1825 My New Daming

Chapter 192 My mother's family travels the world and sells warships to pit Yingyi!

Chapter 192 Going back to her mother's house and traveling the world to sell warships to pit Yingyi! (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

Zhuge Weidao couldn't help laughing when Zheng Guoxian mentioned "Shun Lu".

It is indeed a drop in. It is not easy for Natalie to go back to Raksha's mother's house, and she has to go to many places on the way!
The first stop is of course Japan, then the Hawaiian Islands, then Mexico, then Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, the Brazilian Empire, Gran Colombia, then enter the Caribbean Sea, and then go to the Atlantic side of the Mexican Empire. Going shopping, of course, you have to take a trip to Texas under Mexican rule!So Zheng Guoxian's proposal to take a few boats to Texas along the way is also correct, it is indeed on the way!

After leaving Texas, Zhuge Weidao had to take his fleet to sail freely along the long coastline of the United States!In the process of free navigation, you have to visit New York Harbor to show the friendly attitude of the Ming Empire to the United States of America
After coming out of New York Harbor, Zhuge Weidao will take the fleet across the Atlantic to sail freely in Europe!Because the Ottoman Empire had closed the Turkic Strait, Zhuge Weidao's fleet could not enter the Raksha Kingdom through the Black Sea.Therefore, he can only go to the North Sea and the Baltic Sea through the English Channel. Then he will visit France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, and Prussia by the way, and then enter the territory of the Rakshasa Empire and enter along the coastlines of the three Baltic Sea countries The Gulf of Finland, and finally docked at the Admiralty Pier in Petersburg.

After finishing his "return to his natal home" visit to Rakshasa, Zhuge Weidao had to leave the Baltic Sea with his fleet, pass through the North Sea, the English Channel, and then enter the Atlantic Ocean.But this time I will not go to the Americas, but will drop into the Mediterranean Sea and visit Portugal, Spain, the French Port of Marseille, the Kingdom of Sardinia, the Pope, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, the Austrian Empire, and Greece. If they still exist!Then came Egypt under the rule of Ali Pasha, and then left the Mediterranean Sea and entered the Indian Ocean through the Suez Canal.

Of course, there is no reason not to visit the big country in South Asia, the impressive Indian Empire when you arrive in the Indian Ocean-now is the highlight moment for India!All the assets of the British Empire in the Indian Ocean, even the Malay Peninsula, were assigned to the Indian Empire.India has leapt to become one of the world's four great powers that can compete with Ming, Great Britain, and Rakshasa!
After visiting India, Zhuge Weidao will take his fleet to the Straits of Malacca and enter Nanyang. There are Ming Dynasty and Britain, no, it is the frontier of confrontation with India!It is also the defense zone of the powerful Ming Nanyang Fleet.So after entering Nanyang, Zhuge Weidao is considered home.

And when I went to Rakshasa, I actually traveled around the world "on the way". Of course, it was not for public travel, but a few important things were handled by hand.

First, of course, it is to help solve the small problem in Hawaii. The power of the Ming Empire has actually penetrated into the Kingdom of Hawaii very early, but since Queen Wuzhong, the Ming Dynasty has been a "civilized country" and will not roll up its sleeves and act recklessly.

So what Ming did in the Kingdom of Hawaii was investing in infrastructure, setting up education, developing industries, encouraging immigrants (half of them were Korean immigrants) and so on. He did not directly send troops to overthrow the Kingdom of Hawaii, nor declared that the Kingdom of Hawaii was a colony of the Ming Dynasty.

According to the intention of the Ming court, Ming had to help the Kingdom of Hawaii meet the criteria for becoming a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty, and then the Kingdom of Hawaii made a request before Ming could agree to accept it as a vassal state.

However, this kind of civilized people's way of playing has encountered the barbarians of the British Empire and Japan who have disrupted the situation. Is there any reason to fight back and oppose Ming Dynasty's invasion of Hawaii?

But now that Ming has completely subdued Japan, the problem of Hawaii is naturally resolved, and the Japanese troops stationed in Hawaii have become Ming's people, so Britain can't continue to play.So this time, Zhuge Weidao will send a Hawaiian kingdom to supervise the country, and then "invite" the small British fleet stationed in Hawaii to go.

The second is to promote Ming's latest battleships, armored cruisers, cruisers, destroyers, gunboats, and airships. Well, no matter how large or small a country is, whether there is sea or not, there is always a suitable one.Moreover, it is cheap and good quality, including education and meeting, fast delivery, and no deception!
Among them, the battleship that Zhuge Weidao wants to sell is of course a modified Hongwu type.The Ming Dynasty Admiralty also gave it a very nice name - Hero Class!Want to be a hero?Then come a few Hero-class ships!

If you are too cash-strapped to afford a hero class, then you can get two of the latest [-]-ton armored cruisers!This kind of armored cruiser is not the planned large-scale light cruiser. The latter needs to use high-power oil-fired boilers and steam turbines. It cannot be built yet, and it will not be cheap, so it is not suitable for foreign trade ships.So the shipbuilding engineers of Ming Dynasty built a reduced version of the hero ship, named it the hero class. If you can’t afford heroes, let’s get some heroes!
The standard displacement of the hero class is the same as the planned large light cruiser, which is also 1.2 tons. It uses the same power system as the hero class. It is a three-expansion reciprocating steam engine driven by a coal-fired boiler, and the power of the main engine is 2.2 horsepower.Because the hull is 6500 tons lighter, the top speed can reach 23 knots.


The armor thickness is also quite satisfactory, the armor belt is 50-150 mm, the deck is 25-75 mm, the turret is 150 mm, the conning tower is 300 mm, and the compartment is 125 mm.

The purpose of Daming's invention of these two "hero ships" is not only to make money, but also to deceive Yingyi. It is to use industrial strength to deceive Yingyi!
If steam turbines and oil-fired boilers (kerosene mixed-fired boilers) are not installed, the "hero" is basically the top match for battleships and armored cruisers of this era.The highest level that the world's second industrial country, Great Britain, has been able to achieve in the past two years is just like this. The standard displacement of 2 tons of warships is almost the same, which is the standard of hero ships.If you want to run faster, you have to reduce the protection and firepower to save weight. That is the hero-class armored cruiser.

And this kind of top-equipped battleship and patrol should have been a heavy weapon of a great power and a treasure of protecting the country.

As a result, Ming came to a big sale. Doesn't this mean that a country with a few bad money can catch up with the British Empire in terms of naval equipment?
Can the Royal Navy not get angry in a hurry?Can you do it quickly?

Wait until the technology of steam turbines and oil-fired boilers (kerosene co-fired boilers) matures before exploding warships?Can you afford to wait?If it is up to Ming Dynasty to sell the "heroes", I am afraid that the British marine steam turbines and oil-fired boilers (kerosene mixed-fired boilers) will not be able to achieve technological breakthroughs. The English Channel will be full of French, Prussian, and Raksha people A hero".

How do the British masters and monarchs fight against others?
So the British must bite the bullet and follow up!If you don't follow up, you don't have to wait for their oil-fired boiler (kerosene-fired boiler) technology breakthrough, the British Empire will have to be overthrown by Louis XVII. Hehe, landing in England and avenging the hatred of France for hundreds of years will be done. Well, Louis XVII was directly promoted to Louis the Great, so he didn't have to worry about Bonapartists, Republicans, or Orleans in his life.

On the other hand, Daming does not need to rush to build "Heroes" ships. It can use the expanded production capacity for foreign trade ships first, and build a few "Heroes" by itself, mainly relying on "old, broken, and small" ships. Top for a while first.After the steam turbines and oil-fired boilers are completely done, go directly to the 3-ton battleship, the 3-ton battlecruiser, and the 2-ton aircraft carrier. Isn't this a flying dragon riding a face?This is a sure win!
Thinking of this win-win game, Zhuge Weidao couldn't help but feel complacent, because this game was figured out by him, Zhuge Weiyi, and Zhuge Weiyong.

"Okay!" Zhuge Weidao said with a smile, "Next fall, let's go to Mexico together! But...the fleet runs fast, can your ship keep up?"

(End of this chapter)

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