If you don't break up, you will die

Chapter 173, 【Woman and party】

Chapter 173, [Woman and Party] (for further reading)
The reason why Xu Ziyin chose to go to Slow Sound is that he really wanted to investigate the possibility of Xu Man being poisoned.

My sister has basically been doing two points and one line between home and company these years.

And the poisoner was her confidant, Xu Ziyin could only think that there should be spies in the company.

And now I know from my sister that that person cannot be Mu Qing, which means that there is a high possibility that something is wrong with my sister's personal assistant.

For a behemoth like Slow Sound, it is normal for the boss of the company to have several assistants.

The wages of avarice is death.

The entertainment industry is far more complicated than most people imagine.

What's more, this may be the product of the contradictions of Xu Wei's generation.

Xu Wei was in a hurry, but Xu Ziyin couldn't get more information about his identity.

But from the fact that he summoned so many authoritative doctors to Suzhou in a short period of time, it is enough to show his transcendent identity.

For a wealthy family, these four words are often accompanied by grievances.

Of course.

Xu Ziyin jokingly said that he really wanted to get to know female celebrities.

At present, he has determined the target method of accumulating [-] points in the short term.

But he wasn't sure that these three thousand points would definitely be able to exchange for the possibility of Xianyu waking up.

It's like when the mall was first opened, the sick body healing card was on the list.

As a result, one-third of the fragments required two thousand points.

Then Xianyu's awakening method may need five thousand, eight thousand is very likely.

Xu Ziyin didn't dare to take time to gamble.

So going to slow sound is a good choice.

Female stars are naturally better than bar girls, and they are more sympathetic to the system's judgment.

Furthermore, as Xu Man's younger brother, Xu Ziyin has a natural advantage to get close to these people, and it can also be said that he was approached by them.

To be honest, Xu Ziyin is really a little hungry now, and he will use whatever means.

As long as he can increase his points, he can have no burden, and he will not even think about what kind of chain reaction he will face in the future.

If in the past.

He usually avoids the showbiz.

He is even less interested in female stars with halos.

But now.


He just wants the more the better.




Xixi chose to go back to bed after lunch.

Xu Ziyin was still chatting with his girlfriends.

no way.

Nine girlfriends, chatting with each other, the time of the day passed quickly.

He can't choose to ignore it all the time.

Finally, the phone rang, breaking such a boring way of spending time.

"You bastard, what are you doing?"

"I'll knock on your door, why aren't you home?"

Listening to Song Shi's energetic voice, Xu Ziyin replied with a knowing smile.

"I'm not at home right now."

"Oh, then are you free later? Let's go to Aunt Yuxi's place to play. Aunt Yuxi has researched a few new dishes and wants us to taste them."

Hearing this, Xu Ziyin wanted to refuse.

But after thinking about it, Song Shi is currently his real girlfriend, and he shouldn't bring negative emotions to her, so he nodded and replied.

"Okay, then you wait for me at home, and I will pick you up later."

Regarding Song poetry, Xu Ziyin actually thought a lot these days.

After choosing to face his heart directly, Xu Ziyin is no longer ready to break up with Song Shi.

Song Shi liked him very much, and he also admitted that he had a good impression of this lively and cheerful girl.

It can be said that with Xu Ziyin's current way of accumulating points, there is no shortage of points for breaking up with Song Shi.

He has failed several women who loved him deeply, and he doesn't want to continue walking like this.

But he was not willing to hide it from Song Shi either.

He was going to confess all this to Song Shi after Xian Yu woke up. If Song Shi could accept it, that's all. If she couldn't, Xu Ziyin would also understand her choice.

It can be said that from the beginning, this is not a path that has the best of both worlds.

But now he just wants to see Xian Yu wake up, nothing else is important to him.


After picking up Song Shi downstairs in the apartment, Xu Ziyin took her to the small restaurant where Jiang Yuxi was.

en route.

Song Shi looked curiously at Xu Ziyin's new car.

"Xu Ziyin, why did you change the car again?"

"This car looks expensive."

"My sister gave it to me. You know, the boss of her company is rich."

Everything that cannot be explained can be pushed to my sister.

Hearing this, Song Shi clicked his tongue and muttered.

"Your sister is really kind to you."


With a sigh of emotion, Xu Ziyin smiled.

"Because she is my sister."


As the saying goes, it is cold before frost and cold after snow.

After the heavy snow, the weather in Suzhou was extremely cold.

This has also led to the fact that most people will not choose to eat out when there is no serious business.

As the meal approached, there were no customers in Jiang Yuxi's restaurant.

Snow covered the roof.

The small lanterns prepared for New Year's Day are still hung on the old locust tree in the middle of the venue.

Under the tree, I don't know if it is Jiang Yuxi or a few little snowmen built by some previous guests.

Judging from the screen, the scenery is indeed very beautiful.

Knowing that Song Shi and Xu Ziyin were coming, Jiang Yuxi walked out of the kitchen wearing an apron, followed by Luo Xuan with an elegant face.


"Sit down for a while, I still have a few procedures to complete."

Smiling, Jiang Yuxi greeted Xu Ziyin and Xu Ziyin to sit down, and then returned to the kitchen.

Xu Ziyin looked at Luo Xuan with a complicated expression.

Speaking of which, he and Luo Xuan haven't seen each other for a while.

These days, Wei Fang never called him over for dinner.

Although they are lovers in name, they actually exist in name only.

Except for Wei Fang and his wife, everyone around them also knew about their fake relationship, but they just hid it well.

Sitting down at the table, Song Shi took Luo Xuan's hand and laughed.

"Auntie, what have you been doing these days?"

"It's nothing, prepare the paper."

With a soft smile, Luo Xuan replied gently.

"Thesis? Auntie, aren't you a teacher? Why does the teacher have to write a thesis?"

"Who said that teachers don't have to write papers?"

"The job title will be evaluated next year. Whether you can be promoted to an associate professor or not, the thesis is also a key factor in the job title evaluation."

"Hee hee, Auntie is definitely fine. I have never seen anyone who is better at studying than you since I was a child."

Shaking her head slightly, Luo Xuan didn't answer the question.

Ten years ago, she would have been very happy to hear this sentence.

But now that she is more than 30 years old, when she hears these words, there is actually no wave in her heart.

The status of Xueba seems to be great, but it is also divided into age groups.

The only thing she has a headache now is life-long events.

But she can't force this matter, she can't convince herself to find a random man for the rest of her life, so she can only continue to live her original life step by step.

Now that even his niece has a boyfriend, and he is still alone, it would be a lie to say that he doesn't feel sad.

But at this age, she can't fall in love, run in, and try and make mistakes like ordinary little girls. She can't afford to waste this time.

Seeing that the Spring Festival is approaching, it will grow another year.

Seeing that there was something wrong with auntie's expression, Song Shi stuck out her tongue and stopped talking.

She guessed that she also knew the sad thing about accidentally touching my aunt.

A gust of wind blows up, and the snow that blows up the branches falls like pear blossoms.

Looking at the snow and fog flying in front of her, Luo Xuan looked at Song Shi and asked.

"Shishi, are you going to take the postgraduate entrance examination later?"

Hearing this, Song Shi was taken aback, and then cast a vague glance at Xu Ziyin.

"My parents definitely want me to take the postgraduate entrance examination."

"They wanted me to be like you, auntie, since they were young."

"But I don't have any strong interest in whether I take the postgraduate entrance examination or not. Let's see Xu Ziyin."

"If he chooses to take the postgraduate entrance examination, I will accompany him. If he doesn't want to, then I won't take the postgraduate entrance examination either."

Jiang Yuxi, who came out with the newly produced dishes, couldn't help joking after hearing this.

"I said Shishi, why did you take Xu Ziyin's postgraduate entrance examination?"

"Because this way I can be with him."

"Otherwise, if I take the postgraduate entrance examination and continue to study, if he chooses to work, there must be a lot of time we can't be together. I don't like it."

With a sigh, Jiang Yuxi shook his head again and again.

"I said Shishi, there are two single dogs here."

"You should also pay attention to the occasion when you show your affection, okay?"

"Slightly slightly slightly, whoever asked you to ask me, I will eat it for you and stuff it into your mouth."

Xu Ziyin listened to the conversation of several people with a gentle expression, and his thoughts were a little delicate.

He didn't expect Song Shi to make such a choice.

To be honest, the postgraduate entrance examination is too far away for him. He is only a freshman now, and there are still more than three years before his senior year.

Three years is enough to change a lot of things.

But listening to Song Shi's words from the heart, he was still a little touched.

The most unbearable thing in this world is the grace of a beauty.


After staying in Jiang Yuxi's restaurant for an hour, when the few people were chatting and laughing, the sky suddenly started to snowflakes again.

Seeing that Xuehua is still young, Xu Ziyin and Song Shi chose to go home.

Because Luoxuan lived relatively close to here, she didn't need Xu Ziyin to send her off, and she didn't go back. Instead, she continued to stay in the restaurant with her best friend.


Riding on the snow, Xu Ziyin sent Song Shi to the door of his house.

Before leaving, the two naturally rubbed each other's ears and temples together, and hugged each other.

After leaving Song Shi's house, Xu Ziyin didn't go back to Xianyu's place immediately, but drove directly to Jinyuan.

The villa purchased by the system is located in the northeast corner of Jinyuan, halfway up the mountain, covering an area of ​​about [-] square meters.

Gardens, swimming pools, facilities are all available.

The villa is equipped with a dedicated butler and servant.

The housekeeper's surname is Zhang, in his early fifties, and he looks like a British gentleman. After meeting Xu Ziyin, he showed him around the entire villa.

Twenty minutes later, Xu Ziyin stood on the terrace overlooking the snow-engulfed Suzhou city below, feeling a little emotional.

Why do many people scramble to become rich.

After all, this kind of gesture of looking at all mountains and small mountains is really easy to be addicted to.

Taking a sip of the champagne handed over by the young maid, Xu Ziyin turned around and warned.

"Uncle Zhang, I'm going to hold a party here the night after tomorrow, so remember to prepare."

"Okay sir."

"I don't know what kind of party it is?"

Butler Zhang said respectfully.

"It's a gathering among friends, but the guests are basically women."


The butler's face was as usual, with a smile on his face, without any ups and downs.

It seems that this kind of party where a group of women are invited to have a carnival in the villa is quite normal for him.

I have to say that the system is really considerate.

With the implementation of the villa, the salaries of the housekeeper and the servants have been paid for more than ten years.

Otherwise, just the salaries of these people and the daily maintenance of the villa would be a huge expense, which would save Xu Ziyin from spending more.



The time soon came to the evening of the day after tomorrow.

Because of the explanation in advance, Shen Yiyue and the others passed the security booth smoothly and came to the No. [-] villa mentioned on Xu Ziyin's WeChat.

Just from the appearance, this majestic single-family villa with a huge area caught their eyes.

Apart from herself and Xia Xiaoman, Shen Yiyue also brought three equally good-looking women with her.

As for the others, after getting Xu Ziyin's permission, they more or less called their good girlfriends to accompany them.

After all, how could they miss this rare opportunity to show off?
At around six o'clock in the evening, there were already more than 20 unusually beautifully dressed ladies in Villa No. [-] of Jinyuan.

The butler showed them around the entire villa and introduced the configuration of the villa to them.

Servants in maid costumes shuttled through the crowd with drinks.

It can be said that they have experienced the thrill of being a master.

When he saw the huge swimming pool behind the villa, Xia Xiaoman pushed Shen Yiyue's arm and whispered enviously.

"Yueyue, how much does this villa cost?"

Shaking her head, Shen Yiyue was also a little surprised.

"I don't know, but I checked the price of Jinyuan on the Internet in advance. The single-family villa on the mountainside like this has a single price of less than [-] million yuan, and it's the kind of money that you can't necessarily buy if you want to buy it." of."

"One hundred million?"

Xia Xiaoman was dumbfounded.

"Then how many years will I have to earn to earn this much money?"

"I don't know how many years, at least a few hundred lifetimes."

"But now there is a good opportunity. Tonight you sneak up on his bed and capture his heart. Will you be the hostess of this villa in the future?"

Hehe sneered, Xia Xiaoman gave his best friend an idiot look.

She is not a stupid woman, she is delirious after being licked by some dogs, she naturally knows that she has nothing to attract him when facing someone like Xu Ziyin.

It can be said that no woman in the entire villa wants to climb into his bed at this time, but they have to have that ability.

After showing the guests around the villa, the butler went to the kitchen to prepare the dinner.

Although the group of women had their own thoughts, they didn't chat with each other. Instead, they formed their own small circles in twos and threes and started taking selfies and posting in the circle of friends in the villa.

This is an excellent opportunity for them to create a celebrity status in the circle of friends.



Half past six in the evening.

Xu Ziyin prepared dinner for Xixi, fed Xianyu, and then drove to Jinyuan.

At this time, the night was gradually falling, and light snow fell from the sky.

Destined to be another sleepless night.

(Thanks to Liu Wang and Jiang Qingyi, the leaders of the world worthy of the reward.)
(Bosses get rich.)
(By the way, who is Jiang Qingyi? Codeword Ji feels that this name is very familiar. She seems to have read it in some book.)
(End of this chapter)

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