If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 106, 【Kill her 7 in and 7 out】

Chapter 106,【Kill her seven in and seven out】(5K)

"Shishi, do you know Ziyin?"

Seeing Song Shi's surprised appearance, Luo Xuan asked curiously.

Glancing at my aunt with a half-smile, Song Shi muttered.

"Auntie, Xu Ziyin and I are in the same class, do you think I don't know him?"


Hearing this, Luo Xuan was also shocked, and then showed a bitter expression.

If Song Shi and Xu Ziyin were in the same class, then they probably couldn't hide their fake relationship from her.

as predicted.

Xu knew what Luo Xuan was thinking, Song Shi giggled, then whispered in her ear.

"Auntie, don't worry, I will keep it a secret for you."

"You go back first, I'll have a chat with Xu Ziyin."


The neighborhood was buzzing with people.

Xu Ziyin and Song Shi walked side by side.

Song Shi didn't speak during the period, but kept looking at Xu Ziyin and laughing.

Xu Ziyin, who was watching with a smile, felt hairy.

Bite the bullet, Xu Ziyin asked.

"Song Shi, what are you laughing at?"

"What are you laughing at?"

With a raised eyebrow, Song Shi teased.

"Sure, student Xu Ziyin, you have become my aunt's boyfriend without saying a word, so don't I have to call you uncle from now on?"

The slightly teasing words made Xu Ziyin's face a little stiff, he twitched the corners of his mouth twice, and said embarrassingly.

"Ahem, no need, you can just call me Xu Ziyin."

"You are so beautiful."

Song Shi gave him an angry look, and Song Shi was very puzzled.

"Although I have long suspected that Aunt Xuan might have found a fake boyfriend and returned home. After all, if she had already talked to someone, it would be impossible to wait until now, but I really can't figure it out. How could she find you?"

Why does that tone sound so uncomfortable?

With a serious expression on his face, Xu Ziyin pretended to be dissatisfied.

"What's the matter, what's wrong with me? Maybe it's because Sister Xuan thinks I'm outstanding, so she likes me?"

"You got it."

"You think Aunt Xuan is a little girl, no matter how hard she looks for it, she won't find someone as young as you."

Xu Ziyin:? ? ?

"Student Song Shi, it is necessary for me to correct you."

"Love knows no age boundaries."

"Just like what you said in the morning, when you meet someone you're attracted to, you don't care about his age and appearance."

"Sister Xuan and I fell in love at first sight, we don't care about worldly opinions."

Xu Ziyin's serious answer made Song Shi laugh frequently.

"Okay, stop pretending."

"Aunt Xuan doesn't like your style because of your out-of-the-ordinary personality."

"By the way, I'm more curious about how you and Aunt Xuan met? Why did she think of asking you to pretend to be a couple? No matter how you look at it, you should find someone more mature."

Song Shi had identified the two pretending to be a couple, so it was naturally impossible for Xu Ziyin to say something irrelevant.

He thought for a while and smiled.

"Actually, it's just a coincidence. Maybe Sister Xuan is also thinking of doing the opposite. If she finds a younger one like this, her parents won't doubt it."

After pondering for a while, Song Shi nodded.

"You seem to have something to say."


All the way to the door of the house, Xu Ziyin looked at her and hesitated.

"Song Shi, later..."

Knowing what he wanted to say, Song Shi blinked at Xu Ziyin weirdly, and laughed.

"Don't worry, I will cooperate with you later."


There are two couples sitting on the sofa in the living room.

One of them is Wei Fang and Luo Jianguo, and the other is Song Shi's parents.

Seeing how they are dressed, they look like cultural people.

Following Xu Ziyin's arrival, the gazes of several people couldn't help looking over.

After adjusting his breathing, Xu Ziyin greeted several people generously.

"Hello uncle and aunt, hello uncle and aunt."

"Well, Xiao Xu is here, come and sit down."

"Shishi, come here too, I haven't come to play with my aunt for a long time."

Looking at Xu Ziyin and the two, Wei Fang greeted them.

Xiao ran to Wei Fang's side, Song Shi shook her arm and said coquettishly.

"Auntie, I'm here to see you. By the way, Auntie, I find that you seem to be much younger."

"You, you, this mouth is like eating honey."

Wei Fang smiled.

Several people sat down and exchanged a few pleasantries with each other, and the topic naturally fell on Xu Ziyin's head.

When they learned that Xu Ziyin and Song Shi were classmates, Wei Fang and the others were a little surprised.

Feeling the scrutinizing gazes, Xu Ziyin felt timid.

Although he and Luo Xuan were just pretending to be a couple.

But this scene still made him feel restless when he saw the woman's parents.

And looking at Xu Ziyin's restrained appearance, Song Shi put it aside, not to mention how interesting it is.


"By the way, Xiao Xu, you came here in a hurry last time, and you haven't asked about your family situation. Are you from Suzhou? Are you the only child at home? Has Xuan'er met your parents?"

Wei Fang kept asking, but looking at Xu Ziyin's young face, she always felt a little awkward.

Her perception of Xu Ziyin is actually good.

He is polite, without the impatience and frivolity of young people.

As the saying goes, the mother-in-law looks more satisfied with her son-in-law.

But because of this, Wei Fang always felt a little unreal in her heart.

After all, Xu Ziyin was too young, too young.

Although Xuan'er is good-looking, young people may not care about the age gap, after all, there are many such examples in society.

But the other party's parents obviously couldn't think so.

After all, which parent would like their son to marry a wife who is more than ten years older than him.

In addition, Lao Luo kept emphasizing that Xu Ziyin might be pulled by his daughter to coax them, which made Wei Fang feel even more uneasy.

Originally according to her idea.

If the daughter has a boyfriend, then discuss the marriage with her in-laws as soon as possible, and it is best to get married by the end of the year, and let her embrace the big fat boy next year.

But looking at Xu Ziyin's appearance, Wei Fang seriously doubted whether he had reached the marriageable age stipulated by the state.

Seeing the elder's questioning, Xu Ziyin replied politely.

"Back to my aunt, I'm from Suzhou, and I have an older sister in my family, but she has graduated and is now working."

"Sister Xuan hasn't met my parents yet, because my parents have been doing business abroad, and they should be back during the Spring Festival this year. I plan to take Sister Xuan to meet my parents then."

"Is that so..."

Nodding his head, Wei Fang asked again.

"Xiao Xu, how did you and Xuan'er meet?"

When you come, you know you can't avoid this topic.

And hearing her mother say this, Luo Xuan who was sitting by the side was visibly nervous.

Song Shi glanced at her aunt's appearance, and knew in her heart that they probably didn't talk to each other in advance, so she rolled her eyes and said softly.

"Auntie, speaking of it, it's my credit that Auntie can be with Xu Ziyin."


These words surprised several people.

Song Shi's mother frowned and asked.

"Shishi, what does this have to do with you?"

"Of course it matters."

Raising her eyebrows, Song Shi said proudly.

"At the beginning when my aunt came to Suda to visit me, it happened that Xu Ziyin and I were reading in the library together at that time."

"Maybe it was that time that my aunt and Xu Ziyin got to know each other."

"Mom, you don't know, Xu Ziyin's eyes were straight when he saw Auntie."

"After that, he insisted on inviting me to dinner every now and then. At first, I thought he was interested in me, but every time he had dinner, he asked me to call my aunt together."

"After going back and forth, I guess the two of them saw each other right, which made me be a light bulb in the middle for a long time."

Saying that, Song Shi looked at Xu Ziyin and groaned.

"Xu Ziyin, when you and your aunt get married, don't forget to give me, the matchmaker, a big red envelope."

Xu Ziyin trembled when he heard this, and couldn't help giving Song Shi a thumbs up in secret.

Good guy, your acting skills are really inferior if you don't go to Hollywood. What you say is serious and true.

And with your words, it saves me from making up nonsense.

There is really nothing wrong with the logic of this statement.

In addition, there are Song poems in it to help.

Wei Fang's worries were relieved a lot.

After all, in her impression, Shishi is a good boy who is honest and never lies.

It's just that when she looked at Song Shi and Xu Ziyin, she always felt that these two young people looked like a couple.

They are about the same age and are in the same class.


With Song poetry in it, the burden on Xu Ziyin was much lighter.

After chatting for a while, Wei Fang went to the kitchen to cook.

Luo Jianguo pulled Xu Ziyin to continue playing chess with him, and Song Shi's father watched from the side, so it was probably a good idea.


in the bedroom.

Luo Xuan pulled Song Shi to the side of the bed and sat down and said softly.

"Shishi, thank you for today."

Hearing this, Song Shi smiled playfully: "Thank you for what."

"But Auntie, you really should think about the important things in your life."

"No matter how you say it, Xu Ziyin is not your real boyfriend."

"You can't always take him home to deal with aunt?"

"It's not like you don't know about Auntie, she wishes she could marry you off tomorrow."

"In the long run, my aunt will definitely look more and more pleasing to Xu Ziyin. At that time, even if you find a reason to say that you broke up, aunt may not believe it."

"Even if you believe it, you still have to face marriage urges later on, so you can't continue to find someone to pretend to be?"

"Besides, when Xu Ziyin's parents return to China, with her aunt's character, she will definitely find a way to bring the two families together for dinner. By then, the fake will become real."

"Could it be that you really want to marry Xu Ziyin?"

She patted Song Shi on the head in embarrassment, Luo Xuan laughed and cursed.

"Shishi, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"I think he and Xu Ziyin are a good match."

"he and I?"

Staring wide-eyed, Song Shi was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"Auntie, you are talking nonsense."

"Xu Ziyin is your boyfriend. If my aunt finds out that I have snatched away her precious son-in-law, I'm afraid she will beat me to death, so that her daughter will not be able to get married."

As she said that, Song Shi felt that the scene was more and more interesting, so she rolled over on the bed with a smile.

Looking at her niece lying on the bed and laughing so hard, Luo Xuan felt a little dignified.

Song Shi's words are indeed reasonable.

She can't go on like this forever.

One month or two months is okay, but it is not a long-term sustainable development path in the long run.

Unless Xu Ziyin is really her boyfriend.

But is this realistic?
Obviously unrealistic.

Not to mention the huge age gap between the two.

Even if I agree, people will not be willing to marry an old woman.

Based on his appearance, there are plenty of young girls in the school for him to choose.

Besides, the relationship between the two is a transaction in itself, without any emotion at all.

Could it be that he is really going to participate in some kind of elite blind date party?

Thinking of this, Luo Xuan's warm eyes became more sad.


A harmonious and warm dinner.

There was Song Shi at the dining table to enliven the atmosphere, and Xu Ziyin didn't feel restrained, so he had a few drinks with Lao Luo and Song Shi's father.

Through their conversation, Xu Ziyin also knew the identity of Song Shi's parents.

Both of them work in the Cultural Bureau, so they are considered members of the system.

No wonder Song Shi once said before that if she went to the entertainment industry, her mother would definitely break her leg.

The host and guest enjoyed a dinner.

After the meal, Luo Xuan didn't stay for long, and after saying goodbye to the elder and Song Shi's parents, she took Xu Ziyin and left the house.

On the way, Xu Ziyin looked at Luo Xuan who was clearly in a strange mood and whispered.

"Sister Xuan, you seem to be in a bad mood. Could it be that I said something wrong today?"


Shaking her head, Luo Xuan said softly.

"You behaved very well, and my mother likes you very much, it's just my own private matter."

With a hum, Xu Ziyin half-jokingly said.

"Sister Xuan, if you have anything to say, just tell me, anyway, I'm your boyfriend now."

Boy friend?
Taking a sideways look at Xu Ziyin, Luo Xuan stared at his side face for a while and choked out a word.

"One kid!"



It was already late at night when I got home.

The lights in Xu Man's bedroom were on, and Xu Ziyin didn't bother her. Instead, he put on his slippers and went back to his bedroom after washing.

Played the game for a while before going to bed.

Silent all night.


Noon the next day.

Just when Xu Ziyin finished class and was thinking about what to do in the afternoon, Xu Niannian called.

Putting the connection to my ear, Xu Niannian's charming voice came through.

"Ziyin, have you had lunch yet?"

"Not yet, I'm about to go to the cafeteria."

"Then you come to my place to eat, and I will cook something delicious for you."

After thinking about it, Xu Ziyin didn't refuse, and nodded in response.

"Okay, then I'll go there in a while."


He came to the community where Xu Niannian lived with ease.

Since Xu Niannian had already given him a room key before, Xu Ziyin didn't need to knock on the door, and just took out the key to open the door.

Take a look.

Several delicate side dishes have been placed on the dining table in the living room, and a bottle of red wine has been deliberately woken up beside it.

Xu Niannian was busy in the kitchen wearing an apron.

Hearing the movement behind her, she trotted out of the kitchen, first kissed Xu Ziyin's face, and then said softly.

"Ziyin, sit down for a while, and dinner can be served right away."

Looking at the dishes on the table, Xu Zi said happily.

"Is today a good day? Why are you so well prepared?"

"Hee hee, because you are here, I must make more delicious food."

"Okay, you watch TV first, and you'll be fine in a while."


The warm sunlight slanted faintly in the living room.

Xu Niannian obviously deliberately put on a little makeup today, making her look delicate and full of temptation.

Accompanied by beauty, beautiful and delicious, Xu Ziyin moved his index finger.

Listening to Xu Niannian's coquettish laughter, a bottle of red wine soon entered their stomachs.

After dinner.

Xu Niannian nestled in Xu Ziyin's arms and sat on the sofa watching TV.

But looking at it, her little hand got up dishonestly, and went all the way down Xu Ziyin's chest.

She raised her star pupils drunkenly, looked at Xu Ziyin's cheek, and said softly.

"Ziyin, do you have class this afternoon?"

"No class in the afternoon."

"Then you can stay with me in the afternoon."

After a hum, Xu Ziyin smiled.


"It's really busy these days, and I haven't spent much time with you."

Hearing this, Xu Niannian was overjoyed, and then she whispered a few words in Xu Ziyin's ear, stood up, twisted Xiaoman's waist, and walked into her bedroom.

When she came out again, Xu Ziyin's eyes couldn't help but startled.

Xu Niannian put on a new set of clothes, with a white inner lining on her upper body, and only a gauze as thin as a cicada's wings on the outside, the outline of the inside is faintly visible, under the black miniskirt, the slender and straight legs are covered with gradient colors stockings.

The crystal clear snow feet stepped on the floor, and the thin and smooth fragrant shoulders were exposed to the air...

Walking to Xu Ziyin's side, Xu Niannian turned around slowly, with a hint of shyness and pride in his eyes.

"Ziyin, is it pretty?"

Her cherry lips were slightly smiling, her high-hanging nose bridge was as crystal clear as jade, her pink cheeks were bright red, her skin was icy and snowy, her expression was not shy at all, graceful and elegant.

To be honest, Xu Niannian's appearance is really good, even if it is not as amazing as Xu Man, it is still a rare goddess level in the world.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be so up for grabs, obviously she has absolute confidence in her appearance and figure.

Nodding his head, Xu Ziyin replied.


Hearing this, Xu Niannian smiled sweetly, then went to the window and pulled the curtains shut.

As the curtains were drawn, the light in the living room instantly became dim.

In the hazy light and shadow, Xu Niannian snuggled into Xu Ziyin's arms again, sliding her beautiful legs on his.

The pantyhose made a rustling sound against the trousers.

Exhaling a breath of hot air hit Xu Ziyin's face, Xu Niannian lay beside his ear and said charmingly.

"Ziyin, don't you want to do something?"

Poor god.

Ever since Xu Niannian and Xu Ziyin were together, she has been planning for this day to come.

Not giving herself to him always made Xu Niannian feel uneasy.

With Xu Ziyin's casual attitude, he always felt as if he would slip away at any time.

Xu Niannian had hinted several times in words, but Xu Ziyin was like an elm bump. If she hadn't tried it a few times, Xu Niannian would have suspected that there was something wrong with Xu Ziyin.

Is this a normal male reaction?
Shouldn't boys of this age be on fire at once, killing her seven in and seven out?

With the warm and fragrant soft jade in his arms, how could Xu Ziyin restrain himself, his body reacted instantly, and happened to fall into a certain warm place.

Feeling the fiery touch between his thighs, Xu Niannian's body trembled slightly, and his breathing became hot.

At this time, Xu Ziyin felt a little awkward.

He coughed lightly and said embarrassingly.

"Wouldn't it be bad for most of the day?"

"What's the matter during the day, isn't it more interesting to prostitute yourself during the day?"


This sentence is like some kind of signal.

Xu Ziyin didn't want to do that Liu Xiahui's posture anymore, and picked up Xu Niannian by the waist and was about to walk towards the bedroom.

After Mu Qing's departure, he already had a taste for the past few days, but now that Xu Niannian teased him slightly, he felt that the anger in his heart reached its peak in an instant.

Seeing Xu Ziyin going to the bedroom, Xu Niannian struggled to get down from his arms.

She glanced at Xu Ziyin winkingly, and then Xu Niannian pushed him down on the sofa, her slender legs straddled his body, and the scenery under her skirt was unobstructed.

She stretched out her hand to untie the hair rope on her head, and the ink-like black hair instantly drifted away in the heated air.

As the clothes on his body were slowly taken off, a perfect body that surprised even the creator was exposed in front of Xu Ziyin's eyes.

Seeing Xu Ziyin swallowing his saliva, Xu Niannian outlined a thrilling smile on the corner of her mouth, she bent down to her red lips and murmured coquettishly.

"Ziyin, why not just sit on the sofa?"

(Ask for a monthly pass.)
(It's still a little short of the one thousand mark, please be gentlemen and gentlemen to work harder.)
(End of this chapter)

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