If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 147, 【Xu Ziyin, I should be in love with you】

Chapter 147, 【Xu Ziyin, I should be in love with you】

Song Shi's long-cherished wish of seeing snow in Xiangshan Park finally came true.

Do not know why.

Seeing the girl stop and linger happily in the white snow, Xu Ziyin couldn't help feeling a little light in his heart.

The girl's brows were gentle, and she shuttled through the crowd like a butterfly wearing flowers. From time to time, she turned her head and pressed the shutter on Xu Ziyin. At this time, Xu Ziyin would also make a yes gesture in coordination.

Of course, this gesture is a bit too ugly, often causing the girl to roll her eyes.

A group of people walked and watched, and soon came to the skiing attraction in the park.

Seeing the two-person sleigh, Zhao Bing's eyes lit up immediately, and he trot to Du Xiaoyu and started whispering.

The next moment, Du Xiaoyu's face was stained with a blush, and there was a touch of emotion in the ruddy.

Skiing, as a southerner, this is something she has never experienced in her life. Now that she has the opportunity to try it, she is naturally looking forward to it.

At the same time, she also knows the little Jiujiu in Zhao Bing's heart.

The double sleigh, of course, is for two people to ride, let her go up by herself, even if she wants to play in her heart, she dare not try it lightly without someone to accompany her.

Just at this time, Xu Ziyin came over, he glanced at the cheerful tourists in the ski resort and then at Zhao Bing who was shy, and then smiled lightly.

"Why, do you want to ski?"

"Then let's go play for a while. Since I've come to Yanjing, it's rare to have this kind of opportunity. If I miss it, I'm afraid I'll regret it for the rest of my life."

Hearing this, Du Xiaoyu nodded shyly.

Seeing Du Xiaoyu nodding in agreement, Zhao Bing couldn't help being overjoyed, and rushed to the ticket office to start buying tickets.

"Xu Ziyin, let's go play too."

Looking hopefully at the tourists in the venue, Song Shi turned to Xu Ziyin and said.

Nodding, Xu Ziyin did not refuse.

Now that I've come here, it really doesn't make sense not to experience it. Xu Ziyin has never experienced the taste of skiing in his past and present lives.

Even snow is not common, and skiing is even more whimsical.


Under the guidance of the staff, Xu Ziyin and Zhao Bing soon became familiar with the operation method.

The sled car is actually not difficult, as long as you ride in it and slide along the designated track, it is not like the kind of single-person sled board, and you may not dare to operate it without certain skills.

Come to the starting point.

Du Xiaoyu turned around and whispered something to Zhao Bing, Zhao Bing quickly agreed, patted his chest.

Then Du Xiaoyu carefully sat in the front seat of the sleigh car, while Zhao Bing sat in the back to protect her safety.

The two fell in love with each other, and soon the sleigh slowly left the track.

Seeing it, Xu Ziyin smiled slightly.

In his opinion, Zhao Bing and Du Xiaoyu were just about to pierce the last layer of window paper.

A girl who can safely hand over her back to you and let you hug her waist is actually no different from treating you as a boyfriend.

Of course.

The premise is that this girl is not a very casual woman.

If it's a casual woman, don't talk about hugging her waist, I'm afraid she may not take it seriously even if she hits home plate, at most she can be regarded as a tool person who spends the night.

Just thinking wildly, Song Shi poked his shoulder and muttered.

"What are you thinking, let's go."

Looking back, I saw Song Shi blinking her big eyes with eagerness on her face.

Today, she was wearing a blue down jacket and a white beret on her head. Perhaps it was because of the cold weather. Her little face was flushed red from the cold, and she looked extremely attractive.

Reaching out to pick off a maple leaf stuck to her hair, Xu Ziyin said warmly.

"Well, let's go."


Xiangshan Park in the snow is indeed beautiful.

Looking into the eyes, it is covered with silver, with maple leaves and red pavilions, and rockery with rusty stones.

Snowflakes are like catkins falling from the sky, falling on the lake and falling in the mountains.

Holding Song Shi's waist, Xu Ziyin's heart did not fluctuate too much, and his eyes lingered on the scenery beside him.

But obviously Song Shi was not as calm as him.

Although her clothes were thick, the heavy breathing behind her ears was real.

This was the first time she had such an intimate contact with a boy, and it was inevitable that her crystal earlobes turned bright red.

Xu Ziyin saw it, and then joked.

"Miss Song, are you nervous?"

"Why am I nervous?"

"Then why are your ears red?"

"I, I was blown by the wind!!!"

Hearing the teasing sound behind him, Song Shi was annoyed for a while.

How come there are such ignorant boys.

Was his brain made of wood?

It seemed to push him down and kill him.

After chatting for a few words, Xu Ziyin stopped teasing her. Girls are very thin-skinned, and this bitch holds grudges so much, maybe one day she will start to bring up old scores again.

Taking out his mobile phone, Xu Ziyin took a few photos of the boundless snowy land in front of him, and then sent them to Xu Man.

Good things naturally need to be shared.

It is estimated that my sister is very jealous when she sees this photo.

Sure enough, a few seconds after the photo was sent, Xu Man called.

After making a silent gesture to Song Shi, Xu Ziyin answered the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, the next moment, Xu Man's exclaimed voice came from my ear.

"Little Chi, is it snowing in Suzhou? Why isn't it snowing in Modu?"

"Who said I'm in Suzhou now?"

"Huh? You're not in Suzhou, so where are you?"

"I'm in Yanjing."

Hearing the word Yanjing, the other end of the phone was silent for a long time.

It took a while before Xu Man's unbelievable response came.

"Yanjing, why did you go there so well?"

With a knowing smile, Xu Ziyin didn't hide anything, and said bluntly.

"I represented the school in the National Collegiate Debating Competition, which was held in Yanjing, so I naturally came to Yanjing."


Magic City.

Slow Sound Entertainment.

in a spacious office.

Xu Man stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the busy traffic outside the window, his mood fluctuated.

Xu Ziyin actually went to Yanjing.

This was something she didn't expect.

But listening to his words, going to Yanjing seems to be just to participate in the competition.

This made Xu Man relax his vigilance and at the same time, there was a trace of strange emotion in his heart.

After a pause, she replied.

"Do you want me to accompany you?"

"Sister, I'm here to participate in the competition. You think it's a vacation, and it's only for three days. I'll be back in three days."

Hearing this, Xu Man didn't insist either.

"Well, then you should pay more attention to keeping warm. The weather in Yanjing is very cold at this time, so don't catch a cold."

"I know, sister, don't talk about it, I'll hang up first."

Putting down the phone, Xu Man still stood quietly by the window, took a long time to let out a heavy breath, and then took out her mobile phone and dialed a name she hadn't contacted for a long time.


"Xu Ziyin, who is it?"

Seeing Xu Ziyin finished the call, Song Shi turned her head and asked lively.

"My sister."

Replying casually, Xu Ziyin smiled.

"She probably hasn't seen the snow before, so she sent a few photos to envy her."

"You have a sister, that's great."

After hearing this, Song Shi immediately revealed a look of hope.

Seeing this, Xu Ziyin was a little puzzled.

"Why is it nice to have a sister?"

"Don't you know that siblings are just like enemies?"

"Have it?"

"I'm an only child, and I kind of wish I had a younger brother or an older brother."

"Is it?"

With a raised eyebrow and a smile, Xu Ziyin said happily.

"Then if I recognize you as my younger sister, you will have an older brother in the future."

Song Shi was taken aback for a moment, then turned her little head into a rattle in disgust.

"Don't don't."

Seeing her disgusted expression, Xu Ziyin groaned.

"Tch, I don't want you as a sister if you like it."

After all, Xu Ziyin took out his mobile phone and prepared to send the photos to Xianyu again, but after thinking about it, Xianyu's elderly phone probably couldn't accept the photos, so he had to give up.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyin suddenly said.

Should I change the phone for that little girl?

I've been so busy during this time, I haven't thought about it all the time.

Seeing Xu Ziyin stopped talking, Song Shi groaned and turned her head away.


It was approaching evening at this time.

The snow gradually became heavier, and the goose feather snow fell from the sky, and soon the scene in the distance could not be seen.

When the sleigh came to the end, Xu Ziyin was about to get off when Song Shi stopped him suddenly.


"what happened?"

Xu Ziyin asked curiously.

"Look there."

Looking in the direction of Song Shi's finger, Xu Ziyin couldn't help being stunned.


This guy is pretty quick.

Outside a certain pavilion at the end of the track, Zhao Bing was hugging Du Xiaoyu and chewing on it.

Cursing his lips, Xu Ziyin cursed secretly.

"Dog men and women!"

"Xu Ziyin, why do you say that?"

Song Shi obviously had a different idea from Xu Ziyin's. Girls are mostly emotional. She blinked her moist eyes and murmured.

"Don't you think this picture is very romantic?"


Thinking about it, it is snowing heavily, and kissing the woman you love in the snow is indeed an extremely romantic thing, but when Xu Ziyin thinks of Zhao Bing's wretched appearance, he feels that the word romantic is simply unreasonable when applied to him. spoiled.

But it should be said that this guy really has two brushes.

It's just a sleigh ride, and the progress is so fast.

But it's not surprising.

Through this period of getting along, in fact, Du Xiaoyu has long accepted Zhao Bing in his heart.

Going to Yanjing is an opportunity for the two to be together naturally.

Coupled with the beautiful and warm environment they are in now, it seems that it is not unacceptable to kiss on the head while being emotional.

After staring blankly for a moment, Song Shi suddenly turned around and looked into Xu Ziyin's eyes and said softly.

"Xu Ziyin, are you single now?"


Shaking his head, Xu Ziyin took it for granted.


Hearing this, Song Shi let out a cry, the light in her eyes dimmed inexplicably, and then she heard Xu Ziyin continue to speak.

"I'm your uncle, have you forgotten?"



A wave of anger rushed straight to his head, and Song Shi gave him a hard look: "Xu Ziyin, did you do it on purpose?"

"What on purpose?"

Blinking innocently, Xu Ziyin said solemnly.

"I haven't broken up with Sister Xuan yet, isn't that your uncle?"

"Go to hell you!!!"

Grabbing a snowball from his side, Song Shi mercilessly smashed it on Xu Ziyin's body.

The romantic factor in my heart disappeared without a trace as the snow mass exploded at this moment.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

She was mad in her heart.

There are so many straight men in this world!


It was around five o'clock in the afternoon when we left Xiangshan Park.

Zhao Bing and Du Xiaoyu walked in front holding hands, not to mention how sweet it looked.

Song Shi and Xu Ziyin fell behind them. Song Shi kicked the snow at his feet all the way, swearing indistinctly while kicking, and Xu Ziyin didn't need to guess. up.

In fact, Xu Ziyin was also suffering in his heart.

He is not really a straight man, so he naturally understands that Song Shi has some affection for him, Xu Ziyin doesn't know what's going on in her heart because of Song Shi's hesitant appearance under the exaggeration of the environment.

But now he still can't make up his mind, wondering if he should face up to this feeling.

In principle he should be urgently needed.

After all, a ready-made opportunity to earn longevity is right in front of him, and he can't wait for it.

But everything that happened with Qin Feiyan in the past is still vivid in his memory, making it hard for him to let go.

In fact, Feiyan and Song Shi have very similar personalities. In comparison, Song Shi is bolder than Feiyan.

She herself once said that when she meets someone she likes, she will take the initiative to fight for it.

But often this kind of girl...

With a long sigh in his heart, Xu Ziyin couldn't continue thinking.

Sometimes he thought, if he was really a scumbag, then he wouldn't have any worries.


When thoughts were flying, a group of people came to a restaurant next to Xiangshan Park.

During dinner, Zhao Bing and Du Xiaoyu were naturally the envy of others.

Du Xiaoyu was still a little shy, ashamed to show how close she was to Zhao Bing in front of Xu Ziyin and Song Shi, but Zhao Bing didn't care about that anymore, he almost wrote the word Dese on his face.

After dinner, the snow became heavier, and the group didn't stay, so they hailed a taxi and returned to the hotel.


After washing up, Xu Ziyin lay on the bed and began to click on the information of the double row of good friends.

"I said bird, have you eaten yet?"

Within seconds, a reply was received.

"Didn't I tell you not to call me a bird?"

"But your game id tells you that you want to be a bird in your next life. I don't know what your name is, so I can only call you a bird. Is it possible to call you hello, whoever you are?"

After a moment of silence, the other party sent a message.

"Then you call me pancake."

"Pie cake? What a strange name, I said you can just tell me your name, it's so mysterious."

"You, a big boy, ask you to say a name, you are awkward, like a bitch."

"Don't pancakes sound good? I think they're pretty cute."

"All right, all right, cute, by the way, which school are you from?"

"Why are you asking this?"

"Just curious, I won't lose a piece of meat if I ask you, maybe we are still in the same university."

"Then which school are you from?"

"I'm Soochow University."

This time the other party did not hesitate, and quickly responded to the message.

"Then we are quite far away. I am from Hunan Normal University."

Staring at the information on the phone screen, Xu Ziyin thought about it.

Hunan Normal University, knowing the university, then the scope of the target is much narrowed.

When I go to Yanda tomorrow, I will check the list of students from Hunan Normal University who came to participate in the competition this time, and I think I will find some clues.

After chatting for a few words, even Xu Ziyin asked such good friends that he didn't respond anymore. There was only one sentence, the game is going to be tomorrow, and I have to prepare for the game now.

Seeing this, Xu Ziyin could only give up.

Just when he put down his mobile phone and was about to brag with Zhao Bing, he found out that there was no sign of Zhao Bing in the empty room?

This guy probably ran to the next door, right?
When Xu Ziyin was thinking about whether to be a light bulb in the past, there was a knock on the door.

Xu Ziyin jumped out of bed and opened the door, only to see Song Shizheng standing at the door pretty.

Song Shi asked after tightening the clothes on her body.

"Xu Ziyin, do you want to go to the rooftop?"

Go to the rooftop?
Reaching out to touch Song Shi's forehead, Xu Ziyin said suspiciously.

"I don't even have a fever, why are you talking nonsense!"

"It's so late and it's snowing so much, why are you running to the hotel rooftop?"

Ignoring Xu Ziyin's actions, Song Shi said calmly.

"If you don't pull it down, I will do it myself."

After all, he turned around and walked towards the elevator.

Seeing this, Xu Ziyin had no choice but to go back to the room, put on his coat and chase after him with an umbrella.

Letting her go to the rooftop alone at night, Xu Ziyin naturally couldn't rest assured.


The wind on the roof is very strong.

The cold roared, mixed with heavy snow blowing past, people couldn't help but feel a burst of coolness soaking into the heart and spleen.

Walking to a step on the roof, Song Shi bent down to wipe off the falling snow on the step, and then sat down on it.

Xu Ziyin stood aside to help her hold the umbrella.

"I said Miss, why are you so crazy to come to the rooftop at this late hour?"

Song Shi didn't answer, but looked at the neon night market under the roof engulfed in white snow, and murmured after a while.

"Xiao Yu and Zhao Bing are together."

"I know."

"Isn't that a bad thing? Although I don't like that guy, it should be said that he is quite a good match with the squad leader."

Xu Ziyin replied with a smile.

Hearing this, Song Shi raised her head and stared at Xu Ziyin, her bright eyes seemed to be filled with endless starlight, and then asked softly.

"how about you?"


Xu Ziyin was a little confused.

"What am I?"

"Who are you compatible with?"

Xu Ziyin was stunned for a moment, then said half-jokingly.

"I said Miss Song, you didn't call me to the rooftop at night, just to tell me that you like me?"

If it was normal, Xu Ziyin's words would definitely attract Song Shi's eyes, and even a sweet crit from Fenquan.

But Song Shi at this moment was uncharacteristically, she looked directly at Xu Ziyin's face, and then her eyes fell on the ethereal snowflakes in front of her eyes.

She stretched out her small hand to catch a few flakes of falling snow and held it in her mouth, then murmured.

"I do not know."

"Actually, I really hate you guy."

"Speaking badly will kill you. Every time I talk to you, I will be so angry that I can't wait to bite off a piece of meat from you."

"But sometimes I really like talking to you, and I feel very relaxed talking to you."

Saying that, Song Shi stood up, she patted her buttocks and trotted into the snow, opened her arms and raised her head, letting the flying snow fall on her face, hair, and shoulders.

After a while, a thin layer of snow fell on the body.

Immediately, she let out a sigh of relief, patted her red face with her small hands, then turned around slowly, leaned closer to her pretty face and looked at Xu Ziyin with tender eyebrows, her narrowed eyes seemed to be filled with an intoxicating smile.

"Xu Ziyin, I think I should like you."



Silent night.

On the roof of the hotel on the 39th floor, heavy snow fell.

Looking at the girl standing in front of him, bent over and blushing, with a sweet smile and sincere eyes.

Xu Ziyin was stunned, unable to speak.

(The second update is from yesterday.)
(End of this chapter)

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