1825 My New Daming

Chapter 127 Naval Aviation, Attack! (5th update, again, again, please subscribe again

Chapter 127 Naval Aviation, Attack! (Fifth update, again, again, please subscribe again
"Didn't you say that you have to prepare for ten to 15 years? Why are you fighting now?"

"Didn't it mean that Japan has always wanted to be my lackey? Why did it collude with Yingyi to set us up?"

"Zhuge tenth brother, Zhuge 51, have you figured it out yet?"

"Master Yu, how much money do we have left? Can we cope with a long-term war?"

In the office of Prime Minister Zuo's mansion, Zheng Guozhong, the prime minister, looked a little messy.Although he has made up his mind to beat Japan like a dog, Japan is Japan, and Great Britain is Great Britain.Fighting the former is nothing more than a question of how much to win?Moreover, Japan has limited national strength, extremely low level of industrialization, and quite scarce resources, so it cannot sustain a long-term war at all.

But it's different to fight against Great Britain. This is a worldwide war whose outcome is unpredictable!And now that Ming's economy is in recession, the imperial court's finances have been in deficit for two years. Is this going to borrow money to fight the war?But what level of opponent is Daying?The empire on which the sun never sets!Moreover, Great Britain also has a bunch of Western allies, all of whom are quite powerful.Fighting with them will definitely be protracted, not necessarily ten or eight years.Maybe before the war is over, Daming Finance will go bankrupt first!
So according to Zheng Guozhong's mind, he must be fully prepared for the war with Great Britain, and he must have at least a few hundred million silver dollars in his financial foundation, right?And the British must save money too!

But now it's a fight?There is also a sinister situation where the British, barbarians and Japanese pirates colluded with each other. And the old guy Zhuge Weijiu has retired again, and another old man Yu has come to power, is that okay?

"Prime Minister, I feel that this sea conflict is Yingyi's provocation and temptation to our Daming, and they don't really want to fight an all-out war. And judging from the results of the current battle, Yingyi is not ready at all. The Sovereign class is exaggerated, and there are shortcomings such as weak main battery defense, insufficient number of secondary guns, slow rate of fire and insufficient accuracy of the main guns. As for older warships such as the Indomitable class, the combat effectiveness is not worth mentioning."

Zhuge Weiyi, Minister of the Admiralty of the Admiralty, of course knows the equipment problems of the British Royal Navy. Although the Sovereign Class is a good ship, it has problems such as unreasonable firepower configuration and weak main gun defense. It is a particularly strong target ship on the battlefield. .

Of course, the Hongwu Emperor class also has similar problems. Although the 305mm main gun of the Hongwu Emperor class has a shield, an electric loader, and a rate of fire that can reach the level of a rapid-fire gun, there are still armor-piercing shells that are too sensitive. , The number of main guns is too small, the sight of the main guns and the level of fire control are not high.

Therefore, neither the Ming Navy nor the Royal Navy is ready for war now, and there is a need to design and build the next generation of [-]-ton warships.

In fact, here in Daming, the design work of the Yongli Emperor-class battleship and the Wuwang-class armored cruiser has already begun in full swing.

Among them, the standard displacement of the Yongli Emperor class will exceed 305 tons, and the standard displacement of the Wuwang class armored cruiser will also reach 210 tons.With such a huge hull, these two battleships can adopt the main gun layout of the piggyback turret, and will be able to install at least eight [-] mm or [-] mm caliber cannons!

In addition, the design demonstration of the [-]-ton cruiser has also begun, and a design plan should be produced this year or next year.

In this case, the possibility of a large-scale war between Ming and Great Britain is almost zero.

"Ziyi (the name of Zhuge Weiyi) is right. According to the report received by the Naval Staff, Yingyi's Sovereign-class main gun was destroyed shortly after the battle began, while the Indomitable-class 18-inch main gun was fired. The speed is too slow and the accuracy is too low, so it can't deal with high-speed moving sea targets at all. As for the 6-inch secondary guns of the two ships, there are only 10 and 6 guns, which together are only equivalent to a Lushun-class warship. The advantage is probably the resistance. With the 305mm naval guns and armor-piercing shells we currently have, it may be difficult to sink it. So now if we fight a world war with Britain, I don’t know how to fight it on land. I’m afraid we will have to rely on boarding to decide the outcome, because no one can use artillery to destroy the opponent’s capital ship. Since neither side has the battleships needed to win, of course the war will not break out immediately.”

Yu Quan took up the topic of the two Zhuges and continued: "My lord, we have no money, and Yingyi has no money even more. They have been hit by the economic crisis more than us. Dozens of domestic British banks have collapsed. There is still a war with Turkey, so where is the spare energy to fight us again?"

After listening to the analysis of these people, Zheng Guozhong finally felt relieved, nodded and said: "That's right, war, the place of life and death, the way of survival, how can you be so rash? But don't we have airships? Can we use airships?" Sink a British warship?
Since we can't fight for a while, we still have to negotiate!If we can blow up the Sovereign Level or Unyielding Level, then our bargaining chips will be big! "

"My lord," Zhuge Weiyong said, "I have already hung up the phone to the airship headquarters. Guan Zhongyin (Guan Tianpei) of Hainan Airlines will decide whether to dispatch the No. [-] airship battalion on Jueying Island in Busan."

"Where is Guan Zhongyin now?" Zheng Guozhong asked, "I haven't seen him for some days."

Zhuge Weiyong said: "He is now at the airship base on Jueying Island in Busan."

Absolute Shadow Island.

This small island next to Busan Port of the Kingdom of Korea has been the site of the Ming Dynasty Navy since the era of King Wuzhong. The entire island is full of headquarters, barracks, warehouses, forts, watchtowers, military ports, naval shipyards, etc. Wait, even the home port of the Beiyang Fleet of the Ming Navy is placed on Jueying Island.

Ever since the airship came into existence, an airship base had been built on Jueying Island. After several expansions, when Guan Tianpei became the admiral of naval aviation, the airship base on Jueying Island was already quite large.

There are no less than 50 large warehouses for storing rigid airships alone, plus various warehouses, gas stations, workshops, and a total of more than [-] large and small buildings.Moreover, they are all solid brick and wood structures, which look much more magnificent than the airship yard at Xianmen Pass in the Kingdom of Jin.

In addition, at the four corners of the airship field, tall castle-like high-altitude forts were built, which are turrets specially used to erect anti-aircraft guns--the anti-aircraft guns, of course, must be placed high to be useful!

But now, all the Dragon III airships placed in the airship garage have been dragged to the open and flat airship take-off and landing field. The 25 airships are tightly lined up, and the ground crews of the Naval Air Force are pushing to get ready. Air bombs, machine gun bullets, hydrogen cylinders and gasoline cars headed for the location of the airship.

Rear Admiral Guan Tianpei, the admiral of the naval aviation, had already boarded one of the airships already loaded with hydrogen cylinders, gasoline and ammunition, and was also sitting in the deputy captain's seat.

Different from the Flying Dragon Type [-] boat that Daming "leased" to Dajin, the cabins of the airships in the Jueying Island Airship Base are all layouts of combat boats, with a small number of crew members, only the captain, driver, and deputy captain. Co-pilot, Navigator No. [-] and Communications Officer No. [-], Navigator No. [-] and Communications Officer No. [-], Gunner No. [-] and Observer No. [-], Gunner No. [-] and Observer No. [-], Bombardier No. [-] and Mechanic, The number two bombardier and medical officer totaled eight people.

The saved space, except for a small warehouse and lounge, and a toilet, is all built-in bomb bays!When performing bombing missions, a total of 16 100kg bombs or incendiary bombs can be carried in the built-in magazine.

"Officer Guan, the routine inspection before takeoff has been completed, and all items meet the requirements."

The captain of this airship is Lieutenant Colonel Ma Xuchen of the First Airship Brigade. He has completed the routine inspection and is reporting to Guan Tianpei while fastening his seat belt.

"Okay!" Guan Tianpei nodded heavily, "Take off. Go to Cape Muroto, Shikoku Island!"

(End of this chapter)

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