If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 105, [Auntie, is your boyfriend so shy? 】

Chapter 105, [Auntie, is your boyfriend so shy? 】

The time has come to November.

Autumn's footsteps are already drifting away.

Due to the lessons learned last time, Xu Ziyin didn't dare to drive the R8 to school casually. It was too flamboyant and ostentatious, and he was not a high-profile person.

Passing along the street all the way, the young ladies also put on thick clothes, and it is obviously a bit difficult to see the long white legs.

When he came to Soochow University, he glanced at the time. There was still about an hour before class, so Xu Ziyin turned his head and went to the library.

There were not many people in the Suzhou University Library in the early morning, it was deserted and quiet.

The librarian sat in his seat and read the morning news vigorously. Xu Ziyin didn't bother him. After swiping his card, he found a book related to history and sat in the corner to read it.

Reading makes people wise, and time passes slowly in the scent of ink lingering on books.

When Xu Ziyin looked up again, there were already more people in the library.

Most of them are seniors who are about to take the postgraduate entrance examination in their senior year.

They sat quietly in their familiar positions, with a cup of tea in their hands, no need to think about it, they will spend today's time in the library.

The warm learning environment made Xu Ziyin smile. He got up and returned the books, and left the library quietly.

When heading to the teaching building, Xu Ziyin happened to see a familiar figure at a corner.

On a whim, he stopped.


"Senior Sun, thank you for liking me. You are really nice and handsome, but I really don't have any feelings for you."

"Emotions can't be forced."

Seeing the rather handsome senior holding flowers in front of her, Song Shi had a troubled expression on her face.

Hearing Song Shi's refusal, Sun Ming was obviously a little embarrassed, and then insisted.

"Song poetry, feelings can be cultivated."

"I'm sure I'll be nice to you."

Shaking her head, Song Shi still wanted to say something more, glanced at it from the corner of her eye, and said in surprise.

"Xu Ziyin, are you going to the classroom too?"

"wait for me."

After finishing speaking, she smiled apologetically at Sun Ming, and walked quickly towards Xu Ziyin.

"Senior, I'm sorry, my classmate is waiting for me."

Touching his nose, Xu Ziyin said that he wanted to be a melon-eating crowd, but unexpectedly he played the role of a villain unintentionally.

He shrugged at Sun Ming, indicating that he didn't mean it, and then walked towards the classroom with Song Shi side by side.

On the way, Xu Ziyin was dissatisfied.

"I said Song Shi, you are a bit unkind, I just pass by, so you use me as a shield with peace of mind?"

Smiling, Song Shiman said indifferently.

"Don't be so stingy, at worst, I will treat you to dinner when I have time."


Xu Ziyin waved his hands quickly.

"I don't want to be held grudges. It's fine as a shield today. If that guy sees me eating with you again, I don't know when he will hold grudges. Give me a sap."

Hearing this, Song Shi flew over angrily and rolled her eyes.

"Sun Ming is not this kind of person."

"Although I don't like him, he is really a good person, and you are too overly speculative about others."


Hearing this, Xu Ziyin was instantly happy.

"Hearing what you said, this senior seems pretty good, and I just took a look, and he's pretty handsome, so why don't you agree?"

"I don't like it."

"Even if the other party is handsome, it's just a face. Men pay more attention to connotation, and there is no feeling of heartbeat. The other party is the most handsome in the world, and I will not force myself."

Song Shi's answer was serious, but Xu Ziyin frowned frequently.

Well, this is very Song poetry.

If it were any other girl, Xu Ziyin would doubt the authenticity of these words.

After all, this is a society that looks at faces, and the Yan Party is rampant.

Heartbeat is too illusory, how can there be so much love at first sight, isn't the first thing you look at when you fall in love at first sight?
Xu Ziyin really didn't believe that Song Shi would be moved by a man who looked too ugly.


After talking about her own affairs, Song Shi glanced at Xu Ziyin quietly, and then teased.

"It's you, Xu Ziyin."

"It's only been two months since the school started, and your luck is really constant."

Smiling shamelessly, Xu Ziyin said casually.

"Actually, I'm also quite distressed. It's really troublesome for people to be too handsome sometimes."

Song Shi was taken aback for a moment, then giggled while holding her belly.


"Why didn't I see it?"

Seeing that the door of the classroom was close at hand, Xu Ziyin didn't bother to talk to her in vain, and waved his head without answering.

"Don't forget, you still owe me a meal."


Today's class is quite full.

In the morning, there is a professional class and a major class, and there is another professional class in the afternoon.

By the time the course was all over, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

As the get out of class bell rang, the students filed out.

When the people were almost gone, Xu Ziyin came to Yun Xianyu's side.

He didn't say anything, and Yun Xianyu followed him with her small cloth bag.

On the way to Huijin New Land, Xu Ziyin glanced at Yun Xianyu's clothes, and then said.

"Xianyu, the weather is getting colder, you need to prepare more thick clothes."

Pinching the corner of her clothes, Yun Xianyu whispered.

"Home, there is at home."

Do you have it at home?
Needless to say, Xu Ziyin also knew that what she said was definitely old and out of season, not to mention whether it fits or not, whether it can keep warm is a problem.

After thinking about it, Xu Ziyin didn't say anything to her, he came to Huijin Xindi and dragged her to the clothes store not far away.

Of course Yun Xianyu understood his intentions, struggled with her little hands twice, and spoke restlessly.

"Xu Ziyin, I, I have enough clothes."

Xu Ziyin turned his head, stared, and said in an unquestionable tone.

"Suzhou's winter is very cold."

"I don't want you to catch a cold one day and have to let Xixi take care of you."

"Don't worry, I'll save the money for you first, and return it to me when you make money in the future."

again later.

Yun Xianyu was about to cry.

I owe more and more, I am afraid that I will have to pay it back for the rest of my life?

But looking at Xu Ziyin's gloomy face, she didn't dare to refute, so she could only be dragged into the clothes store by him like a doormat.

After 10 minutes, Xu Ziyin walked out contentedly.

Yun Xianyu already had several clothes bags in her hands.

Among them, in addition to her own two sets of winter down jackets, she also bought two sets of clothes for Xi Xi.

Twisting the bag in his hand, Yun Xianyu felt heavy.

She was a little complicated.

Didn't you say you were just a classmate?

There is no way that students get along like this.


Since it's still early.

The business in the store has not yet attracted a peak season.

Seeing her sister and Xu Ziyin coming together, Xixi's big eyes could not help but jump out of the chair and trot over in a hurry.

Xu Ziyin hugged her in his arms and said with a smile.

"Is Xixi being good today?"

"Xi Xi is so good, if you don't believe me, you can ask Sister Yating."

Bling Bling blinked his big eyes, and Xixi's little head was arched vigorously in Xu Ziyin's arms.

It can be seen that this little girl really likes Xu Ziyin.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have tried so hard to sell my sister.

After playing around with Xixi for a while, Xu Ziyin saw Huang Yating kept looking at her, felt something in his heart, and then walked over.

Not surprisingly, she should have thought it through.

Huang Yating really thought about it for a long time when she returned to the dormitory yesterday.

If she is only working part-time in a jewelry store, she has nothing to consider.

But now that Xu Ziyin obviously wanted to entrust her with a heavy responsibility, Huang Yating had to think carefully.

She majored in business administration at university. According to her idea, she planned to develop in a state-owned enterprise or a foreign enterprise after graduation.

She wouldn't care if Xu Ziyin was just making small troubles, but he obviously meant to make big moves.

Judging from Xu Ziyin's usual clothes and car, Huang Yating also knows that this boss is not short of money.

Not short of money and ready to delegate power to myself.

This is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for Huang Yating.

In ancient times, once Xu Ziyin develops and grows in the future, she can be regarded as a minister of the dragon.

And after getting along for one or two months, she also likes Xu Ziyin's character. Although she is her boss, she doesn't have the slightest arrogance. Don't think about it, as long as she works hard, she will definitely not treat herself badly in the future.


Knowing Huang Yating's intention to stay, Xu Ziyin didn't draw any big cakes, but took a piece of paper and put it on the counter, and then said while writing.

"Sister Yating, since you choose to trust me, then naturally I won't hide it from you."

"I'm going to open a large store in Yuhe Plaza near the university town. Apart from selling these trinkets, the main business of the store is to focus more on items suitable for college students, such as script killing, board games, And so on, in short, as long as young people like to play, it can be included.”

Yuhe Square is about ten miles away from Huijin Xindi, and the surrounding area is covered by schools of all sizes.

Such a good geographical environment, needless to say, the flow of people, the price of the land is really expensive.

After listening to Xu Ziyin's brief statement, Huang Yating was stunned, and then said softly.

"Boss, how big a place are you going to rent? The rent there is very expensive."

"You don't need to think about the rent. Your first task in the early stage is to go to the field to investigate. By the way, if you have any more suitable classmates, you can also bring them here together."

"After all, if you're alone, you won't be too busy."

Nodding, Huang Yating replied seriously.

"Okay, a few of my roommates are also looking for jobs for the time being, I'll go back and ask them."

"In the next few days, I will ask one of them to come over and help me lead a class. I will go to Yuhe Square to have a look, and I will give you a detailed plan when the time comes."


After confirming this matter, Xu Ziyin was determined.

Playing with Xixi in the store for a while, then received a call from Luo Xuan.

10 minutes later, a white car stopped at the entrance of Huijin Xindi.


"Sister Xuan, why did Auntie suddenly remember that she asked me to go home for dinner again today?"

After getting into the car, Xu Ziyin asked directly.

Hearing this, Luo Xuan rubbed the center of her brows with a look of embarrassment on her face.

"I have relatives at home today. My mother knows that I have a boyfriend, so she will definitely let you go."

"After all, you also know that at my age, not only my mother is worried, but also relatives in various fields are more concerned about my life's major events."

Taking a sideways glance at the elegant and tranquil woman beside him, Xu Ziyin said with a smile.

"Sister Xuan, don't blame me for talking too much."

"I think with your conditions, it shouldn't be difficult to find a boyfriend with excellent conditions in all aspects, right?"

After hearing Xu Ziyin's words, Luo Xuan didn't show any embarrassment, but just said flatly.

"You are still young, and falling in love is as simple as everyday food, but at my age, there are not so many opportunities for trial and error."

"In the school, all the students are teachers, not to mention the students. Most of those teachers also have families. Besides, I am a teacher myself, and I don't like the fact that the other half has the same profession. It will be too boring in the future. "

"Over time, I haven't met a suitable one, so I don't have any interest in this area."

"I'm not in a hurry, but my mother is in a hurry, otherwise I wouldn't be able to make such a bad move."

When she said this, Luo Xuan shook her head lightly, obviously feeling that her acquaintance with Xu Ziyin was too unimaginable.

But now that it's over, she has no choice.

"I think Sister Xuan is quite young, she looks like she is in her early twenties."

Laughing, Xu Ziyin half-jokingly said.

Taking a shallow look at Xu Ziyin, Luo Xuan ignored his meaningless flattery, started the car, and said softly.

"Let's go, let's go to the mall to buy something."


The sunset is sinking.

After shopping for gifts, the two of Luo Xuan drove to the gate of the community.

Luo Xuan was about to find a place to park the car when a delicate figure suddenly appeared out of the car window.

Seeing that person, Xu Ziyin hastily turned his head elsewhere.

"Hey, auntie, are you back?"

Lowering the car window, Luo Xuan looked at the girl outside the car and smiled.

"Shishi, are you here?"

With a hmm, the girl kept looking at the co-pilot, but seeing Xu Ziyin keep turning her head away, she joked,

"Auntie, is your boyfriend so shy?"

Xu Ziyin was suffering and couldn't tell at this time.

Could it be that the relatives Luo Xuan mentioned today were Song Shi's family?

Then this nima will have a lot of fun.

Luo Xuan didn't know that Song Shi and Xu Ziyin were classmates. Seeing Xu Ziyin turning his head away, she thought he wasn't paying attention, so she pushed him and introduced him.

"Ziyin, this is Song Shi, a child of my sister's family."

At this point, Xu Ziyin also knew that he couldn't hide it, so he turned his head slowly, showing a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Hi, classmate Song Shi, how are you?"

Song Shi was curious.

What kind of boyfriend did my aunt, who had never been in a relationship, find, and then she saw a scene of astonishment.

Looking at Xu Ziyin's face, she opened her mouth in disbelief.

"Xu Ziyin?"

"Could you be my aunt's boyfriend?"

(First update.)
(End of this chapter)

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