Chapter 384 381. Ignorance, ignorance!
Gu Yuqing smiled faintly, thinking that this child is relatively simple.

The world of adults didn't think about it, and they would agree when they came over, and they wouldn't just hang around forever.

After all, that was Jiang Xinhai, and he was not a little guy who could come and go as soon as he was called, not to mention that he was half-retired now.

Gu Chengxi said expectantly, "Sister, have you decided who to be your dance partner?"

Gu Yuqing thought for a while and said, "Keep it secret."

Gu Chengxi covered her mouth and asked softly, "Is the one sitting in the living room..."

She was referring to Cai Zhenyi, and Gu Yuqing immediately put on a bug-stained expression: "Of course not him."

This was the first time that Gu Yuqing showed such an emotional expression in front of her younger siblings, and Gu Chengxi was quite surprised.

"I feel...he's quite handsome, and he's very polite. Is it because his business isn't big enough?"

Gu Yuqing looked at her and said: "How a person is, you can't just look at his appearance and how much money he has. Character is also very important."

After she finished speaking, she couldn't hold back a little.She didn't expect that she would say such earnest and serious words.

But looking at Gu Chengxi's expression, he seems to have absorbed this education seriously.

"Sister, what type of person do you like?"

Gu Chengxi looked at her innocently, as if she was obsessed with such simple private conversations, Gu Yuqing was having a headache, how should she answer, when suddenly Cai Zhenyi's voice came from behind:
"What are the two beauties talking about?"

Gu Yuqing didn't give him a good face, she turned her head and said quickly: "What's the matter with you?"

Cai Zhenyi was smiling, and his expression didn't change at all: "You must give me a chance to speak? Otherwise, how can you get close to these two beauties?"

Gu Yuqing rolled her eyes: "Hehe, "Original Demon" just went live yesterday, and you came here today, thinking I don't know what you are thinking? You have ulterior motives."

Cai Zhenyi was still smiling, but secretly thought that he made the right decision today.

"Everyone has the love of beauty, how can you say that I have ulterior motives?" Cai Zhenyi stared at Gu Yuqing closely.

Gu Yuqing immediately said: "My dad is beautiful?"

"...Uh." Cai Zhenyi originally wanted to take the opportunity to flatter him, but he didn't expect to be stunned by Gu Yuqing's speech like a straight girl of steel.

Gu Chengxi covered her mouth and smiled.

"Didn't you come to talk to my dad?" Gu Yuqing asked.

Cai Zhenyi rolled his eyes around and said:

"Yes, I asked Uncle Gu for some advice on art collection. I didn't expect Uncle Gu to be so knowledgeable about art."

Gu Chengxi covered her mouth with a smile and said:
"My dad did collect a lot of artworks, but we couldn't understand them. I still like the nicer ones."

Gu Yuqing looked at him with teasing eyes, as if she was saying, maybe it's more than that?
She has seven apertures and an exquisite heart, she knows Cai Zhenyi's little tricks well, so she doesn't have to pretend to be stupid.

Cai Zhenyi was not afraid at all, and his attitude was leisurely and unfazed, as if to say, "So what if you know?"

He came here earlier today to talk to Gu Zongyan about "Original Demon" in advance.

He knew Gu Zongyan's personality well.Gu Zongyan has a suspicious personality, he never trusts others easily.

But once he has established his own logical chain, it is easy and difficult to accept other ideas.

Take this incident as an example, after Cai Zhenyi brought up the "Original Demon", Gu Zongyan tortured him for at least two hours.

Fortunately, Cai Zhenyi is also very calm. He did not shy away from the excellent performance of "Original Demon", but he focused on the market trend.

After a series of foreshadowing, Gu Zongyan now believes that open world games are the hottest market.

Even a fledgling small company can make a lot of money, wouldn't Cai Zhenyi's game be more stable?

He deliberately made such a move, because he was worried that Gu Yuqing would blow Gu Zongyan behind his back, causing Gaoshan Capital to have problems again.

But what Cai Zhenyi didn't know was that Gu Yuqing didn't even bother to talk to him now.

Because he wanted Bei Chen to die with all his heart, he took it for granted that Chen Ya should also want him to die.

In fact, to Gu Yuqing, it didn't matter whether he died or not.His whole person is not very important.

At this time, Gu Yuqing's stepmother Wen Shujing came over, and Gu Yuqing took the opportunity to leave.

The hostess enthusiastically kept Cai Zhenyi for dinner.Cai Zhenyi pretended that he couldn't refuse and accepted it gladly.

Gu Zongyan was beaming and pulled Cai Zhenyi to the table, and asked the family servant to open a bottle of red wine, saying that he wanted to fight with Cai Zhenyi, and the two of them sat at the table, Cai Zhenyi couldn't ask for more.

Although Gu Yuqing was reluctant, she went to the table anyway, and specially found a seat farthest from Cai Zhenyi to sit down.

Although Cai Zhenyi's professional ability is not good, his social ability has been infiltrated from childhood, and he can talk freely with Gu Zongyan.

The two chatted from international disputes to the financial situation and market trends, and then to Cai Zhenyi's business landscape. The topics were specific and minor, and finally they talked about Cai Zhenyi's personal life plans.

After the wine was hot, Gu Zong said: "Xiao Cai, you have big ideas, your father doesn't care about you, let me ask you boldly as a year-end friend, don't you plan to get married?"

Cai Zhenyi quickly waved his hand and said, "Uncle Gu, you are too modest. I am a junior, and it is too late for you to care about me and be happy. I will definitely get married."

Gu Zongyan asked with a smile: "Then why aren't you married yet? How many more years do you want to play?"

Cai Zhenyi said: "I don't play, these few years are the age of my career, I don't dare to spend time on dating."

Gu Zongyan said: "Do you have a sweetheart?"

"There are people I like, but the people I like don't like me." Cai Zhenyi squinted at Gu Yuqing.

Gu Zongyan said with a smile: "My daughter is also too career-minded. I hope she is a bit stupid and less successful in her career. She can live a normal life honestly, and maybe she will be happier than she is now."

Gu Yuqing's face turned black when she heard it, and said softly: "I can't live a normal life, isn't it because of you?"

"What did you say?"

"It's fine if you can't hear it."

Gu Zongyan added: "Anyway, I leave Gaoshan Capital to her to take care of it. If she doesn't take care of it well, I will replace it."

Gu Yuqing said coldly: "It's your direct investment, so be careful not to lose everything."

Gu Zongyan put down his wine glass: "Which one did you say?"

Cai Zhenyi was preparing to face the battle, but Gu Yuqing turned her head: "Anyway, I just remind you like this."

She didn't bother to manage the investment that she didn't preside over.Anyway, I don't take the blame.

Gu Zongyan got a little drunk and said, "Does Yuqing have a sweetheart?"

"No." Gu Yuqing said simply.

Gu Zongyan propped his cheeks with a smile, and sighed, "You two have known each other since childhood, so you are so familiar, why haven't there been any sparks?"

Gu Yuqing smiled and said, "What's the use of familiarity? The more familiar someone is, the more disgusted they will be."

Gu Zongyan saw that his daughter did not sell his face, so he quickly changed the subject and had a drink with Cai Zhenyi:
"Come and drink, I hope you can win her back."

While clinking glasses, Cai Zhenyi looked at Gu Yuqing and sighed inwardly.

He felt that Gu Yuqing was getting farther and farther away.

This woman is always so out of reach, like a wild horse that can never be tamed.

Then, his gaze shifted to Gu Chengxi.

From just now, the girl has been looking at him curiously.

If Gu Yuqing can't pursue it, it's not impossible to start simple. It's definitely not as good-looking as Gu Yuqing, but it's not that bad, at least they all belong to the Gu family...

Cai Zhenyi thought.

However, pursuing Gu Yuqing is the boy's own original intention.Do you want to go against your boy Jinshi...

Gu Chengxi noticed that Cai Zhenyi was looking at her, and asked innocently:

"Uncle Cai, it will be my coming-of-age ceremony soon, can you come to my coming-of-age ceremony?"

Cai Zhenyi was drinking, and he was still fighting with himself in his head. Gu Chengxi called "Uncle Cai" in one mouthful, and almost sprayed his wine on the table.

After waiting for a long time, he turned his head and said in a pleasant manner:

"I'm not a few years older than you. Isn't it appropriate to call me uncle? It's better to call me brother."

"Oh." Gu Chengxi blinked and didn't take it seriously, "Then can you come to my coming-of-age ceremony?"

"Yes, I can. Miss Gu invited me."

Gu Zongyan said with affection on his face: "The stage is being set up at Bishuiwan. If you are curious, you can go and see it."

Gu Chengxi said excitedly: "Can my sister go together?"

"I won't go." Gu Yuqing pushed away the plate.



On this day, when Chen Ya got off work, he took a bus in the opposite direction.

I have been in the capital for a long time, but I have never walked through Xianyang Street once. This time I took a bus at night and saw all the way, only then did I know the prosperity of the capital.

That's it.Mainly blocking.

This time he was riding in the opposite direction, after he was temporarily busy with the things at hand, he suddenly remembered that there was one more thing to do.

As the neon lights passed by on the window glass, Chen Ya seemed to see many memories flickering. When he arrived at Bishui Bay, he was the only one left in the car.

Getting off the car alone, stepping on the most famous villa area in the capital, revisiting the old place, he didn't feel the familiar feeling welling up in his heart.

Instead, it feels very strange.

He didn't come to this place much, and he bought it as a love nest for him and Jiang Xinhai.

Later he went abroad, and Jiang Xinhai was so angry that he never came here, and the place was in a semi-abandoned state.

At that time, this place only had one phase, and then the second, third, and fourth phases were released. The trained shopping guides all played authentic Beijing movies. I repeat to you that coming here is to be neighbors with Jiang Xinhai. This place is known to everyone at Jiangxinhai Real Estate.

Chen Ya always felt that he should find the developer here to collect advertising fees.

According to memory, he walked through several osmanthus trees, passed under two clumps of mistletoe, walked through the winding lawn and gravel road, and stood outside the short fence gate, but he didn't dare to recognize him.

Is this your home?
Why... is it so lively?

He stood outside the fence gate and stared blankly at the manor. Inside, several workers were erecting flagpoles with chandeliers hanging on them, high platforms and long tables and the like, and they had just laid out a prototype.

With this posture, it felt like Jiang Xinhai was about to hold a private concert here.

Chen Ya was standing at the door in a daze, when a middle-aged man by the side of the road walked slowly with his hands behind his back, and kept looking back at himself, his face seemed familiar, yet unfamiliar.

The man walked from Chen Ya's left back to the right back, and when he reached the light-facing side of the street lamp, he stopped and asked in an uncertain tone:
"Is that Mr. Chen?"

Chen Ya turned to look at that person: "Who are you?"

The middle-aged man immediately walked up and stretched out his hands to hold him:

"Mr. Chen, I'm Xiao Jia, your neighbor, have you forgotten me?"

Chen Ya quickly said, "So it's Mr. Jia, hello, hello."

In fact, he still didn't think much of it.But looking at the age of the middle-aged man, calling him uncle would not bother to call him senior, nor would he dare to be negligent.

This Mr. Jia patted his chest, handed over his business card, and said:

"Jia Shifei, a small business owner who lives next door to you. When I handed over the house, I met you once across the driveway. It's funny to say that I bought it here for you and Jiang Xinhai. In the end, it was because of one side, and it was only now that I saw the second side."

Having said that, Chen Ya was somewhat impressed, nodded, and said:

"Hello, hello, I've been abroad for so long, and this is the first time I've come back. Mr. Jia, do you know who are these people in this village?"

Jia Shifei was taken aback, and said, "So you don't know?"

"do not know."

"Hi," Jia Shifei waved his hand, "Then it must be Ms. Jiang who made the decision."

"What is she doing?" Chen Ya was nervous, "She won't sell this house, will she?"

"No, no." Jia Shifei said hastily, "It should be her decision to lend this place to someone else for a party."

"Ah?" Chen Ya knew for the first time that he could still do this, "Who is it? What kind of party is there?"

Jia Shifei said: "Don't worry, they are all famous people in the capital. It's a serious party. I've inquired about it. It seems to be some young lady who wants to hold an annual ceremony here."

Chen Ya said, "Then why don't you do it at your own home?"

"Hey, isn't this, in Jiang Tianhou's house, do you have face?" Jia Shifei came over and whispered, and then explained, "It's not that it's for your face, it's mainly because of Jiang Tianhou's name, Mrs. It's scary, and everyone in the country knows it."

Chen Ya shook his head with his hands behind his back, and said, "Is Xinhai so embarrassing? Rich people also like this? Stupid."

When he said this, no one else heard it. If someone who didn't know him heard it, he would definitely laugh at him for his ignorance.

Jia Shifei praised him very much, as if he knew his identity, and said:

"People are ignorant, even the emperor, what to wear and what to eat, don't have to be distinguished from common people? You celebrated your birthday at Xu Tianhou's house today, and tomorrow I have to have a party at Jiang Tianhou's house to compare That's what the heart is."

Chen Ya continued to shake his head: "Stupid, stupid!"

The main reason why he said this was because he didn't agree to this matter, which made it very abrupt.

If he knew how much the rent was charged this time, he would not feel so.

He turned his head and asked again: "It's rented out, can I go in and have a look?"

Jia Shifei laughed and said, "Mr. Chen was joking. If you want to go in and have a look at your house, who can say 'no'? Besides, I see that this house is still on site, and they are all workers. The Lord should not be there either."

Chen Ya nodded, felt all over his body but found the key in embarrassment. To cover up his embarrassment, he simply leaned on the low fence and jumped in.

(End of this chapter)

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