1825 My New Daming

Chapter 128 It's time to show your true strength!

Chapter 128 It's time to show your true strength! (The sixth update is here, ask for the first order, ask for the follow-up order)
Kii Waterway, waters near Shikoku Island, on the British cruiser Leander, Captain James John Gordon Boehmer of the British Royal Navy is holding up a telescope and nervously watching the thick smoke rising from the sea in the distance!

When there is smoke at sea, either a ship is burning, or a ship is deliberately setting off smoke.When Daming's four warships sailed away from the waters near Awaji Island, they let go for a while. They ran away in a flash!
And Colonel Boehmer will destroy the Royal Navy Colonel when he sees the enemy. Of course, he can't just watch the enemy slip away from his nose.So he immediately summoned a Buffalo-class destroyer and the second-class cruiser Leander he was on to form a small formation, and then pursued the fleeing ship at a speed of 16-24 knots at a speed of up to 28 knots. The enemy ship is gone.

追,当然是追不上的。而且追上了伯麦上校估摸着自己也不一定能打得过,至少那两条旅顺级肯定是打不过的。他的利安得号二级巡洋舰虽然也有4300吨的标准排水量,防护能力也不弱,但是旅顺级一比就差太多了。光是那炮管子就没得比!一条旅顺级上有16门155毫米40倍径速射炮, 而利安得号上只有2门7英寸30倍径的主炮和2门6英寸35倍径的副炮,前者还是一款半速射炮, 后者虽然是速射炮,但无论射程还是射速还是远远比不了大明的155毫米40倍径速射炮。

So after catching up, but not catching up is indeed the best result.If you chase it, it means that the Royal Navy of the British Empire has won the battle!Since neither of the two ships sank in the battle, whoever escapes and whoever pursues it means who wins and who loses.

After the brave Colonel Boehmer led two warships of the British Royal Navy to chase the enemy for more than four hours, he could finally believe that he had won the pursuit!
The enemy's shadow is gone, and he is about to chase out of the Kii Channel and enter the Pacific Ocean. Even if we drive out the Ming Navy that invaded Japan, it is considered a victory, right?

Just when he was about to return triumphantly relieved, something unexpected happened!

Suddenly there were a few roars on the sea, and then there was thick smoke billowing, as if some ship was on fire?

How is this going?

This can't be a Royal Navy ship burning, can it?There can't be a British warship in that direction. Because he was the most aggressive when chasing the "fleeing" Ming warship.The other two second-tier frigates were chasing very "seriously", and the speed did not seem to exceed 15 knots, but he ordered the Leander to pursue at a speed of up to 16 knots (the fastest can run 20 knots)!

Since it wasn't a ship of the British Royal Navy that bombed, it was a Japanese ship or a ship of the Ming Empire. And most of them were Ming's ships!
Because they run so fast, they must be running at full speed. In this case, steam boilers are easy to fry.In addition, they also suffered a lot of shells just now, and some of them must have not been bombed.Maybe it was accidentally blown up during cleaning and maintenance!

If there is such a good thing, the credit must go to Colonel Boehmer! He was promoted to colonel during the Napoleonic War (1814), and it has been more than ten years since a brigadier general was promoted. If you don't go up, you will get old if you don't go up.So don't let this opportunity pass by!He only needs to drive over with the formation to take a photo, and then fire a few torpedoes, and the credit will be there!
Thinking of this, Bomei took a deep breath, and said to the left and right: "Left rudder 5 degrees, head towards the place where the black smoke is coming out. In addition, signal the Hippo and ask them to prepare torpedoes!"

"Yes, sir!"

In this way, under the command of the brave Colonel Boehmer, the two British warships, with the 800-ton destroyer Hippo as the vanguard and the 4300-ton cruiser Ridean as the rear, carefully rolled towards the black smoke, one behind the other. to the sea.

"Sir, it's a destroyer that seems to be of the Xinchang class, and it seems to have been abandoned!"

Someone on the bridge of the Lid'an suddenly shouted.

Boehme tried his best to suppress his excitement, holding up his binoculars and looking around - he didn't see any ships of the Ming Navy around him.The waters in this area were already close to Cape Muroto on Shikoku Island, and the destroyer of the Ming Dynasty was parked less than 3 nautical miles from the east coast of Cape Muroto, motionless.And beside the nearby Muroto Cape Beach, there are two wooden boats that seem to be lifeboats.

Obviously, something happened to this destroyer, and it was abandoned by the naval officers and soldiers of Daming!
Well, it should be like this, otherwise what is this boat doing?Colonel Boehmer couldn't think of it.

"Sir, we can capture that ship!" The deputy captain of the Lid'an had already made a suggestion at this time.

"Okay!" Bomei nodded and said with a smile: "We can capture it. This is the real strength of the Royal Navy! Signal the Hippo, order the Hippo to try to send people on board, and capture the destroyer of the Ming Navy. There are many military secrets!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Drip, drop, drop drop drop."

Following the "didi" sound of a telegram, the specific positions of the two British warships were transmitted by radio waves to the Lushun and Vladivostok on the other side of Cape Muroto.

This Cape Muroto is actually a rather slender peninsula with low hills and the sea on both sides.On one side is Kii Waterway and on the other side is Tosa Bay.

The ships on both sides couldn't see each other because there were mountains blocking them. If there were no radio waves, it would be impossible for the Lushun and the Vladivostok in Tosa Bay to know the exact location of the Liedan and the Hippo. Get bombarded with them.

But now, the radio station on the Xinchang, which is "playing dead", can tell the positions of the Lid'an and the Hippo to the two cruisers on the other side through the radio, thus acting as the eyes of the two cruisers.

The 155mm guns on the Lushun and Vladivostok are also quite powerful-that is a rapid-fire gun with a diameter of 40 times, with a range of up to 12 kilometers, which can be fired from Cape Muroto to the other end (distance of five kilometers to six kilometers)!

Of course, in actual naval battles, this range is of little significance, because of the shaking of the hull and the level of observation and aiming. The effective range of Ming’s 155mm naval gun with 40 times the diameter is within 4000 meters unless the observation and aiming can be solved. Due to the problem of excessive shaking of the hull, this 155mm gun can hit farther targets.

But now, the problem of sighting and aiming is solved by "playing dead" the Xinchang and the radio station.The problem of the shaking of the hull was partially solved by anchoring the hull.

So the 20 155mm cannons on the Lushun and the Vladivostok (these are the most in one direction) are ready!And these 20 cannons can also fire a real concentrated fire-the 20 cannons bombarded the same target according to the instructions of the Xinchang!
"Sir, two British ships have been fooled, one is a Leander-class cruiser and the other is a Buffalo-class destroyer!"

On the bridge of the Lushun, Officer Tongxun put down his headset and reported loudly to Zhuge Weidao.

Zhuge Weidao nodded, thinking: "That Li Chenghui who looks a little slow turns out to be quite good at fighting, and he can think of such a bad move."

Thinking of this, he asked again: "Do you have Zhu Yuan?"

"There is."

Zhuge Weidao nodded and said: "Okay! Going to the mountains to shoot cannons. Now is the time to show the true strength of our Ming Navy!"

"boom boom"

Just as Colonel Boehmer was happily waiting to capture a Ming destroyer, a wave of 155mm artillery shells fell without warning!And it landed directly near the cruiser Leander!One of the most recent shells even landed 40 meters away from the port side of the Leander, and a water column of more than ten meters rose into the air, and huge waves even slapped on the deck of the Leander.

This can already be regarded as a near miss, but it scared everyone in the bridge of Bohmer and Leander!
Where is the cannon here?Why so accurate?
There are no enemy ships nearby, only a destroyer of the Ming Navy. That destroyer did not fire, and it is impossible to have such firepower!
Could it be the Japanese cannon on Mount Muroto?

The Japanese have already sold the British Empire to Daming as a dog?
Boehme still doesn't understand what happened?The second and third waves of artillery shells have already landed, and they are more accurate than last time. The second wave of shelling fired a straddle shot. It even landed 20 meters away from the Lid'an.
The first wave of close misses, the second wave of straddle shots, and the third wave. Now all the officers on the bridge of the Ridean have a thought that the end is approaching.

Bomei opened his mouth wide and wanted to give the order to turn the rudder to evacuate, but someone shouted in his ear: "Airship. The sky is full of airships! The airship is firing!"

What?The airship is firing?
(End of this chapter)

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