The meeting room was filled with smoke, Ge Dongzhen opened the reflective glass window, and purple smoke gushed out from the second floor.

The sunlight pouring down from the sky reflected on the coating of the car in the parking lot downstairs, reflecting a dazzling light, and the smell of carbon monoxide floating in the air made the forehead ache even more.

This is the small reception room of Cai Zhenyi's studio. Ge Dongzhen and Cai Zhenyi smoked cigarettes here all morning, and the blue plush carpet was covered with soot.

"Do you really want to do this?"

"Look." Cai Zhenyi said, "The best choice now is this. As long as we drag it into the field of price war, we will be invincible."

Ge Dongzhen fell silent.

Ge Dongzhen was originally a senior executive of the Pearl Factory. After the Pearl Factory invested in Cai Zhenyi's studio, he was sent over to serve as a director.

He is here mainly to install a limiter for Cai Zhenyi, to prevent Cai Zhenyi from making decisions that would hurt the pearl factory.

But he will not interfere with Cai Zhenyi's management at will. After all, most game producers have a strong personal style. If he interferes, it is very likely that the game will be lost.

However, the plan Cai Zhenyi proposed to him today made him extremely hesitant.

"Old Ge, this time it's a bayonet fight, don't hesitate." Cai Zhenyi said in a low voice.

Ge Dongzhen stretched out his hand and said, "Wait, I'll think about it again."

He took a deep breath, stood up, put his hands behind his back, and paced back and forth.

Cai Zhenyi had been talking to him for so long, but in fact he only talked about one thing, and that was: crazy distribution of benefits, and a price war with "Original Demon".

Cai Zhenyi chose the opening date of "Different Rivers and Lakes" as the same day as "Original Demon" version 1.1, which is actually quite obvious.

It's a middle-door confrontation.

They decided to open the server on this day obviously not to let the players watch the excitement, but to take advantage of the server opening and at the same time get the traffic of the new version of "Original Demon", and at the same time try their best to keep down the turnover of "Original Demon".

When "Original Demon" was launched, the content was not too much, the long grass period came very quickly, and user loyalty has not yet been cultivated.

At this time, a competing product of the same kind goes online and absorbs a group of players developed by "Original Demon", which is equivalent to picking peaches while lying down.

Of course, if you want to pick peaches, it depends mainly on the quality. If the quality is similar, it depends on the benefits.

The so-called price war means that when "Other Rivers and Lakes" is launched, the benefits are doubled compared with "Original Demon".

The game "Original Demon" is indeed of excellent quality, and the high turnover also proves that the quality of the game is indeed good, otherwise there would not be many players paying for it.

But at the same time, there are also a large number of players complaining that this game costs too much money.

In the post bar, in order to prove that "Original Demon" is a forced krypton game, someone with good intentions made a calculation:

90 draws are guaranteed, 180 draws are guaranteed, and 1 draw is converted into RMB, which is 16 yuan. That is to say, if you want to draw the desired character, you need 2880 yuan in the worst case!
What's more, the game also has a life seat system, which requires 7 characters to be full of life. In addition, there is a weapon system.

Although you can also obtain card drawing resources in the game, it is still too little!If you want to play happily, you must spend money!
Although this kind of statement has been ridiculed by everyone, many people also believe it.

Why?Because the price of "Original Demon" is indeed more expensive than other games on the market.

The current single-draw prices of domestic second-tier games are mostly single digits, and there is still no shortage of card-drawing resources.

There are very few things like "Original Demon", where all the resources of a version may not be able to draw a golden one steadily.

Of course, there is a reason for the high price of "Original Demon": the cost of a character is too high, far from comparable to other second games.

But this is only the game company's perspective. Players don't care how much your cost is, players just want to have fun.

A 3D villain who can run, jump and fight monsters is a character, and a piece of paper is also a character. In the eyes of some players who only pursue strength, there is no difference between the two.

For these players, the price of "Original Demon" is simply unbearably expensive.

Think about it, if you want to play a character full of life, at least tens of thousands of dollars, who can afford it?Isn't this money grabbing?
But it is very helpless. On the market, the quality of "Original Demon" crushes many other games.

There is no way, even if it is to rob money, they can only let them rob.

Therefore, on the one hand, many players are clamoring that the game is forced to krypton, on the other hand, the running water of "Original Demon" is indeed frighteningly high.

Cai Zhenyi gave this situation a name: monopoly leadership.

In Cai Zhenyi's view, the days of this kind of monopoly leadership will come to an end on the day "Different Rivers and Lakes" is launched.

Your "Original Demon" is an open world, and my "Other Rivers and Lakes" is also an open world. If you draw expensive cards, I will give away card-drawing resources.

Those players have suffered from the payment system of "Original Demon" for a long time!Finding out that the benefits and benefits here in "Different Rivers and Lakes" are so good, isn't that just wishful thinking?

In this way, the market that "Original Demon" managed to cultivate was all snatched by "Different Rivers and Lakes".

To deal with this strategy of "Different Rivers and Lakes", "Original Demon" must also give benefits, which is opposite to "Different Rivers and Lakes".

This is what Cai Zhenyi called "price war".

Once the opponent is dragged into the field of price war, "Different Rivers and Lakes" will have an absolute advantage.

The reason is the same as before - the development cost of each character in "Original Demon" is too high.

From standing drawing to modeling to the character's personal plot, "Original Demon" creates a character, which can be said to be full of white money visible to the naked eye.

"Different Rivers and Lakes" is different.

There are also card draws in "Different Rivers and Lakes", but the draws are not characters, but weapons, mounts, and skills.

If you get a character, you have to work hard to develop it, but if you get a weapon, a mount, and a skill, you will have real combat power.

The development cost of these things is almost negligible.

Just design a few texts and appearances at will, and the code can be written with feet.

In other words, if "Original Demon" fought a price war with them, it would be a real bloodbath, but what about "Other Rivers and Lakes"?The big deal is to launch a few more card pools?

This is Cai Zhenyi's confidence.

The plan seemed perfect, but Ge Dongzhen was still hesitant.

He frowned, walked around the conference room three times before stopping, turned his head and asked, "Are you really sure?"

Cai Zhenyi nodded: "If I wasn't fully sure, I wouldn't have mentioned it to you."

Ge Dongzhen sat down and said: "I suggest that this matter should be connected with the planning of the pearl factory, and I will report it again."

Hearing this, Cai Zhenyi frowned, and couldn't help but want to be rude.

But finally held back.

This old thing made it clear that he didn't want to take responsibility.

Ge Dongzhen is not a novice, of course he can see that there may be problems in this plan.

Giving bonuses is definitely not free. If giving bonuses can solve all problems, aren't these games all giving bonuses like crazy now?All of them are "Dragon Slaying Sword, click to send"?
In a game, characters have their own growth curves, and when players develop them, they must be aiming for a certain goal.

When the player achieves this goal, the player's motivation will decline significantly.

Generally, games will release some social content at this time, such as gang battles, server rankings, etc., to attract players to continue to climb their combat power.

But "Different Rivers and Lakes" has promised before that it will not engage in server rankings.

In this way, a large number of benefits will inevitably affect the life of the game.

Things like players satisfy them, but they don't play anymore.

It is only by hanging them that the game company can make money.

So Ge Dongzhen did not make a decision easily, but pushed the matter out and asked Cai Zhenyi to report to the higher authorities.

Fortunately, this is just a formality, and the people over there will not take the blame easily, and naturally let Cai Zhenyi do things cheaply.

So, in the end Cai Zhenyi made a decision, the game was launched, and a lot of benefits were given away.

In response to this decision, all departments are adjusting their strategies, and the marketing department has revised the promotional materials.

On the game's official account, "Different Rivers and Lakes" disclosed the service opening benefits, and used "Registration to send thousands of yuan benefits" as an eye-catching promotional slogan.

The "thousand yuan" given as a gift, of course, does not mean that you will actually put 1000 yuan on your card, otherwise you will not be able to pay the company if you buy it.

This means that after registration, you will receive in-game benefits equivalent to [-] yuan, card-drawing resources, cultivation resources and other materials.

"Different Rivers and Lakes" also bought a hot search for the game at the right time, and it was posted on the first page for 5 hours, and it was even ranked as high as 8th.

Soon, a large group of players rushed over to report.

【Too sincere!This game is a must play! 】

[Let's not talk about it, you must play it when you come out, it's hard to krypton gold! 】


Holding the phone, Chen Ya silently scrolled through the comments on the official Weibo of "Different Rivers and Lakes".

[As I said a long time ago, Donghuang Seven Stars is the last conscience of domestic game manufacturers. They really want players to be happy.It's a hundred times better than cheating krypton games next door. 】

[To elaborate, which one is next door? 】

[Hehe, it's next door to the "Conscience Game" where 3000 yuan is used to draw a character. 】

[3000 yuan to draw a character?Is this game company crazy about money?Why not grab it? 】

[No 3000 yuan, right? "Original Demon" is okay, it will give away resources if you play casually, and you can get golden characters without spending money. 】

[Where did the op come from?This is the topic of "Different Rivers and Lakes", please don't KY here! 】

[The OP is like this, there are them everywhere, like locusts, they can't finish beating, they are so annoying. 】

[While bragging about my high flow rate, while bragging that the game does not cost money, I really like the schizophrenic appearance of the OP. 】

...Looking at it, Chen Ya was suddenly happy.

"It's really not possible, so don't go to that coming-of-age ceremony." Gu Yuqing said, "It's not important."

Chen Ya continued to browse Weibo, while saying, "Didn't you say you need a dance partner to participate?"

"Children are all very particular. This time I also brought Qiutong with me. She still has no partner, and no one dares to stop her." Gu Yuqing blinked after finishing speaking, "At worst, I will dance with her."

"Long live Lily." Chen Ya said absently.

Luan Qingying stood at the side with her hands down, listening to Chen Ya and Gu Yuqing flirting, she didn't dare to speak up, and she didn't dare to urge Chen Ya.

As the executive director, Luan Qingying has been keeping an eye on the opponent's actions.

After seeing the promotion of "Different Rivers and Lakes", I ran to Chen Ya immediately to consult countermeasures.

It is now 8 o'clock in the evening, and tomorrow is the release date of version 1.1.

Only 12 hours to be exact.

At this juncture, Luan Qingying and the others panicked when "Different Rivers and Lakes" suddenly made such a move.

You know, this hit really hit their pain point, and "Original Demon" really didn't have any benefits.

Low welfare, high content, this is the general tone Chen Ya set for "Original Demon" before.

This time version 1.1 is all about the plot, and there are no benefits at all.

Finally, Chen Ya put the phone on the table, and said to Luan Qingying:
"Go back early."

Luan Qingying said: "...Brother Ya, how should we deal with it?"

Chen Ya looked up with a surprised expression: "What should I do?"

"Facing their high welfare!" Luan Qingying said, "Should we just do nothing?"

Chen Ya pondered for a moment, then said, "I feel that you are a little anxious."

Luan Qingying nodded: "Yes..."

Luan Qingying was anxious, very anxious.

If this matter is not dealt with, he feels that he will not be able to sleep when he goes home at night.

Gu Yuqing said from the side: "Normal people are anxious. I feel that you are playing dead. It's not because you have no time to deal with it, so you just pretend to be dead by doing nothing, right?"

Chen Ya said, "No way, it's just that I don't need any countermeasures."

"How?" Gu Yuqing asked.

"It's none of our business for them to distribute benefits?" Chen Ya spread his hands.

Gu Yuqing's facial muscles twitched: "How could it be none of our business? Look at the bottom of this comment, the moaning has already started."

Chen Ya changed to a more comfortable position and lay down: "It's alright. If they give out welfare, if we follow suit, it's not cool to give too little, and it's too much to lose money, so it's better to lie flat."

Gu Yuqing rolled her eyes: "You just don't want to suffer at all, do you?"

"Of course." Chen Ya said, "Of course there is another reason you mentioned. I don't have time to deal with it now. I don't want to work overtime."

Gu Yuqing rolled her eyes even more, like a cold cat.

Chen Ya actually likes her little expression very much, it feels so cute, and he wants to hold her in his arms and rub her hard.

"Let's watch after the updated version." Chen Ya stood up, "Qingying gets off work early, Mr. Gu, let's go, don't we still have to buy clothes?"

Gu Yuqing was very reluctant, but there was nothing she could do, so she got up obediently and went downstairs in front of Chen Ya.

"It's unbelievable, at this moment, you are still in the mood to buy clothes." Gu Yuqing said.

"Of course, isn't it all your request? They are all celebrities that day, and it would be embarrassing to dress like usual."

Standing in front of Chen Ya, Gu Yuqing looked at this handsome boy who was half a head taller than herself, and couldn't help but stretch out her hand to straighten his collar.

Gu Yuqing said something like "it doesn't matter if you don't go", but on the surface she didn't care.

In fact, in her heart, if she said that this coming-of-age ceremony really doesn't matter, it must be a lie.

It meant a lot to her.

Because this was the first time she brought Chen Ya to meet her family.

Although she usually treats him like a buddy and always dislikes his appearance...but bringing this man in front of her family will definitely make her feel very proud.

She was also suffocating in her heart.

She is like a little friend with the most popular toy and can't wait to show this toy to everyone.

It doesn't matter, the main thing is that she can distinguish the priorities, and if the game is overwhelmed, it will be over once and for all, and everything will be over.

The two got into the car, and Gu Yuqing sat in the co-pilot silently. When the car drove out of the basement and onto the road, she finally couldn't help but say:
"Would you like to spend the night with me tonight?"

"Not yet," Chen Ya said while driving, "I may have to go back to the company later."

"Will you keep an eye on the version update?" Gu Yuqing asked.

"That's right." Chen Ya nodded, "If something goes wrong with this update, I will have to pay compensation from the whole server, and I will suffer a blood loss again."

"Yes, yes, you're in trouble." Gu Yuqing said angrily. (end of this chapter)

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