1825 My New Daming

Chapter 177 This is a clash of civilizations!

Chapter 177 This is a clash of civilizations! (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

"Count, in your opinion, the main battlefields of this world war in the future will be in India, Australia, and their surrounding seas?"

Faced with the question from the British Prime Minister, Earl Nelson, the soul of the Royal Navy of the British Empire, just shrugged slightly, and said helplessly, "Where else could we be? If Ming Dynasty did not quickly subdue Japan, we might still be able to use Japan as our leader in the future." The base launched an attack on the core of the Ming Dynasty. But now, there is no such possibility.

Of course, our British Isles are not something they can get. I even suspect that those Easterners have never considered attacking Europe.What they want should be Malacca, the East Indies, Australia, India, and maybe expand their territory in North America, and at most turn Ali Pasha of Egypt and the emperor of Mexico into their vassals, maybe in The east coast of Africa occupies some territory.

And if we want to stop them, we must not only deploy our defenses in India and Australia, but also fight in the Indian Ocean, the South Pacific, and the Strait of Malacca.In fact, the confrontation on the ocean is the key to the victory of this future world war!If my guess is correct, the next world war will be completely different from the Napoleonic Wars. The main battlefield of the next world war will be at sea, and the party that wins the command of the sea will definitely be the final winner! "

"Count," Robinson asked, "are you sure of victory?"

"Yes!" Earl Nelson nodded, "But we can't just rely on the power of the British Empire. Even if the Indian Empire is completely on our side, our population can only reach 60% of Ming's at most, and our industrial strength may only reach that of Ming. One-third. If we assume that the naval strength of both sides is 1:1 at the outbreak of war, then after the outbreak of war, they can also build ships at a rate twice as fast as ours!

I mean, they're going to be building ships 3 times faster than we can go with a full mobilization!We built one ship, and they built three. The long distance between the Ming mainland and the British Isles, as well as the vastness and wealth of the Ming mainland, determined that the war must be long.It may take more than 1 years to decide the winner! "

"For more than 30 years?" Robinson's head grew big. "Isn't that as long as the time from the French Revolution to Napoleon's defeat?"

"Maybe it will be longer!" Viscount Palmerston, Minister of the Navy, took the topic, "For Australia, western America, the Indian subcontinent, eastern and southern Africa... maybe the entire Near East land, and the power to rule the world's oceans, Isn’t it worth fighting for 30 years? Moreover, the war potential of the Ming Empire and the British Empire is comparable to that of Emperor Napoleon’s France?”

"A 30-year war." Robinson took a breath, "Can we really fight for that long?"

Viscount Palmerston touched his neatly trimmed beard on both sides of his cheeks, and said solemnly: "Your Excellency, this future world war is different from the Napoleonic War. The war of division or unification is a struggle between two civilizations and two races for world leadership and living space in the next few hundred years.

If we win, then their East Asian race will have to retreat to their East Asian homeland, and they will have to struggle to survive in the world dominated by our Western whites for hundreds of years. If we lose, then the production space of whites will be greatly reduced compressed!At least half of what our race has achieved since the Age of Discovery has been spit out!
Moreover, as a super empire, the Ming Empire will definitely have the power to dominate the world after winning the world war.Our descendants will be ruled by those yellow-skinned, black-haired Orientals in the next few hundred years! "

Viscount Palmerston paused, looked at the British Prime Minister, and said word by word: "So... the future world war is not a war between Britain and Ming Dynasty, but a war between two civilizations and two races! Now, All East Asian races have united under the banner of the Great Ming Dynasty, but what about the Western Caucasians? Mr. Prime Minister, do you think that we can defeat East Asia only by relying on our more than 2000 million whites in Britain and [-] million slaves in India? [-] million people?
Should France, Rakshasa, Prussia, Austria, Holland, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, the Kingdom of Sardinia, the United States, etc., just stand by and watch? "

Robinson rubbed his chin, "But... how should we draw these countries into the camp against the Ming Empire? Could it be that they will take the initiative to side with us because of the color of their skin and their belief in God?"

Viscount Palmerston shook his head: "The only thing that can impress these countries is their interests, but I still believe that between the Ming Empire and the British Empire, they are still inclined to the British. Therefore, we should hold the Versailles Naval Conference as a western power Contain the peace conference of the Ming Empire!"

"Western powers contain the Ming Empire? How?" Robinson asked, "Do you want to conclude a treaty against the Ming Empire?"

"No, no, no, it's very difficult to do right now," Viscount Palmerston shook his head, "However, before the meeting starts, we should work out with the participating Western powers a naval tonnage two and a half times that of the East. In principle, the ratio of the total naval tonnage of our British Empire to that of the Ming Empire can be 1 to 1. But after adding other Western naval powers, the ratio of the total naval tonnage of the West to the East should be 2.5 to 1!"

"2.5 to 1?" Robinson thought for a while, "If we negotiated 300 million tons with Daming at the Versailles Naval Conference, then France, Rakshasa, Prussia, Austria, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, and the Kingdom of Sardinia The total tonnage of the navies of the United States and the United States should also reach 450 million tons? Can they build it?"

The eight countries that can seriously build an ironclad ship these days are Ming, Great Britain, France, Austria, Rakshasa, Prussia, Sweden, and the Netherlands. Even the United States is not enough.Moreover, in terms of shipbuilding level, Ming and Great Britain are two of the best, France and Prussia are so-so, Austria and Luocha are barely catching up, the Netherlands and Sweden can at most build a little, and the United States can at most build a shell , The bulletproof steel plate has to be bought from the UK.What Portugal, Spain, and the Kingdom of Sardinia are still far behind!

"Actually, they can't make it," George Elliot took over the British Prime Minister's question, "but they will not refuse the quota allocated by the Navy Conference. If there is no quota, they will not develop the navy. But with the quota, they will There is the motivation and demand for development!
Because if they don't develop, other countries that get the quota will develop a navy that can defeat them with our help! "

Palmerston proudly said: "Some countries will work hard to build ships in order to become a real naval power, such as France, Rakshasa, and Prussia.

And some countries will build ships without quotas with our help, such as the Netherlands, Sweden, and Austria.

Other countries purchase warships or lease our ships, such as Portugal, Denmark, and the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Some countries will buy our old ships, such as the United States. "

At this time, Viscount Palmerston lit himself another cigar and said while smoking: "But no matter what method they use to build a navy, it may be used by me in the future!
And we can also help these countries to build ships and train naval officers and soldiers to draw closer relations with them and gradually promote the establishment of an alliance to contain Ming Dynasty.

As long as this alliance is established, then Daming's 300 million tons will not be facing our 300 million tons.

It is 600 million or 700 million, or even 750 million tons of the entire Western civilization to beat their maximum 300 million tons! "

Viscount Palmerston took another big puff of his cigar, and said with a smile: "Even if not so many warships are built in the end, and the entire West only has 600 million tons or less, the Ming Empire will still be afraid... Maybe they dare not Continue to push the war process! And for us, even if the status quo is maintained for a long time, it is completely acceptable."

(End of this chapter)

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