If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 104,【Is it just a classmate? 】

Chapter 104,【Is it just a classmate? 】

Moonfield is in sight, quiet and lonely.

Every house in the community is lit with lights.

Xu Ziyin and Yun Xianyu walked side by side on the narrow path leading to the gate.

Feeling the cool wind blowing slowly, Xu Ziyin asked with a smile.

"Xianyu, how old is Xixi this year?"

"After the new year, I will be seven years old."

Seven years old.

Twirling his chin, Xu Ziyin thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice.

"Seven years old, not too young, it's time to arrange for her to go to school after her operation."

Hearing the word go to school, Yun Xianyu was obviously taken aback, with a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

It took a long time before he whispered.

"I can teach her."

You teach her?
Looking down at the girl with a hesitant face, Xu Ziyin felt something in his heart, and then he pulled her to sit on the bench beside him, and said earnestly with his eyes down.

"Xianyu, Xixi has grown up, it's time to integrate into the collective environment."

"If you are worried about tuition fees, then you can rest assured that Xixi is so cute, I treat her like my own sister. If you are worried that she will be bullied by other children at school, then you can rest assured , Whoever bullies Xixi, I am the first to disagree."

"You still have to go to school, how can you have so much time to teach her, besides, you can't let her stay by your side all the time, as she gets older, she has to meet new friends, otherwise it will go on for a long time She can easily develop a withdrawn character."

Hearing this, Yun Xianyu remained silent and did not reply.

It took her a while to speak softly.

"Then I'll let her go back to her hometown to go to elementary school."

"go back home?"

Xu Ziyin was very puzzled.

"Xianyu, do you think Xixi is willing to separate from you, and she doesn't have any relatives in her hometown, so she can't be boarded at the neighbor's house all the time?"

"Not to mention that the unaccompanied environment will affect her growth, and the unintentional words of others will also have an impact on her young heart."

What Xu Ziyin said was indeed reasonable.

For a seven-year-old child, the growth environment of childhood is very important.

She had already lost her parents. If she separated from her sister again, Xu Ziyin could be sure that in another ten years, Xixi would become another Yun Xianyu, even more sensitive and inferior than her.


Twisting her little hands, Yun Xianyu clearly understood the importance of Xu Ziyin's words.

But what can she do?
Going to school in a big city like Suzhou is not as easy as in a small place.

Xixi's household registration is in her hometown, and she doesn't have a local household registration. It is very difficult to find an elementary school willing to take her in, unless she has a lot of contacts or is willing to spend money.

But these are simply impossible for Yun Xianyu.

Gritting her teeth, Yun Xianyu whispered.

"But Xixi doesn't have a registered permanent residence in Suzhou."

Upon hearing this, Xu Ziyin suddenly realized.

He patted his forehead and laughed.

"Ham, what should I think is the problem, that's all."

"It's okay, leave this matter to me, and I promise to let Xixi go to the best elementary school in Suzhou."


The breeze was melodious, and under the bright moonlight, the young man patted his chest and spoke boldly.

The corners of the bright mouth seemed to be stained with a layer of light against the shadow of the moon.

The girl looked up at him.

There is a mixture of joy and complexity in the big smart eyes.

After a while, she pursed her red lips and asked cautiously.

"Xu Ziyin, you, why are you being so nice to me?"

This question instantly made Xu Ziyin's body stiff.

He looked down at the girl on Xiafei's cheeks, and the hope overflowing in her eyes, it was the first time that he was speechless in front of her.

Looking away, Xu Ziyin let out a haha ​​and said nonchalantly.

"Because we are classmates."

"Students should help each other."

This answer made Yun Xianyu's eyes dim for a moment. She lowered her head, squeezed her skirt with her small hands, and murmured in that inaudible voice that only she could hear.

"Is it just a classmate?"



It was about ten o'clock in the evening when I returned home under the soft moonlight.

There were no lights in the living room.

Xu Man was lying on the sofa in pajamas, watching TV boredly, her smooth and tender feet were swaying in the air.

Seeing Xu Ziyin came back, she glanced leisurely, and then said lazily.

"Little Chi, come here and give my sister a massage."

With a hum, Xu Ziyin changed into her slippers, went to sit beside her, and then put his hands on Xu Man's smooth back and gently massaged.

Xu Ziyin has long been accustomed to this level of intimate interaction.

It is estimated that no one in this world is more familiar with her body than Xu Ziyin except Xu Man herself.

Xu Ziyin naturally knew where she was struggling, and the strength of his strikes was slow and heavy.

Feeling the pressing touch of her fingertips on her back, Xu Man moaned comfortably, then adjusted her posture, raised her chin and lay on Xu Ziyin's lap, muttering.

"Mu Qing has gone to Wuhan, and he won't be back until the end of the year."

"Well, I see, she told me."

"Then what if no one sleeps with you?"

"Cough cough."

This sentence choked Xu Ziyin instantly, and the peaceful atmosphere in the living room was broken in one fell swoop. Resisting the urge to crush her in his heart, Xu Ziyin rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Then I'll sleep alone."

"Can that be the same?"

Turning over, Xu Man blinked her bright eyes and joked.

"Won't it be uncomfortable? Why don't sisters sleep with you?"

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin slapped her upturned butt without mercy, and said viciously.

"If you talk nonsense again, I'll go back to my room and sleep."

"Hmph, it's not interesting."

"Okay, I'm going to sleep, you go back to the house and do your handwork."

"Don't sneak into my room at night~"

After finishing speaking, Xu Man stood up, possessed her body and gave Xu Ziyin a fragrant kiss, and then went to her bedroom with a graceful figure.

Xu Ziyin watched her back disappear into the living room, his face was stiff, but his heart was full of softness.

Of course he understood the meaning of his sister deliberately waiting for him in the living room.

She didn't ask what happened last night, why she was so depressed, and she didn't ask about the little girls.

He just sat on the sofa and waited for himself, and then said a few jokes with himself.


Silent all night.

The next day.

When Xu Ziyin woke up, the sky was already bright.

After washing up, I went to the living room, where a delicate breakfast was already set on the dining table.

A cook Yin left, and a cook Xu came back.

At least Xu Ziyin doesn't have to worry about his daily life.

Just as she was eating the loving breakfast prepared by her sister, the phone rang suddenly.

Putting the phone on the ear, the next moment, a pleasant voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Xu Ziyin, I'm Luo Xuan."

"I know, I have your phone number saved."

"Well, Xu Ziyin, are you free tonight? My mother wants you to go home for dinner."

"Ah? Didn't you just eat last night?"

Xu Ziyin was a little surprised.

Is it so frequent?

Hearing this, Luo Xuan seemed a little embarrassed, and said humbly.

"Xu Ziyin, my mother seems to be quite satisfied with you, so let me call you..."

With a laugh, Xu Ziyin interrupted her.

"It's okay, I can understand. The mother-in-law is watching the son-in-law. I'll be there on time in the afternoon."

"Okay, then you can send me the address when the time comes, and I will pick you up in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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