If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 137, [I have never seen the grass luxuriant]

Chapter 137, [I have never seen the fragrant grass] (cough cough, please follow up)

In the early hours of the morning, everything was silent.

Every family has entered into a sweet dreamland, but the atmosphere in Xu Ziyin's bedroom is full of depression.

It was obvious that the bed was as warm as spring, but Xu Ziyin could feel the cold sweat rolling down his forehead at this moment.

How could it be Xu Man?
This thing is just big.

Because he thought it was Yin Muqing who was making another sneak attack, he was naturally not polite to attack, but if this person was his sister, then his behavior just now was a bit outrageous.

The corners of his mouth twitched faintly, Xu Ziyin dodged the murderous intent and said in a dazed manner.

"Sister, why are you back?"

As soon as the words were spoken, there was no reply, only wisps of cold light raged around Xu Ziyin, and he had no doubt that he might be cut to pieces in the next second.

After a long time, Xu Man's sullen voice finally came from the side.

"Why can't it be me?"

"I was afraid that you would be bored at home alone, so I came back here to give you a surprise. Is this how you treat me?"

What do you mean I did this to you?

If you didn't sneak into my bed, would I be able to do such a thing?

How can an older sister sneak up on a younger brother in the middle of the night?

Of course, Xu Ziyin thought about these words at most in his heart, he didn't dare to complain to Xu Man face to face, otherwise, he was afraid that he would kick him out of bed, and he could only make do with the cold floor tonight up.

"Sister, I was so sleepy just now, I thought, I thought it was Mu Qing?"

"Mu Qing?"

"Yeah, Mu Qing came back a few days ago, and it was exactly the same way as you did just now, so I, I subconsciously thought it was her again."

Do feelings regard me as Mu Qing's rascal?

Xu Man was angry and ashamed in her heart, and there was even an imperceptible sense of loss.

In the end, she snorted coldly and said lightly.


Hearing this, Xu Ziyin obediently passed his hand over.

Xu Man was also polite, took it and put it under his head, and then said.


Xu Ziyin immediately moved his thigh over again, and Xu Man's long leg rested on him, entwining him like an octopus.

"Okay, let's go to sleep."


The night was dark.

Xu Man fell into a deep sleep with Xu Ziyin in his arms.

But Xu Ziyin opened his eyes and felt the long breath on the side, staring blankly at the ceiling above his head, but couldn't fall asleep anyway.

My sister didn't care about this matter and let herself go.

But the charming touch of the fingertips just now seems to be still rippling in my heart.

With the shocking touch just now, he didn't seem to be hindered by any, and went straight to the hinterland.

Doesn't that mean that my sister is a, a...

white tiger?

When he was young, he used to fight with Xu Man a lot, and he also found out about his sister, but at that time, he was still young and hadn't reached the age of development.

But with the growth of age and the awakening of past life memories, Xu Ziyin understood the relationship between men and women, so it was naturally impossible for him to play with his sister so unscrupulously.

Occasional intimacy is not too much.

But looking at it now, that is to say, there has been no change in my sister's place?
There are colorful fallen flowers, but have you never seen luxuriant grass?
Call ~
As soon as this idea appeared, Xu Ziyin couldn't let it go.

Damn, how can you sleep here?



With a soft pillow, Xu Man slept soundly that night, but Xu Ziyin slept tossing and turning extremely aggrieved.

With her long legs resting on her body, Xu Ziyin didn't dare to disturb her rest by moving, and he had to force himself not to think about those messy pictures, and fell into a drowsiness until the dawn gradually broke.

Xu Ziyin opened his eyes when the first ray of morning light outside the window sprinkled on the earth.

What caught my eye was Xu Man's unladylike sleeping posture.

The style is enchanting, and the sexy is mixed with laziness.

Even though he has seen it many times, at this moment, Xu Ziyin couldn't help but feel a burst of heart palpitations, his mouth was dry, and his thoughts from last night came back again.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Ziyin quietly moved away the shiny long leg that was pressing on his chest, and then carefully got off the bed.

When I came to the bathroom and washed my face with cold water, my restless mood finally calmed down a bit.

After a brief wash, he turned around and glanced at the bedroom, seeing that his sister was still asleep, Xu Ziyin didn't wake her up, got up and left the room.


It's mid-December.

The cold factor in the air is increasing, and you can see the thick white mist dissipating in your eyes with just a breath.

Choosing to run in the morning in winter is indeed a process that tests perseverance.

But Xu Ziyin gradually fell in love with the sport.

After a simple warm-up downstairs in the apartment, Xu Ziyin walked out of the community and jogged along the street.

Since he was used to jogging for five kilometers, Xu Ziyin added another round-trip distance.

In the early morning, there were no pedestrians on the road, only sanitation workers were cleaning the withered leaves last night in the cold wind.


Today's morning exercise did not see that barbaric woman, came to Huijin Xindi, and chatted with the aunt who sold hand-cooked cakes about her grandson's ideological and moral issues, Xu Ziyin chose to return.

After three back and forth, the number of pedestrians on the road gradually increased, Xu Ziyin wiped the sweat from his forehead and walked towards the apartment.

Back home, Xu Man had already woken up and was cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

Hearing the sound of the door opening behind him, Xu Man turned his head, glanced at the sweaty little red guy and said curiously.

"Why did you go there early in the morning, why are you sweating?"

"Go for a run."

Replying casually, Xu Ziyin went to the living room and took a sip from the teacup on the coffee table, regardless of whether there was any sister's saliva in it.

Just at this time, Xu Man came over with a spatula. She first sniffed him and sniffed him, then pushed him to the bathroom in disgust.

"It stinks, hurry up and take a shower, we'll have dinner later."

Xu Ziyin was puzzled.

Why did you look like you didn't believe me just now?
Could it be that you thought I went out early in the morning to steal?
Come here specially to smell if I smell like a woman?


Breakfast is delicious millet porridge with steamed stuffed buns, which can be regarded as Xu Man's specialty.

Xu Ziyin really misses the taste after getting used to eating vermicelli in clear soup.

When he was eating, Xu Man nodded and asked.

"Do you have anything to do today?"

"No, today is Saturday, rest, what's the matter?"

Xu Ziyin raised his head and replied.

"Well, it's nothing. After a while, take me to the store you opened. You have been in business for so long, and I haven't visited it yet."


After thinking about it, Xu Ziyin nodded in response.

There is really no need to hide this matter, it is a serious matter.

Maybe with my sister's guidance, I can give some good suggestions to the store.

After all, in terms of business, he is not Xu Man's opponent.


Since Xu Man didn't drive back and was picked up by his assistant all the way, the driving task to Huijin Xindi naturally fell on Xu Ziyin's head.

Sitting in the co-pilot of the Audi R8 and looking around the car carefully, Xu Man joked.

"Okay, Xu Ziyin, this co-pilot has taken many women, and I've already smelled different smells of several women in a while."

Are you a dog?

The nose is so sensitive?

But Xu Ziyin didn't refute it aloud, no matter whether Xu Man really smelled it or not, his co-pilot had indeed taken a lot of girls, he felt guilty, so he could only smile embarrassingly.

After humming, Xu Man didn't continue to ask about this matter, she put her beautiful legs on the console, lowered the seat, and lay down lazily on it.

The golden light slowly sprinkled from the window, and landed on the round feet wrapped in black silk and the chest that escaped the gravity of the earth, and there was a burst of charming color.

Xu Ziyin was fascinated by the sight, and Xu Man beside him hummed.

"What are you looking at? If you look at it again, your eyes will be scratched, so hurry up and drive!"


It was still early, and there were no customers in the jewelry store.

Only Zhao Wen was sitting at the counter playing with her mobile phone.

Huang Yating has already gone to Yuhe Plaza to take over the work there, so the part-time job in Huijin Xindi has naturally changed to another person.

Zhao Wen and Huang Yating are college classmates, and their work attitude is not bad.

Seeing Xu Ziyin walk into the store, Zhao Wen hurriedly put down the phone in her hand and said nervously, "Boss, are you here?"

Seeing Zhao Wen's nervous eyes, Xu Ziyin said with a smile.

"It's okay, you play your game, and there are no guests now, so don't be so serious, I'll just take a look."

Taking Xu Man around the store, Xu Ziyin said with a smile.

"Sister, how do you feel?"

Taking a look at the colorful small shops on the shelves, Xu Man thought.

Any advice for a store of this size?

Even if the business is good, if you can earn [-] to [-] a month, you will be thankful.

This small amount of money is not worth her brains and thoughts.

"Very good, no suggestions."

As she said that, Xu Man was going to ask Xu Ziyin to take her to Yuhe Square to have a look. Before she could say anything, she saw a figure walking into the shop from the corner of her eye.

Xu Man glanced sideways subconsciously, and his eyes froze instantly.


Where did this little girl come from? She looks too juicy, right?
It is not too much to describe it as a water spirit. After all, with Xu Man's appearance, there is no woman who can get a beautiful compliment from her.

But looking at the little girl, Xu Man couldn't help being a little surprised.

Needless to say about her appearance, even among the female stars signed under the entire Slow Sound banner, none of them can match her.

The most important thing is that elegant and refined temperament, which makes people unable to look away after just one glance.

The person who came was naturally Yun Xianyu.

Today is Saturday, and she rushed to the store non-stop after delivering breakfast to her younger sister.

Although Xu Ziyin repeatedly told her not to be so tired, she was still worried about this small shop.

This shop is of great significance to her. Furthermore, every weekend, the business in the shop is very busy, and Sister Wenwen can't keep busy in the shop alone.

As soon as Yun Xianyu entered the store, she looked up and saw Xu Ziyin standing aside and staring at her. Yun Xianyu's heart tightened, and then she walked to his side weakly and whispered.

"Xu, Xu Ziyin, I'm worried that the store will be busy today, so..."

Of course Xu Ziyin knew what she was thinking, smiled and said softly.

"Did you eat breakfast?"

Hearing this, Yun Xianyu immediately raised her head and replied pretty.

"Well, I've eaten it. I ate porridge and steamed stuffed buns."

I just asked you if you ate, but not what you ate.

Shaking his head and smiling, Xu Ziyin looked at Xu Man and said.

"Sister, this is Yun Xianyu, my college classmate."

"Xianyu, this is my sister, I think you should have seen her before."

Hearing this, Yun Xianyu took all her attention away from Xu Ziyin and turned to look at Xu Man.

She had indeed seen Xu Man.

When Xu Man accompanied Xu Ziyin to class, there was a huge commotion in the class. Almost all the students had a deep memory of this long, glamorous and powerful woman, and Yun Xianyu was naturally not surprised. .

She had doubted Xu Man's identity at the time, but now that she heard Xu Ziyin say that she was his sister, Yun Xianyu couldn't help but feel happy, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

Seeing all the micro expressions on Yun Xianyu's face, Xu Man felt a little uncomfortable.

Yun Xianyu.

Not surprisingly, this soft and weak girl is the first name on the little red guy's file.

It really looks good.

I just don't know what the relationship between the two is?


Looking at the two of them like this, I'm afraid it's more than that.

(First update.)
(End of this chapter)

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