If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 157, 【Xianyu, I'm in love】

Chapter 157, 【Xian Yu, I'm in Love】 (seeking to follow up)
The classroom layout is particularly festive.

Desks, tables and chairs are stacked in the corners and connected to each other, leaving a large space in the middle.

There are colorful papers hanging on the electric fans, and the colored papers are connected to the doors and windows, and are covered with bright little lanterns.

At this time, Zhao Bing was accompanying Du Xiaoyu and posted a banner of Happy New Year's Day at the door of the classroom.

These days Zhao Bing can be described as high-spirited.

After all, he already got the squad leader, isn't that enough of a stinky fart?
He almost wrote the words Du Xiaoyu is my girlfriend on his face, for fear that the students in the class would not be able to see the relationship between the two of them.

It's like a fisherman who catches a big fish. Whenever someone talks to him on the way back to the village, he will reply modestly.

"Well, not too big, only twenty catties."

There is simply the same effect.


In classrooms.

Wu Yong sat on the seat and said curiously while knocking the melon seeds while looking at the two people at the door.

"Old Zhou, what do you think is so good about Ah Bing?"

"Why can even the squad leader take a fancy to him?"

After Shen thought for a while, Zhou Chong said seriously.

"Maybe we are used to getting along with him, so we feel that he has shortcomings everywhere."

"But in the eyes of girls, these may not be shortcomings, but may be advantages that attract girls."

"He has been able to talk to several girlfriends since he entered school, and it turns out that he is indeed attracted to girls."

Wu Yong was noncommittal, curling his lips.

"Damn him, I just can't understand his frightened look."

There is a saying that is good.

Don't be afraid of brother's suffering, but be afraid of brother driving Lu Rover.

Wu Yong was envious in his heart, and it was understandable to feel this way.

The two were chatting, Xu Ziyin walked in, and he sat on the seat next to him and joked.

"What are we talking about?"

"What else can we talk about? Look at this guy showing off."

Nodding in the direction of the door, Wu Yong said unhappily.

Xu Ziyin couldn't help being happy when he saw it.

"What? Old Wu, are you jealous?"

"I'll be jealous of him, what international joke?"

As he said, Wu Yong leaned over mysteriously and asked curiously.

"Old Xu, do you think it's really necessary to fall in love in college?"

After hearing this, Xu Ziyin pondered for a moment, and then said slowly.

"The essence of the question is, do you want to be in a relationship with someone, or do you want to be in a relationship with someone."

"Is there a difference between the two?"

"Of course there are differences."

With a sudden smile, Xu Ziyin said seriously.

"If you want to fall in love with someone, it means that the other person has certain characteristics that attract you, and you will work harder because of this, and work hard to make yourself shine until your figure appears in her sight. It’s a good phenomenon.”

"But if you just want to find someone to fall in love with, it can only mean that you are lonely, empty and bored, or you are envious when you see other people in pairs."

"Then this she can be any pretty girl."

"But this kind of love is often very short-lived and ends without a problem. After all, you don't really like her. Even if you are together, more and more conflicts will appear over time."

After listening, Wu Yong was thoughtful.

But Zhou Chong suddenly turned his eyes sideways, and he looked at Xu Ziyin with a very puzzled look.

"What about you, Xu?"

"Me? What's wrong with me?"

"Are you with Song Shi because you like her?"

"Okay, why did you suddenly bring up this issue?"

Xu Ziyin smiled.

Zhou Chong shook his head without answering, and continued talking to himself.

"I don't know much about love, and I've never chased after a girl when I grew up, but I can tell that Yun Xianyu likes you a lot, and everyone can see that too."

"And I believe you like her very much. Although you never talked about her in front of others, I know you want to protect her. If I meet such a girl, I will protect her with my life."

"You have also been in love several times, and you have also broken up. If Lao Xu, you want to fall in love, why isn't that person Yun Xianyu?"

"You've always taught me how to court girls."

"But why do you become so stupid when it comes to yourself? Since you like each other, and classmate Yun Xianyu is so good-looking, why isn't that person her?"

"Aren't you the most suitable couple?"

This was the first time Xu Ziyin heard such philosophical words from Zhou Chong, a man of five big and three rough.

Xu Ziyin was silent and speechless.

Wu Yong on the side sighed and didn't speak.

It has been four months since school started.

Everyone saw Yun Xianyu's whereabouts and actions.

In the past, she was like a small flower blooming in the corner, inconspicuous.

But like a little daughter-in-law, she never left Xu Ziyin from beginning to end.

Now she bravely faces the world with her true appearance, but she still treats Xu Ziyin as before.

Everyone thought that the two of them were a couple, but the reality was that the girlfriends around Xu Ziyin changed one after another, but it was still not her.

But Xianyu is still the doormat who obediently followed behind him step by step.



The party has begun.

After class teacher Zhang Hongxia came to the stage and delivered a cliché speech, the show officially started.

Because it is not a formal performance, and there is no rehearsal, the programs in each dormitory are also varied.

Although the level of excitement was not enough, it still attracted bursts of cheers from the students present.

In such a scene, they didn't come to watch a musical. Lively and happy is the main theme of today's festival.

What Zhao Bing performed in his dormitory was a sketch.

Under the vivid interpretation of Zhao Bing and Wu Yong, the atmosphere of the scene reached a climax.

Then, at the instigation of her classmates, Song Shi strode towards the open space in the middle of the classroom.

She took the microphone and looked around at the smiling classmates, and then her eyes fell on Xu Ziyin's face.

"Today I sang an original song. Of course, the author is not me, I stole it, and I haven't obtained the original author's consent."

"But I reckon he doesn't dare to disagree. If he dares to disagree, then I'll beat him up."

Saying that, Song Shi smiled playfully and started singing.

【This is a simple little love song】

【Singing the twists and turns of people's hearts】

【I think I am very happy】

【When there is your warmth】

[The air around the feet turns]

Although it was a cappella, and the students were a little confused by what Song Shi said just now, it didn't prevent them from liking the song.

When Song Shi sang, she always had a sweet smile on her face. Just the brisk voice and beautiful lyrics alone can make people feel the joyful and sweet breath rushing towards their faces.

Xu Ziyin sat in his seat and listened quietly, looking straight into Song Shi's eyes, and suddenly he looked back.

Then he saw Yun Xianyu sitting in the corner secretly looking at his back.

The moment their eyes met, Yun Xianyu quickly looked away.



The party was very lively, and almost all the students participated in it.

The boys hooked their shoulders together, and the girls whispered to each other.

Those who have programs performed on stage, while those without programs sat on the seats, kowtowed melon seeds and ate some fruits. The atmosphere was very happy.

But in such a happy atmosphere, there was one person who seemed out of place.

She sat in the corner, neither eating snacks nor talking to her, just sitting there quietly, neither wind nor rain.

In fact, Yun Xianyu didn't feel wronged.

She has long been used to this way of being alone, if a classmate suddenly talks to her at this time, she will not be used to it.

The purpose of her coming to the party was only to meet Xu Ziyin, because she knew Xu Ziyin would come.

Otherwise, she is actually not interested in these activities, and she knows it has nothing to do with her.

It's just that Xu Ziyin didn't talk to her today, and maybe he didn't have a chance to talk to her.

She watched Song Shi and Xu Ziyin sticking together, Song Shiqiao smiled sweetly, peeled a piece of fruit and put it in Xu Ziyin's mouth from time to time, every time at this time the students would boo.

Song Shi didn't hold back, she raised her eyebrows generously, completely ignoring the meaningful smiles of her classmates and class teacher.

Yun Xianyu suddenly became envious.

If only she could be as lively and cheerful as Song Shi.

It seems that boys like such girls very much.


Finally, the New Year's Day party ended successfully.

Before leaving, Zhang Hongxia said, remember to clean the classroom when the students leave.

But after she left, the students who had played hard could still take care of cleaning the classroom. After cleaning their desks one by one, they rushed out of the classroom with a smile. There were still a lot of colored paper and debris left in the open space of the classroom. .

Xu Ziyin and Song Shi also followed the flow of people out of the classroom.


Send Song Shi to the girls' dormitory downstairs.

Song Shi suddenly proposed to go to the playground, Xu Ziyin naturally would not refuse.

The playground under the night is quiet and deep.

The young lovers strolled on the runway, and from time to time they could see figures hidden in the trees on the tree-lined path beside them.

Holding Xu Ziyin's big hand sweetly, Song Shi said happily.

"Xu Ziyin, I celebrate my birthday next week, are you going to visit my house?"

"Visiting your house?"

Xu Ziyin was taken aback for a moment, then said suspiciously.

"Then what identity should I go there?"

"Boyfriend, what else can it be? My parents don't object to my dating in college."

Gazing at him blankly, Song Shi muttered.

"Ah, but don't uncle and aunt know that I am sister Xuan's boyfriend? How should I explain it then?"

"you're so dumb."

"I'll just tell my parents. They will naturally understand. Don't worry, they won't reveal it to grandma."

Looking at the girl's expectant eyes, Xu Ziyin couldn't bear to refuse and nodded.

After confirming this matter, the two continued walking side by side along the plastic runway.

The moonlight is beautiful tonight.

Dim stars scattered around Haoyue.

Feeling the biting cold wind hit, Song Shi hid behind Xu Ziyin, holding his big hand while stepping on his figure elongated by the moonlight with small leather shoes.

It can be seen that Song Shi is in a good mood today.


For her, Xu Ziyin accepted her love frankly, and showed her joy in front of her classmates. Song Shi's heart was naturally sweet.

She has a happy family and is carefree. Now that she has someone she likes and has met Xu Ziyin's sister, her parents will know about their relationship soon.

All of this is developing towards Song Shi's favorite direction, and she is naturally extremely happy.

Usually people's emotions are contagious. Seeing the sweet smile on the corner of the girl's mouth, Xu Ziyin felt a lot easier.

After staying for a while, seeing that it was getting late, Xu Ziyin and Song Shi returned.

Go downstairs to the girls' dormitory again.

Glancing left and right at the students passing by, Song Shi stood on tiptoe and kissed Xu Ziyin's cheek lightly, then said sweetly.

"Then, to reward you, remember to dream of me at night~"

After all, she ran into the building in a hurry.



Just when Xu Ziyin was about to leave the school, he suddenly turned around and walked towards the classroom.

Looking from a distance, the lights in the classroom have not been extinguished.

Xu Ziyin walked to the door, raised his eyes and looked in.

I saw a slender figure bending over with a broom and carefully cleaning the scattered colored paper and balloons in the classroom.

Xu Shi felt something in his heart, and Yun Xianyu turned around at this moment.

The next moment, the eyes of the two intertwined through a door.

Looking at Xu Ziyin's complicated eyes, Yun Xianyu panicked for no reason.

She blinked her eyes twice and said cautiously.

"Xu, Xu Ziyin, the head teacher said that the classroom will be cleaned..."

Xu Ziyin really wanted to say something, but when the words came to his mouth, he felt that his throat was blocked and he couldn't say a word.

Without saying a word, he picked up a broom and joined them with a sullen face.


The atmosphere was a little depressing.

Seeing Xu Ziyin violently return the table and chairs, Yun Xianyu felt timid.

Just when she was about to speak, Xu Ziyin suddenly spoke.

"Xianyu, I'm in love."


"I, I know."

Suppressing the soreness in her heart and the urge to cry, Yun Xianyu tried her best to squeeze a smile out of her small face. She looked at Xu Ziyin softly and asked with great hope.

"Then, will you still talk to me in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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