If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 138,【I get annoyed when I see you】

Chapter 138,【I get annoyed when I see you】(read more)
Walking in front of Yun Xianyu, Xu Man looked up at her carefully, until Yun Xianyu lowered his head, then gave up.

After all, Xu Man is not Xu Ziyin. Yun Xianyu can look directly at Xu Ziyin, but she is not used to staring at other people for such a long time. If she hadn't known that she was Xu Ziyin's sister, Yun Xianyu would have met Xu Ziyin in the first round. Seeing has already been defeated.

Seeing Yun Xianyu's weak and blushing appearance, Xu Man sighed in his heart.

I have to say that such a girl is really attractive, even she can't help feeling pity for her, let alone her perverted brother.

It's just not clear what the relationship between the two is.

The words of couples are not very similar. After all, if the two are in a relationship, the little red man would never dare to look so calm in front of him.

But if it's not a couple, this pretty little girl seems to be particularly clinging to the little red guy.

After simply collecting information, Xu Man didn't say anything to Yun Xianyu, just nodded as a greeting, then looked at Xu Ziyin and continued.

"Let's go, let's go to Yuhe Square to have a look."

With a hum, Xu Ziyin turned his head and explained to Yun Xianyu, and then he was about to walk out of the shop.

But the moment he stepped out of the shop, his mind suddenly froze.


Can't go to Yuhe Plaza!
Today is Saturday, Xu Niannian must be in the store.

At this time, I have passed by myself, wouldn't that be a failure?
Besides, he dared to introduce Yun Xianyu in front of Xu Man with a calm expression, but it didn't mean he dared to introduce Xu Niannian in front of Xu Man.

With my sister's tricky eyes, I will definitely notice something.

If she finally found out that Xu Niannian was her lover, she might have to peel off her skin.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyin suddenly slapped his forehead and said suddenly.

"Ah, by the way, I remembered that the account book for last month is still not correct. Sister, Yuhe Plaza is not far from here. You can go there first, and I will send you the address later."

Xu Ziyin's momentary hesitation failed to hide Xu Man's eyes, and she was keenly caught.

There was something strange in her heart.

What was this guy thinking just now?
Why do you suddenly not want to go there with me, is it because you are afraid of what you will see?

As for the account reconciliation, you don't need to think about it to know it's nonsense.

There was no trick to dismantle Xu Ziyin, Xu Man took the car keys and glanced at him with a half-smile, then drove the Audi to Yuhe Square.

When Xu Man left, Xu Ziyin let out a long and heavy breath.

so far so good.

He didn't go there, even if Xu Niannian and Xu Man met, it didn't matter, after all, the two had never met.

The only worry is whether Xu Man will leak out that he is the owner of the shop.

Even if she could, thinking about it, there was nothing to worry about. At most, she would let Xu Niannian know that her work was arranged by herself.

At this time, Yun Xianyu walked to his side and tugged at his sleeve and whispered.

"Xu Ziyin, haven't all the accounts in the store been corrected?"

"Ah, is it? I'm just talking nonsense. I haven't seen you all night. I want to stay with you for a while."

Hearing this, Yun Xianyu's face was filled with joy, and she suddenly felt a sense of fairy spirit permeating her heart.

Well, it was the first time he said he missed me so bluntly.

"Xu Ziyin, sister looks so good~"

Yun Xianyu said again.

After listening, Xu Ziyin bent down and rubbed her little head and said softly.

"Xian Yu is also pretty, prettier than everyone else."

The two of them were intimate with each other, but Zhao Wen in the store felt her scalp tingling for a while.


Do you really not consider the feeling of being single now if you put aside your show of affection in broad daylight?



When he came to Yuhe Square, Xu Man did not reveal his identity, but came to the store pretending to be a customer.

Seeing a guest coming to the door, the receptionist at the front desk hurriedly greeted him.

After a few simple words of courtesy, the lady at the front desk led Xu Man into the store.

After carefully visiting the overall decoration and style of the store, Xu Man nodded in his heart.

The overall scale and business method of this store are indeed more formal than the small jewelry store in Huijin Xindi, which is remarkable.

All of this was written by the little red guy?
At first, I thought he was just playing tricks on a whim, but I didn't expect that he would really do it in style.

In Xu Man's view, the location of the store and the projects it operates are really interesting.

Facing the recreational activities open to young people, it is really effective in Yuhe Plaza, which is backed by major schools.

While watching, a beautiful girl came out of the office.

When the lady at the front desk saw her, she hurriedly said politely.

"Miss miss."

With a hmm, Xu Niannian looked at Xu Man, and after a flash of amazement, he could tell from his appearance and clothes that this was a big client.

Then she smiled at the young lady at the front desk.

"Mengmeng, you go to the front desk, I will receive this lady."

"Okay, Miss Nian."

Xu Man listened to the conversation between the two, and his mind moved slightly.


Could it be the Xu Niannian from the little red guy's file?

With such a long logo, there should be no fake ones.

Xu Niannian has a deep memory, after all, she ticked off her name just like Qin Feiyan.

Originally, she was thinking about how to find out about her relationship with Xu Ziyin, but she didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon.

In this way, could it be that the reason for the little red guy's hesitation just now was because of her?
Thinking of this, Xu Man smiled.

"Recently, our company is preparing for team building. I think these projects in your store are quite good."

"Would you like to add a contact information? I'll tell you in advance when I come here."

Xu Niannian was about to introduce the items in the store, but unexpectedly, the customer in front of him opened his mouth first, and naturally agreed.


The two added contact information to each other, and then Xu Niannian asked.

"I don't know what the lady's last name is, so I can make a note."


Xu Man said calmly.

"As for you, let me also make a note. You have more friends, so it's easy to remember bad things."

With a slight smile, Xu Niannian said politely.

"My surname is Xu. You can write the name of the shop directly after the name, so that you can remember it immediately when you see it."

There is nothing wrong with that.

After wandering around the store for a while, Xu Man excused himself and left here.



Xu Man will not stay in Suzhou for a long time.

After all, the company was busy with business, and it was not easy for her to cancel all the meetings and come back to see Xu Ziyin.

The end of the year was approaching, if she hadn't missed this guy in her heart, she might not have left all her work just to come back to see him.

So I'm going back to Shanghai this afternoon.

Today was a rare Saturday, and the little red guy didn't have to go to class, so Xu Man naturally couldn't let go of this time alone with him.


After meeting at the entrance of Yuhe Plaza Mall, Xu Ziyin said with a natural expression.

"Sister, have you visited the store?"

"Well, it's quite impressive, and I don't have any good suggestions."

As he spoke, Xu Man changed the topic.

"Shall we go and see again?"

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin's brows jumped suddenly.

"No, there's nothing to look at."

Smiling tacitly, Xu Man handed the bag in her hand to Xu Ziyin: "Okay, let's go shopping with my sister."

"Ah, shopping again?"

"Why, are you not happy?"

Seeing her sister's eyes narrowed slowly, Xu Ziyin quickly flattered her.

"How dare you, my lord queen, it is a humble honor to carry the bag for you."


After laughing and cursing, Xu Man took Xu Ziyin's arm, and the two walked into the mall side by side.

He said he was going shopping with her, but when Xu Man came to the mall, he took Xu Ziyin straight to the brand men's clothing store.

Xu Man said after buying several outfits for the little red guy from the beginning to the end.

"Okay, go to dinner with me, and go home after dinner."

In fact, Xu Man is not keen on shopping, and she has no interest in shopping.

Her clothes are all custom-made by a special person, and she doesn't need to do it herself.

Compared to hanging out in a noisy environment, she would rather lie on the sofa with the little red guy and watch TV.



Warm sunlight flooded the living room.

Xu Man curled up lazily on the sofa with Xu Ziyin's thigh on his pillow.

She enjoyed the atmosphere very much.

Whenever the work is boring and busy, she will miss the scene of playing with the pervert on the sofa.

But as the two of them got older, the opportunities to get along with each other became less and less.

Feeling the little red man's fingertips gently pressing the acupuncture points on the top of his head, watching the TV soap operas with no nutritional value, Xu Man gradually felt a heavy sleepiness, and then adjusted a comfortable posture, hugging Holding Xu Ziyin's arm, he closed his eyes sweetly.

Xu Ziyin looked down, then gently covered her with the blanket and turned off the TV at the same time.

Actually for him.

Why don't you like staying with your sister like this.

If there is a soft habitat in everyone's heart, then Xu Man is the only harbor in Xu Ziyin's heart.

He sat quietly on the sofa without pulling out his arms. He just lowered his head and quietly looked at his sister's sleeping face, with a bright and soft smile on his lips.

Then lowered his eyelids and began to think about the next deployment.

It has been almost a month since they broke up with Xu Niannian.

During this month, Xu Ziyin has not found a suitable target.

It can't be said that there is no suitable target, at least Yun Xianyu and Song Shi are within easy reach, needless to say what Xianyu said, Song Shi also seems to have a good impression of her.

When getting along with Song Shi, Xu Ziyin can feel the feeling of vitality.

Even if the two of them don't confront and quarrel with each other when they meet, it is precisely because of this that he can feel the vigor and vitality that young people should have from Song Shi.

This is a very rare experience for Xu Ziyin.

Since he knew that he was infected with an incurable disease, he hadn't experienced this feeling for a long time.

That's what a teenager's heart should be.

So in terms of heart, Xu Ziyin instinctively didn't want to target the two of them.

But leaving these two people aside, the only women with excellent conditions that I know are Luo Xuan and Jiang Yuxi.

Needless to say, Luo Xuan, this may be a protracted battle, far from being able to end within a one-month period of love.

After all, Luo Xuan is his client, he is pretending to be a couple, and he is a service provider. It doesn't make sense for him to break up with the client himself. Will take the initiative to break up.

This is the real goal of getting the reward of life yuan, and I don't have to bear any responsibility. The only question is when Luo Xuan will end the deal with me.

Only Jiang Yuxi was left.

The last time I met Wei Fang on her birthday, Xu Ziyin never had a chance to be alone with her.

It would be easy to make people suspicious to contact her hastily.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyin sighed in his heart.

Still waiting for me.


The sunset is gradually coming to an end.

Xu Man woke up from his sleep.

She slept very comfortably this time, relaxing her body and mind after a long absence.

As a result, as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Xu Ziyin sleeping on the sofa beside him in an extremely awkward position.

Looking at the arm held in his arms, Xu Man naturally knew that this guy hadn't moved a single step all afternoon.

There was a ripple in her heart, she let go of Xu Ziyin's arm, and then slid to his side like a fish, and looked at his face quietly with her chin resting on her chin.

Seeing and watching, Xu Man's eyes were filled with mist, and then she moved closer to her pretty face, and pressed her delicate red lips on his mouth.

The moment his lips touched, Xu Ziyin opened his eyes, and just about to speak, he heard his sister humming.

"Close your eyes and don't open them without my permission."

Xu Ziyin immediately closed his eyes obediently.

Lips and teeth are close together, sticking to each other, Xu Man greedily took a few breaths on the little brother's body, then snuggled into his arms and touched his chest and whispered.

"Pervert, my sister is leaving."


"Will you miss me?"


"Hmph, you will miss me, but I won't miss you. There are so many handsome guys in the company, and I will forget you when I go to the appointment..."

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin closed his eyes and tightened his grip on his sister, then whispered softly in her ear.

"Sister, I don't believe it. You can forget everyone and you can't forget me."

"Smelly, narcissistic, who do you think you are..."

As she spoke, Xu Man's tone gradually weakened.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the little red guy who still had his eyes tightly closed, then stood up, took out a pair of sunglasses from the bag beside him and put them on his face, and then he said.

"Okay, open it."

Xu Ziyin opened his eyes, and saw Xu Man standing in front of him, wearing sunglasses on his face, and there seemed to be some stars on his fair chin.

His heart softened, and he was about to speak, but Xu Man pushed him, and said in a buzzing voice with disgust.

"My sister is gone."

"Don't send me off, I get annoyed when I see you!"

(End of this chapter.)
(There is also a monthly ticket to vote for hairtail, which is in urgent need of irrigation.)
(End of this chapter)

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