If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 169, [A piece of white land is so clean]

Looking for the sound, Qin Feiyan looked up.

In the next moment, her eyes froze sharply.

Why does this person look so much like Xu Ziyin?

Then she shook her head and smiled again.

Is it possible that I am like that guy who wants to be enchanted, no matter how I look at it, everyone looks like him.

Who knows which woman this guy is holding happily now.

But after much deliberation, the kind-hearted she was still going to step forward and ask if she needed help.

With such a large amount of snow, it is easy to freeze something wrong.


Lift your feet, move forward, stop.

Qin Feiyan met a pair of eyes containing complex emotions.

She stood there dumbfounded and said in disbelief.

"Xu, Xu Ziyin?"

With a slight smile, Xu Ziyin said softly.

"Sister Feiyan, long time no see."

Xu Ziyin had already washed up on the way here, but he still looked haggard at the moment.

Qin Feiyan opened her mouth, she couldn't figure out that this person was really Xu Ziyin.

Before he had time to think about it, Qin Feiyan dragged him to the downstairs of the company, reached out and patted the snow off his body.

"How did you come?"

"I want to come and see you."

Xu Ziyin replied softly.

With just this sentence, Qin Feiyan suddenly felt a pain in his throat.

The person she misses day and night, never expected to appear on such an occasion.

She suppressed the sourness in her heart and said flatly.

"Why did you suddenly remember to come and see me?"

"It's snowing in Suzhou today. I think it should be falling in the capital of obsession. Su University is already on vacation. I thought I haven't seen you for a long time, so I came here to have a look."

"Then how do you have my address?"

"It wasn't Yu who told me."

"Hmph, I knew it was her, little spy."



Xu Ziyin came, so it was naturally impossible for Qin Feiyan to go to dinner with his colleagues.

The two found a fly restaurant on the side of the road and chatted while eating.

It's been a long time since I saw Qin Feiyan. She seems to have matured a lot. She is wearing a professional skirt, which makes her look like a mature woman.

But still very beautiful.

The two ate and chatted without any restraint, just like old friends they haven't seen for a long time.

"Did you talk about a new girlfriend recently?"

Picking up a piece of food and putting it in his mouth, Qin Feiyan joked.

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin didn't hide anything, and said bluntly.

"Well, after breaking up with Chu Yao, we talked about another one, and we have been together for more than ten days now."

Qin Feiyan was just asking casually, but when he heard Xu Ziyin's serious answer, he was taken aback for a moment, and then became dumbfounded.

"Then you don't go to accompany your girlfriend now, but come to me, aren't you afraid that your girlfriend will be jealous?"

"will not."

With a gentle smile, Xu Ziyin picked up a piece of food and put it into her bowl, and said.

"How is your work, are you happy?"

"That's it. What's wrong with working part-time for others? It's all about raising a family in Hukou."

"By the way, is it your idea that Feiyu went to participate in that singer competition?"

"Well, by chance, I met a big star and introduced Feiyu to her. She also likes Feiyu very much."

"Hmph, I knew that she wouldn't dare to hide it from me alone. You are really her good brother-in-law!"

With a laugh, Xu Ziyin said happily.

"Isn't Feiyu pretty good now?"

"In a year or two, I should be able to become a household name and earn a lot of money, and she has someone to take care of her, so I don't have to worry about her being at a disadvantage in the entertainment industry."

"After all, her dream since childhood was to be a star."

After hearing this, Qin Feiyan fell silent.

She leaned on her chin and quietly looked at the boy in front of her.

Looking at his slightly haggard face, he suddenly whispered.

"Why does it feel like I haven't seen you for a long time? You're acting weird today. Didn't you sleep well last night?"

"It's true that I didn't sleep very well. Maybe it's snowing suddenly, so I'm excited."

"What's so exciting about snowing? It snows every year in our hometown, and it's annoying to death."

"I know, so you like summer, not winter."



Had lunch with Qin Feiyan.

Seeing that it was time for her to go to work, Xu Ziyin did not linger, and accompanied her downstairs in the company and said a few more words before leaving.

Looking at the back of Xu Ziyin walking away, Qin Feiyan was at a loss.

What's up with this guy?
Come so far, just to have a meal with yourself and say a few innocuous words?
However, after learning that he had broken up with him and had found two more girlfriends in just two or three months, Qin Feiyan still gritted his teeth in hatred.

There used to be excuses.

Now you don't even hide it, just admit it?

It was already dark when we returned to Suzhou.

Xu Ziyin didn't go home, but turned around and came to the community where Xu Niannian was.

Xu Niannian opened the door and found that Xu Ziyin was standing outside the house, and his brows were filled with joy.

She hugged Xu Ziyin's neck and offered a sweet kiss, and then said joyfully.

"Husband, why are you here?"

"I miss you."

With a soft smile, Xu Ziyin carried her into the living room.

In fact, there is nothing to explain to Xu Niannian.

After a lingering moment, the two of them fought into a ball instantly.

After the cloud and rain, Xu Niannian fell asleep in Xu Ziyin's arms, and Xu Ziyin looked at the woman carefully.

The acquaintance with Xu Niannian was actually an accident.

Without Chu Yao's birthday party, he might not have been able to get acquainted with Xu Niannian.

At the beginning, I regarded her as green tea, without any psychological burden.

But after he took her first blood, Xu Ziyin inevitably planted a feeling in his heart that cannot be ignored.

However, as a lover, Xu Niannian clearly knows his position, he will not fight or grab, and take what he asks.

This is why Xu Ziyin likes to stay with her.

Looking at it, a deep drowsiness swept over, Xu Ziyin fell asleep.


The next day.

When Xu Ziyin woke up, Xu Niannian's figure had disappeared.

There is an exquisite breakfast on the table, and there is a post-it note next to the breakfast.

【Honey, I'm off to work, so I can't accompany you. 】

[Remember to eat the love breakfast. 】

[I love you, bah. 】

With a knowing smile, Xu Ziyin finished his breakfast, and then put another bank card under the rice bowl.



It's snowing in Suzhou.

The happiest thing is Song Shi.

She really likes snow in her bones.

Xu Ziyin didn't go anywhere that day, and stayed with Song Shi all day.

The two sat on the stands of the Soochow University playground to watch the snow scene, and went to have a hot pot meal outside the campus in the evening.

It goes well with hot pot on snowy days.

After eating hot pot, the two went to watch a night movie.

Watching the parting of the hero and heroine on the screen, the girl who has always been carefree is crying at this moment, scolding Xu Ziyin for being indifferent, such a passionate plot unexpectedly has no expression on her face.

At the end of the day, Xu Ziyin sent Song Shi home.

The two were reluctant to leave outside the door, until Lao Song's cough sounded in the room, Song Shi then let go of the little hand holding Xu Ziyin, and ran into the room with a red face.



Day three.

Xu Ziyin returned to the hospital.

Xu Man was still in a deep sleep.

However, looking at the expressions on the faces of the doctors, it seems that there has been a turning point.

There was also a rare smile on Xu Wei's majestic face.

Xu Ziyin knew that this was the effect of the Shouyuan gift card.

However, I learned from Xu Wei that Xu Man will be brought back to Yanjing for treatment.

The half-year treatment time is not a small period.

And he is busy with work, and it is impossible to stay in Suzhou for half a year, so it is the best way to bring Xu Man back to Yanjing.

One more thing.

During this period of time, he needs to carefully check the person next to his daughter who may have poisoned her.

He was worried about keeping his daughter in Suzhou.

Xu Ziyin naturally had no objection to this suggestion.

Before leaving, Xu Wei deliberately told Xu Ziyin.

"Xiao Xu, Manman's treatment may take a long time this time, so you should visit her more during your holidays."

"I believe she will be very happy when she sees you, and the healing effect will be doubled."

Suppressing the bitterness in his heart, Xu Ziyin could only nod in agreement.


Xu Man left.

He left Suzhou with his fantasy of a better life.

Xu Ziyin didn't go to see her sister for the last time.

Because he was afraid that he would not be able to hold back the emotions in his heart.

When people are about to die, they seem to be relieved, but they are also afraid.

Afraid of dying, afraid of seeing people and things that cannot be parted from.

Xu Ziyin seemed open-minded and relieved, but how could he really disregard life and death.

He can't.

He was just holding on.

He was afraid, he was afraid that he would cry into a fool.


Countdown to the last six hours of life.

Xu Ziyin came to Yun Xianyu's house.

Xixi was sitting on the sofa playing with toys, while Xiao Xianyu was sitting under the lamp and knitting a sweater earnestly. Judging from the style of the sweater, it should be worn by men.

Warm and peaceful, the pictures of the quiet years rushing towards us.

Seeing Xu Ziyin's arrival, Xixi cheered, dropped the doll in his hand, and threw herself into his arms.

After being tired for a while, Xixi raised her small face and said in a pretty voice.

"Dad, Xixi has been waiting for you."

Reaching out and scratching the bridge of her small nose, Xu Ziyin said with a smile.

"What are you waiting for daddy to do?"

"Wait for Dad to take Xixi to build a snowman."

"Dad, it's snowing a lot, Xixi wants to build a big snowman."

The little girl opened her arms and described how big the snowman was.

With a knowing smile, Xu Ziyin grabbed her little butt and smacked her face.

"Okay, Dad will take you to build a snowman."

As he spoke, he looked at Xiao Xianyu under the desk lamp and smiled again.

"Mum, why don't you go?"

With a flushed face, Yun Xianyu put down the sweater in her hand, picked up a coat from the hanger and dragged it to her hand, followed Xu Ziyin out of the living room.



Snow drifted down from the leaden sky, shaking like catkins and poplars.

Yun Xianyu was wearing a snow-white down jacket, a white knit hat on her head, and white boots on her feet. With her eyes closed, she raised a beautiful face and opened her arms, standing silently like a statue. Under the tree, she seemed to be embracing this world of snow and ice affectionately, and not far behind her, Xi Xi, who was wearing a red flowered jacket, was running around in the snow with the hem of her skirt lifted.

Xu Ziyin found a wooden plank and pushed the surrounding snow over. Xixi ignored his face flushed from the cold, jumping up and down, cheering and squatting down next to Xu Ziyin after a few minutes, shouting loudly He said: "Make a snowman, make a snowman..."

After a long time, Xu Ziyin stood up slowly and shook his numb and stiff palms. At this time, three snowmen, two big, one small, and three snowmen, appeared in front of him.

He went around again, found briquettes and carrots from a neighborhood supermarket that was not closed, and handed them to Xixi, who carefully made the snowman's eyes, nose and mouth, and put carrots on the snowman. Write their names separately, one is "Xixi", one is "Mom", and the other is "Baba".

Xu Ziyin was smiling dumbfoundedly at the snowman named Baba.

Suddenly a branch appeared on the shoulder, and the dead branch swiped a few times on the snowman. With the snowflakes flying, "handle" became "father".

Xu Ziyin turned his head to look, but saw Yun Xianyu was standing behind her, she was dressed in white clothes, her skin was as fat as jade, and she was looking at her with a smile like a flower. Illusion, it seems that the whole world has disappeared at this moment, and only this slim beauty like smoke and dream is left in front of my eyes.

While he was in a daze, a fist-sized snowball suddenly burst on his face, and the snowflakes fell rustlingly, Xu Ziyin was startled.Turning around to look, I saw Xixi clapping and jumping happily a few meters away, cheering, "Hit it, hit daddy..."

Xu Ziyin smiled, wiped off the snow flakes on his face, smiled and ran over, Xixi screamed, turned and fled.


With all my heart.

The three returned to the apartment.

Xixi held up her cold, stiff little hands in front of the heating air conditioner.

After a while, she became sleepy, kissed each other on the cheeks of her parents and ran back to the bedroom to sleep, only Xu Ziyin and Yun Xianyu were still sitting in the living room.

Looking at the girl who continued to knit a sweater under the desk lamp, Xu Ziyin's throat throbbed twice, but he didn't know what to say.

It took him a while before he said softly.

"Xianyu, is this sweater knitted for me?"

With a hum, Yun Xianyu whispered.

"It's snowing and it's getting colder."

"I have nothing to do at home, so I just want to knit a sweater for you."

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin's nose felt a little sore.

He buzzed back.

"Xianyu, if one day I'm not here, what will you do?"


"Why are you gone?"

This nonsensical sentence made Yun Xianyu a little confused.

Pretending to smile easily, Xu Ziyin said slowly.

"It's just dead."

"You know, birth, old age, sickness and death, natural disasters and man-made disasters, these are unavoidable."

"No one knows when a disaster will suddenly befall me. A few days ago, I read the news and saw online reports that there was a landslide in one place, and many people died because of it."

After hearing Xu Ziyin's words, Yun Xianyu suddenly became flustered.

She didn't understand why Xu Ziyin suddenly said such a heavy topic.

She wrinkled her small face into a ball and looked away with a choked cry.

"Xu, Xu Ziyin, you, you won't die."

"Who knows."

Shrugging freely, Xu Ziyin joked.

"Xianyu, if something unexpected happens to me one day, you and Xixi remember to live well."

Yun Xianyu stopped talking, she stared straight at Xu Ziyin.

Staring at the person he loves in his heart.

Suddenly, she turned and ran into her bedroom.

After a while, he entered the kitchen again.

When she came out again, she already had a bowl of steaming ginger soup in her hand.

She put the ginger soup in front of Xu Ziyin, and said cautiously with a small face.

"Xu Ziyin, just now you and your sister played in the snow for a long time, drink a bowl of ginger soup and go to the cold."

Without any hesitation, Xu Ziyin picked up the bowl and drank it all in one gulp, and when he was done, he wiped the water from his lips and said in admiration.

"It's delicious, and it's warm in the stomach after drinking it."

So Yun Xianyu laughed.

Snow flutters outside the window, and the girl smiles like a flower.

The indescribable brilliance of the smile made Xu Ziyin's exhausted heart instantly brighten at this moment.



It was around nine o'clock in the evening when I left Xianyu's house.

There are only three hours left in the countdown to his life.

He threw away the umbrella in his hand and walked forward against the heavy snow. After a while, his body was completely white.

He felt a boundless cold attack, it was the cold that was frozen into the bone marrow.

Xu Ziyin cried.

Emotions accumulated for a long time, on the empty street, in the deserted night, he finally couldn't control the fear in his heart and burst into tears.

After crying for a while, he sat on the steps by the side of the road in a daze, staring at the snow-covered lights of Wanjia in a daze.

He didn't know how long he sat in a daze like this, until a voice rang in his ear and brought him back to reality.

"Young man, did you quarrel with your family?"

Looking back, it was an amiable smiling face.

Before Xu Ziyin could reply, the old man dragged him into a noodle soup shop behind him.

"It's okay to quarrel with your family at a young age, but it's wrong to run away from home."

"It's snowing so much, it won't be good if you get sick from the cold."

"It's for your own good that your parents say a few words about you. My grandson is younger than you, and he usually makes a lot of trouble."

"Eat quickly, go home quickly after eating, parents must be anxious to death now."

As he spoke, the old man pushed over a bowl of noodle soup, and at the same time took out a few crumpled banknotes, about 20 yuan, and put them on the table.

Looking at the steaming pimple soup in front of him and the 20 yuan in hand, Xu Ziyin's tear glands burst into flames again.

"Oh, how come the more you talk, the more you cry."

"Hurry up and eat, if you don't eat the soup, it will be cold."

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin picked up the pimple soup without saying a word and started to eat it, crying while eating, like an abandoned child.

The old man stopped talking, and looked at the spitting young man kindly.

It wasn't until Xu Ziyin finished eating that the old man smiled and said.

"Okay, you brat, how old you are, you still cry when you move."

"Old man, when I was young, I killed little devils on the battlefield. The blood was so bloody, the corpses were everywhere, and I didn't drop a drop of horse urine."

"How come your generation can't do it anymore."

"Okay, take a taxi home after eating, don't worry your parents."

After finishing speaking, the old man bent his body and disappeared into the snow in a blink of an eye.



back home.

Xu Ziyin turned on the computer.

He sent emails to Qin Feiyan, Song Shi and Yun Xianyu, but it was sent on a regular basis, at twelve noon tomorrow.

He didn't want his body to be discovered only after it stinks.

I also want to confess something to them.

People are gone, and there is no need to hide some things.

After doing all this, he called his parents again, but the phone was busy and they were not connected.

Xu Ziyin had no choice but to prepare another timed text message and send it.

After finishing all this, he turned his head to look at the wall clock on the wall.

It was ten o'clock at night.

There are only two hours left until the last moment.

He sat quietly at the desk, thinking about whether there was anything he had not explained.

It was only after finding that everything had been left behind that he heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, the crying was over, and the fear was only numb, and he was a little at a loss.

What should I do in the last two hours?

And one more thing.

He opened the system mall.

Looking at the [-] points in the system mall, I started shopping.

Everyone is going to die, and it's useless to keep the points. If you change it to a luxury, at least you can leave your sister with hundreds of millions of property.

After squandering all the points, looking at the system interface, Xu Ziyin suddenly laughed.

[System, are you conscious? 】

[If there is, let's chat, after all, this is the last time I will squeeze your wool. 】

No response came.

Think about it too.

The system is not a human being, so how could it be possible to talk to itself through the air.

If not, it wouldn't be the case that he didn't take the initiative to talk to himself.

Suddenly Xu Ziyin felt bored.

After staying in the bedroom for a while, seeing that there was not much time left, he took a thorough shower.

Then he lay quietly on the bed.

After a while, he still couldn't fall asleep, and closed his eyes, all kinds of chaotic thoughts came one after another.

Xu Ziyin didn't want to face the moment of death. If possible, he still hoped that he could die unconsciously in his sleep.

He sat up, fumbled to take out a few sleeping pills from the bedside table, and found the medical examination report in the bedside table with a glance from the corner of his eye.

Looking at the diagnosis result of the ice body in the medical examination report, Xu Ziyin shook his head and smiled.

Is this fate?

With a sigh of emotion, Xu Ziyin took the sleeping pill and lay down quietly on the bed again.

With the effect of sleeping pills, after a while, Xu Ziyin fell into a dreamland.



outside the window.

It was snowing heavily.

The filth of the world seems to have completely disappeared in this heavy snow.

The vast land is so clean.

(Third update.)
(Please ask for votes. In the next chapter, the book will usher in a final change, and the style will also change drastically.)

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