Sunlight Konoha

Chapter 77: Chapter 77

Chapter 77: Chapter 77
It snowed all night, and the whole village was covered with silver.

There are people on the street with brooms and shovels to clear the snow on the road, the children are chasing and playing, and the smell of food is wafting from someone's house.

The ninjas from various villages who came to take the Chunin exam today arrived, all led by their own jōnin, and arranged into the guest house of the village.

Orochimaru should have come forward to meet him on this occasion, but he still stayed in the research institute and refused to come out, so he could only come forward by himself.

I really understand that in the eyes of outsiders, a young man like myself is definitely not worth enough, so I invited Minato to join me. With the golden glitter that is famous in the ninja world, these guests will not feel that they have been neglected.

Minato originally didn't want to attend this kind of occasion, but Naihe really invited him in person. Considering that the other party had helped Lin before, it was hard to refuse.

So he became a real pick-up tool.

The leader of the sand ninja is a young and beautiful woman named Ye Cang, a blood-following ninja who is good at burning and fleeing, and is also quite famous in the ninja world.

When Zhen saw her, he remembered that this woman seemed to have been sold by Sha Yin and became a victim of politics.

Although he is still alive now, it is estimated that it will be soon.

The village is much more lively than before. You can already see some ninjas wearing forehead protectors from other countries on the street. Besides, there are also many merchants here. I have contacted you a long time ago and gave They have a street where they can set up stalls to do business.

Konoha strengthened the police force and conducted strict inspections on everyone who entered the village.

Everything about the Chunin Exam is going smoothly, and Zhen is a bit busy these two days, and he needs to supervise many things.

At the same time, in the territory of the Land of Rain, there is a stronghold of the Akatsuki organization.

Yahiko looked at the letter from Sanshoyu Hanzo presented by his subordinates. It said that Hanzo admired Akatsuki's actions and wanted to invite them to have a meeting with Akatsuki and discuss future family and country affairs.

If the previous Yahiko had received such a letter, he would have been overjoyed, and felt that his hard work for so long was worth it.

In the entire Land of Rain, there is almost no one who does not yearn for Sanshoyu Hanzo, the legendary figure who pushed the military power of the Land of Rain to its peak, and fought against the three major powers at the same time with one man's strength.

But after receiving Konoha's warning, Yahiko sighed in his heart for his innocence and the viciousness of Sansho Hanzo.

Obviously, the vision of himself and the entire Akatsuki organization is for the entire Land of Rain, why can't Sanshoyu Hanzo understand, doesn't he want to save this country?Or, in his old age, he has lost his previous ambitions and has begun to indulge in the power in his hands.

Can such a person continue to lead the Kingdom of Rain?

A subordinate came to report: "Master Yahiko, Konoha's ninja has arrived."

Konoha's letter said that when they rebelled, ninjas would be sent to assist them.

Yahiko thought that the visitor must be an elite ninja from a big country, so he didn't dare to neglect, so he immediately got up and went to meet him.

There were only two people who came, an old man with a stooped figure and a pot on his back, and a middle-aged man in a funny green tights.

If it weren't for the Konoha forehead guards of these two people, Yahiko would not have believed that the other party was a ninja, and the image he had previously imagined in his heart collapsed instantly.

He turned his head and whispered to Nagato: "These two people..."

Nagato said expressionlessly: "Konoha Ninja."

He has no good looks towards Konoha's people. Every time he sees Konoha Ninja, he will think of the day his parents were killed by Konoha Ninja.

The corner of Yahiko's mouth twitched, thinking that Konoha might be perfunctory to them.

"Hello." He still took the initiative to greet.

Kosuke Maruhoshi handed over a document.

"My name is Maruhoshi Kosuke, and this is Matt Dai. The village sent us two to assist Akatsuki."

Yahiko took a look, and his complexion became bad instantly.

"Be patient..."

Both of them are submissive.

There was anger in his heart, but thinking of the help Konoha had given him recently, he suppressed it.

Maruhoshi Kosuke knew what Yahiko was thinking when he saw Yahiko's face, and said with a light smile, "Mr. Yahiko, judging people by their appearance is not a good habit."

Yahiko was startled, and seeing Kosuke Maruhoshi's indifferent posture, he couldn't help feeling a little suspicious.

He took a deep breath and smiled at the two of them: "It's been a long journey, you two, please take a rest first, and I will notify you when you take action."

The subordinates led Kosuke Maruhoshi and Matt Dai into the stronghold.

Xiao Nan couldn't help asking at this moment: "Are these two people really okay?"

They don't look like normal people.

Yahiko said: "It's our own business. Konoha is doing his best to help. We shouldn't force them to do anything."

After Maruyoshi Kosuke and Matt Dai were led into a lounge, Matt Dai heaved a sigh of relief.

He had been tense just now, for fear that he would show his timidity.

Since he had applied for a B-level mission to Zhenzhen before, Zhenzhen would often send him some high-level missions, and the partners around him were all Maruhoshi Kosuke.

Maruhoshi Kosuke is used to such scenes. He has performed countless high-level missions. Although he is also a ninja, he is different from Matt Dai, who is despised and ridiculed everywhere in the village. He still has a certain reputation. Except for some young people, many people were very polite to him.

He recently teamed up with Matt Dai, and he has also found out the level of his teammate. He has mastered a secret technique of body art, which can burst out with great strength for a period of time, but then there will be a period of weakness .

And what gave him a headache was that although this guy Dai even had children, he had no experience in advanced missions at all, and he needed to take him to many places by himself.

Kosuke Maruhoshi guessed that this may also be the true meaning, and wanted to train Matt Dai himself.

"Senior Gusuke, is our mission target this time Sanshoyu Hanzo?" Matt Dai asked.

"That's right." Kosuke Maruhoshi said.

"This is a demigod..." Matt Dai couldn't help but smacked his lips.

The other party was once a figure standing at the top of the ninja world, and even the Sannin in his own village relied on him to become famous.

Matt Day never imagined that one day he would be able to play against each other.

"Don't worry, it's not just us, but the entire Akatsuki organization." Kosuke Maruyoshi said, "Master Zhen values ​​them so much, it seems to be something special, and Sanshoyu Hanzo is already old."

Age is a ninja's worst enemy, and he knows it all too well.

He took out a green reagent from his pocket and handed it to Matt Dai.

This is the antidote that Zhen gave them before they left, and it has less side effects than the batch that Zhen gave to the Xiao organization, but there are only two of them.

Salamander Hanzo is famous in the ninja world for its poison, and they should also be prepared to deal with it in advance.

Matt Dai walked to the window, thinking that if Kay knew about the mission he was performing, he didn't know how to react.

He couldn't help laughing out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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