will come." Gu Chengxi blinked and said.

 Thank you Xuanyuan丨Cheek Knife for the 500 point reward~
(End of this chapter)

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