If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 155, [Peach buttocks and double ponytails]

Chapter 155, [Peach buttocks and double ponytails] (for further reading)
Driven by the girl's heart, Yun Xianyu's face turned bright red.

This kind of coquettish tone is true, she has never said it before, and now she has the courage to say it, she is inevitably shy in her heart.

But while she was nervous and shy, she felt a strange emotion circulating in her heart.


Xu Ziyin said, "Little Xianyu."

With a sound of ah, Yun Xianyu panicked and replied: "Why, what's the matter?"

"come over."

Hearing this, Yun Xianyu obediently walked to Xu Ziyin with her head down.

Rubbing her hair, Xu Ziyin pulled Yun Xianyu to sit aside, then took off his coat and put it on her shoulders before saying softly.

"Thank you."

"Why, why say thank you, this is what I like to do."

After humming, Xu Ziyin said again: "Have you and Xixi eaten happiness?"

"Eat, my sister taught me what I said just now."

"Is it?"

With a knowing smile, Xu Ziyin said bluntly.

"I like to hear it."

After being stunned for a moment, Yun Xianyu suddenly had a bright smile on her face.

"Then I will tell you often in the future, okay?"

"it is good."


Deep dew at night.

Xu Ziyin sat with Xianyu on the bench downstairs for a while before leaving.

After all, in such cold weather, it is easy to catch wind and chill if you stay outside for a long time.

But just when Xu Ziyin lifted his foot away tens of meters and looked back, Yun Xianyu was still standing blankly on the steps in front of the building.

Xu Ziyin waved at her and shouted.

"Go back, little Xianyu."

Shaking his head stubbornly, the girl's weak voice came with the night wind.

"You go first, you watch you go."

Knowing her strong temper, Xu Ziyin didn't insist, and took a deep look at the girl under the night before turning his head and leaving.


It was almost twelve o'clock in the morning when we got back to the apartment.

Back to his bedroom lightly, Xu Ziyin took off his clothes and went to bed to rest.

Just at this time, the wall clock on the wall slid to twelve o'clock in the morning.

A new year is coming.

At this moment, Xu Ziyin's mobile phone vibrated, and several messages were sent one after another, as if it was agreed in advance.

[Song Shi: Nasty ghost, happy new year, have a good dream tonight. 】

【Xu Niannian: Husband, Happy New Year (kiss)】

[Yin Muqing: Little brother, happy new year. Originally, my sister wanted to go back to accompany you, but I heard that Sister Man went back, so I won't be the light bulb. 】

[Qin Feiyu: Brother-in-law, happy new year.Dear, happy new year (the latter one was sent for my sister, the dog’s head will save my life)]

[Yun Xianyu: Xu Ziyin, please be happy in the new year (smile)]

Looking at the several messages on the phone screen, Xu Ziyin was full of thoughts.

I didn't expect that I would have such a deep bond with so many women without knowing it.

If it weren't for the concern in their hearts, why would they bother to stay up all night just to send themselves New Year greetings at this moment in the early morning?
The beauty is so kind.

They replied to the message one by one, and chatted a few more words, until the deep drowsiness swept over, Xu Ziyin closed his eyes in a daze.


The next day.

Sunny weather.

The warm light was projected in the living room, and a graceful and exquisite figure was standing on the balcony in pajamas watering the green plants.

Yawning, Xu Ziyin walked out of the bedroom.

Glancing at it from the corner of the eye, his eyes froze sharply the next moment.

I saw on the balcony, my sister was standing there gracefully, her curves were slim, especially the two ponytails were gently shaking behind her head as she bent over and got up.

isn't it?
Really double ponytails?

Hearing the movement behind her, Xu Man turned her head. She squinted at Xu Ziyin who was stunned, and then spoke.

"woke up?"

"Wake up and wash up quickly, and start cleaning after washing."

There was a slight smile on the elder sister's face, as if her mood became much brighter after one night.

His throat twitched twice, Xu Ziyin said in disbelief.


Rolling his eyes, Xu Man said angrily.

"What are you looking at, don't hurry up!"

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin ran into the bathroom in a hurry.


At the beginning of the new year, we get rid of the old and usher in the new.

The significance of cleaning is naturally not to keep the room clean and tidy. After all, Xu Ziyin often cleans the house, and it has more symbolic meaning.

Cleaning means sweeping away bad luck, illness, and bad luck.

As the saying goes, men and women work together without getting tired.

In about half an hour, the entire balcony has taken on a completely new look.

After wiping the glass of the balcony, Xu Ziyin dropped the rag in his hand and sat on the sofa for a short rest.

At this time, Xu Man was kneeling on the floor with his back facing him, carefully wiping the corners and corners with a rag.

From Xu Ziyin's line of sight, he could just see her sister's round buttocks directly.

Ripe like a large peach.

Do not see evil, do not see evil.

He silently recited the meditation mantra in his heart, but Xu Ziyin still couldn't take his eyes off the peach.


Early in the morning.

Doesn't this lead people to commit crimes?

Coupled with those two ponytails that kept shaking, any man couldn't help but want to hold the steering wheel and whip his horse.

I really don't know how my sister got her figure, and I don't usually watch how she works out. Whenever she has time, she curls up on the sofa like a koala.

"Have you seen enough?"

"Do you want to touch it?"

Just when Xu Ziyin was thinking wildly, Xu Man's dangerous voice came.

With a light cough, Xu Ziyin quickly got up and continued to work.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the cleaning is over.

Xu Man went to the kitchen to start making dumplings and making glutinous rice balls.

Chinese people have the custom of eating dumplings and glutinous rice balls on New Year's Day, which means that the whole family can be reunited.

Naturally, it was impossible for Xu Ziyin to be idle, kneading dough and fighting with water.

Looking sideways at his sister's tender face, Xu Ziyin suddenly became playful, he grabbed a little flour and patted it on his sister's tender face abruptly.

Being attacked, Xu Man naturally couldn't let it go. She raised her little foot, stomped heavily on Xu Ziyin's foot, and then said viciously.

"You're going to die!"

Xu Ziyin was not annoyed, instead he approached his cheek with a smile and said with a smile.

"Sister, how long are you going to stay this time?"

"Why? Want to drive my sister away so soon, and wait for her to leave so that I can go on a date with your little girlfriend?"

Upon hearing this, Xu Ziyin's old face instantly pulled down.

"Sister, you know, I didn't mean that."

Of course Xu Man knew that he didn't mean that, but she still couldn't help but want to tease him.

Seeing his younger brother's aggrieved face, Xu Man said in disgust.

"How grown up, but still wronged, like a girl."

As she spoke, she leaned closer to that pretty face of Hu Meier and gently kissed Xu Ziyin's cheek.

"Okay, are you satisfied?"

"Hey, satisfied, very satisfied!"

With the encouragement of her sister's love, Xu Ziyin was instantly motivated.



About half an hour.

Steaming sesame glutinous rice balls and dumplings stuffed with pork and cabbage are already on the table.

Just as Xu Ziyin was about to raise his chopsticks, Xu Man suddenly reached out and patted him, and said softly.

"Brother, today is New Year's Day, don't you want to call Mom and Dad?"

After hearing this, Xu Ziyin's hand holding the chopsticks stopped in mid-air.

(There are dozens of monthly tickets short of breaking [-]. Is there any cutie to help.)
(End of this chapter)

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