If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 168, [The choice between life and death. 】

Could it be Mu Qing?

Xu Ziyin couldn't believe the result.

At this moment, his mind is in chaos.

Then he said again.

"Uncle, can the doctor cure my sister?"

"Now that medical treatment is so advanced, it should be no problem if it's just a virus?"

With a heavy sigh, Xu Wei's majestic face looked a little more vicissitudes amidst the smog.

"If it's just an ordinary virus, it's easy to handle."

"But this virus has been lurking in Manman's body for a long time. According to her current situation, it is very possible, very likely..."

"Maybe what?"

Xu Ziyin asked, his face pale.

"It's very possible to fall asleep and never wake up, and the best case is to become a vegetable."

Exhaling a foul breath, Xu Wei said in a low voice.

Xu Ziyin's brain exploded.

He couldn't accept this fact, he grabbed Xu Wei's clothes and said in a trembling tone.

"How is it possible, I don't believe it."

"Isn't there so many doctors here, my sister will definitely be cured, definitely will be."

Just at this time, the door of the meeting room was opened, and an old doctor brought along by Xu Wei stood at the door.

Seeing this, Xu Wei patted Xu Ziyin on the back and walked out.

"You haven't slept all night, please rest first."





The wall clock on the wall of the meeting room slid to eight o'clock in the morning.

Xu Ziyin sat slumped on a chair in the conference room, his eyes glazed over.

My sister was poisoned.

It is very likely to become a vegetable.

This series of words circled in his mind.

And the heavy snow outside the window has already disappeared to the point of not seeing five fingers.

After a while, a group of white coats gathered in the conference room again to start a new round of discussions.

Xu Ziyin couldn't stand the atmosphere and returned to Xu Man's intensive care unit.


My sister is sleeping soundly.

The ward was filled with the smell of disinfectant.

The white sheets echoed the white snow outside the window.

Looking at her sister's peaceful sleeping face, Xu Ziyin's lips turned pale.

Would the situation be better if I brought my sister to the hospital earlier?
But he also knew that this was nothing but futility.

Since it has been confirmed that my sister was poisoned by someone, and it didn't happen overnight, what's the use of coming here a few days in advance?

He looked at Xu Man on the hospital bed, wanting to speak.

The slightly parted lips turned white, and a hoarse sound emerged from the rolling throat, but the words spit out were weak and confused.



ten o'clock in the morning.

Xu Man was pushed into the intensive care unit again.

But this time, it took two full hours to come out.

Some doctors were too old to survive and went to a hotel near the hospital to rest.

Xu Ziyin sat on the bench outside the intensive care unit and waited.

Seeing Xu Wei's appearance, Xu Ziyin grabbed his wrist like a straw about to drown and asked.

"Uncle, what did the doctor say?"

Seeing Xu Ziyin's blood-red eyes, Xu Wei sighed softly and walked out of the hospital.

"Go out and talk."



In the yard, children are playing in the snow, and their parents are taking care of them carefully.

The snow fluttered.

Suzhou, which has not had snowfall for ten years, has changed its color at this moment.

But Xu Ziyin couldn't feel the slightest joy, as if there was a boulder in his heart that made him unable to breathe.

After lighting a cigarette, Xu Wei said slowly.

"The doctor has given a cure."

Xu Ziyin was overjoyed and hurriedly asked.

"Then sister can be cured?"

But at this time Xu Wei shook his head again.

"The virus in Manman's body has penetrated deep into the bone marrow. It can be said that the blood is full of virus factors."

"If you want to recover from treatment, you need to exchange blood, but this process is very troublesome. It will take at least half a year to advance bit by bit. During this period, Manman must stay awake before he can fall into a coma, and his body functions can be adjusted normally."

"But under the current situation, Manman is likely to completely fall into a vegetative state in the next two or three days."

After Xu Wei finished speaking, there was no movement around him.

He turned his eyes sideways and saw Xu Ziyin staring blankly at the courtyard in front of him, his whole body was like a withered sculpture.

"Xiao Xu."

Xu Wei shouted.

Xu Ziyin came back to his senses, he turned his head stiffly, and said word by word.

"Uncle, is it true that as long as my sister can stay awake for more than half a year, she can be cured?"

With a hum, Xu Wei replied.

"In principle, this is the case."

"But the fact is that it is impossible. The current level of medical treatment is not yet able to revive a vegetative person."

"The person who poisoned him is obviously aware of this situation, so it can be said that there is no room for maneuver in this matter."

"Okay, I see."

After saying this sentence, Xu Ziyin walked back to the hospital like a walking dead.

Seeing Xu Ziyin's dazed back, Xu Wei let out a long sigh.

He knew how much this matter had hit Xu Ziyin.

Although he had never met Xu Ziyin, he knew Xu Ziyin's background clearly.

He also knows the relationship between him and his daughter.

Now that this kind of thing happened, although I am also very angry and painful in my heart, but in comparison, this boy will definitely be more serious than myself.

He has many sons and daughters, and Xu Man doesn't often accompany him. It can be said that his daughter has stayed with this boy for more than 20 years. The relationship between the two has already exceeded the range that ordinary people can understand.

Thinking of this, Xu Wei stubbed out his cigarette and made a call.

He didn't say much, only a word of sternness.




My sister woke up.

I slept until about five o'clock in the afternoon before waking up.

"Sister, are you awake?"

Seeing Xu Man wake up, Xu Ziyin quickly handed over a bowl of steaming noodles.

"Old Chi, how long has my sister been asleep?"

Blinking cutely, Xu Man looked at the silver-white world outside the window and muttered.

"Wow, the roof has turned white. It looks like it's snowing a lot this time."

"Haven't you been thinking about building a snowman for a long time? When the snow stops, we can go to build a snowman."

Looking at the corner of her sister's happy mouth, Xu Ziyin couldn't help but laugh.

He sniffed, forcing a smile out of his face.

"Sister, hurry up and eat noodles. After we finish eating, let's go out to see the snow."


Hearing this, Xu Man ate the noodles in a daze, and then walked out of the hospital holding Xu Ziyin's arm.


It was five o'clock in the evening.

On the bench in the corridor, Xu Man leaned on Xu Ziyin's shoulder and quietly watched the falling snow in the yard.

Suddenly, Xu Man whispered.

"Old Chi, is my sister seriously ill?"

"No, it's just a little problem, just stay in the hospital for two days and you'll be fine."

"Hmph, you still want to lie to me, even my dad is here. If there is a small problem, someone as busy as my dad would not come to Suzhou."


Holding her sister's cold little hand tightly, Xu Ziyin said softly.

"It's really just a little problem. If you cooperate with the treatment obediently, it will be cured soon."

Xu Man stopped talking.

Where can't you see it with her intelligence?
She herself also found that she seemed to be particularly prone to drowsiness during this time, and she often couldn't help feeling sleepy after waking up.

The two were silent and sat quietly on the bench.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyin whispered.

"Sister, I'm going to leave the hospital these two days, and I may not be able to accompany you in the next few days."

"Why, do you want to accompany your little girlfriend?"

"A bad thing without a conscience."


The falling snow bends the branches.

The clean world was soon covered by night.

Xu Man fell into a deep sleep again.

Xu Ziyin sat in the ward and looked at her pretty face quietly.

He suddenly wanted to laugh.

Are you so great?

There should be.

Isn't that enough to fuck yourself?
If it were me, my sister would probably not hesitate.

I was already a dying person, and it was God's grace to live for so long.

After all, if there is no sister by my side in the future, what is the point of continuing to live?

Perhaps this is also a relief.

In fact, I have already lived enough of this kind of life of playing with emotions.

Xu Ziyin comforted himself in his heart.

But he really wanted to live.

He hasn't married his sister yet, and they still have a lot of things to do. They haven't seen her put on a wedding dress, and they haven't let her give birth to seven or eight sons.

not yet………

But the opportunity was right in front of him, Xu Ziyin couldn't help but see death.

That night Xu Ziyin thought for a long time, and thought a lot.

He who hasn't closed his eyes for two days looks like a bad old man.

His skin was gaunt and pale, and his hair coiled around his head like a hen's coop.

It wasn't until the dawn gradually broke again that Xu Ziyin slowly raised his head.

He strenuously walked to Xu Man's hospital bed, attached himself to her lips and kissed her lightly, then laughed and cursed.

"Sister, I have paid so much for you."

"If you dare not be my wife in your next life, I will never let you go even if I am a ghost!"


[The host is sure to use the longevity gift card on the target person? 】

[Remind the host, once the Shouyuan gift card is used, the host will not be able to go back. 】

【Sure. 】

[Shouyuan gift card takes effect, the target person's lifespan will be increased by six months, and the remaining lifespan of the host will be three days. 】

Only three days left?

That's fine too.

These three days are enough to do something by myself.

Looking at the courtyard engulfed by snow outside the window, Xu Ziyin suddenly felt extremely relaxed at this moment.

Feeling relaxed, he couldn't help but want to scream up to the sky.



It's snowing in Suzhou.

The same is true of the devil.

At noon.

Qin Feiyan walked out of the company with her colleagues to go to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

The resignation of the supervisor made Qin Feiyan give up the idea of ​​resigning.

The new supervisor took good care of her. Qin Feiyan needed this good job, so naturally he continued to stay at Xingchen Animation Company.

A group of people just walked out of the company.

One of the colleagues pointed to a certain figure in front of the flower bed downstairs in the company and asked curiously.

"Feiyan, do you think this person is crazy?"

"It's snowing so much, why is he sitting there so stupidly?"

(I won’t write more about the messy plot of viruses, but write some serious ones.)

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