If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 163, [Auntie, you don't blame me for stealing your boyfriend, do you? 】

"We've all met?"

These words made Luo Xuan and Jiang Yuxi fall into deep thought.

They and Luo Min are people from two worlds, and there are not many people in their circle of friends who intersect, except for some relatives and friends.

And those relatives and friends who have been familiar for a long time can't be Song Shi's boyfriend.

In this way, it is almost self-evident who that person is.

Looking at each other with Luo Xuan, Jiang Yuxi leaned closer and whispered in her ear.

"Xuanxuan, your niece is poaching your corner."

Gazing at her blankly, Luo Xuan didn't speak.

In fact, when she heard Song Shi say that she had a boyfriend, she already had guesses in her heart.

Now that the guess in her heart was confirmed, after knowing that the person was Xu Ziyin, she felt a little uncomfortable.

It's not that she felt betrayed or something, after all, she felt that Shishi and Xu Ziyin were a good match from the beginning, and she also matched them.

Now that they know for sure that they are already in boyfriend and girlfriend, their minds are inevitably a little complicated.

After all, Xu Ziyin is still his boyfriend in name, although everyone may have known that they are just pretending couples.

Seeing that there was something wrong with my aunt's expression, Song Shi also knew who she had guessed, so she walked over and put her arms around her neck and laughed.

"Auntie, you won't blame me for stealing your boyfriend, will you?"

"What nonsense are you talking~"

Luo Xuan cast a reproachful glance at her niece, and said softly.

"Didn't they still fight each other before, why are they suddenly together now?"

"Hey, although that guy's words are a bit annoying, he's still pretty good."

Song Rende sat listening with a dazed expression and interrupted.

"Wait, Shishi, who are you talking about? Why do you say that you robbed your aunt's boyfriend? Why can't I understand?"

"Isn't your aunt's boyfriend Xu Ziyin?"

As soon as Song Rende finished speaking, Luo Min couldn't help but glanced at him in disgust.

"I think you are really confused. You still can't tell. Shishi's boyfriend is that little guy named Xu Ziyin."


Song Rende was stunned, the rhythm was too confusing, Lao Song said that he needed to calm down.

"Mom, hurry up and cook, I can smell the smell."

Seeing her mother standing there holding the spatula, Song Shi hurriedly urged her.

Hearing this, Luo Min cast a helpless glance at her daughter and returned to the kitchen.

Although their family is relatively open-minded, and their daughter is an adult, at the age of dating, Luo Min still feels a little awkward when she hears that her daughter's boyfriend is coming.

At such a young age, I am going to be upgraded to become a mother-in-law so soon?

Xuanxuan hasn't talked about a partner yet, but her daughter is one step ahead of her?

Compared to Wei Fang who is so anxious about her daughter's marriage, Luo Min is actually not in a hurry.

Luo Min, the daughter she gave birth to herself, knows well that she has excellent looks, and it is not a problem to find a suitable boyfriend in the future, but she didn't expect this day to come so soon, and she couldn't accept it for a while.



Half an hour later, Xu Ziyin came to the community where Song Shi lived with gifts in large and small bags.

Taking a look at the environment of the community, Xu Ziyin knew that Song Shi's family background was not bad. Although he hadn't reached the level of great wealth, he was still well-to-do.

Both parents work in government agencies, and they are not Qingshui yamen, so the treatment is naturally generous.

It is not surprising that Song Shi, a daughter, can be cultivated.

Song Shi, as the only daughter, is the jewel in the palm of her hand, and she is loved by thousands of people. This is probably the reason why she formed her temperament.

When he came to the door, Xu Ziyin took a deep breath, and then knocked on the door.

Within a few seconds, the door opened, revealing Jiang Yuxi's charming and mature face.

Seeing Xu Ziyin, Jiang Yuxi couldn't help joking.

"Yo, who is this here?"

Hearing this, there was a sound of little leather shoes stepping on the floor in the living room, and then Song Shi's tender little face poked out.

"Hee hee, Xu Ziyin, you are here, come in quickly."

Entering the living room, Xu Ziyin first saw Lao Song sitting on the sofa and examining his face.

Xu Ziyin felt timid, and hurriedly handed over the gift in his hand.

"Uncle, I didn't know what gift to bring when we met officially for the first time, so I brought you two bottles of wine."

With a hum, Song Rende said flatly.

"Let it go."

Unable to figure out Song Rende's attitude, Xu Ziyin put the white wine in his hand on the tea table, and then sat aside, either standing or standing.

It wasn't until Song Shi pulled him towards his bedroom that Xu Ziyin let out a long breath.

Seeing Xu Ziyin leave, Song Rende slipped into the kitchen.


"Fucking mother, why is Xu Ziyin Shishi's boyfriend?"

"Why, you are not satisfied with him?"

Leaving Lao Song a sideways look, Luo Min said flatly.

"It's not that I'm dissatisfied. Xu Ziyin is a good guy, but I always feel that something is weird. He and Luo Xuan..."

"What's so strange."

"I knew right away that Luo Xuan had hired him to make my mother happy."

"It's not that you don't know about my mother. She's urging her to get married in a hurry, and Luo Xuan doesn't have a boyfriend, so she can only do something wrong."

"At that time, Shishi was still working so hard to help them speak. I guess Xu Ziyin was probably introduced to Luo Xuan by his daughter on purpose."


Hearing what his wife said, Lao Song suddenly realized.

It turned out to be such a truth, I said why the relationship seems a bit awkward.

For a long time, Xu Ziyin and Luo Xuan were fake couples, but he and his daughter were real couples.

At this moment, Luo Min turned her head and said seriously.

"Old Song, what do you think of your daughter's love affair?"

"How can I see it?"

Shrugging, Song Rende looked helpless.

"It's not like you don't know your daughter's character. We didn't interfere with what she decided."

"Besides, she's grown up, and she's at the age of dating. Besides, Xu Ziyin is not bad, he's not in a hurry, and has a very stable personality."

"Okay, you go out first."





Song Shi's bedroom is very simple, without any complicated decorations.

Just like her cheerful personality.

A dressing table with a floor-to-ceiling mirror on one side, and a wardrobe next to the mirror.

The quilts on the white incense bed were stacked neatly, and it seemed that there was still a vague fragrance.

The first time she brought a boy into her bedroom, Song Shi was a little nervous, she pointed to the pot of snow willow on the window sill and smiled.

"Xu Ziyin, this is Xueliu. It is estimated that it will bloom at the end of the month."

"When Snow Willow blooms, it is covered with white flowers, as if snowflakes have fallen on it."

After a hum, Xu Ziyin was a little absent-minded.

Seeing that Xu Ziyin's mood was a little off, Song Shi murmured from behind his waist, resting his chin on his shoulder.

"What's the matter, are you unhappy to see my parents?"

"That's not true, it just feels like your father doesn't like me."

With a snort, Song Shi stretched out her small hand and pinched the soft flesh around his waist and joked.

"You snatched his little padded jacket away, can my dad be happy?"

This is true.

The more the mother-in-law sees the son-in-law, the more she is satisfied.

But the old man had two extreme reactions.

Think differently.

If I have a daughter in the future, and my daughter's boyfriend visits for the first time, I'm afraid I won't give him a good face.

(The schedule seems to be adjusted to normal, and tomorrow will start a burst of changes, rushing.)

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