Sunlight Konoha

Chapter 79: Chapter 79

Chapter 79: Chapter 79

On the day of the Zhongnin Exam, Dashemaru finally came out of the laboratory willingly, and met many people on behalf of the village.

And at the end of the first essay test, he showed up to meet those candidates and said some encouraging words.

The so-called essay test assesses a series of qualities such as Xia Ren's own theoretical knowledge, personal character, and team philosophy.

After the essay test, there is the second test to test teamwork, and finally the third test to test personal strength.

This is the inherent process of the Chunin exam. No matter how the content of the exam changes in the past, the main purpose will not change.

Nearly half of the candidates were eliminated in the first exam.

Many people hope that the ninjas in their village can perform better, but they are really not interested in the exam itself, as long as the Chunin exam can go smoothly.

In the second test, all the ninjas from those small places were eliminated, which is also expected.

The only ones left to take the third exam are the members of Konoha and Sand Yin villages.

I really saw Ye Cang in Shayin Village again, and asked more about the situation between Shayin and Wuyin.

Hakura was surprised that Zhen would ask her directly about such things, and Zhen continued to say that anyone who needs Konoha's help can just ask, and also said that Shayin had helped Konoha when he was in distress, and Konoha also wanted to give back to this camaraderie.

Hakura thought for a while, but said vaguely that Sain would definitely win, and said that he would convey Konoha's meaning to Kazekage-sama.

After passing the second round, Hongdou excitedly ran to Orochimaru and asked him how he was doing.

Orochimaru just smiled and touched her head, and said some words of encouragement.

Hong Dou turned to ask Zhen very proudly, did he take a serious look at his heroic performance just now.

Really perfunctorily said that it was very powerful, but it made Hongdou a little unhappy, and kicked him on the calf.

root base.

"Hmph! Danzo, you will regret it!"

Seeing Sarutobi leaving in a huff, Danzo didn't have much trouble in his heart, and even felt that Sarutobi was a little stupid.

Now that he controls half of the police force and controls the lifeblood of the village, who can touch him?

Orochimaru, relying only on the Anbu of the Hyuga family under him?
Danzo dismissed it in his heart, as long as he has a thorough grasp of the guard, he can infiltrate various departments of the village bit by bit.

At that time, it will be a breeze to have another drama of forcing the palace.

No wonder Sarutobi was forced to abdicate, after all, it was not because he was too cowardly.

The things in this world are not all whoever holds the handle, whoever has the final say, just rely on those crimes, as long as Danzo does not admit it, it will be nothing.

In the current village, who has the strength to tear themselves apart?

Sarutobi was so eager to ask him to warn him about this, because he was afraid that he would be involved and damage the glorious image of his Third Hokage.

When I helped him do those shady things, didn't I think that this day would come?

What Sarutobi said was not taken seriously by Danzo.

He is now wondering why the subordinates sent to Yuyin Village have not come back, and there is not even a letter.

According to the original plan, the Akatsuki organization should have been wiped out by now.

The oily girl Ryoma he sent is considered to be the most capable general under his command now, and it is not easy to assist Yuyin to destroy a small mercenary organization.

Could something be wrong...

Danzo thought about it in his heart, and only thought of the possibility of the reincarnation eye. Feeling uneasy, he sent a small team to the Land of Rain to investigate the situation.

Shen Ye.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, who had already rested, suddenly opened his eyes, jumped off the bed and rushed out of the window.

There was a gust of cold wind, but no one could be seen.

Above the window sill, a white note was pressed under the stone.

Yuan Fei patrolled the spot for a long time before he frowned and took the note in his hand.

[Shimura Danzo colludes with Yuyin Village to rebel]

A line of words exploded in Yuan Fei's mind like a thunderbolt, making him stunned on the spot and his scalp numb.

"What's wrong?" Biwako in the house went to the window and asked.

Sarutobi took a deep breath and quickly calmed down.

Impossible, Danzo would never do this!
He went back into the house, his mind was in turmoil.

"What happened?" Lake Biwa closed the window, saw the note in Sarutobi's hand, and wanted to reach for it, but was held in his palm.

"If you want to commit a crime, if you want to commit a crime..." Yuan Fei murmured.

"Hi-slash?" Lake Biwa frowned slightly.

Sarutobi ignored Biwako's soft call, his thoughts turned sharply.

No matter how excessive Danzo is, it is impossible to collude with outsiders to rebel.

But since the other party wanted to attack Danzo, why did he come to alert himself again and again!
What do you want...what do you want...

"I have something to go out for a while." Sarutobi said to Lake Biwa.

Lake Biwa nodded, seeing Sarutobi's reaction like this, she could guess what important things happened, she took the coat and put it on Sarutobi.

The winter night is extraordinarily cold.

Yuan Fei walked out of the door, but stopped in place again, looking from a distance, he could see the four huge rock statues on the Shadow Rock.

After a while, he walked in the direction of Hokage House.

The street was deserted, and he, an old man of half a hundred, came to the gate of Dashemaru's mansion.

It was Hongdou who came to open the door. She was wearing pajamas, apparently just got out of bed.

"Master Third?!"

"Where's the fourth generation?" Sarutobi asked.

Red Dou looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and said, "Oshemaru-sama usually doesn't go home, he stays at the research institute."

Sarutobi nodded slightly, and was about to leave.

At this moment, Hong Dou suddenly called out to him again: "Master Sandaime!"

"Oshemaru-sama told me, if you come to him, let me tell you that he is busy with experiments, if you have anything to ask, please go to Hinata's house to find Makoto."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned when he heard that.

Hinata really...

He left in front of Orochimaru's house, looking in the direction of the Hyuga Clan, feeling a little complicated.

With his status and status, he only needs to send a message to anyone he wants to see. The heads of the major families in the village, even the fourth Hokage Orochimaru, should take the initiative to come to his house to listen to the instructions.

But the current situation does not allow him to do this, and it is not him who takes the initiative in the situation.

The most important thing is that he doesn't know the other party's purpose at all.

Is he planning to bring down Danzo, or is he trying to get something from himself.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi came to the Hyuga Clan's land alone, and the guards of the Hyuga Clan saw that it was the third Hokage, and they led him directly to the patriarch's house in shock.

This is not the first time he has been here, whether it is Hyuga Taigui or Hyuga Nichizu, he has had a deep relationship.

Sarutobi's impression of the current Hyuga clan has not been understood since Hizuru's death, or he was no longer Hokage before he had time to understand.

It is only clear that this family is now attached to Orochimaru, and the new patriarch Hinata Shin is also Orochimaru's right-hand man, who sits in Hokage's office every day and helps Orochimaru handle many affairs in the village.

He didn't wait long in the living room when Ayano bowed and walked over.

"Master Sandaime, my lord, please go to the study."

Sarutobi couldn't help thinking when he watched the former patriarch's fiancée come to deliver the message.

Now the owner has changed here, maybe everything has changed.

Sarutobi entered the study room under the leadership of Ayano, but there was no one there.

"Really?" Sarutobi asked.

Ayano suddenly showed embarrassment, a little hard to say.

After she learned that the third Hokage was visiting late at night, she hurriedly shouted to the truth, but after she told the third hokage to go to the study, she continued to sleep.

How would he respond to this? Could it be that he was really sleeping...

Seeing her expression, Yuan Fei couldn't help frowning slightly, and looked around the interior of the study.

There are bookshelves on three walls, and there is nothing extra in the room except books.

There were three stacks of documents on the desk.

Sarutobi walked forward thoughtfully, and took one of them in his hand.

Seeing this, Ayano closed the door of the study softly at the right time.

What Sarutobi held in his hand was a file of the Hyuga clan, and the above-mentioned ones were all young and strong of the Hyuga clan.

These people are all ninjas in the village, and Sarutobi has an impression.

He picked up another stack of documents, and his expression changed instantly.

This is also a file, but it is a list of members of his Sarutobi clan.

The above-mentioned personnel all hold important positions in the village!
Sarutobi Hiruza put it down silently, and then picked up the last document.

This is no longer a file list, but a very detailed record of all the shady things he and Danzo did.

Sarutobi's hands trembled slightly, he finally understood what the other party's purpose was.

(End of this chapter)

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