If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 156, [Stewardess, nurse, tutor~]

Chapter 156, [Stewardess, nurse, tutor~]

Xu Ziyin's father is Xu Chen and his mother is Zhao Meilin.

Xu Ziyin's memory of his parents is actually very vague.

It seems that since he can remember, his parents have been flying around the world forever, but they will come back every year during the Spring Festival, bringing back some strange things, and then leave in a hurry after three or five days.

He didn't know what his parents were doing, but they seemed busier than the president of the country.

It's just that Xu Ziyin awakened the memory of his previous life after he grew up, which also weakened his attachment to his parents a lot, unlike other children who need their parents' company all the time.

It can be said responsibly that Xu Ziyin was brought up by Xu Man from childhood.

The eldest sister is like a mother, and there is nothing wrong with applying this sentence to Xu Man.


After hearing what his sister said, Xu Ziyin thought for a moment and took out his mobile phone to dial the long-lost phone number.

The phone rang for more than ten seconds and was connected, and then a male voice full of air came from my ear.

"Xiao Yin, why did you remember to call Dad today?"

"It's nothing, today is New Year's Day, call you and mom to say happy holidays."

Hearing this, the other end of the phone fell silent.

After a while, Xu Chen said softly.

"Xiaoyin, mom and dad are busy with work and don't have time to accompany you and Manman, don't blame..."

Before Xu Chen finished speaking, Xu Ziyin interrupted him with a smile.

"Dad, I know, what about Mom, isn't she by your side?"

"My mother went out to do some business."

"Well, then I'll call my mother later."

Just when Xu Ziyin was about to hang up the phone with a few words, Xu Chen hurriedly said again.

"Xiao Yin, pay more attention to rest. When you are in college, don't just play around and stay up late. Exercise more. Having a good body is more important than anything else."

"I see, Dad, then I'll hang up first."


After putting down the phone, Xu Ziyin called his mother, Zhao Meilin.

It's just that the phone rang until there was a busy tone and no one answered.

Xu Shi was so busy that he didn't even have time to look at his phone.

Shaking his head and sighing, Xu Ziyin put down the phone.

After a pause, he turned his head to look at Xu Man and explained.

"Sister, do you know what your parents do?"

"I don't know either. I asked my dad, and he said that the work is very confidential and cannot be disclosed to others without permission."


Still this rhetoric.

Xu Ziyin guessed the work of his parents more than once.

After all, what kind of work can't even tell your own children?

Xu Ziyin wondered if it might be a special department, or even an international anti-narcotics police or an international agent. After all, if it is this type of work, for the sake of safety, it is natural to keep the secrets in place.

But in Xu Ziyin's view, his parents are ordinary citizens with a little money at most, which is completely out of line with the type of work he envisioned.

"Okay, let's eat first, and go shopping with my sister after dinner."

Seeing that Xu Ziyin was in a low mood, Xu Man moved one of his legs and put it on her round thigh, and then patted her with her small hands to comfort her.

"Ah, shopping again?"

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin suddenly showed a bitter face.

Seeing his younger brother's reluctance, Xu Man angrily hit him with a hammer on the forehead, then stared at her beautiful eyes and said dissatisfied.

"Why, you don't want to!!!"

"No, no, then it's agreed this time, don't buy me any more clothes, I can't even wear the clothes in my closet."

"Okay, I know, what a little heartless person, my sister still hates buying you clothes."

"I think discounting is better."

"Go to hell you!"

The siblings quarreled for a while, and finished their first New Year's breakfast in a greasy manner.


Today is New Year's Day, and there is no need for classes on legal holidays.

However, Zhang Hongxia, the head teacher, announced in the group that the class will hold a New Year's Eve party in the evening. Unless there is something particularly important, she hopes that all students can participate.

The class-like New Year's Eve party is very simple.

Buy some snacks and fruits, chat while eating, and watch the party programs prepared by each dormitory by the way.

Perhaps it is more appropriate to describe it as a tea party.


The first day of the new year.

There are many tourists in the mall.

Holding Xu Ziyin's arm, Xu Man walked through the bustling crowd.

In fact, Xu Man doesn't like shopping very much, she has a vigorous temper, and she can just notify the assistant to make arrangements for anything she needs.

However, if Xu Ziyin is with her, she is very keen on this sport.

Watching passers-by cast envious eyes on them would give her a strange sense of excitement.

After visiting a women's clothing store for a while, Xu Ziyin and Xu Man came to a milk tea shop to take a rest.

It was approaching noon, and there were not many customers in the milk tea shop.

The young lovers sat in the corner in twos and threes, biting each other's ears.

Without asking Xu Ziyin's taste, Xu Man ordered him a cup of milk tea with toppings.

To be honest, Xu Ziyin was really not used to drinking milk tea. He felt that the taste was so sweet that he didn’t know what ingredients were in it. It didn’t quench his thirst or fill him up. It’s better to drink orange juice and black and green tea.

Sitting in the corner of the shop by the window, Xu Man drank two sips of the milk tea in his hand, Xu didn't like the strong taste and exchanged it with the unsealed milk tea in Xu Ziyin's hand.

Looking at the crystal water still remaining on the straw, Xu Ziyin felt a little helpless.

Could it be that I was born to drink leftover milk tea?
I just finished drinking Song Shi's a few days ago, and today I drank my sister's again.

Seeing Xu Ziyin staring at the milk tea he had drunk in a daze, Xu Man hummed.

"What, disgust?"

"How dare you."

With a knowing smile, Xu Ziyin took a sip of the milk tea with the straw in his mouth, and Xu Man was satisfied.

During the chat, Xu Ziyin's eyes noticed several young ladies in maid outfits standing at the counter.

They are smiling and well-dressed.

Then look at many male compatriots who hide from their girlfriends and secretly look at them with hidden eyes.

Xu Ziyin said in his heart.

I don't know whether these guys really came to drink milk tea with their girlfriends, or they came to see the milk tea sister specially.

But when it comes to maid outfits, Xu Ziyin remembered one thing.

I vaguely remember that the first online dating partner I broke up with said that he would come to me in a maid outfit.

It's a pity that after systematic testing, the other party is a complete rough guy.

I don't know if the big man who picks his feet has found a new bully to pay for his usual takeaway milk tea in the past few months.

Seeing the little red guy looking at the counter frequently, Xu Man stretched out his hand and pinched the soft fleshy skin around his waist and said with a smile.

"Why, do you like this type?"


Looking back calmly, Xu Ziyin replied as usual.

"Men, when you see a girl wearing a maid outfit, you can't help but look twice. This is the same reason you girls like to look at handsome guys with eight-pack abs. This has nothing to do with liking, it's purely appreciation, appreciation."

With a cut, how could Xu Man believe his nonsense?

But she turned her eyes and smiled, and suddenly moved closer.

"Why don't sisters also buy some maid outfits and put them on for you to see?"

"There are flight attendants, nurses, tutors..."

"As long as my brother likes it, it's fine~"

Before Xu Man finished speaking, Xu Ziyin couldn't help but sketched an extremely glamorous picture in his mind.

In dim light and shadow.

The elder sister was wearing a white nurse uniform, and her slender legs were wrapped in black easy-to-tear stockings. She was bending over, revealing the plump gully, and said with a smile while holding a large syringe.

"My dear brother, it's time for another injection today."


Unable to resist shivering, Xu Ziyin coughed lightly and said in a low voice.

"Sister, I'm actually not interested in these clothes at all."

"But I think, as a woman, you should try different styles of clothes."

"Even if you don't wear it out, it's good to stay in the bedroom and enjoy it by yourself."

"But appreciating this kind of thing must be judged by someone. Hey, who asked me to be your younger brother? I will reluctantly take on this important task."

Hearing this, Xu Man didn't understand Xu Ziyin's dirty thoughts, so he reached out and poked his forehead to tease him.

"Speak again, be careful and there will be a reaction later. I'll see how you go out."

Smiling embarrassingly, Xu Ziyin glanced left and right and stopped talking.


Due to busy work, Xu Man will return to Shanghai in the afternoon.

They didn't actually hang out that day, they just stopped and stopped, purely wanting to stay together.

Xu Ziyin knew what his sister wanted, and he also liked the feeling of being with her.

Even if you get poisoned on your body occasionally, as long as it's your sister, you can do anything.


Before leaving, Xu Man was a little bit reluctant.

It seems that every parting between her and Xu Ziyin will be very difficult.

In the past, I secretly left while Xu Ziyin was still sleeping, so as to avoid the sadness of separation.

But today she obviously couldn't leave without telling Xu Ziyin.

Downstairs in the apartment, the assistant has already come to pick up the boss according to the time.

Xu Man walked over with her bag on her shoulders, before she took two steps, she stopped abruptly, turned her head, and stared at the figure behind her with misty eyes.

Xu Ziyin didn't speak, but strode forward and took her into his arms.

"Sister, school will be on holiday in one month."

"At that time, I will go to the devil to find you."



Xu Ziyin spoke loudly.

"Hmph, you still have some conscience."

Sniffing, Xu Man stayed tenderly in his arms for a moment, then pushed him and said in disgust: "Okay, you hurry up, I'm annoyed when I see you."

Seeing the black commercial vehicle disappearing from sight, Xu Ziyin felt emotional.


Can we change the line next time we leave? —————


As the sun sets, a bright moon hangs over the branches.

Stepping on the soft moonlight, Xu Ziyin came to the front of the class building.

Before he entered the classroom, a small hand suddenly stretched out from the corner and dragged him in.

The next moment, Xu Ziyin's mouth was sealed by a pair of warm lips.

After the kiss was over, Xu Ziyin smiled and looked at the girl who was close at hand with peach blossoms on her face.

"Why, I haven't seen you for a day, and you miss me so much?"

"Yeah, I can't sleep even thinking about it~"

Smiling, Song Shi put her arms around his neck and hung her whole body on Xu Ziyin's body.

She likes the feeling of being hugged tightly by her sweetheart.

This will make her feel completely safe.

"By the way, Xu Ziyin, do you want to perform at the party tonight?"

"Me? Probably not, you know I'm not as pushy as you are."

"If you are going to die, you will know how to bury me, who likes to show off."

With a laugh, Xu Ziyin stretched out his hand and scratched the bridge of her little nose, then laughed.

"And you, are you going to sing on stage?"

"Even if I don't want to go, do you think the head teacher will let me go?"

Sighing, Song Shi pouted her pink mouth.

"That's true."

"Who made you the signature character of the third class of the Chinese language major?"

"Even going on stage to sing for the school's 120th anniversary celebration, this kind of class-like party, there is no reason for Miss Zhang to let you go."

"You're still talking about me, you're going to dance on stage too, be careful the class teacher will let you dance on stage later, hehe."


Just as the two of them were enjoying each other before the party started, a slightly slender figure walked towards the classroom.

When passing the corner, Yun Xianyu subconsciously turned her head to look at the inexplicably familiar voice not far away.

Immediately, two embracing figures in the hazy dark corner came into her eyes.

Although the lights were dim, Yun Xianyu recognized one of them as Xu Ziyin at a glance.

As for the girl in his arms, since her back was turned to her, Yun Xianyu didn't know who it was.

Seeing this scene, the expression on Yun Xianyu's face suddenly froze.

Then, as if he was afraid that Xu Ziyin would find him, he hurriedly walked towards the classroom with his head down.

(First update.)
(End of this chapter)

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