If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 134, 【Sister Blossoms】

Chapter 134, 【Sister Flowers Bloom】 (for further reading)
The corridors are very quiet.

The bright moonlight outside the window reflected the smooth walls, leaving streaks of mottled light and shadow on the floor.

The girl was full of vigor and looked up, with joy and boundless hope in her eyes.

Xu Ziyin looked into her eyes, paused, then bent down and said softly.

"Xianyu, I have something to do when I go back."

"When Xixi is discharged from the hospital, I'll take you to have a big meal."

After hearing this, Yun Xianyu was taken aback for a moment, then nodded lightly: "Okay, then you should pay attention to safety on the way back."


Back to the ward.

Yun Xianyu sat by her sister's bed.

Xixi was sleeping soundly, and she stuck out her tongue and licked her little lips from time to time in her sleep, and she didn't know what kind of scene she dreamed of.

Yun Xianyu felt soft in her heart when she saw it, so she stretched out her hand and gently tucked the corner of her quilt, then rested her chin on her knees and quietly looked at the moon outside the window.

The moonlight is beautiful tonight.

There is an old pagoda tree outside the ward.

The full moon happened to be inlaid on the branches of the locust tree, and wisps of soft light shone down, as if even the dead branches of the old locust tree became full of vitality.

The girl was fascinated by it for a moment, and then she smiled lightly, and the two pear dimples quietly climbed up her crystal pink cheeks.

Her smile was clear and clean, and someone's shadow seemed to be reflected in her eyes.

All the joy, jump, and sweetness are flowing inside.

But never saw a trace of regret.



Drive back to the apartment.

Xu Ziyin did not get off the car immediately.

He turned off the ignition and sat in the driver's seat.

It is not yet time for a complete rest, and residents can occasionally be seen walking around in the community.

Young women pushing prams, elderly people over half a century walking their dogs, and young children are jumping on the trails and chasing their friends ahead.

Through the window, Xu Ziyin watched them pass by with a smile on his face, and his dim eyes suddenly became bright.

He likes such a picture very much, which makes him full of hope for life.

Suddenly, he felt that he seemed to have made a mistake today.

He shouldn't have rejected Xianyu like this.

Although he hides an ulterior secret in his heart, he is still only a young man, and a young man's heart should not be so deep.

It is a wonderful thing to be liked by others, not to mention that person is Xianyu.

She said very little.

When we first met, he was submissive and weak, like a water willow swaying in the wind by the pool.

Now that they met, they got to know each other under my careful arrangement, why did they use such a cruel method to dim her radiant smile again?

She is the most beautiful white moonlight in the world, she should always keep a smile on her face, and she should not fall into self-blame and doubt because of her restraint.

That is likely to cause her current changes to return to the original again.

Ask yourself.

Was that what he wished to see?

Suddenly, Xu Ziyin laughed, with a bright smile, and then nodded vigorously.


I should tell her that although I can't say everything bluntly, I should accept her liking, and even if I can't give her a clear answer, I should let her understand my heart.

There is only affection in this world that cannot be let down.

And companionship is the longest confession of love, and Yun Xianyu has been repeating this from beginning to end.

She doesn't care about other people's eyes, let alone other people's private gossip, but just quietly follows her like a little daughter-in-law.

She has no friends, only herself.

She doesn't know how to say love words, let alone act coquettishly, even if she asks for a word of retention, she asks carefully.

"May I make you your favorite braised fish?"

Such despicable methods of cold violence should not be used against her.

With her character, she wouldn't ask anything.

Just because of my affirmation, I will be happy for a long time.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Ziyin took out his phone with a smile on his face.

"Xianyu, are you asleep?"

"Not yet, I just took a shower."

Her voice was weak and shy as always, but it seemed to be the most beautiful piece of music Xu Ziyin had ever heard in his life.

"I heard that girls of the Miao nationality are good at singing and dancing. Can you sing?"

"I, I can only sing folk songs from our hometown."

"Can you sing it to me?"


After a long silence.

Yun Xianyu's slightly nervous but serious singing voice came through the old button-pressed handset.

[Spring is here, spring is here, and the humming reeds are blowing in the valley. 】

[Spring is here, spring is here, and the wooden drums are beating on the mountainside. 】


[Sisters' Day is here, spring is blooming. 】

[Feige sang, Miaoshan boiled. 】

[The costumes are on, and the wooden drum dances. 】



【Amei's heart beats thumpingly. 】

[The young man is so drunk that he is in Jiuchongxiao. 】

A song off.

Xu Ziyin was still immersed in Yun Xianyu's singing.

Although it was a cappella, one could still hear Yun Xianyu's cheerful mood when she sang this song.

This song is actually a male and female duet, and the straightforward lyrics in it almost express all the likes without saying anything.

Miao girls are affectionate, they will not be introverted and keen to keep their hearts in their hearts like the girls of the Han family.

If they like it, they like it, and if they like it, they should sing out loud.

Yun Xianyu's weakness is just a change to a strange environment, leaving the beautiful hometown and coming to the big city with steel cages.

Coupled with the fact that her younger sister was ill and the road ahead was bumpy, she would proceed cautiously.

Now that my sister's illness is cured, her eyes are glowing again.

As he said, life will get better and better in the future.

She knew what she wanted, that's why she took the initiative to hold Xu Ziyin's hand and stayed by his side all the time, ignoring others.

She didn't want Xu Ziyin to promise her anything, and she never expected anything extravagantly.

She just wanted to tell him what she liked, in her own way.

Seeing that Xu Ziyin remained silent, Yun Xianyu was a little nervous.

"Xu, Xu Ziyin, are you still there?"

"Yes, what's the name of this song, it's really nice."

"It's called Sister Blossom. Miao people have Sisters' Day every year. My sister likes this festival the most. When my parents were still there, my sister started to put on new clothes early in the morning, and then there were a lot of delicious food on that day... ..."

As she spoke, Yun Xianyu's tone couldn't help but weaken.

Xu Ziyin laughed and comforted him.

"Then let's take Xixi to participate later, shall we?"

"Really, Xu Ziyin?"

"Of course, when did I lie to you?"

"Hey, no."


"Okay, it's late, go to bed early, there is class tomorrow."

"Well, you go to bed early, too."

"By the way, I haven't eaten your cooking for a long time. How about going to your house tomorrow?"

Perhaps Xu Ziyin's words were too abrupt, and there would be no sound from the other side for a while.

It took a long while before the girl's loud response sounded.

"it is good!"


After putting down the phone, Xu Ziyin relaxed a lot.

He opened the door and got out of the car.

Just as he walked to the door of the apartment, a small leather ball slipped under his feet.

Not far away, a few brats yelled at him.

"Hey, who is that, kick the ball over here."

"Okay, I caught it."

With a loud laugh, Xu Ziyin raised his right leg and slammed it vigorously. The ball disappeared into the night sky like a cannonball in the blink of an eye.

A few brats turned their heads and looked at the direction where the ball disappeared, dumbfounded.

After doing all this, Xu Ziyin turned and left to hide his achievements and fame.

Bear kids are the most annoying.

Don't you know that playing football at night is easy to hit the windows of other people's houses?

Even if it didn't hit the window, it wouldn't be right to hit the flowers and plants.



After returning home, after washing up, he casually made some food, and Xu Ziyin returned to the bedroom.

Seeing that the friend's game happened to be online, Xu Ziyin created a room and dragged him into the queue without saying a word.

Xu Shi's silt was gone, Xu Ziyin felt hot today, played extraordinary, and won seven consecutive victories all the way.

Good friend also seems to be shocked by his bravery.

Send me a big shocked cartoon expression.

"Why are you so fierce today?"

"It's not just today. I've always been fierce. It's impossible for a man not to be fierce!"


"Okay, hurry up and get ready, Oita tonight."

"I can't do it anymore, I'm going to sleep, there's still a game tomorrow."

"Competition, what competition?"

"For the debate competition, I joined the school's debate club. At the end of the month, the National Undergraduate Debating Competition will be held. I want to represent the school in the competition. I can't stay up late during this time, so I have to concentrate on preparing for the competition."

Xu Ziyin was taken aback.

Debate Competition?
Good guy.

If I can represent Su University in the competition, wouldn't I have the opportunity to meet this mysterious good friend in Yanjing?

However, Xu Ziyin did not disclose this information for the time being. After all, whether he can win the first place in the school is still uncertain. After thinking about it, he replied.

"Okay, then go to sleep, I'll find another assistant."

"you dare!"

I can not?
Who said that an AD can only find one support?

Just when Xu Ziyin was about to tease him with words, several beautiful pictures were sent on the screen of his mobile phone.

"Okay, don't fight, then, let me show you the beauties, go to bed after finishing, and recharge your energy, we will fight again tomorrow."

Who do you take me for?
I can give in because of a few photos of sexy black silk legs?

Appreciating the photos happily, and seeing that it was indeed getting late, Xu Ziyin turned off the computer, fell down on the bed and fell asleep.


The next day.

Sunny weather.

Xu Ziyin came to school after his daily morning exercises.

As soon as he entered the classroom, Yun Xianyu walked over, then stuffed a small bag into his hand, lowered his head and said that it was cold, and trotted back to his seat.

Smiling, Xu Ziyin did not refuse and returned to the back row with the bag.

As soon as he sat down on the chair, Zhao Bing snatched the bag from his hand, opened it and looked down, and suddenly made a sour and nauseating sound.

"Hey, a winner in life."

"Why can't I meet such a girl?"

Xu Ziyin looked for the sound.

I saw Zhao Bing holding a blue hand-woven scarf in his hand.

Song Shi in the front row also turned her head at this time, her eyes fell on the scarf in Zhao Bing's hand, her eyes gradually became complicated.


The words are divided into two parts.

Magic City.

nine in the morning.

At this time, a top commercial vehicle stopped at the entrance of the building of Star Animation Company.

As soon as the car stopped, the company executives who had been waiting for a long time at the door immediately nodded and bowed to meet him.

 Love stickers with non-human senior sisters

(End of this chapter)

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