1825 My New Daming

Chapter 159 Great Ming Dynasty, don't fool around, very reliable!

Chapter 159 Great Ming Dynasty, don't fool around, very reliable! (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

"Are they really fighting in the air?"

Zhuge Weidao was dumbfounded.Because he found that the two airships in the sky rose for a while, and then fell rapidly for a while, not like an air battle, but like playing on a trampoline.

What's more exaggerated than jumping up and down is that most of the two airships have no ability to attack each other.The larger Flying Dragon No. [-] boat had machine guns, but those two machine guns could not be aimed at the target, and there was no chance to fire.

As for the smaller Armstrong boat, although it was not as fast as the Feilong [-] boat, it was obviously more flexible.While grabbing a high position, you can go around in circles with Feilong No. [-], and make a turn from time to time.

But this airship didn't seem to have firepower, so it ran up and down, and after going around with the dragon boat for a while, it didn't fire a shot at the dragon boat.I don't know what it is going around?

Seeing this, Zhuge Weidao lost his patience, so he ordered: "Hang up the anchor, let's drive over to help the officer!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Boom, boom, boom."

This is the sound of the wheels of the train hitting the rails. Now Zhuge Weidao has boarded the train back to Beijing—his mission on the ship has not ended, but he has obtained a short "holiday" to return to Beijing to wait for his arrival. The twins were born, and at the same time, they had to report the events of the Battle of Kii and the Battle of Jueying Island to the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of the Navy in Beijing.Then he had to attend an important military division meeting.

Although the Ming court and the Zhuge family had already established the national policy of fighting for hegemony with Great Britain and accepting Japan as a dog, they were still very cautious in implementing it.The "thrust" of Zhuge's way is just a small step forward in the hegemony line of Zhuge's military division from the previous "waiting and testing period", and entered the "small gamble and less win period".

That is to say, if you don’t play with the big ones, you will play with the small ones. On the premise of avoiding the final showdown, try to erode the interests of the British Empire as much as possible, and at the same time expand the sphere of influence of the Ming Empire cautiously but resolutely.

So even though the Battle of Jiyi and the Battle of Jueying Island took place, and Ming Dynasty can already determine that the Japanese rebels in Nagasaki are also the enemies of the Ming Empire, the soldiers of Ming Dynasty still cannot kill Japan without obtaining righteousness Go to the mainland. This is the policy of "non-aggression, non-colonization, and non-coercion of other countries" passed down by King Wuzhong!

Of course, the standard of "non-aggression, non-colonization, and non-coercion of other countries" is very clear. You can't just grab it without talking about righteousness. If people don't want to be dogs, you can't force them, and Daming's dogs are not casual. Anyone is eligible.

As for the big hats such as hidden colonization and economic colonization, the Great Ming Dynasty will not recognize it at all. Not only will it not recognize it, but it will also not accuse others of engaging in hidden colonization and economic colonization.

Therefore, the first important thing for Zhuge Weidao to do when he returned to Beijing this time was to discuss a specific strategy on how to get the title of righteousness to defeat the Nagasaki traitors.

And the second major thing he wants to accomplish in Beijing is to formulate a general strategy for the Ming Navy's air defense operations and aviation operations-he is now an expert in aviation operations and air defense operations recognized by the Ming military circles.

And he is also the "Air Force Division" of the Zhuge family. Of course, this identity is only known to the military division.

On the train to Beijing, Zhuge Weidao spent most of his time writing. He had to produce reports and proposals before he participated in the Air Operations and Air Defense Operations Conference of the Ministry of the Navy. This report and proposals were still for ships. The key to the unit's fight for the air defense retrofit budget and for the aviation unit.

Naval Aviation Admiral Guan Tianpei also returned to Beijing with him, and now he is sitting in the same box with Zhuge Weidao.Zhuge Weidao was writing the report, and he was reading the report written by Zhuge Weidao, frowning more and more.

"Daozi, what is the new type of aircraft you propose? Is it a new type of airship? Why is it listed as a top secret project, and a special budget of at least 500 million silver dollars is required in the eighth year of Taiping?"

"Of course the new type of aircraft is not an airship. Airships have no future." Zhuge Weidao replied while writing something in his notebook with a pen, "The name of the new type of aircraft is an airplane."

"Flying chicken?" Guan Tianpei asked, "Rooster, hen's chicken?"

"A machine's machine." Zhuge Weidao laughed, "A machine that can fly is called an airplane."

"A flying machine? How to fly?"


When Zhuge Weidao was thinking about how to explain it to Guan Tianpei, Guan Tianpei discovered something new from Zhuge Weidao's report, so he asked with a smile, "Daozi, didn't you say that airships have no future? Why did you propose to develop transportation?" Plans for airships, bomber airships, scout airships, and combat airships? Oh, and the development of an airship mothership is quite thoughtful?"

"Admiral, this is for the British!" Zhuge Weidao explained with a smile, "The airship has no future, so it is the most suitable for the enemy to develop. If there is only one type of airship, it may not cost the British much money. Therefore, we first develop four major categories, each of which is divided into two sub-categories: shore-based and ship-based. In this way, the British need to develop at least eight types of airships, and also need to develop and build an airship mothership. Then If multiple projects are added together, tens of millions of pounds may be wasted. And the British spend more money on airships, so they will naturally reduce their investment in surface ships, underwater ships and aircraft.

In fact, we have to mislead the British in the development direction of surface ships and let them regard speed as the ultimate performance index of surface ships, thereby reducing investment in armor and firepower. "

The speed, armor, and firepower of a battleship, of course, should be solid and balanced, fast, durable, and fierce. Of course, that is the most ideal!But this kind of ship costs too much money, and the technical requirements are too high.Not to mention Daying, even Daming would have a hard time getting it right.And when the battleship's speed, armor, and firepower are all adjusted, it's time to be eliminated.Instead of spending a lot of money to build battle patrols, wouldn't it be nice to have a few more aircraft carriers?Moreover, there is also the issue of the naval treaty. The tonnage of the treaty ships must be limited, and the parties to the contract cannot build large ships.

Therefore, for a truly excellent treaty battleship, it is impossible to pursue comprehensive capabilities, and a certain trade-off must be made in the three aspects of armor, firepower, and speed.In Zhuge Weidao's view, speed is exactly what can be discarded!

Because high-speed battleships often need to use high-power power systems, large heavy oil boilers and steam turbines, and large oil depots.And these will occupy limited tonnage, thus sacrificing firepower and armor, and it is easy to create a fast battle cruiser with mediocre firepower and thin armor.Battlecruiser certainly has its uses, but it cannot be used as the main force.

In contrast, those ships with thicker skins and thick guns, but slower speeds, are actually quite reliable in combat effectiveness, and they are much cheaper, so they are most suitable for serving dumplings as the main force.

Japan, Nagasaki.

At the same time, George Elliot was earnestly recording in a Japanese-style castle on the outskirts of Nagasaki, and at the same time listening to the report of Japan's air combat ace Saigo Yoshihei Takamori.

It turned out that during the air battle on Jueying Island that day, the airship that Saigo Yoshihei Longsheng was riding on was not shot down by Guan Tianpei's airship. , although it didn't collide, Xixiang still seized the opportunity to throw a rib at Guan Tianpei's airship. It is said that he even hit the target!
If the Ming Navy's Lushun hadn't come to support the Feilong [-] airship, Xixiang would have the confidence to shoot it down with a throwing knife!
The weapon used in the world's first air battle was actually a knife, and the airship can also cooperate with surface ships. By the way, the Indomitable was sunk by the Ming Navy and the airship. This is really a valuable experience!
(End of this chapter)

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