If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 108,【I'm not here for a blind date】

Chapter 108,【I'm not here for a blind date】

Get back in the car.

Xu Ziyin first sprayed the whole car with air freshener, then sprayed himself from head to toe with the specially bought men's perfume, and finally wiped off the hickey marks on his neck, face and arms with a tissue.

I can't help it, the smell on my body is too strong.

He didn't dare to go home with this smell.

Xu Niannian usually looks like a quiet girl, but she didn't expect to be so wild when she did that.

But Xu Ziyin also knew that all she did was to give herself greater satisfaction.

Thinking of this in his heart, Xu Ziyin couldn't help feeling a little sad.

After all, there is not much time left.

There is at most half a month left before the breakup.


It was about three o'clock in the afternoon when I got home.

Xu Man is not at home.

She seems to have been very busy these days.

But think about it, after all, she is the boss of the company, and in the entertainment industry, she needs to worry about everything big and small, so it's normal for her to be a little busy.

Nothing happened, Xu Ziyin returned to the bedroom and started the game journey.

The good friends of the double row have already bombarded him on WeChat.

Looking at that tone, it looks like a little daughter-in-law who has been abandoned.

Xu Ziyin couldn't help but feel a chill when he remembered that the person who said these words was a big man who picked his feet.

Game time always flies by quickly.

When Xu Ziyin was enjoying himself, the sun had already set on the hill before he knew it.

Hearing the sound from the living room, Xu Ziyin turned off the computer and walked out of the bedroom.

Xu Man had already changed into home clothes at this time, and was lying on the sofa with a tired face, her uneven figure embedded in the soft sofa.

Seeing this, Xu Ziyin walked over, put his hands on her shoulders, kneaded vigorously, and said in a warm voice.

"What's the matter, is the company busy?"

Sighing, Xu Man rested her chin on his lap, and didn't hide it.

"The Spring Festival will be in more than two months."

"The Spring Festival every year is a very important festival for the entertainment industry."

"The two films produced by Slow Sound are going to be released during the Spring Festival, but there are dozens of films from more than a dozen companies competing at the same time."

"In order to be able to win enough theaters and overwhelming publicity, these days are really busy."

Xu Ziyin listened quietly, but he didn't know the specifics of the entertainment circle, so he could only comfort him.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"


Looking up at Xu Ziyin sideways, Xu Man said weakly.

"I'm thankful that you can cook me a meal, I don't even bother to move my fingers now."

With a soft smile, Xu Ziyin replied.

"Okay, I'll cook tonight, what do you want to eat?"

"Then cook a bowl of clear noodle soup, I can't eat anything else."

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin nodded, then said again.

"Is it necessary to make yourself so tired? Isn't it enough to earn enough money to spend?"

"How much is enough to spend?"

After slightly adjusting a comfortable posture, Xu Man half-closed her eyes lazily.

"My sister still needs to earn some more money for her dowry."

"After all, I don't know how long it will take until someone earns money to support the family."

"Hey, why do you think my life is so hard?"

As she spoke, her beautiful eyes glanced at Xu Ziyin vaguely.

With a laugh, Xu Ziyin didn't answer the question, but continued to gently massage the acupuncture points on Xu Man's shoulder with his fingertips.

When the long breathing sound came, Xu Ziyin sat aside and watched her sleeping face quietly for a while, then got up and walked towards the kitchen.


Xu Ziyin didn't run around that night either.

After dinner, I sat in the living room with Xu Man and watched TV.

Of course.

Looking at it, a warm body squeezed into his arms.

It's just that her posture is not very elegant, Xu Ziyin can always feel a white and tender little foot sticking up on her face from time to time.

If he hadn't stopped him a little bit, he might have stuck his toes into his mouth.

It's hard to imagine that in the eyes of outsiders, the fierce and resolute female devil, back home and staying with her younger brother, turned out to be like this.


The next day.

Sunny weather.

Xu Ziyin, who had just finished class, was about to take Yun Xianyu to Huijin Xindi when Song Shi walked over with a mysterious expression.

She pulled Xu Ziyin aside and whispered.

"Xu Ziyin, accompany me to a place this afternoon."

"Why go?"

Looking at her nagging appearance, Xu Ziyin was a little curious.

Looking around, seeing that the students had almost left, Song Shi said.

"Auntie is going on a blind date in the afternoon, aren't you curious?"

Luo Xuan is going on a blind date?

This news really shocked Xu Ziyin.

She went on a blind date, so what should I do?
Once she decides on a blind date, wouldn't her mission be over?

What a waste of a good opportunity to score points.

Although Xu Ziyin also knew that this was a good thing for Luo Xuan, and he should bless her to find a good husband, and should not have other thoughts, but he felt uncomfortable at all.

After thinking about it, Xu Ziyin replied.

"Okay, then let's take a look secretly."


Elite blind date.

As the name suggests, those who come to participate are basically elites from all walks of life.

The venue is held in a park.

After all, this time is a good time for an outing and a refreshing autumn.

If you see each other right, by the way, you can go to the park together to cultivate your relationship.

It's a lot easier than doing it in a hotel.


When Xu Ziyin and Song Shi arrived at the park, the activity was about to begin.

Song Shi suddenly had a stomachache for some reason, so he left Xu Ziyin aside and ran to the bathroom.

Xu Ziyin had no choice but to walk towards the venue along the flow of people.

Looking at it, the men's suits and leather shoes are full of conversation and laughter, while the women's long skirts are winding and smiling, and they look really high-end.

Come to the entrance of the event center.

Xu Ziyin saw from a distance that the stage had been set up inside, and there were tables and flowers placed around the stage, which were obviously reserved for the blind date to chat with each other.

The venue is surrounded by colorful flowers, swaying tassels, and the autumn wind is blowing, which inevitably makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Needless to say, the organizer is indeed quite intentional.

Just staying in such a scene, people will subconsciously relax and not be too restrained, so the success rate of the blind date will be greatly improved.

Just when Xu Ziyin was feeling emotional, an etiquette lady in a cheongsam handed him a number plate and at the same time reached out to signal him to go inside.

"Sir, please take a seat first, our activities will start in a while."

Looking down at the sign with No. 35 written in his hand, Xu Ziyin's head froze.



I'm not here for a blind date.

(End of this chapter)

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