If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 172, [2 Girlfriends]

Chapter 172, [Twenty Girlfriends] (for further reading)
The next day.

When the first ray of sunlight poured into the bedroom through the gap in the curtains, Xu Ziyin woke up leisurely.

He yawned and rubbed his sleepy eyes and sat up.

When he got up, he first checked Xiao Xianyu's diaper, and changed her into a new one, and then opened the curtains to let the early morning sun shine in.

Soon the bedroom was flooded with sunlight.

The heavy snow had stopped last night, and the sun is rare today.

But Xu Ziyin looked at his phone, and there will still be blizzards from time to time in the next week.


Get out of the bedroom.

Xixi has already woken up, and is currently writing the exercise book seriously on the coffee table in the living room.

Seeing this, Xu Ziyin walked over and rubbed her little head and said softly.

"Xixi, why did you wake up so early and don't sleep much?"

"Dad, Xixi can't sleep."

Holding her mouth shut, Xixi raised her head and hummed back.

Xu Ziyin knew it in his heart, and he pretended to be relaxed with a smile on his face.

"What do you want to eat in the morning, dad will make it for you."

"It's all right, Xixi is not picky about food."

Saying that, Xixi glanced at the direction of Yun Xianyu's bedroom: "Dad, I'm going to talk to sister."

"Well, let's go."


The breakfast is millet porridge.

In Xiao Xianyu's current state, other foods are not easy to digest through the stomach tube, and the fine porridge can help her absorb them better.

After breakfast, Xu Ziyin sat at the dining table and checked his phone after feeding Xianyu.

After a night of precipitation, the nine women added last night basically gave Xu Ziyin an accurate answer.

Xu Ziyin didn't pay attention to his phone after posting the words "be my girlfriend" last night.

Now open the row of unread messages on the phone.

Some people made a long speech, and some people leveled A to change their big moves, but they all confirmed their relationship last night.

[Be my girlfriend. 】

【what? 】

[But I don't know your name yet? 】

[Why don't we get along for a while and try to see if it fits. 】

[Man, why don't you speak? 】

[Although we just met, I actually have a good impression of you. 】

[How about we try to date? 】

【Where are you now? I'll go find you. Let's talk face to face. 】

[Man, why did he suddenly disappear? 】

[I promise you, then I will be your girlfriend now. 】


【Baby, why are you ignoring me? 】

[Baby, I'll be home alone tomorrow night, can you come and accompany me?I wear Balenciaga. 】

After reading these private messages expressionlessly, Xu Ziyin opened the group chat.

Compared with the boldness in private chats, the chat style in the group is much more restrained.

After all, these women knew it well, but due to women's reserve, it was difficult to open the topic openly, but after grabbing the red envelopes, everyone greeted symbolically and sent some dynamic pictures.

"Good morning."

After posting a sentence in the group, Xu Ziyin sent another red envelope.

The easiest way for these women to satisfy them is money, a sense of vanity.

Xu Ziyin clearly knows that the evaluation of love is closely related to the experience during the period.

If it is just to confirm the relationship but not to let them get something substantial, it is naturally impossible to get what they want.

They are all masters who don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles. They have many dogs under their command, and they are not little girls who can be coaxed casually.

With the red envelopes opening the way, the atmosphere in the group suddenly became hot.

Xu Ziyin's private chat also resounded endlessly.

While coping with the chat, Xu Ziyin began to think carefully.

When Xu Niannian finally broke up, the points were only 300, and although these women were all good-looking, it was obviously impossible to surpass Xu Niannian, that is to say, 200 points were the same as Chu Yao.

And the nine tool men will give him 1800 points at most after a month, which is only an ideal state.

So in order to be conservative, Xu Ziyin needs to add at least eleven more people to the group.

Twenty girlfriends, reaching 3000 points is relatively conservative.

He didn't want his points not to reach the peak of [-] in one month, but to be a little short, and he would have to wait for a month. Then he would definitely go crazy because of it, so he would rather talk a little more than fail by then.

The short-term goals for the next month were determined, and problems arose.

Now that I have established a relationship with them, how should I deal with it?

It is impossible to chat with them on WeChat all the time, this is obviously unrealistic, after all, this is not online dating.

These women learned about their situation and understood that they were driving a Porsche 918. For women like them who are greedy for vanity, who can resist the temptation to take pictures in the co-pilot of the Porsche 918 and post them on Moments? They definitely have the idea of ​​showing off , This is understandable, but now that there are so many people, Xu Ziyin can't guarantee that everyone can accompany everyone.

As a result, the situation seems to have reached an impasse.

After all, they have become male and female friends. It is reasonable for a woman to think about going out on a date and taking the opportunity to ask for some benefits. What's more, it is quite normal for a woman to dream of marrying into a rich family and becoming a wealthy wife.

Speaking of arrogance, given Xu Ziyin's good looks, it's really hard to say who will lose out after a night of fun.

But Xu Ziyin obviously didn't think about them in this regard, and just treated them as tool people, but problems had to be solved as well.

After thinking about it, Xu Ziyin came up with a plan, and he sent another message in the group.

【Are you free the night after tomorrow?I'm going to hold a party in Jinyuan. If you have time, you can come over. I will prepare a gift for each of you. 】

Jinyuan is a detached villa purchased in the system mall.

The most luxurious villa area in Suzhou, the price is between [-] and [-] per square meter.

The price of villas alone is close to a small target.

After Xu Ziyin sent this message, the group fell into a brief silence.

Obviously these people were shocked by Xu Ziyin's words.

They are all in the Suzhou circle, so they naturally understand what the word Jinyuan stands for.

Many of them claim to be famous ladies, but in fact they only drink afternoon tea together and take pictures in hotels.

For them, places like Jinyuan are two worlds.



A certain bedroom in the high-tech zone.

Shen Yiyue looked at the information on the phone screen, and her breathing gradually became short of breath.

She pushed and muttered to her best friend who was watching the show.

"Xiao Man, what do you think this man is thinking?"

"What do you think?"

The girlfriend replied in a daze.

"It's that he's looking for me to be his girlfriend, obviously he must be looking for you too."

"To be honest, it's the first time I've met such a man. Last night, I spent more than [-] yuan in the bar without blinking. In the end, I didn't drink a single drink and just watched from the sidelines. When I left, I didn't see him take a piece. woman."

"It is reasonable to say that even if he has no money and does not drive such a luxurious car, it is easy to find a beautiful girlfriend based on his appearance. Why would he want to find women like us, and when he finds a group of women ?”

Hearing what my best friend said, Xiaoman was also a little puzzled.

"It's true when you say so."

"It's not that I underestimate myself. Even if he has no money, I still feel that I am not worthy of him. Last night I thought there would be no follow-up, but after he left, he suddenly asked me to be his girlfriend."

"Does a man like him lack women?"

"And to put it bluntly, among the women in this kind of place, which rich man would really treat us as the other half, basically they just need to call out."

"Then are you going?"

Shen Yiyue asked a question.

Hearing this, Xia Xiaoman glanced at his best friend like an idiot.

"Am I a fool if I don't go?"

"That's Jin Yuan!"

"Besides, he also said that he has prepared gifts. Do you think he can afford tens of millions of sports cars and live in hundreds of millions of villas, so the gifts he prepared are not bad?"

"Then you are not afraid that he will slap you?"

Shen Yiyue smirked and scratched her best friend's itch.

Xia Xiaoman giggled, but at the same time, he didn't forget to sneer.

"I said, Yueyue, we are not big girls anymore, so don't pretend to be innocent."

"Do you think that if he really has this idea, it will be our turn?"

"Based on his conditions, if he casually finds a few second- and third-tier female stars, will he fall in love with women like us who hang out in bars every day?"

"I didn't expect you to be quite self-aware?"

"Heh, it's not that I have self-knowledge, but that this is how the real society is."

"Although I don't know what this person is thinking, it is obviously impossible for me to suffer."

"Then why don't I enjoy this benefit?"

"Even as you said, he wants to have a silver party, but with so many women, does he have enough kidneys?"

"Looking at his age, he is probably still in school."

Shen Yiyue stopped talking, and secretly speculated in her heart.

Then she took a furtive glance at her best friend, and sent Xu Ziyin a private chat.

[Handsome guy, I also know a lot of good-looking little sisters, do you need to take them with you the day after tomorrow, they will definitely be happy. 】

She didn't understand Xu Ziyin's specific intentions, but she still had the vision to see what people ordered. She seemed to find that Xu Ziyin liked to find many girlfriends, and they all joined a group.

Maybe the bad taste of the rich is like this.

She knew that it was impossible for her to succeed in the position, and the gap between the two was like a chasm.

But if you do what you like, you may also be able to get a lot of money.

as predicted.

Not long after this message was sent, a transfer was sent from the other side, and a message was attached at the same time.

[Okay, the more the better. 】

Secretly waved his small fist.

Shen Yiyue knew that she guessed right.



After confirming the party the day after tomorrow and receiving unanimous approval from his girlfriends, Xu Ziyin put the phone back in his pocket and came to Xianyu's room.

Xixi was sitting beside her sister's bed and talking to her in a low voice.

Xu Ziyin was stunned for a moment, then remembered something softly.

"Xi Xi, Dad is going out for a while and will be back in a while."

"Well, Dad, you can go."

Wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes, Xixi showed a forced smile at Xu Ziyin.

What a distressed little girl.

Feeling sour, Xu Ziyin turned his head and glanced at Xiao Xianyu who was lying peacefully on the bed, then got up and left the apartment.


Back at his home, Xu Ziyin held Lemon in his arms, and took her dog food with her nest.

Now that Xianyu is in a coma on the bed, taking over Lemon and raising it may distract some Xixi's attention.

After all, what little girl would not like a cute puppy.

If the little girl is immersed in sadness every day, it is inevitable that something will happen to her body.

She had just recovered from a serious illness and was still in the stage of recuperating her body. Xu Ziyin didn't want to see Xianyu wake up one day, only to find that Xixi fell ill again.

When Xixi saw the lemon, she was really happy.

"Wow, Dad, where is the puppy, so cute."

Holding the lemon in her arms, Xixi stared left and right with her big eyes.

"Xixi, do you like it? If we like it, shall we keep her at home?"

Touching her hair, Xu Ziyin said softly.

"Really, Dad? I really like puppies, but my sister didn't allow me to keep them, saying that puppies tend to shed hair and are not good for breathing."

"Now Xixi is cured and can be raised."

"Well, thanks dad."

Hugging Xu Ziyin's cheeks and giving a sweet kiss, Xixi went to the living room to play with the lemon in her arms.


In the bedroom, she accompanied Xianyu to have a conversation.

Xu Ziyin went to the balcony and called his sister.

The phone rang for ten seconds and was connected.

The next moment, Xu Man's lazy and delicious voice sounded in Xu Ziyin's ear.

"Little Chi, do you still remember that you have a sister?"


"Okay, okay, it sounds like you are more wronged than me, you heartless guy."

Listen to my sister's voice.

For some reason, Xu Ziyin's squeezed silt in the past few days disappeared.

He sniffed softly.

"Sister, take good care of your illness and cooperate with the doctor's treatment. I will see you in a few days."

"Hmph, don't you need to accompany your girlfriend?"

Xu Ziyin didn't answer the question, but continued.

"Sister, I want to go to Slow Sound."

As soon as Xu Ziyin finished speaking, the other end of the phone fell silent.

It took a while before Xu Man's meaningful answer sounded.

"Why, do you want to investigate who poisoned it?"

"I already know about this matter, and I roughly have a guess in my heart."


"Yes, is it Mu Qing?"

Xu Man was taken aback for a moment, then giggled.

"How could it be Mu Qing? You silly boy, are you confused?"

"But it's understandable for you to doubt her. My dad has asked me about her several times in the past two days."

Hearing her sister's eloquent answer, Xu Ziyin's tense mind finally relaxed a little.

These days he has been deliberately avoiding Mu Qing, even before he died, he didn't choose to meet her because he had doubts about it.

He couldn't accept this fact.

It was even more unacceptable that his first woman would be the one who poisoned his sister.

Now that he heard the news, Xu Ziyin finally let out a long breath.

Immediately, he adjusted his tone and said in a half-joking tone.

"Sister, I heard that there are many female stars under Slow Music, and I want to get to know them."

(The monthly pass is very close to [-], my dears.)
(End of this chapter)

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