Sunlight Konoha

Chapter 78: Chapter 78

Chapter 78: Chapter 78
A few kilometers away from Yuyin Village.

Sanjiao Hanzo and his ninjas are waiting here for the arrival of the Akatsuki organization.

He received a summons that Danzang of Konoha Village was unable to come due to something, but he also sent his ninjas to help.

"Lord Hanzo!"

At this moment, two Yuren suddenly escorted one person to this place.

Hanzo looked at the person being escorted, his eyes moved slightly.

The subordinate reported: "When we were tracking the ninja of the Akatsuki organization, we also captured this person. It seems that this person and the Akatsuki organization are conducting a secret communication."

This person doesn't look like Akatsuki's, and he doesn't look like a ninja from his own country.

Hanzo signaled his subordinates to search the person, and after a while, he found a Konoha forehead protector and a letter.

Hanzo frowned when he saw Konoha's forehead protector, took the letter and looked at it carefully, his eyes became even more gloomy.

"Mr. Yahiko, the ninja of our village has gained the trust of Sanshoyu Hanzo, and the overthrow of Yuyin and the control of Yuguo are at the moment. Please act according to the plan-Fourth Hokage · Orochimaru."

His fingers lightly stroked the Hokage seal on the letter, and then he squeezed the entire letter paper into a ball.

Hanzo stepped forward and tore off the black plastic bag from this person's mouth, and asked, "Is that why you are so optimistic about Yahiko's Akatsuki?"

The man just sneered.

"How long will it take for Gen's arrival?" He asked the subordinate beside him.

The man glanced at the sky and said, "It's almost the appointed time."

Hanzo rubbed the ball of paper in his hand, his eyes gleaming coldly.

The conspiracy with Konoha Shimura Danzo was known to only a few confidants besides him.

This letter is not fake.

Hanzang glanced at the Konoha ninja on the ground, and said indifferently, "Take him back to the village, lock him up, and interrogate him when he goes back."

He glanced at his ninjas here, and after a short consideration, he made a decisive decision: "Autumn Ghost."

"Master Hanzo!" Someone responded immediately.

"Lead a team and kill all the Konoha ninjas that came!"


Shimura Danzo, I really underestimated your scheming!

The eve of the Chunin exam.

Many royal ministers from the Kingdom of Fire have arrived. They disliked that there was no entertainment place in Muye Village, so they stopped at Adofu Street ten kilometers away, and did not enter the village.

For these ministers of the Land of Fire, going to Konoha to watch the Chunin Exam is a public-funded trip, so they naturally want to relax.

They were personally received by the third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi, and there was nothing else to do with these officials. The whole day was nothing more than drinking, having fun, and enjoying singing and dancing.

On the bustling street, a group of luxuriously dressed people came out of a luxurious hall, each drunk, supported by their own retainers and servants.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was also among them, and these people staggered and said that they would make another appointment tomorrow, so that the Third Hokage would definitely come.

Sarutobi responded with a smile, watched their sedan chair go away, and then returned to the hotel where he was staying with the accompanying ninja.

It was very late, and he drank a lot of wine. It was too troublesome to go back to the village at this moment, so he stayed there directly.

"Master Sandaime, you should go to bed early."

When Yuan Fei returned to the bedroom, he also let out a long sigh of relief, feeling very tired.

After drinking, his body didn't feel so cold. There was a cup of poured tea on the table, and he raised his head to drink the tea.

When he put down the teacup, he found a letter under the teacup.

who left for himself...

Sarutobi couldn't help being startled, he opened the envelope suspiciously and glanced at it, most of the drunkenness instantly woke up, and turned into countless cold sweats.

This letter actually records a series of crimes committed by Danzo, and any one of them will cause a huge disturbance in Konoha, and Danzo will no longer be tolerated by the village!
The most important thing is that every one of the above is what he knows and acquiesces.

Yuan Feiteng stood up, he didn't know whether it was drunk or what, he suddenly felt dizzy.

His hand holding the letter was already bulging with veins.

This is someone going to deal with Danzo...

Orochimaru? !
Why do you have to be so cruel, this is to kill them all!

Sarutobi was terrified.

But how could these things leak out, who did it!

There are not many people in the know, nothing more than Danzo's subordinates and his confidantes.

But Danzo's root ninjas are all imbued with the seal of tongue disaster, and it is impossible to leak the secret.

Is that something wrong with me...

Sarutobi's mind was full of thoughts for a moment, and he felt that his mind was in chaos.

Everything above can be involved in him after careful study. If something happens to Danzang because of this, he will not be able to get rid of it.

But why did you send this thing to yourself again?
If it was really what Orochimaru did, it was implying something to himself.

Yuan Fei calmed down, sat in front of the table and frowned in thought, his face fluctuating from bright to dark.

After an unknown amount of time, he put the letter on the candle and burned it to ashes.

The beating candlelight reflected on his old face.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi walked out of the room, and the guards who were close to him immediately stepped forward.

"Master Sandaime, do you have any orders?"

"Go back to the village." Sarutobi said calmly.

"It's so late, you..." The ninja hesitated, he was worried that Sarutobi had drunk so much alcohol.

Sarutobi took a deep breath and didn't talk nonsense with him.

"Back to the village!"


It was already 10 o'clock at night.

Zhen is still staying in Hokage's office at the moment, the official business on the desktop has been dealt with long ago, Zhen has nothing to do but sits on the chair and looks up at the ceiling in a daze.

He was waiting for something, the wall clock on the wall was ticking, and even Kai, who was standing guard outside the door, felt a little tired.

Suddenly, a figure approached, holding a booklet in his hand.

"Sama-san is back."

Zhen took the booklet and looked at it, it recorded who went to him not long after Hiruzaru Sarutobi returned home.

Some of the names on it were familiar to him, and some were unfamiliar.

But there is no doubt that these are the core figures of Sarutobi Hiruzen's forces.

I really read the list in this booklet several times before putting it away.

"Thank you, Huomen."

"It's not hard to do things for real adults."

When Zhen walked out of the office, Kakashi, who was standing guard outside the door, kicked Kai immediately when he heard the sound of the door opening.

Kai, who was drowsy, woke up immediately.

"Okay, you can go back." Zhen said to the two.

Kakashi saluted after hearing the words: "Yes."

Kai also bowed slightly in a dignified manner, and stretched his waist looking at the back of Zhen's departure.

"It's too hard to get off work so late." He said to Kakashi with emotion.

Kakashi didn't answer, but he also had the same thoughts in his heart. Compared with the truth, Orochimaru, who is Hokage, seems too careless, doing some inexplicable research every day.

As if it was really Hokage.

 It will be on the shelves next Friday, and I hope everyone will support it then.

(End of this chapter)

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