Chen Ya didn't know who rented this house, but he knew that that guy must be a rich and powerful owner.

What the workers here are building is not just as simple as a road show booth. The posture is more like building a sustainable fortification.

Pearl curtains, emerald tables, crystal lamps... just the materials piled up on the side can be seen as luxurious, even more extravagant than the most luxurious weddings Chen Ya has ever seen.

Chen Ya walked to the terrace in the yard, where a worker was squatting and resting.

"Brother, who is going to do something here? Do it so grandly?"

The worker looked up at Chen Ya and frowned, "Who are you? What are you doing?"

Chen Ya took out a cigarette from his pocket and gave it to him: "I live next door."

The worker saw that it was a good cigarette, so he put the butt of the cigarette in his mouth, waited for him to smoke it, and said:
"Why, rich people get married, they pay attention to ostentation."

"Where did you hear it was marriage?"

"I don't know, I'm guessing."

Chen Ya took the cigarette back from the old man's mouth and said, "Stop smoking, the ashes fell into the lawn."

The old man stood there in a daze for a long time, while Chen Ya had already drifted away with a cigarette in his hand.

Chen Ya wandered around in the yard, but he didn't see anyone in charge, and no one came to take care of him, but he had the urgency to visit, so he went into the villa on his own.

Fortunately, the door was locked with a fingerprint, and Jiang Xinhai never changed it.

The light in the porch was on, Chen Ya changed his shoes, and walked into this unfamiliar place with ease.

There is almost no trace of life in the house, and everything is kept in the state of the model room.

After he and Jiang Xinhai didn't live here, this place was entrusted to the property management. It is estimated that the cleaning of the property has always been effective.

Fortunately, the tenant respected Jiang Xinhai and didn't come into the house to mess around, only outside the yard, otherwise Chen Ya couldn't bear it.

The coming-of-age ceremony sounds like a very solemn thing, after all, a person only has one coming-of-age day in his life.

But if you think about it carefully, all adults in the world will definitely have this day.In fact, nothing unusual.

Not only is it not unusual, but it is even a bit overwhelming. It is just a coming-of-age ceremony, and it is worth celebrating like this?

The little prince and princess who don't know where they are must be living happily, right?Life will be smooth sailing in the future, right?

But sorry, this is my home.

If Chen Ya could meet that little prince or princess, and if he happened to be able to send a message to that coming-of-age ceremony, then he would tell him:

On this day of adulthood, you came to the place where people live in daily life and had a party for unknown reasons.Hopefully you'll realize how embarrassing this is when you grow up.

He couldn't do this kind of thing by himself anyway.

If I had this kind of experience, I am afraid that I will press my head under the pillow alone in the dark night, hoping to erase this dark history.

All in all, I hope that rich man can also use money to arm his mind and shine a little light of reason.


"This is Queen Jiang's [Lonely Space]. If she wants to calm down, she will stay alone in this small room." The woman extended her hand to introduce.

Gu Chengxi covered her mouth and asked:

"Doesn't Empress Jiang live alone? Why set up such a small space?" Gu Chengxi asked.

The woman was taken aback, and said, "Uh...she likes a very small space, and she said it can calm her down."

"Is that so? It feels... a little cute."

"Really? I think she's cute too." The woman smiled.

Gu Chengxi nodded and said, "Thank you, Sister Liu. In my impression, Empress Jiang was like a fairy, not on the same level as us mortals. You took me here today, and I felt that she was a little Like people."

Sister Liu covered her mouth and said in a low voice, "Actually, you feel pretty good too. For a genius like her, there will be more or less inhuman elements in her body."

"for example?"

"Her thoughts and habits are all unconstrained, and she feels different from normal people." Sister Liu said, "Sometimes I can't understand her at all, but she is very kind and treats everyone well." very good."

Gu Chengxi blinked, and thanked again: "I'm really sorry to bother you, and I wasted your time so late."

"Don't bother, don't bother, Empress Jiang specifically asked me to show you around here. This is also work for me."

Sister Liu smiled happily.

In order to rent this place, the Gu family spent an astonishing sum, Jiang Xinhai himself felt that this money was too easy to earn.

So she asked her manager Liu Ting to come here, on the one hand to take care of her, and on the other hand, to avoid offending others by not showing up.

Fortunately, only Gu Chengxi came to the Gu family tonight, and she didn't have any complaints after seeing the layout at the scene, so Liu Ting took her to see Jiang Xinhai's residence.

Although Jiang Xinhai didn't actually live here.

From this point of view, the Gu family was actually taken aback.

Gu Chengxi whispered, "Sister Liu, can you tell me where is the bathroom?"

She greeted quickly: "I'll take you there."

The villa has three floors, and each floor has a bathroom, but the bathroom on the second floor is connected to the bedroom. Sister Liu took Gu Chengxi down to the first floor to find the bathroom.

Sister Liu took her to the place and stood there decently not far away.

As soon as Gu Chengxi opened the door and went in, she saw a man shaking his wet hands and preparing to come out.

Both sides were taken aback.

"who are you?"

"who are you?"

The two sides stared at each other for a while, and stared at each other for a long time. At this moment, it was like time stagnated and the river stopped flowing.

Gu Chengxi took a deep breath, took two steps back, and almost hit the back of his head against the wall.

Running into a strange man in this kind of place was like stepping on the ground when going down the stairs, and she suddenly panicked and didn't know what to do.

Chen Ya didn't expect to run into someone in his toilet.The door was locked when he entered the room, and he subconsciously felt that there was no one in the room.

Liu Ting was standing not far outside the bathroom, when she suddenly heard a man's voice coming from inside, her legs were so frightened that her legs went limp.

Her first reaction was that the construction workers outside ran in to use the toilet while no one was paying attention.

If Gu Chengxi bumped into this and saw some terrible scene, maybe something would happen.

She walked three steps at a time, rushed to the bathroom door, held on to the door frame, and was about to speak angrily when she saw Chen Ya, but stayed where she was.

"Sister Liu!"

Seeing Liu Ting, Gu Chengxi shrank behind her as if seeing a savior, and looked at Chen Ya from behind Liu Ting with a terrified gaze.

Unexpectedly, Liu Ting looked at Chen Ya with a confused face and blurted out, "Chen...Mr. Chen?"

"Liu Ting?"

Jiang Xinhai never changed his agent.Chen Ya recognized her, and she recognized Chen Ya.

Liu Ting stammered and asked, "You, why did you come back suddenly? Aren't you abroad? Xinhai knows if you're back?"

Chen Ya shook his head, and asked back, "Why are you here? Who is she? Where is Xinhai?"

Liu Ting was dizzy.

It's been almost two years since Chen Ya left. He doesn't seem to have changed much. He is as handsome and handsome as before. He doesn't seem to remember that he escaped marriage at all, and the expression on his face is even a little awkward.

After Chen Ya left, Jiang Xinhai cried countless times in her arms. She also scolded the scumbag along with him. At the same time, she hoped that time would smooth everything out. She thought she would never see Chen Ya again.

Unexpectedly, they met here unexpectedly, and Liu Ting's heart was full of uproar. She had no doubt that if Jiang Xinhai found out, it would definitely cause a huge wave in her heart.

Chen Ya waved his hand in front of her eyes, and said, "Are you distracted? Where's Xinhai?"

"Ah?" Liu Ting came back to her senses and said falteringly, "She's still in Jiangcheng."

"Is she okay?" Chen Ya asked.

"...Not good." Liu Ting said sullenly, "You left without saying goodbye, and it hurt her a lot."

Chen Ya looked a little aggrieved: "I didn't leave without saying goodbye, I sent a text message."

"Ha ha."

Chen Ya added: "In fact, I called her some time ago, and I guessed that her anger is about to subside. After this time is over, I will naturally go to see her."

Liu Tingwu felt aggrieved on Jiang Xinhai's behalf, and said: "If you don't want to see her, you don't have to. If you can't stay, seeing her will disturb her mood for nothing."

Chen Ya thought about it and said, "Indeed."

Now Liu Ting panicked, she wanted Chen Ya to stay, not to let Chen Ya disappear altogether.

If Jiang Xinhai found out about this, wouldn't she be scolded to death?

She was about to make love, when Chen Ya said, "So, she is the protagonist of this coming-of-age ceremony, right?"

Liu Ting nodded and said, "Yes, she is the daughter of the Gu family."

Chen Ya wondered, "The Gu family? Which Gu family?"


Liu Ting really wanted to say, who else is there from the Gu family?

When Jingcheng mentioned the Gu family, not only everyone knew about it, but it could also be said that it was well known. Chen Ya's question seemed a bit ignorant.

What she didn't know was that what Chen Ya wanted to ask was that she also happened to know a daughter of the Gu family.

Why is your daughter different from the one I know?
Seeing that she was an ignorant girl, Chen Ya gave up the desire to teach her, and said to Liu Ting:
"You go ahead, I just came back to take a look, and I won't go back later."

"Then, over to Xinhai..." Liu Ting was about to persuade her again, but was interrupted by Chen Ya.

"Don't tell her you saw me," Chen Ya said, "I'll go find her when I'm done. You told her, but it made her look forward to it."

Liu Ting was about to say something, but Chen Ya had already turned around and left.This feeling is the same as many years ago, he is still so free-wheeling, leaving as soon as he wants.

After Chen Ya left, Gu Chengxi felt the pressure drop suddenly, and his whole body relaxed a lot.

When Chen Ya was around just now, she felt that her breathing was not smooth.

"Sister, who is that person?" Gu Chengxi frowned, "Why does he come in and out here at will, and... a bit rude."

Gu Chengxi didn't have a good impression of Chen Ya.The people she usually meets are gentle and elegant, and they talk to her respectfully, how can they be like this person...

He acted recklessly, as if he didn't take her or the Gu family seriously.

"He..." Liu Ting smiled wryly after hearing her question, and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"Sister Liu, if I come of age later, will he come over without saying hello?" Gu Chengxi asked seriously.

She is really worried about this.She didn't want her coming-of-age ceremony to be disrupted by some emergencies.

"That's not true, he said he won't come here again." Liu Ting said.

Gu Chengxi frowned: "Then how could he come in casually?"

Seeing her unhappy expression, Liu Ting knew that the misunderstanding would be unclear without an explanation, so she had to answer honestly:

"Because this house belongs to him."


Gu Chengxi was startled.

"He and Tianhou Jiang bought this house together." Liu Ting said with a wry smile, "He is the owner of this place, so naturally he can come and go here freely."

Gu Chengxi felt a little suffocated: "Then what is his relationship with Jiang Xinhai?"

Liu Ting took a deep breath: "He also has a pseudonym called Zhiji."

"Ah? Is it real?"

Gu Chengxi always thought that Jiang Xinhai's songwriting team was close by, not alone.

Liu Ting said helplessly, "Of course, if it wasn't for his sudden departure, Empress Jiang wouldn't have suddenly retired."

"Then... Empress Jiang, do you like him?" Gu Chengxi asked tentatively.

Liu Ting smiled apologetically, "Miss Gu, don't embarrass me. I can't talk about Empress Jiang's private life."

This attitude is more imaginative than that, and Gu Chengxi is even more curious.

However, Liu Ting performed her duties as an agent very well, and refused to disclose any more information anyway.

Although Jiang Xinhai has retired, he still has a lot of influence. The less people know about private life, the better.

Seeing that Liu Ting kept his mouth shut, Gu Chengxi began to regret that when he met that person just now, he didn't take the opportunity to ask for his contact information.

Regrettably, after going out with Liu Ting, looking around, the man had disappeared and his whereabouts were unknown.


September is a happy month for players.

Because this month, not only the 1.1 version of "Original Demon" will be launched, but "Different Jianghu" will also join the competition.

For some reason, this month, the mentality of domestic players has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, people generally didn't have much expectations for domestic games. The national singles could not be mentioned in the scene, and online games and mobile games were all cheating money. If you really want to play good games, you have to watch foreign countries.

But after this month, the word-of-mouth of domestic game manufacturers has risen by leaps and bounds, reaching unprecedented heights.

The reason for this is that the naval forces blackmailed "Original Demon" in large numbers. One of the black spots is that "Original Demon" is just a stitch monster, and if domestic manufacturers really want to make it, they will definitely be able to do it.

And the game players are also in the line, their argument is that the technology of "Original Demon" is not bad at all.

There is a consensus between the two sides. The national tour manufacturers are not bad, but they lack a good market environment.

Therefore, online matchmaking, facing each other, the word-of-mouth of domestic game manufacturers suddenly improved inexplicably.

The Pearl Factory, which has always been known for its exquisite games and poor management, and Donghuang Seven Stars, which is known for its excellent technology and ugly food, suddenly became highly anticipated for the "Different Rivers and Lakes" developed by them.

Because this game is about to be released soon, and it is also a similar game of "Original Demon", when Heizi sprayed "Original Demon", it was often taken out as abductee, so the search index of this game, even before it was released, was already close to "Original Demon". "Magic".

In addition, the game has just been tested, and according to the description of the test players, the performance of the game is "simply bursting", and it is possible to "play two "Original Demons" without too many", the player's appetite has been raised to a rare height.

And a keen observer found a rather interesting coincidence: the update date of version 1.1 of "Original Demon" and the opening date of "Different Rivers and Lakes" are the same day.

In other words, these two games are bound to fight, and it will be quite intense.

An even more interesting coincidence is that the "Domestic Game Data Observation" account (referred to as Youguan) is updated at the beginning of each month for the previous month's major games.

This update date happened to be 3 days after the update date of "Original Demon" and the opening date of "Different Jianghu".

In other words, the outcome of the two games will last for 3 days, and when the bayonet sees red, the outcome will be known immediately.

Players who are in the early stage of the game can't wait to watch this good show.

But for Gu Yuqing, there was an even more coincidental thing.

Gu Chengxi's coming-of-age ceremony was also at the beginning of next month, the same day as You Guan's release of data.

She was a little worried now, whether Chen Ya would be able to attend the coming-of-age ceremony on time.
Push the book "The star wife hates my vest and not me".

Recommend a love essay for everyone, the link is below
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