If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 158, 【Xu Ziyin is the best】

Chapter 158, [Xu Ziyin is the best] (read more)
The lights in the classroom are very bright, just like the bright moon in the sky outside the window.

When Yun Xianyu said this sentence full of hope, Xu Ziyin only felt that his heart was about to break.

The girl pursed her lips, her big eyes were filled with mist, but she still tried her best to raise her small face, trying to release a warmer smile.

Suppressing the soreness in his nose, Xu Ziyin said in a warm voice.

"Of course, if anyone dares to tell me not to talk to you, then I'll go dig his ancestral grave."

"It won't work even if the Jade Emperor comes."

Hearing this, Yun Xianyu laughed.

But with a smile, a snot bubble popped out of her nostrils.

She immediately turned embarrassed, and hurriedly turned her head to wipe it with her sleeve twice with an ah, and when she turned her head again, her small face was wrinkled and almost cried.

Rubbing her little head, Xu Ziyin smiled lightly.

"I didn't see anything just now."


There are a lot of shredded paper and peels in the classroom.

It took about 10 minutes for two people to clean up the messy classroom.

After cleaning, Xu Ziyin sat on the table. He took an unopened bottle of green tea and stuffed it into Yun Xianyu's hand, then turned to look at her.

"Xianyu, I'm with Song Shi, will you be sad?"

Yun Xianyu wanted to say no.

But in fact, the grievance in her heart was almost suffocating.

During the three-hour New Year's Eve party, everyone was smiling and happy, but her three hours seemed like years.

She likes to see Xu Ziyin's appearance, and she can't get enough of it, but tonight, as soon as she looks over, she can see Song Shi and Xu Ziyin's intimate appearance.

When she was cleaning the classroom by herself just now, she had already secretly wiped away her tears.

Seeing that Yun Xianyu was silent, Xu Ziyin sighed inwardly.

How can you not be sad?
This little girl is so close to writing that I like you very much on her face, even that rough guy Zhou Chong can see it.

Now seeing the person I like with other girls, how can I not feel sad and wronged?

Pulling Xu Ziyin's sleeve, Yun Xianyu lowered her head and whispered.

"Xu, Xu Ziyin, I'm not sad. Go home and drink some sugar water and you will be happier the next day."

"I know I'm not good enough for you, but I'm satisfied just being by your side and talking to you once in a while."

"What do you mean not worthy of me!"

After hearing this, Xu Ziyin suddenly roared loudly, which immediately frightened Yun Xianyu.

She had a tight little face and mumbled her lips, not daring to speak.

Xu Shi felt that his tone was a bit aggressive, Xu Ziyin lowered his tone, and he lowered his head and said softly.

"Xianyu, remember."

"There is no one in this world who is definitely not worthy of someone. If you want me to say that I should not be worthy of you, you are good-looking, and girls all over the world are not as good-looking as you. You have a gentle personality and a great cooking skill." Yi, if ordinary people can marry you as a wife, it is because of the evil virtue accumulated by the ancestors for eight lifetimes."

"So don't feel that because I have helped you, you feel that you owe me. Follow me everywhere, and scold me if you want to scold me."

Hearing this, Yun Xianyu quickly shook her little head like a rattle.

"No, no."


The night is already deep.

The leaves on the old locust tree outside the classroom are swayed by the cold wind.

After looking straight at the scenery outside the house for a while, Xu Ziyin said gently.

"Xianyu, do you like me very much?"

This time Yun Xianyu didn't hesitate any longer and replied without hesitation.

"Yes, I like it."

"I can't help but like you, and Xixi also likes you very much."

What are you talking about at this time.

Xu Ziyin smiled wryly in his heart, then he let out another long breath and pointed at her face seriously.

"Xianyu, what I'm going to say next may sound a bit scumbag, but it's all from my heart."

"You like me, and I like you very much. Now I'm with Song Shi. I can't explain why. And it may not only be Song Shi, but I will be with other girls and become boyfriend and girlfriend."

"But I will not leave you, no one can take you away from me, unless one day you choose to leave."

"When the time is right, I will tell you why."

As soon as Xu Ziyin finished speaking, Yun Xianyu nodded her head and said obediently.

"Well, I believe it."

"I believe everything you say."

Do you believe everything I say?

Such an illogical scumbag's remarks, even Xu Ziyin himself did not believe it, and no other girl in this world would believe it.

But if anyone believed it, then probably the only one who was submissive was Xiao Xianyu.

Xu Ziyin suddenly felt very irritable.

He is irritated by his own greed, and even more irritated by the cause that cannot be explained to outsiders.

He couldn't and couldn't.

What's the point of speaking out besides adding one more person who is worried?

Looking at the dignified girl who was squeezing her small hands tightly, Xu Ziyin said helplessly.

"Xianyu, are you short-hearted?"

"Ah, why do you say I'm short-sighted?"

"Because you believe this passage, aren't you afraid that I'm eating what's in the bowl and thinking about what's in the pot?"

Shaking her head, Yun Xianyu raised her bitter face and replied very seriously.

"I believe it."

"Because, because Xu Ziyin is the best."

The sentence Xu Ziyin is the best instantly defeated all his psychological defenses.

He stared blankly at the young girl beside him, at her eyebrows and eyes, at the tears on her cheeks that hadn't completely faded away, suddenly, Xu Ziyin turned his head away not daring to look at her, his voice choked up.

"Why are you so sure, never think I'm lying to you?"

"Why would you lie to me? I have nothing to lie to."

Yun Xianyu replied in a low voice, a trace of disappointment could not help appearing on her face.

Yes, what else can she have to deceive others now?

Xu Ziyin stopped talking.

He suddenly didn't know what he should say, and felt that every word he said was tarnishing the purest moonlight in the girl's heart.



In the night, the Soochow University campus was silent.

The street lamps on both sides of the road emitted a bright halo, guiding the students returning at night.

Yun Xianyu quietly followed Xu Ziyin with a small cloth bag on her back and walked towards the outside of the school.

Halfway through the walk, Xu Ziyin looked at the night snack stall on the side of the road and asked.

"Xianyu, you haven't eaten anything tonight, why don't you buy something for you?"

"No, I'll do it myself at home."

With that said, she asked again with anticipation.

"Xu, Xu Ziyin, are you full? How about I go home and cook for you, there are still a lot of delicious food in the refrigerator."

After a hum, Xu Ziyin smiled.

"It's true that I didn't eat much. I was just watching the performances of my classmates just now."

Hearing this, Yun Xianyu instantly became happy.

The big eyes narrowed slowly, and there was a happy smile in them.

In her opinion, being able to cook good food for Xu Ziyin is the happiest thing in the world.

Seeing the girl's cute and cute appearance, Xu Ziyin took her little hand, but Yun Xianyu didn't refuse, and obediently let him hold it with a blushing little face.


Because they didn't drive, Xu Ziyin and Yun Xianyu chose to walk home.

At this time, he didn't need to call a taxi.

The two walked quietly along the smooth bluestone road, and the street lights on both sides stretched their figures very long.

On the way, Xu Ziyin suddenly said.

"Xianyu, will Xixi be discharged from the hospital next week?"

"Well, the doctor said that my sister has recovered very well during this period, and it is basically impossible for her to relapse."

"I can leave the hospital on the tenth."

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin said seriously.

"On the tenth day, we have to prepare a delicious meal for Xixi. I don't know how to cook, so I will be responsible for chopping vegetables and you will be in charge."

Hearing this, Yun Xianyu didn't respond, she lowered her head and stared blankly at her feet.

Seeing that Yun Xianyu didn't speak, Xu Ziyin asked doubtfully.

"What's the matter, why didn't you speak suddenly?"

After sucking her little nose hard twice, Yun Xianyu squeezed out a buzzing response from between her teeth.

"I, I miss my parents. In the past, when my parents were still there, my father cut vegetables and my mother cooked. When it was almost time for dinner, my younger sister liked to run to the kitchen and hug my father's thigh and yelled "Come on!" Let's eat quickly."

"But since my parents left, my sister hasn't laughed for a long time. It's all my fault. I didn't take good care of my sister."


Xu Ziyin was speechless, he just squeezed her little hand tightly and comforted her.

"Silly girl, you have done a good job."

"And the days will get better and better in the future, and Xixi will become very happy."

"Well, since I met you, my sister has a lot more smiles on her face. She likes you very much. Every time I go to the hospital, she always asks me, when will my big brother come to see Xixi?"

After hearing this, Xu Ziyin smiled knowingly, and then joked.

"Does Xixi like me?"

"Me, I like it too, you know."



It was around nine o'clock in the evening when I returned to Xiao Xianyu's house.

Walking to the shoe gate, Xu Ziyin was about to ask himself if he wanted to take off his shoes when Yun Xianyu took out a pair of brand new men's slippers from the shoe cabinet and put them under his feet.

Feeling soft in his heart, Xu Ziyin said softly.

"Prepare for me?"


Walking into the living room, pouring a glass of water for Xu Ziyin, Yun Xianyu went to the kitchen to cook.

Xu Ziyin was bored in the living room alone, so he followed into the kitchen.

He was just about to ask if he wanted to help himself, and then he saw a fish tank in the kitchen at some point, and there were a few crucian carp swimming happily in it.

Xu Ziyin was taken aback for a moment, then asked in doubt.

"Xianyu, where did this fish tank come from? I remember that there was no such thing in the kitchen when we moved?"

"I bought it myself."

When Yun Xianyu replied with a pretty voice, she turned her head and blushed a little.

"You like to eat fish. I don't know when you will come to eat at home, so I bought a fish tank to keep the fish. When you come over, you can eat the freshest fish."

As she spoke, she pursed her bright red mouth with an aggrieved expression.

"But I'm so stupid, I raised several fish to death."


(First update.)
(I wish all the friends who voted will marry a girl like Xiao Xianyu as a wife in the future~)
(End of this chapter)

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