Chapter 193 Taiping Eight Years New Ship Launch Conference (for Subscription, Monthly Pass)
"I can keep up, I can keep up," Zheng Guoxian nodded repeatedly, "In order to send immigrants to Texas better and faster, the Emperor bought two newest large South Island-class cruise ships from my family's Nanyang Cruise Company. However, a large ship with a light load of 1.45 tons and a full load of 2.5 tons can provide a power of up to 3.3 horsepower with two oversized triple-expansion reciprocating steam engines, and a maximum speed of 22.8 knots. It is only a little slower than the hero class , much faster than the Hero class! One of these two ships is now renamed Yamato, and the other is renamed Musashi. Taking them for a long voyage is really smooth, fast and comfortable, just like staying in a hotel. "

Well, Yamato Hotel and Musashi Hotel are here again!
But Zheng Guoxian is right, these two boats are indeed flat, fast and comfortable. Of course, this is in terms of many current navigation and shipbuilding technologies.Now it is impossible to build a super luxury cruise ship with a capacity of 10 tons, and a cruise ship with a full load of 2.5 tons is already the limit of the cruise industry.

And many of the technologies used by luxury cruise ships in this era are really no less than warships.As far as the "briquette stove" and triple-expansion reciprocating steam engine used by the Nandao class are concerned, they are much larger than those used by the hero-class battleships-the big ones make great efforts!The space on a cruise ship is much more generous than that of a warship, and of course larger equipment can be installed.

In addition, battleships and cruisers of this era are generally "fat".For example, the width of the "South Island" class cruise ship with a full load of 2.5 tons is only 20 meters, while the width of the hero class (Hongwu Kaiyi) with a full load displacement of 2.05 tons is 26.8 meters.

The wider the boat, the greater the resistance. Under the same main engine power, the speed is relatively slower than that of a narrow boat.

Therefore, the fast cruise ships these days basically run faster than warships. It is ideal to use them to transport personnel or serve as medical ships during wartime. Not only are they comfortable, but they also run so fast that submarines can’t catch up at all, even if they are The enemy's broken delivery ship may not be able to catch up.

But this kind of fast cruise is not cheap, why does a ship cost five or six million silver dollars?
Zhuge Weidao glanced at Zheng Guoxian, and said in his heart: "Your sister, the emperor, only cheated 1000 million yuan from the Ming court, and the two large cruise ships cost 1200 million yuan, plus the money for building houses and hiring samurai in the north. It’s not enough! You’re not already in debt, are you?”

As soon as he thought of this, Zheng Guoxian smiled again: "Brother Daozi, you are taking the Grand Duchess back to your mother's house this time. It takes about 8 kilometers to come and go all the way, and it takes half a year to run. You are a navy, Of course it doesn't matter, but how can those female relatives bear it? It's also inconvenient. Why don't you just let them board the 'Yamato' or 'Musashi'!"

"That's not bad! Brother Shenshan is thoughtful!" Zhuge Weidao nodded with a smile, "I'll also investigate the long-distance sailing capabilities of the Nandao class. If it's a good ship, the Navy may have to order ten or eight ships. !"

Zheng Guoxian said with a smile: "Then I have to thank Daozi brother, this Nandao class is the flagship product of Yanping Heavy Industry of our Zheng family. The two ships Yamato and Musashi are currently moored outside the Dagu Port in Tianjin, waiting to enter." The admiralty factory in the naval port is going to be refitted, adding a few self-defense cannons. In fact, there are several shipyards in Japan that can do this kind of refitting business, but they are all busy moving now.”

According to the agreement reached between the Ming court and the Tokugawa shogunate in Japan, all shipyards in Japan must relocate out of Japan, and move to Hawaii, New Manchuria, and California to engage in ship repair and ship breaking business—this arrangement, of course, is for When a war breaks out in the future, Ming can have factories in the central Pacific Ocean and the west coast of America that can overhaul ships.

But from Zheng Guoxian's tone, it seems that he wants to keep one or two
"Shenshan," Zhuge Weidao said of course he would not accept this, "I will tell the navy factory to take these two ships first. By the way, what is the condition of these two ships? How old are they? "

Zheng Guoxian sighed: "The two South Island-class ships sold to Sister Jingzi are new ships that have just started operation this year, and they haven't attracted many customers."

The new ship that just started operation was sold off. Obviously there is no business!

Zhuge Weidao thought: "It's right that there is no business. The economy is in recession recently! But this recession should be over soon. One is Japan's large-scale infrastructure construction, the other is the naval arms race, and the other is the immigration of America. Tide. All three are needs! We have to discuss it with Manager He later, and the investment in the family has to be increased.”

Thinking of investing, Zhuge Weidao turned his attention to Dahei Changshi.

Dahei often smiled and said: "Daozi, the old man was not able to turn around a few days ago, and he didn't even give Ah Kong's dowry. What a joke. Now 118 million silver dollars have been transferred to your account in the Yangtze River Bank. "

Daheikong’s dowry is 188 million in total, of which 118 million is silver dollars, and the remaining 70 are given to Ginza and shares in Daheiwu and a house in Shanghai.Both the shares and the house have been transferred, that is, the 118 million silver dollars, because the Dahei family was a little nervous to advance the military expenses for the Tokugawa shogunate, so they owed it first.

As he spoke, he took a look at He Tianran.

He Tianran immediately said: "Dong Weng, I have already been to the bank, and the funds are indeed in place. You see."

Zhuge Weidao smiled and said: "This is Ah Kong's money, so I opened two accounts in her name at Changjiang Bank and Changjiang Investment, of which 18 was left at Changjiang Bank as pocket money for her. The rest was transferred to Changjiang Investment, bought Feilong Industry, Tongling Telecom, Jiangnan Heavy Industry, and Yanping Heavy Industry. Oh, Shenshan, Mr. Dahei, do you have any good investment directions that you can recommend?"

Hearing Zhuge Weidao's words, Zheng Guoxian quickly shook his head: "Daozi, don't buy my Yanping Heavy Industry. It's been a loss for several years, and it's bleeding! My Yanping Heavy Industry is not the same as your Jiangnan Heavy Industry. Jiangnan Heavy Industry can build the best warships and the best oil tankers. These two businesses have high thresholds and high profits. Among them, the demand for oil tankers is growing rapidly, and there is no need to worry about bad debts. But our Yanping Heavy Industry mainly builds passenger ships and Ordinary cargo ships, these years."

That's right, if he had a way, he wouldn't cheat his sister Jingzi!

"Shenshan," Zhuge Weidao smiled at Zheng Guoxian, "Don't worry. Yanping Heavy Industry will have an order, and it's a warship order!"

"An order for warships?" Zheng Guoxian was taken aback, "Your Jiangnan Heavy Industry, Zhang Zhennan's Dongnan Heavy Industry, Lushun Naval Factory, Qingdao Naval Factory, and Guangzhou Naval Factory of the Ministry of the Navy didn't do it?"

"They can't finish!" Zhuge Wei said with a smile.

"Daozi, are you talking about the 1000-ship plan?"

Zhuge Weidao waved his hand: "Not only. We will take orders for warships from all over the world this time! At that time, the orders will be overwhelming, and the five major factories will not be able to finish them, and other factories will also get a lot. Yanping Heavy Industry is not bad, 2.5 The Nandao class can be built ton of tons, so why not be able to take orders? And the Nandao class itself is first-class! The speed is high, the range is long, and the deadweight exceeds 10000 tons! If it is used to transport troops, it can transport 3000 people at a time. It's more than enough, and maybe it can sell a lot. How about this, Yamato and Musashi will also participate in the new ship launch conference in the spring of Taiping [-], let's also participate in the armed high-speed troop carrier! Isn't this a good concept?"

"What is the 'new ship conference'?" Zheng Guoxian heard these words fresh.

"It is to display and sell the best and newest battleships, armored cruisers, cruisers, destroyers and fast troop carriers." Zhuge Weidao said with a smile, "This time, we will first invite naval attachés from various countries to Shanghai to see them! Then we will Then drive the ship to sell it door-to-door, and let their high-level naval officers see it. I guess, how can they sell 108 ships of the two classes of "hero" and "hero"! With so many orders for warships, how can they Can you give Yanping Heavy Industry [-] items?"

(End of this chapter)

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