If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 135, 【Secrets on the little red guy's computer】

Chapter 135, 【Secrets on the little red guy's computer】

Slow Sound's company headquarters is in Modu.

Today is the day when Slow Sound and Xingchen Animation Company are negotiating the acquisition.

As a leading company in the entertainment industry, under the leadership of Xu Man, Man Yin's power has naturally been expanding.

As for Xingchen Animation Company, which is at most a medium-sized company in the industry, and only focuses on one field, the boss of the company is naturally overjoyed to be favored by Manuyin.

As for the change of ownership of the company, under the strong money offensive, is that a problem?

It is very likely that Xingchen has climbed into the thigh of slow sound, and the business will be more prosperous in the future, far exceeding the past.

So when they learned that Xu Man, who had a great reputation, had come in person, all the senior executives of the company waited eagerly at the door.

The boss of Xingchen Company has a surname of Qi and a first name of Desheng.

It is estimated that when his father named him at the beginning, he hoped that he would always be successful in the future.

I have to say that a good name can really get twice the result with half the effort.

Qi Desheng is in his early [-]s this year. Starting from scratch, he has now established Star Animation Company with a market value of over [-] million. He is well-known in the industry as a capable person.

It's just that due to limitations, Xingchen's footsteps have been standing still.

Qi Desheng is naturally happy to see him being connected online with Slow Sound now.


Seeing the car stopped, Qi Desheng rushed up to greet him.

Immediately, the car door opened, and a pair of sky-high haters came into his eyes.

Seeing the tall woman coming down from the commercial vehicle, Qi Desheng had a hint of surprise in his eyes, and quickly and superbly concealed it.

In his capacity, he dared not have any bad thoughts about the big Buddha in front of him.

There are a lot of bloody lessons in the circle.

Taking a flat look at the people from Xingchen Company in front of him, Xu Man said calmly.

"Let's go."


The acquisition process went smoothly.

Slow Sound's legal department has long drawn up a series of contracts.

Prior to this, the two companies had already taken over, and today is just a formal signing of the contract.

Xu Man also gave Qi Desheng enough face to come in person.

Otherwise, in her capacity, this level of business activities does not require her to go in person.

But Xu Man's character is like this, and everyone in the entertainment industry knows that it is extremely protective.

Since Xingchen will be her own property in the future, she is also willing to show her face.

After signing the contract, Qi Desheng smiled.

"Mr. Xu, I've already set up a banquet at the hotel next door, and I hope Mr. Xu will show his face."

With a hum, Xu Man chuckled lightly.

"Don't be in a hurry, please take me to the company with Mr. Qi."

The overall area of ​​Star Company is not small.

Occupying an entire floor of the central building, each department is clearly divided.

Taking Xu Man around the pillar department, a group of people came to the door of the internship department.

The internship department has nothing to see, it is full of inexperienced interns, Qi Desheng was about to take Xu Man to the next department, but Xu Man suddenly stopped, stood by the window and looked inward with great interest. look.

Seeing Xu Man stop, the group could only stand behind her.


In the internship department, the atmosphere at this time is a bit depressing.

Handing over the resignation report in his hand, Qin Feiyan said flatly.

"I'm resigning."

Hearing this, Sun Huijuan raised her head, a hint of surprise appeared on her heavily made-up face.

Then he smiled disdainfully.

"Qin Feiyan, there is no salary for voluntary resignation during the internship."

"I know."

Qin Feiyan never thought about taking this month's internship salary, she just wanted to get out of this horrible place as soon as possible.

Colleagues not far away listened to Qin Feiyan's conversation, and felt timid in their hearts.

They naturally understood that Director Sun's oppression of Qin Feiyan was not because he was jealous that the parents looked better than her.

However, they were all interns, at most they were complaining for their colleagues in their hearts, but no one dared to speak out.

For them, Sun Huijuan is their immediate boss.

And it is said that she has an unclear relationship with a certain high-level executive of the company.

Under such circumstances, whoever dares to stand up and fight against injustices is not courting death.

Pressing down the resignation report in her hand, Sun Huijuan said calmly.

"Okay, I get it, but it will take a few days to go through the resignation procedures. In the next few days, you have to hand over the work in hand, and I will approve it for you then."

After hearing this, Qin Feiyan didn't say anything, turned around and returned to his station.


Everything that happened in the room fell into Xu Man's eyes, and she naturally knew what happened with her insight.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the workplace.

It's just that she is a little curious.

He didn't expect to meet Qin Feiyan here.

Of course she was no stranger to Qin Feiyan, this was Xiao Chi's ex-girlfriend.

Or it can be more accurately described as first love.

After thinking about it, she turned her head to look at Qi Desheng, pointed to Sun Huijuan who was sitting on the chair and said flatly.

"President Qi, I don't like this woman."

After all, she didn't explain anything, and walked forward.

She is Xu Man.

What to do depends on personal preference.

Does the little brother's ex-girlfriend have to be suppressed?
It seems to be a very interesting thing to have a little red guy's ex-girlfriend as a subordinate.


Qi Desheng was a little confused when he heard Xu Man's words.

What does it mean?
Taking another look at Qin Feiyan who was sitting at the workstation, he seemed to understand something.

He is the boss of the company, so a small internship department is naturally out of his sight.

I don't even know what happened inside.

But at this time, a little taste came out in my heart.

Mr. Xu came here specially today, and also came to the internship department, and then said this sentence again.

It seems that she came here to give herself eye drops today?

For a moment, he seemed to understand a lot.

Then he turned to the assistant and said.

"Let her pack up and leave."

Since Mr. Xu doesn't like Sun Huijuan, there must be no reason to keep her.

Even if she just suddenly sees her unhappy.

Qi Desheng could only pretend.

Is it a thing to dismiss a supervisor of the internship department casually?

As long as Mr. Xu is happy, he won't complain even if he changes the entire company's top management.


After the banquet at the hotel, Xu Man got in the business car and left.

Just when they drove downstairs of the Slow Sound Building, Xu Man suddenly spoke.

"Mengmeng, go to the villa first, and then return to Suzhou. The meeting in the afternoon and tomorrow will be postponed first. I will go home for two days."

Seeing Qin Feiyan, Xu Man suddenly missed that guy a little bit.

I don't know what this guy is doing at home now.

Could it be that there is a woman secretly hiding in the bedroom and messing around?
Secretary Yao Meng didn't say much after hearing the words, turned around and drove towards the boss's residence.



The night was dark.

Xu Ziyin sat on the sofa and looked at the graceful figure looming in the kitchen, with a bright smile on his lips.

After facing his heart directly, his thoughts suddenly became clear.

Instead of restraining each other, it is better to let nature take its course.

Two people don't necessarily have to establish a relationship when they get along, shouldn't happiness be the most important prerequisite.

Besides, this little girl may not ask for anything, as long as she stays by her side, she is probably satisfied.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyin walked into the kitchen, leaned against the door and smiled.

"Xianyu, do you want me to help?"


"No, no, I can do it by myself. You can sit on the sofa for a while, and you can eat in a while."

Xu Ziyin didn't answer, just got up and walked to the sink, took the vegetables in it and washed them.

Under the orange light, Yun Xianyu turned to look at him.

Looking at his tough jawline and the corners of his lips, he smiled sweetly.

"What are you laughing at?"

Xu Ziyin was at a loss.

"Hey, happy."

"Silly, will you be happy if you help me wash the dishes?"


Nodding her head vigorously, Yun Xianyu said happily.

"Very happy, very happy."

Looking at the girl's bright smile, Xu Ziyin was suddenly infected.

Immediately, with a playful spirit, a splash of water bounced on her face.

With a sound of ah, Yun Xianyu hurriedly took two steps back like a frightened deer, and then stared at Xu Ziyin with her big moist eyes, and did not dodge.

"Why don't you fight back?"

Xu Ziyin asked.


Hearing this, Yun Xianyu immediately turned her little head into a rattle.

Seeing her doormat appearance, Xu Ziyin felt emotional.

What a silly girl.


As the saying goes, men and women work together without getting tired.

After a while, a sumptuous dinner was served on the table.

Seeing Xu Ziyin eating happily, Yun Xianyu felt very happy.

She picked up a piece of fish and put it into his bowl and whispered.

"Is it tasty?"

"good to eat."

Nodding his head, Xu Ziyin said suddenly.

"By the way, do you have some food for Xixi?"

"Keep it, and send it to my sister after we finish eating."


After digging twice violently, seeing that the silly girl was still staring at her, Xu Ziyin reached out and knocked her on the head with chopsticks angrily.

"Look, let's eat quickly."

"Oh oh~"

Hearing this, Yun Xianyu picked up her job bowl and began to chew and swallow slowly.

With the soft moonlight, the figures of the two gradually became hazy on the glass window.


While Xu Ziyin was having a warm dinner, Xu Man returned home.

Seeing the long-lost apartment, Xu Man snorted comfortably, then flicked the high heels under her feet, and walked to the edge of the sofa with her bare feet in silk stockings and fell headlong.

After resting for a while, she took out her mobile phone to ask Xu Ziyin when she would be back.

But think about it or give him a surprise.

When he fell asleep, would he be surprised if he broke in suddenly?

Thinking of this, Xu Man giggled.

Who would have thought.

In the eyes of outsiders, the female devil who is fierce and fierce, can turn into this little girl when she returns home?
After staying bored in the living room for a while, Xu Man came to Xu Ziyin's bedroom.

Looking at the computer on the desk, a trace of curiosity appeared in Xu Man's eyes.

Will there be any secrets on the little red guy's computer?

Boys of this age should be very curious about that kind of sex, right?
As a sister, for the sake of my brother's physical and mental health, it seems that I have to replace his unhealthy videos with my sister's photo album.

Well, it is necessary!


turn on computer.

What caught the eye was a background picture of a group photo of two people.

The boy squatted in the corner and cried, while the girl comforted him in a low voice, holding a lollipop in her hand.

The picture is naturally Xu Ziyin and Xu Man.

Xu Man asked Xu Ziyin to change this photo. Naturally, Xu Ziyin did not dare to disobey her sister's opinion, so the background picture has been kept until now and has not been changed.

Looking at this computer background, Xu Man fell into memories.

At that time she was still young, about twelve or thirteen years old.

While playing around, she accidentally hit Xu Ziyin's lower body hard once.

How could the young Xu Ziyin bear the pain of egg pain, squatting in the corner and crying non-stop, Xu Man was also a little flustered, so he coaxed him with a lollipop.

From then on, she checked Xu Ziyin's body every now and then to see if Xu Ziyin was injured and how he was recovering.

So from another perspective.

There is nothing wrong with Xu Ziyin's saying that Xu Man grew up watching him.

When Xu Ziyin reached a certain age and understood the relationship between men and women, he firmly rejected his sister's feeble request.

Is he shameless?
Thinking about it, Xu Man's mouth curled into a smile.


I miss that time so much.

I didn't expect time to pass so fast, and my little brother has grown up so much.


After carefully checking the computer, Xu Man didn't find what she wanted.

Doesn't this guy have a collection of those videos?
Should not be ah.

Mu Qing is not at home, how should a boy of his age meet his physical needs?
Is it possible to manually rely on imagination?

Who was thinking?
Confused, Xu Man's thoughts were distorted in an instant.

She spat secretly, and just as she was about to turn off the computer, she glanced at a document on the computer desktop from the corner of her eye.

The document is not marked, and I don't know what is written in it.

Under the trend of curiosity, Xu Man clicked on the document.



In a dark bedroom.

Xu Man sat at the desk, staring at the computer screen with big eyes blinking.

There is no other text in the document, only eight names.

【Yun Xianyu】【Song Poetry】【Qin Feiyan】【Yin Muqing】【Chu Yao】【Xu Niannian】【Luo Xuan】【Jiang Yuxi】

Seeing these eight names, Xu Man was a little confused.

She knew two of these eight names, Qin Feiyan and Yin Muqing.

And there was a big check mark under Qin Feiyan's name, as well as Chu Yao's and Xu Niannian's names.

She pursed her lips and racked her brains, but she still couldn't figure out what this document was for.

But don't think about it, these feminine names must be women.

So besides Qin Feiyan and Yin Muqing, who are the rest of the women?
What is the meaning of the little red guy writing this document?

this moment.

Xu Man seemed to have discovered something extraordinary, as if Sherlock Holmes possessed a body, his brain spun rapidly.

After all, who would be bored to mark down a few people's names on a computer file?

It must be ulterior motives.

(If you are not satisfied with the new books, you can read the old books with fish. The style is very similar to this book, and it can also solve the problem of book shortage.)
(End of this chapter)

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