If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 107,【Can I call you husband? 】

Chapter 107,【Can I call you husband? 】

The warm sunlight spills into the living room through the gaps in the thin curtains.

Looking at the dazzling bright red at his hand, Xu Ziyin fell into deep thought.

Xu Niannian opened her starry eyes slightly, lying in his arms and taking a shallow breath, her red lips were lightly pursed, and the lingering aftermath of the incident was still on her blushing face.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Ziyin frowned.

"Nian Nian, is this your first time?"

Hearing this, Xu Niannian rubbed against his chest, like a well-behaved kitten.

"Yeah, do you think I'm that kind of casual woman?"

To be honest, Xu Ziyin's mind is a little messed up now.

Is it the first time for Xu Niannian?
This fact made him a little surprised and dismayed.

He didn't think that this falling red was fake, after all, the experience in the process told him that the woman in front of him was indeed still the original.

This made Xu Ziyin feel difficult.

After all, in his perception, green tea is not a compliment.

Moreover, Xu Niannian's methods are so clever that no one has picked the fruit until now...

This can't help but make his thoughts a little complicated.

As if knowing what he was thinking, Xu Niannian sat up slowly, hung her exquisite body on his body, and said softly.

"Ziyin, don't you like it?"

"I like it, but I feel a little surprised."

He didn't hide anything, Xu Ziyin replied truthfully.

Aiming Xu Ziyin's cheeks at himself, Xu Niannian said seriously.

"Ziyin, you don't have to worry about it."

"Although I like money, love vanity, and advocate material things, I also have my own bottom line."

"Maybe it's too fake to say that I like you, but at least I really have a good impression of you, and I am willing to dedicate myself to you."

"I know that I am not good enough for you, and my requirements are not high, that is, you can't do without me in the future, even if you let me be your underground lover, just tell me when you need me, and I will be satisfied."


Xu Niannian has never concealed her truest side, which is also where Xu Ziyin gets along with her most comfortably.

Everyone takes what they need.

But now that he took her for the first time, Xu Ziyin always felt a little uncomfortable.

At present, it has been more than half a month since they confirmed their relationship, and the relationship between the two of them will reach the one-month period marked by the system in mid-November.


Seeing that Xu Ziyin was silent and his brows were full of melancholy, Xu Niannian felt a little joy in his heart.

Xu Niannian would feel disappointed only if Xu Ziyin had an indifferent attitude after finishing the work.

And Xu Ziyin's appearance convinced Xu Niannian that he didn't just have a dispensable attitude towards him, and only regarded himself as a tool man.

Thinking of this, Xu Niannian bent his arch and rubbed against Xu Ziyin's thigh, saying affectionately.

"Ziyin, do you want to continue?"

Shaking his head, Xu Ziyin let out a long breath: "Forget it, you just broke your body, you should take a rest."

"It's okay, I do yoga often, and my body recovers quickly."

With a sweet smile, Xu Niannian lay down on the coffee table, pointed her smooth back at Xu Ziyin, and turned her beautiful eyes blinking with mist.

Xu Niannian performed really well in the first test of Yunyu.

Every frown and smile during the process can seduce the most primitive desire in Xu Ziyin's heart.

She knows her own strengths very well, she has brought out a woman's natural advantages to the extreme, and she is also very good at judging a man's appetite. For Xu Ziyin, this experience is really wonderful.

Patting her upturned buttocks lightly, Xu Ziyin said in a deep voice.


"I'll take you back to the bedroom to rest."

After finishing speaking, Xu Ziyin carefully picked up Xu Niannian by the waist and walked towards the bedroom.

Xu Ziyin's rejection Xu Niannian understood.

It's not that he doesn't like his body, but he chooses to endure it because he loves it.

With a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, Xu Niannian only felt that he was really seeing the right person this time.


Xu Niannian's bedroom is not big, and the decoration is very simple.

Putting Xu Niannian on the bed, Xu Ziyin didn't leave immediately, but sat by the bed and had a conversation with her.

After all, he had just taken someone else's body, so it really doesn't make sense to turn around and leave now.

Looking at her mobile phone on the bedside table, Xu Ziyin said.

"Nian Nian, shall I buy you the latest fruit machine?"

With a hum, Xu Niannian knew that Xu Ziyin wanted to make up for herself, after all, that was her purpose, and she didn't think it was superficial.

But she thought about it and said softly.

"Ziyin, my mobile phone can still be used for a while, why don't you discount it for me?"


Xu Ziyin was taken aback.

The appearance of this word is a bit abrupt.

Just when he was puzzled, Xu Niannian continued.

"Ziyin, I actually lied to you about something."

"The last time you gave me Zheng Jun's concert ticket, I didn't go to see it, but sold it."

"But I gave them all the tickets for Xinxin."

Listening silently, Xu Ziyin said in a warm voice for a while.

"Are you short of money?"


Xu Niannian didn't hesitate, and replied with a normal expression.

"Ziyin, you know, I was born in a relatively poor family, and I am the eldest daughter in my family..."

Xu Ziyin didn't let her continue speaking, and interrupted her next words with a wave of his hand.

"Nian Nian, if you need anything in the future, you can talk to me directly."

"Maybe I can't give you any guarantee for the future, but I can promise you as much as I can."

Hearing this, Xu Niannian smiled sweetly, and then stretched out her white arms coquettishly.

"Well, dear~"

Tired for a while, Xu Niannian suddenly whispered coquettishly in Xu Ziyin's ear.

"Ziyin, can I call you husband in the future?"


Xu Ziyin was startled and didn't reply.

Xu Niannian thought he didn't like it, so she hurriedly said.

"I won't shout in front of outsiders, that is when the two of us are together."

"is it okay?"

Looking at the girl with peach blossoms in front of her eyes and her beautiful eyes full of anticipation, Xu Ziyin nodded.

Seeing Xu Ziyin nodding his head in agreement, Xu Niannian was overjoyed, and squeezed out a very crooked love sentence from between his teeth.


After speaking, he offered his moist lips again.

After rubbing their ears together, Xu Ziyin excused something and then left.


Just after Xu Ziyin left, Xu Niannian's mobile phone received a transfer message.

Seeing the transfer of 50,000 yuan above, Xu Niannian cheered, and then touched the wound again and couldn't help but frowned.

She clicked on the voice and sent a sentence sweetly.

"Honey, I love you, mua~"

From Xu Niannian's point of view, she didn't think there was anything wrong with her behavior.

It doesn't matter whether you love vanity or whether you put interests first.

As long as you treat your heart with sincerity, others are not qualified to point and point at her.

Is it hard to be a good girl by advocating material things?

She just doesn't want to live a miserable life anymore.

(First update.)
(End of this chapter)

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