If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 116, 【Xianyu, do you like Xu Ziyin? 】

Chapter 116, 【Xianyu, do you like Xu Ziyin? ] (seeking follow-up)
Since Huang Yating went to Yuhe Plaza for a field trip, the part-time job in the store was replaced by a new lady.

Apparently, Xixi was a little suspicious of this new lady, and she was lying on the table with a sullen face while writing in the exercise book, and didn't speak to her.

It wasn't until the arrival of Xu Ziyin and her sister that the little girl began to smile.


Knowing that this thriving jewelry store was opened by Xu Ziyin, Song Shi didn't show any surprise.

After all, from her perspective, Xu Ziyin's family conditions are very good.

So it is not uncommon to open a jewelry store.

Only the relationship between Yun Xianyu and Xu Ziyin made her a little unpredictable.

To say that Xu Ziyin likes Yun Xianyu, Song Shi doesn't believe it.

But the close relationship between the two is real, not only the classmates in the class, even Song Shi often sees them inseparable.

Now seeing Yun Xianyu's busy appearance in the store, combined with her usual attire, Song Shi suddenly understood something in her heart. ,

I didn't expect this guy to have such a warm heart.


While Song Shi was looking at the environment of the store curiously, Xixi hid behind Xu Ziyin and stared at her curiously with big eyes blinking.

Looking down at the cute little girl, Song Shimu liked it, then squatted down and said softly.

"Xianyu, you still have such a cute little sister."

Hearing this, Xixi asked crisply.

"Big sister, are you my sister's classmate?"

"Yes, little sister, what's your name?"

"My name is Xixi."

Maybe it was Song Shi's friendly smile or maybe it was because she was her sister's classmate, Xi Xi quickly became friends with Song Shi.

Seeing the two girls, one big and one small, talking there, Xu Ziyin didn't bother them, got up and went outside the shop.

After a while, Xu Ziyin came in with a few boxes of lunch.


All afternoon, Xu Ziyin stayed in the store, playing with Xixi and Song Shi.

During the period, Huang Yating came back, she glanced at Xu Ziyin, Xu Ziyin understood, and followed her out of the shop.

After coming to a remote corner, Huang Yating opened her mouth to speak.

"Boss, I went to Yuhe Plaza to take a look. There are several shops there that are being rented out. The overall area is indeed not small, about [-] square meters. However, due to the location, the rent there is very expensive."

"However, the boss learned that we were started by students, so he proposed the condition of paying in installments, changing from one payment per year to one payment every six months."

Nodding, Xu Ziyin smiled.

"How much is the rent?"

"25 for half a year, not including water and electricity bills."

25 and a half years?

Xu Ziyin was speechless after hearing this.

This price has to be said to be really expensive.

However, considering the overall area and location, this price is not too outrageous. Huang Yating said it lightly, and it is estimated that she spent a lot of thought on it.

Xu Ziyin didn't answer, but silently settled the bill.

The rent is 25, plus the miscellaneous expenses of water and electricity properties, the initial investment alone needs about 300,000.

This does not include employee salaries, shop decoration, and publicity and maintenance costs.

Counting the full game, it is estimated that it will double again on the premise of 300,000.

Judging from the current small coffers, it is obviously not enough.

It seems that it is necessary to go back and discuss this matter with my sister.

After all, it is a serious expense, so Xu Ziyin doesn't have to worry about Xu Man thinking too much.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyin replied.

"Sister Yating, thank you for your hard work."

"You don't have to worry about the money. You need to worry about renting out the store as soon as possible, and then decorating and recruiting staff."

With a slight smile, Huang Yating said seriously.

"Boss, what are you talking about? You trust me and entrust me with such an important task. I will definitely do my best."

"Okay, if you need anything later, just call me."


The afternoon passed quickly.

Just when Xu Ziyin was thinking about what to have for dinner, he received a call from Chu Yao.

I have been busy with other things for the past few days and have not contacted Chu Yao. I heard the senior sister's tone more or less slightly resentful.

So when Chu Yao said to go to her place for dinner at night, Xu Ziyin thought about it and agreed.

Seeing that Xu Ziyin was about to leave, Song Shi didn't stay in the store anymore, and left Huijin Xindi with Xu Ziyin after saying goodbye to Xixi and Xianyu.

It wasn't until after Xu Ziyin and Xu Ziyin left that Huang Yating walked to Yun Xianyu's side.

Seeing that there were fewer customers in the shop, she whispered.

"Xianyu, what's the relationship between that girl and the boss just now?"

Hearing this, Yun Xianyu was startled, and then whispered.


"Is it just a classmate?"

Huang Yating asked again, this time Yun Xianyu didn't reply.

Because she didn't know the relationship between Song Shi and Xu Ziyin.

Taking a faint look at Yun Xianyu, Huang Yating sighed.

"Xianyu, do you like Xu Ziyin?"


Hearing this, Yun Xianyu's eyes were flustered for a moment, and her little head, which was already lowered, was buried deeper. Seeing this appearance.Why didn't Huang Yating understand her thoughts?
After all, Huang Yating is a senior in senior year, and now she also has a boyfriend. As someone who has been there, she can see the way Yun Xianyu looks at Xu Ziyin on weekdays.

But it was precisely because she understood that she was a little worried.

After all, Yun Xianyu seemed too introverted to her.

And Xu Ziyin is so outstanding.

In the month since the jewelry store opened, two good-looking girls came to the store, Chu Yao and Song Shi. Needless to say, the boss usually has more outstanding girls around the school.

In this comparison, Yun Xianyu's taciturn personality has no advantage at all.

After getting along for more than a month, Huang Yating liked the little girl Yun Xianyu very much.

So considering all aspects, she naturally hopes that Yun Xianyu's secret love will have a good result.

After thinking about it, she said softly.

"Xianyu, do you think Xu Ziyin is handsome?"

Before Yun Xianyu could reply, Xixi appeared out of nowhere, blinking her big eyes and said cutely.

"Big brother is handsome, he is the most handsome boy Xixi has ever seen."

Xixi's sudden interruption made Huang Yating a little dumbfounded, she hugged Xixi in her arms and joked.

"Xixi, how many boys have you met before you know whether they are handsome?"

"Well, anyway, Xixi thinks that big brother is very handsome."

Smiling helplessly, Huang Yating looked at Yun Xianyu and continued.

"Xianyu, I've always treated you like a younger sister, so I thought about something and I should tell you."

"The boss is usually kind to everyone, but it's his character that girls like. I believe you can also see it."

"So I think, if you like Xu Ziyin, you should take the initiative."

"After all, I can tell that Xu Ziyin actually likes you, but for some reason, he has never expressed it, but the caring eyes many times can't deceive people."

Upon hearing this, Xixi's big eyes lit up instantly.

"Sister Yating, does big brother really like sister?"

"Of course."

Reaching out and tapping Xixi's little nose, Huang Yating smiled.

"Unless Xu Ziyin has something to do, he will accompany Xianyu to the store every time. How can he care about such a small shop because he is so rich? Isn't it because he cares about Xianyu?"

"Besides, didn't I hear that Xianyu had been setting up a stall on Tianqiao?"

"So I think Xu Ziyin opened this store more because of Xianyu and didn't want her to be so tired, so he took the initiative to find a store in Huijin Xindi to sell this kind of small accessories."

"Although he didn't express anything in his mouth, his behavior actually explained everything."

Yun Xianyu listened quietly, with complicated eyes.

Does Xu Ziyin really like me too?

Thinking of the details of getting along with Xu Ziyin in the past two months.

For some reason, Yun Xianyu's little heart suddenly started beating wildly.

After saying that, Huang Yating didn't say anything more, and walked to the counter with Xixi in her arms.

She mentioned it because she cared, and Yun Xianyu had to make her own decision more. As an employee, she was not suitable to interfere in the boss's personal feelings, but she still leaned more towards Xu Zi in her heart. Yin Neng and Yun Xianyu had a good result.

Otherwise, based on Xu Ziyin's various conditions, he might be easily taken away by other outstanding girls.

After all, this kind of boy is basically very sought-after in college.

That is to say, she already has a partner, otherwise she would doubt whether she would be tempted too.



Xu Ziyin came to the apartment where Chu Yao lived.

As soon as he walked into the room, Chu Yao hung on his body, and the magnificence on his chest pressed hard against his chest.

Suppressing the throbbing in his heart, Xu Ziyin smiled.

"Yaoyao, what do you want for dinner?"

After kissing Xu Ziyin's face, Chu Yao said softly.

"I made a lot of delicious food, and I will be busy in the afternoon."

Holding her and sitting on the sofa, Xu Ziyin looked at the sumptuous delicacies on the dining table and replied.

"Ah, it's so rich, thank you for your hard work."

"Then how are you going to reward me?"

Chu Yao came over with a pretty face like a baby, Chu Yao said sweetly.

"Then I'll take you shopping after dinner."

When she heard about shopping, Chu Yao couldn't help narrowing her eyes.

Shopping, it is inevitable to buy, buy, buy.

Xu Ziyin looked at the expression on her face calmly, then smiled.

"Let's eat first, I'm hungry too."


A very warm dinner.

Xu Ziyin was not too polite during the indispensable ear-to-eye contact during the period, and he had enough of his addiction.

After eating, he took Chu Yao to a nearby shopping mall and bought her some brand-name cosmetics and clothes.

It wasn't until the moon was on the top of the willows that the two returned home.

Back home, Chu Yao hinted that she was not on her menstrual period today, but Xu Ziyin still chose not to stay on the excuse of having something to do.

For some reason, it is also green tea.

Xu Ziyin did not have that particularly strong physical desire for Chu Yao.

On the contrary, with Xu Niannian's words, Xu Ziyin would feel much more at ease when getting along with her.



In a dim living room.

Xu Man was lying on the sofa watching TV in her pajamas.

When Xu Ziyin returned home, she just pulled her over to serve as a humanoid pillow as soon as she changed into her slippers.

After a while, Xu Ziyin told about his plans to open a store in Yuhe Plaza.

After hearing this, Xu Man didn't ask why, but replied lazily.

"Do you want to arrange some professional managers for you?"

"No, I've already found a more reliable employee."

Reliable staff?
Hearing this, Xu Man raised his head slowly, leaned close to Hu Meier and said with a smile that was not a smile.

"Male and female?"

Rolling his eyes, Xu Ziyin said helplessly.

"Sister, do I look so horny? If it's not a man, it must be a woman."

"Cut, who knows?"

"Mu Qing is gone, who knows if you won't be able to hold back anymore and go outside to steal something."

Hey, if you want to do this, then we can't talk anymore.

After all, how many Xu Ziyin felt guilty.

Isn't Xu Niannian the one who cheated him?

Of course, he was worried and had to show an indignant look on his face.

"Sister, who do you take me for?"

"Okay, okay, I'll just say it casually, why are you so excited, is there a ghost in your heart?"

Xu Ziyin groaned and stopped talking.

Too many words will be lost.

In front of Xu Man, his little tricks are not enough.

"Okay, how much does it cost?"


"Is [-] yuan enough? The rent at Yuhe Plaza is quite high, why don't I just buy a few stores."


What is rich and powerful.

In her eyes, buying a few shops in Yuhe Plaza is like buying vegetables in a vegetable market.

"No, I still have a little money myself, and you can give me another 200,000, which is almost enough."

"That's fine, I'll transfer 1 million to you later, and now you watch TV with me obediently."


In the dead of night, Xu Man yawned and returned to the bedroom.

Xu Ziyin rubbed his sore arms and turned on the computer.

Accompanied by a good friend in double row in the canyon for a few times, just when Xu Ziyin was about to go to bed, the phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, Xu Ziyin was a little surprised.

This little girl is so late, why did she suddenly remember to call me?
Smiling, Xu Ziyin answered the phone and put it next to his ear.

In the next second, Yun Xianyu's slightly trembling voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Xu, Xu Ziyin, are you busy tomorrow?"


"Tomorrow is Saturday, nothing to do, what's the matter?"


"I, I want to treat you to a movie."

Invite me to a movie?
Xu Ziyin was taken aback.

Is this what Yun Xianyu can say?
This little girl took the wrong medicine today, so she took the initiative to invite me to watch a movie?
Xu Ziyin's silence made Yun Xianyu on the other end of the phone very nervous.

After a while, she hurriedly muttered again.

"Yes, it is Xixi. She has been in Suzhou for a long time, and she hasn't gone out to play yet. I want to take her out tomorrow."

"By the way, are you going to watch a movie with me?"

With a laugh, Xu Ziyin said happily.

"Okay, then I will pick you up at your house tomorrow morning."

"Well, then, see you tomorrow."

(Thank you Wenrou for giving Xianyu Xiaocutie a daily reward, and thank him for forcing me to choose Tobion for the [-] reward.)
(For other rewards, I will issue a single chapter and agree to thank you later.)
(Double monthly tickets, cuties who have tickets, please vote for Hairtail.)
(End of this chapter)

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