If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 117, [Father's love? 】

Chapter 117, [Father's love? ] (first update)
Six o'clock in the morning.

The earth, which has been silent all night, has not fully awakened from its deep sleep, and rows of street lamps stand proudly in the cold wind.

On both sides, sanitation workers carefully cleaned the fallen leaves from last night on the road, and occasionally straightened up and rubbed their hands to breathe.

At the gate of the community, two figures, one big and one small, were waiting there quietly.

Both of them put on brand new down jackets today, which looked like delicate and beautiful hibiscus flowers from a distance.

After a while, a black sports car stopped in front of them.

Lowering the car window, looking at Xixi and Yun Xianyu with flushed faces outside the car window, Xu Ziyin said with a smile.

"Why do you wake up so early and don't sleep much?"

"Get in the car quickly."

Taking her sister into the back seat, Yun Xianyu said humbly.

"Xu Ziyin, I'm sorry to make you come so early."

"It's mainly Xixi. She knew she was going to go out to play today. She woke up early in the morning and couldn't fall asleep. She yelled for me to call you."

"It's okay, you haven't had breakfast yet, I'll take you to have breakfast."

With a gentle smile, Xu Ziyin turned his head, and his eyes could not help but focus for a moment.

Today's Yun Xianyu obviously dressed up on purpose.

Although she didn't wear any makeup, her pretty face didn't need rouge and powder to set it off.

The originally messy bangs were tidied up, revealing those crystal clear ears.

The slender and tender lips were slightly pursed, the fair and flawless skin was dotted with a little pink, and a pair of bright and big eyes were pretty and shy.

She is already unparalleled in beauty, and she only needs to show her original appearance to amaze the world.

Xu Ziyin looked a little lost for a moment.

Facing Xu Ziyin's undisguised gaze, Yun Xianyu turned her head away, feeling very nervous.

Xixi, on the other hand, stretched out her little hand to hug Xu Ziyin's head and gave a sweet kiss, then she smiled charmingly.

"Big brother, isn't sister looking very good today?"

"Yeah, like a fairy descending to earth."

Nodding on Xixi's delicate little nose, Xu Ziyin turned his eyes away and didn't look any further. Then the roar of the sports car sounded, rolled up a layer of fallen leaves and disappeared at the end of the road.


Suzhou people have always had the habit of eating sweets.

But Xu Ziyin looked at the sweet tofu nao on the table in front of him, but he couldn't put his chopsticks down.

He turned his head and glanced at Xixi beside him, only to see that the little girl was eating happily, with her big eyes squinted, she obviously liked it very much.

Does anyone really like to eat sweet tofu?
Xu Ziyin was very helpless.

After thinking about it, he pushed the sweet tofu nao to Xixi's side, and asked the boss for another bowl of salty tofu nao.

Hearing that, the boss's eyes were not so weird.

It seems that eating salty tofu brain is such an incredible thing in his cognition.

"Big brother, don't you want to eat?"

Blinking her big eyes twice, Xixi asked lively.

"Brother doesn't like to eat sweets, you can eat."

After hearing this, Xixi was not polite, and smiled sweetly at Xu Ziyin, and then continued to eat happily.

Yun Xianyu on the side didn't speak, but he remembered Xu Ziyin's habit in his heart.

He doesn't like sweets.


After that, no sugar can be added to cooking.



It was around seven in the morning after breakfast.

The cold wind blew away the white mist, and there were more pedestrians on the road.

Since he was already near the shopping mall, Xu Ziyin didn't drive anymore, but parked the car in a parking space on the side of the road and chose to walk.

As soon as she walked out of the breakfast shop, Xixi took Xu Ziyin's big hand, and then held her sister with the other hand. The little girl walked between the two, holding one hand, and the expression on her face was so happy .

Since coming to Suzhou with her sister, Xixi seldom has the chance to come out to play.

One is that Yun Xianyu is busy setting up a stall to make money, so she doesn't have much time.

Secondly, she doesn't like to walk around crowded places. If it wasn't for Xu Ziyin's appearance, she might not appear near the shopping mall in the city center at this moment.

But Xixi is different, after all, she is a child of six or seven years old, and it is her nature to be playful, and now she has the opportunity to go out to play, how can she restrain the joy in her heart.

What's more, she was accompanied by her closest sister and favorite big brother.

Along the way, Xixi's coquettish laughter scattered all over the floor, and she would ask a few questions curiously when she saw anything, and Xu Ziyin naturally answered her for her tirelessly.

Come to the mall.

As it was still early, many shops were not open yet.

Xu Ziyin took Xixi straight to the amusement park in the mall.

At this time, there were not many people in the amusement park, and the small train was beeping on the track.

Seeing the little train, Xixi suddenly couldn't walk, pulled Xu Ziyin's sleeve and shouted in a long voice that she wanted to take the little train.

How could Xu Ziyin refuse the little beauty's coquettishness, and picked her up and walked towards the ticket office.

Generally, there are such amusement parks specially set up for children and young people in large shopping malls.

At the ticket office, Xu Ziyin was just about to pay for the ticket when Yun Xianyu pulled his clothes and whispered.

"Xu, Xu Ziyin, I read it just now, the student card can be half-price."

half price?

Xu Ziyin was taken aback for a moment, then said softly.

"I didn't bring that thing with me, whoever comes out to play with a student ID card, and it's not much cheaper."

To him, it doesn't matter if there is more or less, but it is different for Yun Xianyu.

As soon as Xu Ziyin finished speaking, Yun Xianyu took out her student ID card from her cloth bag.


Xu Ziyin had no choice but to accept it, and then walked to the ticket window with his student ID.

A few minutes later, Xu Ziyin bought two half-price adult student tickets and children's tickets and came back.


After riding the little train, I played with the bumper cars and finally went to play on the slide. Xixi had a great time.

At this time, it was close to nine o'clock in the morning, and there were more tourists in the mall.

Seeing that there were more and more children in the amusement park, Xixi did not compete with them and returned to Xu Ziyin's side.

"Stop playing?"

Xu Ziyin bent down to look at her and smiled.


With a sweet hum, Xixi leaned closer to her rosy face and opened her arms to hug her.

For some reason, Xixi seems to like to cling to Xu Ziyin, and Xu Ziyin knows it well.

It's one aspect of being kind to her.

Perhaps it is more from myself that I feel the long-lost...

Fatherly love?

The little girl's parents passed away, and her age is the age that lacks love and needs the company of her parents.

The eldest sister is like a mother, no matter how good Yun Xianyu treats her, after all, she can't give her the feeling of a father's love like a mountain.

But Xu Ziyin was different. Men and women had different instincts in handling things, so it was reasonable for the little girl to cling to him.

(First update.)
(End of this chapter)

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