If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 164, [A kitchen knife dripping blood]

"Okay, don't frown, my parents will definitely like you."

Handing over a sweet kiss, Song Shi laughed in Xu Ziyin's ear.

"Are you so sure that uncle and aunt will like me?"

"You know, I snatched their precious daughter away."

Xu Ziyin was puzzled.

"Of course."

"Because they listen to me the most, as long as I like things, they will like it too."


Xu Ziyin stopped talking, he suddenly felt that it seemed pointless to dwell on this issue.

Whether you like it or hate it, how long will it last?

Is it possible that I can really go to the end with Song Shi?
I'm afraid it's not that Lao Song and his wife saw themselves walking on the road and wished they could pick up a knife and chop themselves up.

The two were chatting when Luo Xuan's voice came from outside the bedroom urging to eat.


At the dinner table, the atmosphere is heating up.

As Song Shi said, Luo Min and Song Rende did not dislike Xu Ziyin's arrival, but were very enthusiastic.

Xu Ziyin naturally couldn't put on airs, opened a bottle of wine and drank with Lao Song in the attitude of a junior.

As the saying goes, getting the father-in-law drunk is basically half done.

While eating and drinking, the cold wind outside the house beat against the windows. It was clearly noon, but there was a depressing feeling of black clouds overwhelming the city.

Looking out of the window, Luo Min said in a deep voice.

"Looking at the weather, it is estimated that it will rain heavily."

Rain in winter is actually not a good phenomenon.

It is already bone-piercing, but if coupled with continuous heavy rain, the road is muddy and difficult to walk, and it is easy to increase the chance of a car accident.

Furthermore, the weather is already too cold now, and if it rains heavily, it will not feel good.

"Mom, if it rains, it will rain. I remember you said that it rained heavily on the day I was born. Doesn't this mean that God is celebrating my birthday?"

Luo Min was taken aback for a moment, then she reached out her chopsticks and tapped her daughter's head, cursing with a smile.

"You can talk."

Smiling, Song Shi turned to look at Luo Xuan and Jiang Yuxi.

"Auntie, Aunt Yuxi, what birthday present did you prepare for me this year, take it out quickly."

Hearing this, Luo Xuan took out a box of chocolates from her bag, while Jiang Yuxi directly took out a thick red envelope.

She looked at Song Shi helplessly.

"Shishi, it's not that Auntie doesn't care. It's because preparing birthday presents for you every year has hollowed out my thoughts."

"So this year, I thought about wrapping a red envelope for you, and buying whatever you like."

"Thank you, aunt, thank you, Aunt Yuxi."

Accepting the birthday present with a smile.Song Shi turned to look at Xu Ziyin again.

As a result, Xu Ziyin didn't receive the hint from her eyes at all, and was exchanging cups with Lao Song.

Lao Song didn't know why today, he didn't talk much at the dinner table, but kept clinking glasses with Xu Ziyin. After a while, the bottle of wine was almost exhausted.

After taking a big sip of wine, Xu Ziyin was about to pick up some food to deal with the pungent taste in his mouth, when he noticed that the living room suddenly became quiet, he turned his head to look, and a pair of beautiful eyes were staring at him.

Xu Ziyin was a little confused.

"what happened?"

Stretching out her hand, Song Shi said with a look of resentment.

"Xu Ziyin, where's my birthday present? Are you unprepared?"

It turned out to be this!

Taking out the phone and looking at it, Xu Ziyin said gently.

"Come on, it should be the gate of the community at this distance."

"To the entrance of the community?"

Song Shi was a little confused.

"Xu Ziyin, what gift are you preparing, and do you need someone to send it over?"

"You'll know in a while."

Xu Ziyin made a fool of himself and continued to fight Lao Song.

His drinking capacity is actually not too high, and neither is Lao Song.

But today, the two of them seemed to be getting stronger, drinking one cup after another.

Luo Min glanced at the two worriedly, then pushed Song Rende and complained.

"It's almost enough. It's the first time someone's child comes to our house, so don't get him drunk."

Xu Shi was drunk, Lao Song muttered dissatisfiedly.

"What's wrong with being drunk? Is it so easy to marry my daughter?"

When Song Shi heard it, she blushed and ran to the window, stretching her head to look downstairs, feeling shy in her heart.

Why marry your daughter.

I haven't thought about getting married so early.


Feeling secretly happy and shy in her heart, Song Shi suddenly focused her eyes, and then screamed out.

Looking for the sound, Luo Min hurriedly trotted over and said with concern.

"What happened?"

Song Shi didn't answer her, but turned to look at Xu Ziyin and said in surprise.

"Xu Ziyin, is this the birthday present you prepared for me?"

Hearing this, Luo Xuan and Jiang Yuxi looked at each other, and walked to the window without thinking about eating.

The two looked down and saw a pickup truck full of sunflowers coming towards the apartment floor.

This is Xu Ziyin's birthday present?
However, where do you get sunflowers in winter?

With a hum, Xu Ziyin's eyes were clear, and he looked at the girl standing by the window and said seriously.

"I remember you said that you like flowers very much, so I originally wanted to give you roses, but after thinking about it, I found that roses don't match your personality."

"You have a lively personality and a bright smile, just like a sunflower, with beautiful colors and full of vitality."

"Sunflowers imply positive, sunny and cheerful, healthy and energetic."

"So I hope you will be healthy and healthy every year in the future, and you will never have worries and troubles."

Xu Ziyin's words can be said to be heart-to-heart without any hesitation.

After all, in his opinion, Song poetry is indeed like sunflowers, born facing the sun and full of vigor.

Just staying with her filled my heart with vitality.

Song Shi's eyes were sore when she heard it, and she didn't care about her parents still standing aside, she ran to the table and hugged Xu Ziyin's cheek with a big kiss.

"Well, I like this gift very much, thank you."

After that, she ran downstairs slowly to receive the gift.

Jiang Yuxi sighed, then asked curiously.

"Xu Ziyin, it's winter, where did you buy sunflowers?"

"I asked the flower boss, they have artificially cultivated greenhouses, and sunflowers will still bloom in the greenhouses."

Well, Jiang Yuxi felt that she was asking too much.

Immediately, he exchanged a glance with Luo Xuan, and went downstairs to help.

After all, with such a cart of sunflowers, Shishi can't move it by herself.


Seeing that only myself, Xu Ziyin and Lao Song were left in the room.

Only then did Luo Min speak earnestly.

"Xu Ziyin, Lao Song and I have no objection to you being together with Shishi. It can be seen that Shishi really likes you."

"However, she has been spoiled since she was a child, and her temper is inevitably a bit willful. From now on, you..."

Before Luo Min finished speaking, Xu Ziyin interrupted her with a smile.

"Auntie, I know."

"Also, Shishi is very sensible, and I am very happy with her. Don't worry, Auntie, I will take good care of her."

"That's fine, that's fine."


Luo Min changed his style of painting, and suddenly said sternly.

"But you are still young, you must pay attention to your sense of proportion. Young people don't know how to be restrained. Old Song and I came from your age."

"I'm not ready to be a grandmother now, Xu Ziyin, do you understand?"

Xu Ziyin's face turned red when he heard this, he murmured and dared not speak and could only nod frequently.

Song Rende was unhappy at the side, gave his mother-in-law a look, and beckoned Xu Ziyin to continue drinking.


After the luncheon was over, Lao Song drank a little too much and went back to his room to sleep soundly.

Xu Ziyin was also a little drunk.

He was lying on the bed, looking at the girl with a mischievous smile who decorated the bedroom with sunflowers.

It wasn't until the corners of the bedroom were filled with sunflowers that the girl ran to the bedside and hugged Xu Ziyin, retracting her warm body into his arms, saying sweetly.

"You bastard, thank you."

Rubbing her hair, Xu Ziyin said in a daze.

"Why are we both so polite?"

Seeing Xu Ziyin getting drunk, Song Shijiao said.

"Why don't you sleep on my bed first?"

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin sat up hastily.

It's not a good thing to sleep in the daughter's room on the first day at the mother-in-law's house.

Besides, just now Luo Min deliberately told herself to be careful.

Doesn't it make her worry for no reason that he has not come out of her daughter's room?

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyin resisted the uproar in his stomach, and said seriously.

"Forget it, I'd better go home and sleep, I finally made a good impression in front of my aunt, I can't just waste it like this."

Song Shi knew that he was worried, so she held his arm with a blushing face.

"Then I'll take you back. I don't worry about you going home like this."



Get out of the neighborhood.

After the cold wind blows, most of Xu Ziyin's alcoholism has disappeared.

Song Shi stopped a taxi and headed towards Xu Ziyin's apartment.

en route.

Xu Ziyin sat in the back seat and dozed off against Song Shi's shoulder.

Just when he was in a daze, he suddenly heard a whimper in his ear.

"Wow, Xu Ziyin, it's snowing."


Upon hearing this, Xu Ziyin opened his eyes abruptly, and looked sideways out of the window.

I saw that it was raining lightly outside the car window, perhaps it should be described as sleet more appropriately.

Pieces of snowflakes were caught in the drizzle of rain, fell to the ground, and melted into water droplets in an instant.

"It turned out to be just sleet."

Xu Ziyin muttered.

"What's wrong with the sleet, the sleet means that there is a high possibility of heavy snow this year."

It is not surprising that sleet occurs from time to time in Suzhou. Often this kind of snowflakes cannot accumulate, and after one night, it is no different from being baptized by heavy rain.

Looking at the misty misty rain outside the car window, looking at the boy who leaned on his shoulder and closed his eyes in a daze.

Song Shi made a silent wish for her birthday this year in her heart.

Pious and sincere.

To be happy for a lifetime.

I want to bully this scumbag for the rest of my life.



Back to the apartment.

Song Shi helped Xu Ziyin to the bed, then turned back to the bathroom, twisted a hot towel and wiped his face carefully, then poured another cup of hot water and put it on his bedside table.

After doing all this, she sat on the side and quietly looked at the sleeping boy.

Looking at his brows and eyes, looking at his lips that open and close from time to time, a gentle smile appeared in his eyes.

Watching and watching, emotionally moved, she bent down and kissed Xu Ziyin's wine-smelling lips lightly, cursing with a smile.

You guys still look good when you're asleep.


See Xu Ziyin has fallen asleep.

When Song Shi came to the living room, she first prepared some dog food for Lemon, and played with it for a while. Seeing that there were still unwashed clothes in the washing machine, Song Shi diligently washed the clothes for him.

Finally, she turned on her phone and flipped through the recipes on the Internet.

She has never cooked since she was a child, so it is not too much to describe her as not touching her fingers.

But now that her sweetheart is drunk, she naturally knows that it is the best thing for Xu Ziyin to drink a bowl of hangover soup when he wakes up.



It was already around eight o'clock in the evening when Xu Ziyin woke up in a daze.

My head is heavy with a hangover.

He rubbed his brain, remembering that it was Song Shi who sent him back in a trance, and remembered that she also said something about snowing on the way.


With a thump in his heart, Xu Ziyin hurriedly got out of bed and pushed open the window.

As a result, apart from the cold wind and the heavy rain, there was no trace of snowflakes.

Could it be that he drank the fragments himself?
Shaking his head, Xu Ziyin put on his coat and prepared to walk out of the bedroom.

But just as he was leaving the door, he saw a piece of paper under the inkstone on the desk from the corner of his eye.

Xu Ziyin stepped forward to pick it up and have a look.

[I wanted to wait for you to wake up, but you ended up sleeping like a pig. If you don't go back so late, I'm afraid my mother will be worried, so I'll leave first. 】

[There is hangover soup in the kitchen, but it’s probably cold when you wake up, remember to reheat it before drinking it, after drinking, drink a bowl of hangover soup to warm your stomach. 】

[This is the first time this lady cooks for others, if you dare to despise my skills, hehehe. 】

[A kitchen knife dripping blood. 】

Seeing the beautiful lines of small characters on the white paper, Xu Ziyin felt warm in his heart.

It's really rare that this girl has such a gentle side.

But isn't the kitchen knife at the end a bit superfluous?


Come to the living room.

Xu Ziyin went to the kitchen to heat up the hangover soup in the thermos.

Then I went back to the sofa and began to enjoy my girlfriend's handicraft.

Xu Ziyin's stomach felt much more comfortable after a bowl of hangover soup.

He looked at the lemon lying at his feet entertaining himself, and when he was thinking about finding something to do, he found a weak light shining through the dim living room.

Looking for the light, Xu Ziyin found that it was coming from his sister's room.

Suspicious, Xu Ziyin walked away.

He gently opened the door.

Then I saw the lamp on the bedside table in the bedroom emitting a faint light, and my sister Xu Man was lying on the bed covered with a quilt, sleeping soundly.

What the hell?

Xu Ziyin suspected that he was wrong.

He rubbed his eyes and looked again.

It turned out that the person on the bed could be other than Xu Man!
(First update.)
(I declare that the schedule adjustment has officially failed, ahhhhhhh!!!)

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