If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 162, 【Entered the wolf den】

Today's weather is slightly colder, and compared to the previous few days, it is obvious that the coolness in the air has deepened a lot.

Pushing open the window, Xu Ziyin groaned inwardly as he felt the biting cold wind blowing towards his face.

Will it really snow this year?
You must know that the winter in Suzhou was also very cold in previous years, but it was far from this level.

The precursor to snow is the strengthening of cold air.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Ziyin stretched lazily.


After washing up, he went back to the bedroom and turned on the computer.

It was only seven o'clock in the morning, and there was still some distance from the time agreed with Song Shi, so Xu Ziyin was not in a hurry to leave so early.

In fact, Xu Ziyin was a little bit resistant to going to Song Shi's home to meet her parents.

After all, in his opinion, letting parents know about the relationship between the two is a burden, and it will inevitably end badly if they break up in the future. But since Song Shi made this request, Xu Ziyin couldn't refuse it outright.

Just as he was thinking, he saw the game avatars of Xiao Wanbing and Xiaoyun light up.

With a light snort, Xu Ziyin sent over for a private chat.

[Why is it online so early today? 】

A few seconds later, the other side sent a reply.

[Today is Saturday, I have nothing to do in the dormitory, so I just get up and play games. 】

【Would you like to come? We just happen to play flexible ranking together. 】

Looking back at the wall clock on the bedroom wall, Xu Ziyin replied.

[Okay, then you can open the room. 】

Entering the room, Xiao Wanbing and her roommates were greeted by the people who had been hacking at the Internet cafe last time.

As soon as Xu Ziyin entered the voice of the team, Xiaoyun joked.

"Xu Ziyin, what about Shishi, she wasn't too tired last night, she hasn't woken up yet."

The corner of his mouth twitched twice, Xu Ziyin said helplessly.

"What are you talking about, she didn't live with me, so this point is naturally in her own home."

After laughing a few words, Xiao Wanbing brought in another strange friend, who probably was also a girl by looking at the game ID.

Since then, one man and four women have started their ranking journey.


After 10 minutes, Xu Ziyin lowered the volume a little while listening to the chirping voice in the earphones.

Are these really girls?

I'm afraid he has entered the wolf's den, right?
Are girls always this outrageous when they play games?
Those exaggerated words made Xu Ziyin's face turn red.

It seems that they restrained themselves last time when they had a blackout in the internet cafe. This time when they returned to the dormitory, there were no outsiders, and their instincts were immediately released.

[Xiaoyun, are you having sex with the three wolves in the wild? 】

[Didn't you see that my top soldiers have all entered the tower? My old lady b is almost torn apart by the opponent. 】

[Meng Qi, if you don't listen to me telling you to drink more papaya, look how much milk you have! 】


[You have the nerve to tell me, you saw the jungler on the other side passing by, and you went to exchange blood, what's the matter, you came to the big aunt today, how much blood? 】

Finally, Xu Ziyin let out a long breath after winning a game without any risk.

Damn, why do you feel that playing a game is more difficult than the college entrance examination.

Just at this time, Xiao Wanbing smiled.

"Okay, sisters, don't say a few words, you scared my ad baby."

With an embarrassing smile, Xu Ziyin replied.

"It's okay, it's okay, you go on, just pretend that I don't exist."

"Haha, Xu Ziyin, they are like this when they play games, you will know it after you get used to it."

"Well, I'll do my best."


Two hours later, Xu Ziyin ended the game.

Just when he was about to go offline, he thought about it and asked a question.

"Baibing, what gifts do you usually give your mother during the holidays?"

"What's the matter. Is your mother's birthday today?"

Xiao Wanbing asked curiously.

"No, it's Shishi. I'm going to her house today, so I'm thinking of preparing some gifts for my mother-in-law. It's the first time, so I don't want to go empty-handed."

Both Android and Apple are available. 】

As soon as Xu Ziyin finished speaking, Xiaoyun's exclamation came.

"Wow, haven't you been together for a few days, and you're going to meet your parents so soon?"

Xu Ziyin didn't say it was because of Song Shi's birthday, but said that the incident happened suddenly, and then a group of game friends started chatting about what gift would be better for the mother-in-law.

[I think a box of cosmetics should be given away. No matter what age a woman is, cosmetics are necessary. I always give this to my mother on her birthday. 】

[It's also good to send some skin care products. Seeing that Shi Shi is so young, it is estimated that her mother is not very old. What women of this age need most is skin care. 】

[I still think massage chairs are more reliable. 】

Several people were discussing enthusiastically, and suddenly, the girl who was pulled in by the pancake suddenly said something.

[Why don't you give me a more handsome old man, to ensure that the mother-in-law will like it as soon as she sees it, and you can give a little less gift when you get married. 】

【Wow, what you said makes sense, Yinyin, I'm actually speechless. 】

[I don't think it's appropriate to have a handsome old man. A capable old man is suitable. A woman of this age needs a capable old man the most. 】

Xu Ziyin:? ? ?

Didn't we have a good chat just now?
Why is the style of painting suddenly crooked?
Hehe laughed, Xu Ziyin excused himself from the group chat because he had something to do.


It was around ten o'clock in the morning.

Xu Ziyin tidied up, took the car keys and left the apartment.

Song Shi's parents both work in government agencies, and for people in the system, what gifts to give is naturally a discipline.

It's not appropriate to be too expensive, after all, it's the first time we meet, there's no need to make a fuss, and besides, I'm still a student in their eyes.

In the same way, it doesn't work if it's too cheap. I'm Song Shi's boyfriend anyway, so it's not easy to make a good impression by sending some cheap things casually.

After much deliberation, Xu Ziyin finally chose to buy some nutritional supplements.

This gift is very suitable for elderly women. As for the father-in-law, it is simple. He likes to drink, so he can carry two bottles of wine and finish the job.

After finishing the gift from Song Shi's parents, Xu Ziyin had a problem with how to prepare Song Shi's birthday present.

This bitch is not easy to deal with.

This is the two of them together again, her first birthday.


Just when Xu Ziyin was worried about the gift.

Song Shi's house is very lively at the moment.

It was the little princess's birthday, and Luo Min started to get busy in the kitchen early in the morning, preparing a large table of sumptuous delicacies.

Song Rende was sitting on the sofa watching TV with Luo Xuan and Jiang Yuxi, who had just arrived not long ago, chatting with each other.

Looking at Song Shi who was sitting on the side looking at her phone from time to time, and anxiously looking at the door, Luo Xuan laughed.

"Shishi, are there any guests coming later?"

"Yes, my boyfriend is coming later."

As soon as these words came out, the lively living room fell silent.

Song Rende picked out his ears, suspecting that he had heard wrong.

Jiang Yuxi showed disbelief, and then exclaimed.

"Wow, Shishi, are you in a relationship?"

Before Song Shi could speak, Luo Min rushed out of the kitchen wearing an apron, still holding a spatula stained with soup in her hand.

"Shishi, what are you talking about, your boyfriend?"

Seeing a pair of eyes looking at her, Song Shi felt a little shy.

She turned her head and hummed, whispering.

"We only got together a few days ago, and I was thinking about telling you about it today."

"By the way, you've all seen him."

(First update.)
82 Chinese Network

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