1825 My New Daming

Chapter 178 The vast ocean is a casino, and the naval conference is a game of cards

Chapter 178 The vast ocean is a casino, and the naval conference is a game of cards (please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass)

Versailles, Grand Trianon.

The Ming Empire Naval Arms Control Negotiation Delegation led by Zhuge Weijiu is now stationed in the Grand Trianon Palace not far from the Petit Trianon Palace where the Queen Mother of France, Marie Antoinette, lives. Looking at the location of this resident, I also know how strong the relationship between Zhuge Weijiu and the Bourbon royal family is.

However, no matter how strong the relationship is, it is just a personal relationship. It is impossible for the French Bourbon Dynasty to provoke the British Empire, which is still flourishing on the European continent, for the sake of Zhuge Weijiu.Even the wise and mighty Nahuang was turned against by the anti-French alliances organized by the British Empire again and again, not to mention the weak Bourbon dynasty?
Until the Ming Empire beat the British Empire over and over again, expecting the French to reappear in the glory of the Emperor, it would be unthinkable.However, no matter how France declines, it is still the second industrial country in the white-skinned circles of Europe today. It is much stronger than Prussia next door, and Tsarist Russia and Austria cannot be compared together.Therefore, Louis XVII and the Duke of Marseille not only have the courage to step on two boats and take red envelopes on both sides, but they are also very big!
Some time ago, Louis XVII and Marseilles who had just acquired the land in the Ruhr area and the stocks of the Suez Canal from Zhuge Weijiu (of course they were given gold francs, but the value of such strategic assets cannot be measured in gold francs at all) The Duke, I came to the Grand Trianon Palace to see Yafu together today, and brought their dear Yafu the trump card of the British Empire—a part of the trump card of the British Empire at the upcoming Versailles Naval Conference.

"Yafu, the Viscount Palmerston of the United Kingdom told the widows yesterday in the Dulei Palace that the bottom line acceptable to their British Empire is that the total tonnage of combat ships is equal to that of the Ming Navy. The total tonnage upper limit of both sides is the same. Set at no more than 300 million metric tons!
In addition, the British Empire should include all the Indian Empire and all other British dependencies, dependent countries, dominions, and colonies.And under the main body of the Ming Empire, all the vassal states of the Ming Dynasty should also be included.However, Japan is not a vassal of the Ming Dynasty, and currently has independent sovereignty in name, so it may not be included. "

This Louis XVII is really a real person!
As soon as Palmerston showed him his hole cards, he had already figured out a loophole for Yafu.

Zhuge Weijiu nodded slightly, then glanced at his assistant Zhuge Weixue, "Brother 88, what do you think?"

Zhuge Weixue frowned slightly: "On Daming's side is Japan, how many helpers are there on Daying's side?"

Zhuge took a long look at the loyal Louis XVII, and Louis XVII said: "Yafu, my mother and I and the Duke of Marseilles are all facing you and Daming. So our million-ton navy in France is No matter what, I will not be an enemy of Daming."

"You, France, also want to build a navy of 100 million tons?" Zhuge Weijiu smiled, "Can you do it? Do you have enough money? Also, what kind of battleship do you plan to build? What kind of battleship does Britain plan to build?" ship?"

The Duke of Marseille, the French Minister of the Navy, immediately replied: "The British want to build a battleship with a displacement of 2.5 to 3 tons, 6-9 large-caliber main guns, and a top speed of about 20 knots. Starting from the Sovereign class, the displacement will increase by 2 tons, and I don’t know when it will be built? Of course, our French capital ship must be one size smaller than the British one. I discussed with the shipbuilding experts below, and I think it is possible to build a displacement ship. No more than 280 tons, a main gun caliber no more than 20 mm, and a speed of no more than 1 knots. You don’t have to run too far, and you can dominate the Mediterranean Sea. You don’t have to worry about construction costs, just build it slowly. As for technology, France still lacks experience in building ironclad ships with a displacement of more than 280 tons, and there are no electric loaders and [-]mm barrel-retracting rapid-fire guns, so I hope Ming Dynasty can transfer some technology.”

"It's easy to say, easy to say," Zhuge Weijiu smiled, and asked again, "Wouldn't all three million tons build this kind of battleship? Are there other capital ships? Are they still building the Sovereign class?"

The Duke of Marseilles said: "Of course they will not only build this kind of battleship. No battleship of 2.5 to 3 tons will be developed in three to five years. But they will not build monarchy, but will build some The tonnage is smaller than that of the monarch, and there may be 11 fast armored ships equipped with 6-inch main guns and 100-inch secondary guns!"

"What about you?" Zhuge Weijiu smiled, "Do you want to build some [-]-ton armored ships?"

The Duke of Marseille smiled and said: "Of course, but we don't build 280-ton fast boats, we just nest in the bathtub of the Mediterranean Sea now. So I want to come to some improved Hongwu Emperors equipped with [-]mm main guns, you Look."

"Okay, okay, okay," Zhuge Weijiu nodded again and again, "Don't worry, I'll talk to them at the Ming court. Shall I help you complete the improvement plan? The Design Institute of Jiangnan Heavy Industry and the Ministry of the Navy of the Ming Dynasty The design institute is one of the best ship design institutes in the world, so it is right to ask them to correct it."

Louis XVII was waiting for these words, and immediately nodded and said: "Yafu, thank you very much!" He paused, "There is one more thing, this time the British want to pretend to be the leader of the Western alliance, and they are going to pull together Help the younger brother to unite with Ming Dynasty for naval arms control negotiations. According to their plan, the total tonnage of warships in Western countries will eventually reach 750 million tons!

Yafu, although the countries in the west are not of one mind, the British Empire still has a way to form a loose alliance. Even we, France, have to join it. You must prepare early! "

Zhuge Weijiu still took his time, smiled and said: "It's just a trick of combining vertical and horizontal!"

Zhuge Weidao got up from his big mahogany bed, first yawned, then stretched, what a satisfaction!Looking around again, the petite and well-behaved Daheikong was wrapped in a quilt, lying on the side with disheveled hair, and a sweet smile on his face.

This big black space is really good, it looks like a cute little beauty, once the "package" is removed, the inside is also very informative, although it is not as good as Natalie and Ali, but it is not much worse than Nalandili.In addition, she also brings together the freshness and delicacy of Jiangnan women and the docility and obedience of Dongying women.And when Zhuge Weidao saw her, he had an irresistible urge to invade her, and Da Heikong was also very naughty sometimes, screaming and sneaking into Natalie's room!Isn't this a sheep into a tiger's mouth?It's still a male tiger and a female tiger, two tigers play a sheep!
But Natalie is busy taking care of the baby now—there is obviously a nanny at home, but she wants to nurse the baby herself, so after playing with Zhuge Weidao and Da Heikong, she usually goes back to her house to take care of the baby. And let Daheikong wait for Zhuge to sleep for the Tao.

In addition to Natalie, Nalandili and Dahei, Zhuge Weidao also took in his personal maid Ali when he was stationed in Jueying Island. Unlike Nalandili and Dahei, Ali belongs to the Zhuge is personal for Dao!
Zhuge Weidao's contract of selling his life is in the hands of Zhuge Weidao, and he has also recognized the master. In this life, he is determined to follow Zhuge Weidao alone. There is no way, the brainwashing has already become like this.

This girl was "purchased" from the Dahei family by the Zhuge family. She was only five years old when she came here. She was also raised by the Dahei family before. She has no memory of her own parents, and it is impossible to find them again. , Dahei's family had already destroyed her information.Therefore, the Zhuge family is her only family, and Zhuge Weidao is the master of her life.

When Zhuge Wei got up, Ah Li had already changed into a maid outfit and was waiting outside the door. Hearing movement inside, she immediately pushed the door in with her changed clothes.Seeing that Zhuge Weidao was already sitting by the bed, he quickly put his clothes on the chair next to him, then took another pair of white washed socks, walked up to Zhuge Weidao, knelt on the ground, and helped Zhuge Putting on socks for Dao, he reported: "Master, I just received a call from Adjutant Shangshu of the Ministry of the Navy, asking you to come to the meeting room of the Secretary of the Navy before 9:30 in the morning."

(End of this chapter)

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