1825 My New Daming

Chapter 158 Be optimistic, this is air defense!

Chapter 158 Be optimistic, this is air defense! (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

When a ship anchors and stops during an air defense operation, it completely gives up its maneuverability, and stops motionless on the sea surface to blow up casually. This operation is now when no one understands air defense, and it will be left in the future when the aircraft hangs bombs and torpedoes to hit warships In this era, people will definitely be regarded as fools.

But now, Military Master Zhuge has his own plan, who would dare not listen?
The sea was calm, and the Lushun was heaving gently. Nineteen white airships had already formed a bombing formation, one after another, ready to launch a line-up bombing.

In fact, according to Shimadzu Qiliang's order, the No. [-] target of these Japanese airships today should be the Hanwu Great Emperor.But the "flying samurai" who replaced Guan Tianpei after Xixiang Jibingwei Longsheng personally went to "dog fight" with Guan Tianpei felt that Lushun was now guarded by one man, no, it was guarded by one ship, blocked between Jueying Island and In the waterway between Shenxiantai on the opposite bank is a "ship of bravery". The man who steers the ship must be the bravest warrior in the Ming Navy, so it is worth bombing.

Since there was no radio station on these Japanese airships, and there were no lights and semaphores to dispatch and command, they could only form formation in accordance with the principle of following the "leader ship".The method of determining the leader boat is based on the number. All airships have Arabic numerals at the tail, starting from 01 and ending at 20.Xixiang took the No. 01 boat, so the leader boat at the beginning was "Xixiang Boat".And when the leader boat finds that the airship is blocking the way ahead, it will rush to resist.When the airship behind saw it, it would regard the No. 02 boat as the new leader boat, and everyone would line up behind it to fly and bomb.The order of queuing is according to the number, from small to large.

This set of tactics looks very dull, but for an airship that does not have a radio station and cannot use semaphores and lights to command, it can only be dull.

So when the 02 boat rushed towards the Lushun, the other 18 airships also came with it. If it sounds good, it is called "queuing up to drop bombs", but if it sounds bad, it is just refueling and dying.

But at this moment, the tense atmosphere in the bridge of the Lushun on the sea has also risen. Last time, the air defense of the Indomitable was smashed!As for the Lushun, the Indomitable also has the same problems - it was also designed without air defense in mind, and the artillery it is equipped with has a limited firing angle, which really makes the enemy's airship reach the top of the head, and there is no way to fight it. up.And the gunners who were temporarily drawn out were also in an unprotected state, and a lot of them could be killed by a near miss
So for Zhuge Weidao, there is only one chance!
Holding the binoculars in one hand and the receiver in the other, he looked at the Japanese airship that was getting closer and closer to him, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth: "Turn on all the speakers on the starboard side. Attention everyone on the starboard side. I am Captain Zhuge Weidao." , all 45mm guns and 13mm raised guns fired in salvo, the target is the enemy leader boat, and fire after hearing my order!"

Don't underestimate his phone call, this is the most advanced battlefield communication command system in the world today!

Through this system, the bridge can directly issue orders to all units of the ship, and can command the firepower of the whole ship in a unified manner.In addition, through the radio station on the ship, it can also organize and coordinate with other ships and even airships in the sky.

In a fleet decisive battle, relying on this system, the capital ships of the entire fleet can focus their fire on an enemy ship!
Zhuge directed the telescope for Dao, covered the voice receiver on the phone receiver with his free hand, and asked loudly, "Report the distance!"

"2800 meter."

"2500 meters!"

"2000 meters!"

"1500 meters!"

"1000 meters!"

With the distance report sounded by the navigator, the air in the bridge of the Lushun almost froze. After all, there were 19 airships approaching. If they were allowed to drop bombs, the Lushun would be finished.

And Zhuge Weidao stretched his neck to look at the altitude of those airships, their altitude dropped very fast, at least 1000 meters from the beginning, now there are less than 200 meters left, and they are still falling rapidly.
"500 meter."

When Zhuge Weidao heard this number, he finally took a deep breath and shouted into the phone in his hand, "Fire!"

Eleven 45mm rapid-fire guns and 30 13mm guns roared at the same time!

41 rounds of deadly ammunition rushed towards the airship hundreds of meters away with a whistling sound—although there were not many ammunition, they were all aimed at and fired at!And those 30 Taiwanese gunmen are all "sharp gunners", and their marksmanship is very accurate!If it wasn't for getting on the boat, the bottom of the feet was ups and downs, and the firepower of 30 salvos could have set the airship on fire from 1500 meters away.

Now it's only 500 meters, how could it miss?
I saw dozens of flames (flares from tracer bullets) rush towards the unlucky airship in the sky like precisely guided lightning, and just a moment later, an unknown number of shells and bullets hit the huge body of the airship. air compartment.This is a hydrogen boat!The airbags in the air chamber are filled with hydrogen gas that can be ignited with a little spark.So the airship burned extremely violently almost at the same time as it was hit, and the huge gas chamber of the airship directly turned into a fireball in the sky.Soon, the dazzling and fiery fireball swallowed the entire airship at a speed visible to the naked eye.Then the burning flames slowly fell into the sea under people's astonished eyes, just like a sun shot down by Hou Yi.


The cheers on the bridge of the Lushun suddenly rang out.

Zhuge Weidao didn't have the heart to cheer with them. He hurriedly picked up the phone receiver and ordered loudly: "Everyone on the starboard side pay attention, the target is the enemy's second airship, aim. Five, four, three, two, one, fire!"

This time, he didn't wait for the airship to get closer to 500 meters—the Japanese are not stupid. They saw the airship in front of them turned into a ball of fire, so why don't they run away?So he counted to five, and immediately gave the order to fire.

Still eleven 45mm guns and 30 13mm guns focused fire, still hit without any suspense, and still a raging fire!
"Attention everyone on the starboard side, the target is the third enemy airship"

Zhuge Weidao made persistent efforts and continued to direct the fire!
I don't know if it was not easy for the airship to turn around, or if the Japanese devils who were flying the airship were dumbfounded. Anyway, the Japanese airships in the sky did not turn around immediately, but bumped into them one after another!

And what greeted them was of course the powerful anti-aircraft firepower of Lushun!

In the sky, fireballs burst out one after another, and fell into the sea one after another.However, these fireballs that fell into the sea were still getting farther and farther away from the Lushun. The distance from the first one was less than 500 meters to about 1500 meters when the eighth fireball fell into the sea.Moreover, the height of these fireballs was getting higher and higher. When the ninth airship entered Zhuge Weidao's line of sight, it had already risen to more than 1000 meters.

Obviously, these Japanese airships have been saving themselves since they found something wrong, but it is not easy for the airships to turn around, and it is not easy to switch from descending to ascending, so eight of them were knocked down by the Lushun.

The ninth airship dropped its bombs in order to go to the sky faster, and the following airships followed suit, all dropping bombs to reduce weight.The airships that dropped the bombs all flew into the sky, and Lushun's anti-aircraft firepower was not enough, but they couldn't threaten Lushun and the Ming army fleet in the Jueying base.

"Sir," Wang Wen's voice sounded, "It seems that the pirate's airship has withdrawn. Shall we chase it?"

"Stop chasing, let them go back!"

Zhuge let them go back for Taoism, in addition to being unable to hit and catch up, it was to teach the British that air defense relies on precision!The high density of firepower is a waste of ammunition. If you shoot accurately, one or two shots will do.

When these frightened airships retreated, Zhuge Weidao raised his binoculars to look for the two airships "dog fights" jumping up and down in the sky again. This is really an eye-opener!
I don't know if someone will design a "combat airship" in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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