If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 148,【Like just one person is great】

Chapter 148, 【It's great to like someone】

Snow is a pure and romantic natural scene.

Pure as the blushing face of a young girl.

On a cold winter night, Xu Ziyin sat in the corner of the roof, looking at the snow-covered girl in front of him without making a sound for a long time.

Seeing that Xu Ziyin remained silent, Song Shi stomped her little feet, then stretched out her little hand to wipe off the water droplets that had turned into snow on her face and hummed.

"Xu Ziyin, why don't you speak?"

Shaking his head, Xu Ziyin said gently.

"It was too sudden, and I didn't know what to say for a while."

"What's so sudden, I don't believe you haven't felt it?"

As she spoke, Song Shi rubbed her little cold hands and continued.

"It's my business that I like you, and you don't need to have any psychological pressure. I just speak my mind."

"In my opinion, if you like someone, you should tell him, instead of keeping it in your heart, even if that person doesn't like me."

"This girl is not the kind of cowardly character."

"I know."

With a slight smile, Xu Ziyin stretched out his hand and pulled her to sit next to him again, and then gently brushed off the snowflakes on her body and hair.

It snowed a lot.

In this moment, Song Shi's clothes were already half wet, but she obviously didn't care at all, her face was frozen and stiff, but the smile on her mouth was as bright as warm spring.

Seeing the girl's fiery expression, Xu Ziyin suddenly felt very happy.

Happiness is that I can meet such a lively girl in my life, who has a clear love and hate but also has a hint of arrogance inexplicably.

Ask yourself, Xu Ziyin doesn't know what kind of affection he has for Song poetry.

It would be too cheap to say that I like it, but it is impossible to say that there is no ripple in my heart.

After all, he knew clearly that he would be very happy staying with her, even if the two of them disagreed and quarreled with each other when they met, Xu Ziyin still enjoyed it.

This is a completely different feeling that neither Xianyu Feiyan nor her sister can experience.

Rubbing her wet hair, Xu Ziyin smiled.

"I remember you always disliked me for being ugly, how could you like an ugly monster?"

Hearing this, Song Shi's eyes dodged a little, and he muttered.

"Stingy ghost, you also said that I hold grudges, I think you are really small-minded."

"You are handsome, you are the most handsome in the world."

Song Shi was taken aback when she said these words, she remembered that Xu Ziyin once praised her as the most beautiful woman in the world.

Doesn't that mean that the two are made for each other.

Thinking of this, Song Shi couldn't help giggling, and after a while, she couldn't help but sneezed.

Seeing this, Xu Ziyin couldn't help but hugged her in his arms and walked towards the elevator.

In such a cold weather, Song Shi's clothes were mostly wet again, and she might catch a cold if she stayed any longer.

There will be a match tomorrow morning, if it catches the wind and cold, it will not be worth the loss.

Being held in Xu Ziyin's arms, Song Shi stopped talking and made no movement, but raised her head and looked at his chin quietly with her big eyes blinking.

Xu Ziyin was embarrassed by her naked eyes, and lowered his head in a huff.

"What are you looking at, isn't it cold?"

Humming, Song Shi bluntly turned back.

"You've already hugged me, I can't look at you yet, it's the first time I've been hugged by a boy."

"Then I'll let you down."


Saying that, Song Shi hurriedly grabbed Xu Ziyin's sleeve.

Sighing in his heart, Xu Ziyin felt a little helpless.

This ambiguous feeling is really addictive.


Arriving at the door of Song Shi's room, Xu Ziyin put down Song Shi and was about to knock on the door, but when he pricked up his ears, there was a greasy begging voice from inside.

No way?
Zhao Bing took Du Xiaoyu down so quickly?
It shouldn't be so, Du Xiaoyu doesn't look like someone who can be easily breached.

It is understandable to kiss while being emotional, but isn't it too outrageous to go straight to home plate so quickly?

Besides, Song Shi could come back at any time, and with Du Xiaoyu's character, it was absolutely impossible to fulfill Zhao Bing's wish here so casually.

Apparently Song Shi also heard the muffled voice in the room, she blushed and whispered.

"Xu Ziyin, why don't you go to your room first."

"But don't you want to change your clothes?"

"I'll put on your clothes first, don't you have a spare coat?"

After thinking about it, Xu Ziyin replied.

"That's fine."


Back in the room, Xu Ziyin gave Song Shi her coat and trousers. Fortunately, Song Shi's trousers and coat were wet, but they were still clean inside. Otherwise, Xu Ziyin would not have any underwear for her to change.

Hearing the sound of dripping water in the bathroom, Xu Ziyin sat on the sofa and rubbed his head in distress.

He couldn't figure out why this bitch would come here all of a sudden.

But after another thought, Song Shi's character doesn't seem to make people feel so surprised.

Grinning, Xu Ziyin felt a little emotional.

It feels really good to be liked, let alone a woman with excellent conditions in all aspects.

When Song Shi bent down and blushed on the snowy rooftop and said that I seem to like you, Xu Ziyin had to admit that at that time his heart was filled with infinite pride.

It's amazing to like someone.

Also being liked is an amazing thing.

The youthful love is like splashing ink, poured on the paper with a splash, full of freehand brushwork, wonderful in layers of smudges, people in the game can't see it clearly, but they are extremely obsessed with this taste.

After thinking wildly for a while, Xu Ziyin took out his mobile phone and dialed the landline at the front desk of the hotel to send a ginger soup.


When Song Shi walked out of the bathroom wearing Xu Ziyin's oversized clothes, Xu Ziyin couldn't help laughing at that funny appearance.

"I'm talking about Song Shi, you usually look tall, why are you so small now?"


After giving him a blank look, Song Shi went to the table and saw a steaming bowl of ginger soup on the table, her eyes were overjoyed, and then she sat on the chair with a calm expression, picked up the ginger soup and drank it in small sips.

Xu Ziyin was surprised to see her so natural.

You just confessed your love, and I haven't replied to you yet, shouldn't you be more restrained and shy now?

How come it's like you're in your own room.

Realizing that Xu Ziyin was staring at her, Song Shi took the hair dryer from the side and handed it over.

"Here, help me dry my hair."

"Aren't you handless?"

"My hands are useful."

Xu Ziyin:? ? ? ?
My hands are useless, right?

Looking at the sly curve of the girl's mouth, Xu Ziyin shook his head, took the hair dryer, and then stood behind Song Shi.

Under the orange light and shadow, the heat flowed through the hair dryer, skimmed the ends of the hair, and permeated the girl's neck. Song Shi couldn't help shrinking her neck inward, and then said coquettishly.

"Xu Ziyin, do you think we are like a couple in love now?"

"looks like?"

"Why do I feel like a mature and stable big brother taking care of an immature sister?"

"Tch, I don't want you to be my brother, and who knows if you are as old as me."

With a sigh in his heart, Xu Ziyin said softly.

"Song Shi, do you really like me?"

"Of course, what this girl says will not lie."

As she spoke, she frowned again.

"Xu Ziyin, I'm actually quite distressed. I've thought a lot these days. The more I think about how many shortcomings you have, how horrible you are, the result is that these shortcomings have turned into advantages."

"When I read the words falling in love before, I didn't quite understand why I fell in love instead of jumping into love. Now I want to understand, because liking someone is the sinking of free consciousness, and the brain can't control it. of."

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin was a little moved.

"But I'm actually quite a scumbag. I think even if we are together, I can't guarantee that we will be together forever and never break up."

Hearing this, the girl turned around, she looked into Xu Ziyin's eyes and smiled lightly.

"Xu Ziyin, do you know the probability of going from first love to marriage?"

"How many?"

"One percent."

"That is to say, among a hundred first love couples, only one can make it to the end."

"So why do you like someone so long-term? Isn't it good to cherish the present time?"

"The more you think about it, the more often you will worry about gains and losses. Why do people always say that first love is beautiful, because most people's first love is often cautious, secretive and self-satisfied. There is an inexplicable and unclear "window" between each other Paper", it takes a long time to think about replying to the other party's text message, as long as the other party has a little trouble, there are often mountains and tsunami here."

"So in my opinion, it's enough to work hard to be yourself, and who knows what will happen in the future?"

Song Shi said these words with a very serious expression.

Xu Ziyin couldn't help feeling a little strange when he heard this.

She seemed really open-minded.

The open-mindedness clearly knows that the two of them are currently in an unclear and ambiguous relationship, but they don't feel shy at all. Instead, they enjoy this state of getting along with each other.

So Xu Ziyin laughed.

he replied.

"Thank you for your liking. Although I am calm on the face, I am actually quite excited in my heart."

"It can be seen that being confessed by this girl is not beautiful now?"

Laughing, Xu Ziyin suddenly said loudly.

"Song Shi, I've made up my mind..."

Before he could speak, Song Shi suddenly covered his mouth.

"Don't say it now."


"Let's talk about it tomorrow. I'm afraid that if I hear an answer I don't like, it will affect my performance in tomorrow's game."

Xu Ziyin was stunned for a moment, then said seriously.

"Okay, then I'll tell you tomorrow."


After drying their hair, the two chatted for a while, at which time Zhao Bing also sneaked back into the room.

When he saw the scene in the room, he quickly took two steps back.

"Well, is it time for me to come? How about I go back and you continue?"

After glaring at him, Song Shi stood up and left the room with small steps.

After Song Shi left, Zhao Bing came to Xu Ziyin's side and said in astonishment.

"Okay, old Xu, this will take down Song Shi?"

"I see that she has changed your clothes. Is your battle so fierce that even your clothes are torn?"

Too lazy to explain to him, Xu Ziyin asked.

"What were you doing next door?"

Hearing this, Zhao Bing suddenly laughed twice.

"Just confirmed the relationship, naturally go to taste the sweetness."

"Try the sweetness? You put the monitor to sleep?"

"That's not true. How can I be so ignorant? It's definitely not appropriate to develop to this stage at this time. It's just a hobby."

Rolling his eyes angrily, Xu Ziyin didn't want to talk to him for nothing, so he took off his clothes and turned on the bed.

"Go to bed early, there will be a game tomorrow, and you can play whatever you want when the game is over."



Yenching University is a century-old school.

On December 29th, the annual college debate competition ushered in.

The debate contest adopts a points system.

Presentation, defense, defense summary, free debate, audience questions, language demeanor, teamwork, etc., the sub-points add up to a total of [-] points.

In the end, the on-site judges decided the overall ranking of the debate competition based on the scores of each team.

It was too late to appreciate the elegance of the Yenching University campus, Xu Ziyin and his group followed Zhao Wenxuan to the auditorium of Yenching University.

At this time, the auditorium was crowded with elite contestants from various colleges and universities.

Looking at the group of students talking and laughing happily, Zhao Bing whispered.

"Old Xu, why am I a little nervous?"

Xu Ziyin hadn't spoken yet, Zhao Wenxuan smiled.

"Student Zhao Bing, don't be nervous, being able to come here has already proved your excellence."

"In previous years, the University of Suzhou was ranked at the bottom, and no matter how bad it is, it will not be worse than this, so you don't need to have psychological pressure, just perform normally."

Hearing Teacher Wenxuan's words, Zhao Bing's expression suddenly fell.

"Teacher Wenxuan, why do I think it's okay if you don't comfort me, but these two sentences you comforted me made me even more nervous."

Xu Ziyin knocked his head angrily, speechless.

"Are you promising, you are so nervous!"

"They all have one mouth and two eyes, why are you weaker than others?"

Hearing this, Zhao Bing stopped talking.

In Xu Ziyin's view, there is really no need to be nervous.

The topic of the debate has already come out, and both sides are on a fair starting line. They have also put in a lot of effort for this, and performed normally on the spot. As for the final ranking, it is not up to them to decide.

It's useless to be nervous if you are really inferior to others.

But this time the national debate topic is quite interesting.

Human nature is evil or human nature is good.

Compared with the debate topics about love in Soochow University's internal debate competition, the topics of the national debate this time are obviously much higher.

There have always been different opinions on whether human nature is inherently good or inherently evil, and there are many evidences on the Internet.

However, if you want to be ingenious, you still need a certain amount of thinking jump. First, you have to get out of this old-fashioned framework.


Before waiting for the game to start, Xu Ziyin and Zhao Bing came to the backstage and found the list of players on the bulletin board.

Looking at the names of the four contestants below the list of Hunan Normal University, Xu Ziyin was thoughtful.

No matter how they sound, these names are all twats.

Could that guy really be a girl?
Then Xu Ziyin set his sights on the name Xiao Wanbing.

Ice, cake?
The pancakes he was talking about couldn't be Bing Bing?
The more Xu Ziyin thought about it, the more likely it was.

Just when he was thinking about whether to find the location of Hunan Normal University to take a look, Du Xiaoyu ran over and informed that the game was about to start, Xu Ziyin had no choice but to give up.

Anyway, when their school is on stage, I can see it off the stage.



The heavy snow outside is still falling like catkins.

The competition in the auditorium is entering a fierce stage.

The high school contestants from both sides came and went, with various arguments and allusions at their fingertips, which led to bursts of warm applause from the scene.

It has to be said that this kind of high school duel is really not comparable to the small fights in the school.

After watching a few games, even though Xu Ziyin is full of confidence, he still has no confidence in whether his team can achieve good results.

Just at this time, the host announced that the match between Hunan Normal University and Nankai University was about to begin.

After 1 minutes, Xu Ziyin looked at the four girls sitting in the camp of Hunan University, and his mind was a little dazed.

Is it them?
Isn't this the four girls I met in Xiangshan Park yesterday?
And sitting behind Xiao Wanbing's name plate was the girl who smiled sweetly when taking pictures, and she was facing the opponent's argument and began to output violently.

That style is exactly the same as the support he plays.

Bloom, Marriott, Titan.

Clicking his tongue, Xu Ziyin was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this guy is still a beautiful girl, and her style is still as hot as ever.

Suppressing the bad taste in his heart, Xu Ziyin watched the game seriously.


Time flies by.

Soon to the team of Soochow University.

Xu Ziyin and Song Shi clenched their fists to encourage each other in the background, and then strode onto the stage.

Four 10 minutes later, when the whistle sounded for the end of the game, Xu Ziyin let out a long breath.

Played pretty well.

Even Zhao Bing, who was a little nervous before the game, did not lose the chain.

As for the final total score is still unclear.

But after the game was over, the few people felt a lot more relaxed.

After all, this is to represent the school in the competition, and the school will reimburse all expenses, and treat them with delicious food and drinks. If the ranking is too low, it will be embarrassing.

However, according to Xu Ziyin's previous observations, even if he can't rank in the top few in this competition, there is still a great chance in the mid-range.

Compared with previous years, the University of Suzhou was at the bottom, and this time it is ranked in the middle, which is also a qualitative leap.

Of course, it is still too early to say these things, and all the endings will not be announced until tomorrow.


The game is over.

Xu Ziyin and the others followed the flow of people out of the auditorium.

Just when Song Shi proposed to visit the campus of Yanda University, Xu Ziyin held an umbrella and walked towards the team of Hunan Normal University not far away with a smile on his face.

Zhao Bing and the others didn't know, so they stepped forward to keep up.

Walking in front of Xiao Wanbing, Xu Ziyin said with a smile.

"Student, let's play games together, I'm an ice thief."

Xiao Wanbing, who was talking to her companion, was a little confused when she heard Xu Ziyin's sudden expression.

She looked around to make sure Xu Ziyin was talking to herself, so she said suspiciously.

"Student, do we know each other?"

Just at this time, the other three girls also looked over curiously, including the girl who was very cold and extremely quiet.

Zhao Bing behind him looked dull.

"Fuck, what is Old Xu doing?"

"This way of approaching girls is too old-fashioned, isn't it? How can you invite them to play games as soon as you come up?"

Hearing this, Du Xiaoyu glanced at Song Shi who had a bad expression and whispered.

"Zhao Bing, don't say a few words, Xu Ziyin should have his own business."


Xiao Wanbing's reaction was within Xu Ziyin's expectation, and he continued with a slight smile.

"I know you, don't you remember me?"

"Are you free tonight, let's open the internet cafe together."

Taking a closer look at Xu Ziyin's appearance, Xiao Wanbing was convinced that she didn't know him, just when she thought it was some boring person who deliberately came to show his attention, her beautiful eyes froze suddenly.

"and many more!"

"Say something to me again!"

(Ask for a monthly pass.)
(End of this chapter)

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